* parsenodes.h
* definitions for parse tree nodes
* Many of the node types used in parsetrees include a "location" field.
* This is a byte (not character) offset in the original source text, to be
* used for positioning an error cursor when there is an error related to
* the node. Access to the original source text is needed to make use of
* the location.
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2011, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
#include "nodes/bitmapset.h"
#include "nodes/primnodes.h"
/* Possible sources of a Query */
typedef enum QuerySource
QSRC_ORIGINAL, /* original parsetree (explicit query) */
QSRC_PARSER, /* added by parse analysis (now unused) */
QSRC_INSTEAD_RULE, /* added by unconditional INSTEAD rule */
QSRC_QUAL_INSTEAD_RULE, /* added by conditional INSTEAD rule */
QSRC_NON_INSTEAD_RULE /* added by non-INSTEAD rule */
/* Sort ordering options for ORDER BY and CREATE INDEX */
typedef enum SortByDir
SORTBY_USING /* not allowed in CREATE INDEX ... */
} SortByDir;
typedef enum SortByNulls
} SortByNulls;
* Grantable rights are encoded so that we can OR them together in a bitmask.
* The present representation of AclItem limits us to 16 distinct rights,
* even though AclMode is defined as uint32. See utils/acl.h.
* Caution: changing these codes breaks stored ACLs, hence forces initdb.
typedef uint32 AclMode; /* a bitmask of privilege bits */
#define ACL_INSERT (1<<0) /* for relations */
#define ACL_SELECT (1<<1)
#define ACL_UPDATE (1<<2)
#define ACL_DELETE (1<<3)
#define ACL_TRUNCATE (1<<4)
#define ACL_REFERENCES (1<<5)
#define ACL_TRIGGER (1<<6)
#define ACL_EXECUTE (1<<7) /* for functions */
#define ACL_USAGE (1<<8) /* for languages, namespaces, FDWs, and
* servers */
#define ACL_CREATE (1<<9) /* for namespaces and databases */
#define ACL_CREATE_TEMP (1<<10) /* for databases */
#define N_ACL_RIGHTS 12 /* 1 plus the last 1<<x */
#define ACL_NO_RIGHTS 0
/* Currently, SELECT ... FOR UPDATE/FOR SHARE requires UPDATE privileges */
* Query -
* Parse analysis turns all statements into a Query tree (via transformStmt)
* for further processing by the rewriter and planner.
* Utility statements (i.e. non-optimizable statements) have the
* utilityStmt field set, and the Query itself is mostly dummy.
* DECLARE CURSOR is a special case: it is represented like a SELECT,
* but the original DeclareCursorStmt is stored in utilityStmt.
* Planning converts a Query tree into a Plan tree headed by a PlannedStmt
* node --- the Query structure is not used by the executor.
typedef struct Query
Bruce Momjian
NodeTag type;
Bruce Momjian
CmdType commandType; /* select|insert|update|delete|utility */
bool canSetTag; /* do I set the command result tag? */
Node *utilityStmt; /* non-null if this is DECLARE CURSOR or a
* non-optimizable statement */
int resultRelation; /* rtable index of target relation for
IntoClause *intoClause; /* target for SELECT INTO / CREATE TABLE AS */
bool hasAggs; /* has aggregates in tlist or havingQual */
bool hasWindowFuncs; /* has window functions in tlist */
bool hasSubLinks; /* has subquery SubLink */
bool hasDistinctOn; /* distinctClause is from DISTINCT ON */
bool hasRecursive; /* WITH RECURSIVE was specified */
bool hasModifyingCTE; /* has INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE in WITH */
bool hasForUpdate; /* FOR UPDATE or FOR SHARE was specified */
List *cteList; /* WITH list (of CommonTableExpr's) */
Bruce Momjian
List *rtable; /* list of range table entries */
FromExpr *jointree; /* table join tree (FROM and WHERE clauses) */
List *targetList; /* target list (of TargetEntry) */
List *returningList; /* return-values list (of TargetEntry) */
List *groupClause; /* a list of SortGroupClause's */
Node *havingQual; /* qualifications applied to groups */
List *windowClause; /* a list of WindowClause's */
List *distinctClause; /* a list of SortGroupClause's */
List *sortClause; /* a list of SortGroupClause's */
Node *limitOffset; /* # of result tuples to skip (int8 expr) */
Node *limitCount; /* # of result tuples to return (int8 expr) */
List *rowMarks; /* a list of RowMarkClause's */
Node *setOperations; /* set-operation tree if this is top level of
List *constraintDeps; /* a list of pg_constraint OIDs that the query
* depends on to be semantically valid */
* Supporting data structures for Parse Trees
* Most of these node types appear in raw parsetrees output by the grammar,
* and get transformed to something else by the analyzer. A few of them
* are used as-is in transformed querytrees.
* TypeName - specifies a type in definitions
* For TypeName structures generated internally, it is often easier to
* specify the type by OID than by name. If "names" is NIL then the
* actual type OID is given by typeOid, otherwise typeOid is unused.
* Similarly, if "typmods" is NIL then the actual typmod is expected to
* be prespecified in typemod, otherwise typemod is unused.
* If pct_type is TRUE, then names is actually a field name and we look up
* the type of that field. Otherwise (the normal case), names is a type
* name possibly qualified with schema and database name.
typedef struct TypeName
Bruce Momjian
NodeTag type;
List *names; /* qualified name (list of Value strings) */
Oid typeOid; /* type identified by OID */
bool setof; /* is a set? */
bool pct_type; /* %TYPE specified? */
List *typmods; /* type modifier expression(s) */
int32 typemod; /* prespecified type modifier */
List *arrayBounds; /* array bounds */
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} TypeName;
* ColumnRef - specifies a reference to a column, or possibly a whole tuple
* The "fields" list must be nonempty. It can contain string Value nodes
* (representing names) and A_Star nodes (representing occurrence of a '*').
* Currently, A_Star must appear only as the last list element --- the grammar
* is responsible for enforcing this!
* Note: any array subscripting or selection of fields from composite columns
* is represented by an A_Indirection node above the ColumnRef. However,
* for simplicity in the normal case, initial field selection from a table
* name is represented within ColumnRef and not by adding A_Indirection.
typedef struct ColumnRef
NodeTag type;
List *fields; /* field names (Value strings) or A_Star */
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} ColumnRef;
* ParamRef - specifies a $n parameter reference
typedef struct ParamRef
Peter Eisentraut
NodeTag type;
int number; /* the number of the parameter */
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} ParamRef;
Peter Eisentraut
* A_Expr - infix, prefix, and postfix expressions
typedef enum A_Expr_Kind
AEXPR_OP, /* normal operator */
AEXPR_AND, /* booleans - name field is unused */
AEXPR_OP_ANY, /* scalar op ANY (array) */
AEXPR_OP_ALL, /* scalar op ALL (array) */
AEXPR_DISTINCT, /* IS DISTINCT FROM - name must be "=" */
AEXPR_NULLIF, /* NULLIF - name must be "=" */
AEXPR_OF, /* IS [NOT] OF - name must be "=" or "<>" */
AEXPR_IN /* [NOT] IN - name must be "=" or "<>" */
typedef struct A_Expr
Bruce Momjian
NodeTag type;
List *name; /* possibly-qualified name of operator */
Node *lexpr; /* left argument, or NULL if none */
Node *rexpr; /* right argument, or NULL if none */
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} A_Expr;
* A_Const - a literal constant
typedef struct A_Const
Value val; /* value (includes type info, see value.h) */
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} A_Const;
* TypeCast - a CAST expression
typedef struct TypeCast
Bruce Momjian
NodeTag type;
Node *arg; /* the expression being casted */
TypeName *typeName; /* the target type */
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} TypeCast;
* CollateClause - a COLLATE expression
typedef struct CollateClause
NodeTag type;
Node *arg; /* input expression */
List *collname; /* possibly-qualified collation name */
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} CollateClause;
* FuncCall - a function or aggregate invocation
* agg_order (if not NIL) indicates we saw 'foo(... ORDER BY ...)'.
* agg_star indicates we saw a 'foo(*)' construct, while agg_distinct
* indicates we saw 'foo(DISTINCT ...)'. In any of these cases, the
* construct *must* be an aggregate call. Otherwise, it might be either an
* aggregate or some other kind of function. However, if OVER is present
* it had better be an aggregate or window function.
typedef struct FuncCall
NodeTag type;
List *funcname; /* qualified name of function */
List *args; /* the arguments (list of exprs) */
bool agg_star; /* argument was really '*' */
bool agg_distinct; /* arguments were labeled DISTINCT */
bool func_variadic; /* last argument was labeled VARIADIC */
struct WindowDef *over; /* OVER clause, if any */
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} FuncCall;
* A_Star - '*' representing all columns of a table or compound field
* This can appear within ColumnRef.fields, A_Indirection.indirection, and
* ResTarget.indirection lists.
typedef struct A_Star
NodeTag type;
} A_Star;
* A_Indices - array subscript or slice bounds ([lidx:uidx] or [uidx])
typedef struct A_Indices
NodeTag type;
Node *lidx; /* NULL if it's a single subscript */
Node *uidx;
} A_Indices;
* A_Indirection - select a field and/or array element from an expression
* The indirection list can contain A_Indices nodes (representing
* subscripting), string Value nodes (representing field selection --- the
* string value is the name of the field to select), and A_Star nodes
* (representing selection of all fields of a composite type).
* For example, a complex selection operation like
* (foo).field1[42][7].field2
* would be represented with a single A_Indirection node having a 4-element
* indirection list.
* Currently, A_Star must appear only as the last list element --- the grammar
* is responsible for enforcing this!
typedef struct A_Indirection
NodeTag type;
Node *arg; /* the thing being selected from */
List *indirection; /* subscripts and/or field names and/or * */
} A_Indirection;
* A_ArrayExpr - an ARRAY[] construct
typedef struct A_ArrayExpr
NodeTag type;
List *elements; /* array element expressions */
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} A_ArrayExpr;
* ResTarget -
* result target (used in target list of pre-transformed parse trees)
* In a SELECT target list, 'name' is the column label from an
* 'AS ColumnLabel' clause, or NULL if there was none, and 'val' is the
* value expression itself. The 'indirection' field is not used.
* INSERT uses ResTarget in its target-column-names list. Here, 'name' is
* the name of the destination column, 'indirection' stores any subscripts
* attached to the destination, and 'val' is not used.
* In an UPDATE target list, 'name' is the name of the destination column,
* 'indirection' stores any subscripts attached to the destination, and
* 'val' is the expression to assign.
* See A_Indirection for more info about what can appear in 'indirection'.
typedef struct ResTarget
Peter Eisentraut
NodeTag type;
char *name; /* column name or NULL */
List *indirection; /* subscripts, field names, and '*', or NIL */
Node *val; /* the value expression to compute or assign */
Tom Lane
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} ResTarget;
* SortBy - for ORDER BY clause
typedef struct SortBy
NodeTag type;
Node *node; /* expression to sort on */
SortByDir sortby_dir; /* ASC/DESC/USING/default */
List *useOp; /* name of op to use, if SORTBY_USING */
int location; /* operator location, or -1 if none/unknown */
} SortBy;
* WindowDef - raw representation of WINDOW and OVER clauses
* For entries in a WINDOW list, "name" is the window name being defined.
* For OVER clauses, we use "name" for the "OVER window" syntax, or "refname"
* for the "OVER (window)" syntax, which is subtly different --- the latter
* implies overriding the window frame clause.
typedef struct WindowDef
NodeTag type;
char *name; /* window's own name */
char *refname; /* referenced window name, if any */
List *partitionClause; /* PARTITION BY expression list */
List *orderClause; /* ORDER BY (list of SortBy) */
int frameOptions; /* frame_clause options, see below */
Node *startOffset; /* expression for starting bound, if any */
Node *endOffset; /* expression for ending bound, if any */
int location; /* parse location, or -1 if none/unknown */
* frameOptions is an OR of these bits. The NONDEFAULT and BETWEEN bits are
* used so that ruleutils.c can tell which properties were specified and
* which were defaulted; the correct behavioral bits must be set either way.
* The START_foo and END_foo options must come in pairs of adjacent bits for
* the convenience of gram.y, even though some of them are useless/invalid.
* We will need more bits (and fields) to cover the full SQL:2008 option set.
#define FRAMEOPTION_NONDEFAULT 0x00001 /* any specified? */
#define FRAMEOPTION_RANGE 0x00002 /* RANGE behavior */
#define FRAMEOPTION_ROWS 0x00004 /* ROWS behavior */
#define FRAMEOPTION_BETWEEN 0x00008 /* BETWEEN given? */
#define FRAMEOPTION_START_UNBOUNDED_PRECEDING 0x00010 /* start is U. P. */
#define FRAMEOPTION_END_UNBOUNDED_PRECEDING 0x00020 /* (disallowed) */
#define FRAMEOPTION_START_UNBOUNDED_FOLLOWING 0x00040 /* (disallowed) */
#define FRAMEOPTION_END_UNBOUNDED_FOLLOWING 0x00080 /* end is U. F. */
#define FRAMEOPTION_START_CURRENT_ROW 0x00100 /* start is C. R. */
#define FRAMEOPTION_END_CURRENT_ROW 0x00200 /* end is C. R. */
#define FRAMEOPTION_START_VALUE_PRECEDING 0x00400 /* start is V. P. */
#define FRAMEOPTION_END_VALUE_PRECEDING 0x00800 /* end is V. P. */
#define FRAMEOPTION_START_VALUE_FOLLOWING 0x01000 /* start is V. F. */
#define FRAMEOPTION_END_VALUE_FOLLOWING 0x02000 /* end is V. F. */
* RangeSubselect - subquery appearing in a FROM clause
typedef struct RangeSubselect
Node *subquery; /* the untransformed sub-select clause */
Alias *alias; /* table alias & optional column aliases */
} RangeSubselect;
* RangeFunction - function call appearing in a FROM clause
typedef struct RangeFunction
NodeTag type;
Node *funccallnode; /* untransformed function call tree */
Alias *alias; /* table alias & optional column aliases */
List *coldeflist; /* list of ColumnDef nodes to describe result
* of function returning RECORD */
} RangeFunction;
* ColumnDef - column definition (used in various creates)
* If the column has a default value, we may have the value expression
* in either "raw" form (an untransformed parse tree) or "cooked" form
* (a post-parse-analysis, executable expression tree), depending on
* how this ColumnDef node was created (by parsing, or by inheritance
* from an existing relation). We should never have both in the same node!
* Similarly, we may have a COLLATE specification in either raw form
* (represented as a CollateClause with arg==NULL) or cooked form
* (the collation's OID).
* The constraints list may contain a CONSTR_DEFAULT item in a raw
* parsetree produced by gram.y, but transformCreateStmt will remove
* the item and set raw_default instead. CONSTR_DEFAULT items
* should not appear in any subsequent processing.
typedef struct ColumnDef
NodeTag type;
char *colname; /* name of column */
TypeName *typeName; /* type of column */
int inhcount; /* number of times column is inherited */
bool is_local; /* column has local (non-inherited) def'n */
bool is_not_null; /* NOT NULL constraint specified? */
bool is_from_type; /* column definition came from table type */
char storage; /* attstorage setting, or 0 for default */
Node *raw_default; /* default value (untransformed parse tree) */
Node *cooked_default; /* default value (transformed expr tree) */
CollateClause *collClause; /* untransformed COLLATE spec, if any */
Oid collOid; /* collation OID (InvalidOid if not set) */
List *constraints; /* other constraints on column */
List *fdwoptions; /* per-column FDW options */
} ColumnDef;
* inhRelation - Relation a CREATE TABLE is to inherit attributes of
typedef struct InhRelation
NodeTag type;
RangeVar *relation;
bits32 options; /* OR of CreateStmtLikeOption flags */
typedef enum CreateStmtLikeOption
} CreateStmtLikeOption;
* IndexElem - index parameters (used in CREATE INDEX)
* For a plain index attribute, 'name' is the name of the table column to
* index, and 'expr' is NULL. For an index expression, 'name' is NULL and
* 'expr' is the expression tree.
typedef struct IndexElem
char *name; /* name of attribute to index, or NULL */
Node *expr; /* expression to index, or NULL */
char *indexcolname; /* name for index column; NULL = default */
List *collation; /* name of collation; NIL = default */
List *opclass; /* name of desired opclass; NIL = default */
SortByDir ordering; /* ASC/DESC/default */
SortByNulls nulls_ordering; /* FIRST/LAST/default */
} IndexElem;
* DefElem - a generic "name = value" option definition
* In some contexts the name can be qualified. Also, certain SQL commands
* allow a SET/ADD/DROP action to be attached to option settings, so it's
* convenient to carry a field for that too. (Note: currently, it is our
* practice that the grammar allows namespace and action only in statements
* where they are relevant; C code can just ignore those fields in other
* statements.)
typedef enum DefElemAction
DEFELEM_UNSPEC, /* no action given */
} DefElemAction;
typedef struct DefElem
char *defnamespace; /* NULL if unqualified name */
char *defname;
Node *arg; /* a (Value *) or a (TypeName *) */
DefElemAction defaction; /* unspecified action, or SET/ADD/DROP */
} DefElem;
* LockingClause - raw representation of FOR UPDATE/SHARE options
* Note: lockedRels == NIL means "all relations in query". Otherwise it
* is a list of RangeVar nodes. (We use RangeVar mainly because it carries
* a location field --- currently, parse analysis insists on unqualified
* names in LockingClause.)
typedef struct LockingClause
NodeTag type;
List *lockedRels; /* FOR UPDATE or FOR SHARE relations */
bool forUpdate; /* true = FOR UPDATE, false = FOR SHARE */
bool noWait; /* NOWAIT option */
* XMLSERIALIZE (in raw parse tree only)
typedef struct XmlSerialize
NodeTag type;
XmlOptionType xmloption; /* DOCUMENT or CONTENT */
Node *expr;
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} XmlSerialize;
* Nodes for a Query tree
* RangeTblEntry -
* A range table is a List of RangeTblEntry nodes.
* A range table entry may represent a plain relation, a sub-select in
* FROM, or the result of a JOIN clause. (Only explicit JOIN syntax
* produces an RTE, not the implicit join resulting from multiple FROM
* items. This is because we only need the RTE to deal with SQL features
* like outer joins and join-output-column aliasing.) Other special
* RTE types also exist, as indicated by RTEKind.
* Note that we consider RTE_RELATION to cover anything that has a pg_class
* entry. relkind distinguishes the sub-cases.
* alias is an Alias node representing the AS alias-clause attached to the
* FROM expression, or NULL if no clause.
* eref is the table reference name and column reference names (either
* real or aliases). Note that system columns (OID etc) are not included
* in the column list.
* eref->aliasname is required to be present, and should generally be used
* to identify the RTE for error messages etc.
* In RELATION RTEs, the colnames in both alias and eref are indexed by
* physical attribute number; this means there must be colname entries for
* dropped columns. When building an RTE we insert empty strings ("") for
* dropped columns. Note however that a stored rule may have nonempty
* colnames for columns dropped since the rule was created (and for that
* matter the colnames might be out of date due to column renamings).
* The same comments apply to FUNCTION RTEs when the function's return type
* is a named composite type.
* In JOIN RTEs, the colnames in both alias and eref are one-to-one with
* joinaliasvars entries. A JOIN RTE will omit columns of its inputs when
* those columns are known to be dropped at parse time. Again, however,
* a stored rule might contain entries for columns dropped since the rule
* was created. (This is only possible for columns not actually referenced
* in the rule.) When loading a stored rule, we replace the joinaliasvars
* items for any such columns with NULL Consts. (We can't simply delete
* them from the joinaliasvars list, because that would affect the attnums
* of Vars referencing the rest of the list.)
* inh is TRUE for relation references that should be expanded to include
* inheritance children, if the rel has any. This *must* be FALSE for
* RTEs other than RTE_RELATION entries.
* inFromCl marks those range variables that are listed in the FROM clause.
* It's false for RTEs that are added to a query behind the scenes, such
* as the NEW and OLD variables for a rule, or the subqueries of a UNION.
* This flag is not used anymore during parsing, since the parser now uses
* a separate "namespace" data structure to control visibility, but it is
* needed by ruleutils.c to determine whether RTEs should be shown in
* decompiled queries.
* requiredPerms and checkAsUser specify run-time access permissions
* checks to be performed at query startup. The user must have *all*
* of the permissions that are OR'd together in requiredPerms (zero
* indicates no permissions checking). If checkAsUser is not zero,
* then do the permissions checks using the access rights of that user,
* not the current effective user ID. (This allows rules to act as
* setuid gateways.) Permissions checks only apply to RELATION RTEs.
* For SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE permissions, if the user doesn't have
* table-wide permissions then it is sufficient to have the permissions
* on all columns identified in selectedCols (for SELECT) and/or
* modifiedCols (for INSERT/UPDATE; we can tell which from the query type).
* selectedCols and modifiedCols are bitmapsets, which cannot have negative
* integer members, so we subtract FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber from
* column numbers before storing them in these fields. A whole-row Var
* reference is represented by setting the bit for InvalidAttrNumber.
typedef enum RTEKind
RTE_RELATION, /* ordinary relation reference */
RTE_SUBQUERY, /* subquery in FROM */
RTE_JOIN, /* join */
RTE_FUNCTION, /* function in FROM */
RTE_VALUES, /* VALUES (<exprlist>), (<exprlist>), ... */
RTE_CTE /* common table expr (WITH list element) */
} RTEKind;
typedef struct RangeTblEntry
Bruce Momjian
NodeTag type;
RTEKind rtekind; /* see above */
* XXX the fields applicable to only some rte kinds should be merged into
* a union. I didn't do this yet because the diffs would impact a lot of
* code that is being actively worked on. FIXME someday.
* Fields valid for a plain relation RTE (else zero):
Oid relid; /* OID of the relation */
char relkind; /* relation kind (see pg_class.relkind) */
* Fields valid for a subquery RTE (else NULL):
Query *subquery; /* the sub-query */
* Fields valid for a join RTE (else NULL/zero):
* joinaliasvars is a list of Vars or COALESCE expressions corresponding
* to the columns of the join result. An alias Var referencing column K
* of the join result can be replaced by the K'th element of joinaliasvars
* --- but to simplify the task of reverse-listing aliases correctly, we
* do not do that until planning time. In a Query loaded from a stored
* rule, it is also possible for joinaliasvars items to be NULL Consts,
* denoting columns dropped since the rule was made.
JoinType jointype; /* type of join */
List *joinaliasvars; /* list of alias-var expansions */
* Fields valid for a function RTE (else NULL):
* If the function returns RECORD, funccoltypes lists the column types
* declared in the RTE's column type specification, funccoltypmods lists
* their declared typmods, funccolcollations their collations. Otherwise,
Node *funcexpr; /* expression tree for func call */
List *funccoltypes; /* OID list of column type OIDs */
List *funccoltypmods; /* integer list of column typmods */
List *funccolcollations; /* OID list of column collation OIDs */
* Fields valid for a values RTE (else NIL):
List *values_lists; /* list of expression lists */
List *values_collations; /* OID list of column collation OIDs */
* Fields valid for a CTE RTE (else NULL/zero):
char *ctename; /* name of the WITH list item */
Index ctelevelsup; /* number of query levels up */
bool self_reference; /* is this a recursive self-reference? */
List *ctecoltypes; /* OID list of column type OIDs */
List *ctecoltypmods; /* integer list of column typmods */
List *ctecolcollations; /* OID list of column collation OIDs */
* Fields valid in all RTEs:
Alias *alias; /* user-written alias clause, if any */
Alias *eref; /* expanded reference names */
bool inh; /* inheritance requested? */
bool inFromCl; /* present in FROM clause? */
AclMode requiredPerms; /* bitmask of required access permissions */
Oid checkAsUser; /* if valid, check access as this role */
Bitmapset *selectedCols; /* columns needing SELECT permission */
Bitmapset *modifiedCols; /* columns needing INSERT/UPDATE permission */
} RangeTblEntry;
* SortGroupClause -
* representation of ORDER BY, GROUP BY, PARTITION BY,
* You might think that ORDER BY is only interested in defining ordering,
* and GROUP/DISTINCT are only interested in defining equality. However,
* one way to implement grouping is to sort and then apply a "uniq"-like
* filter. So it's also interesting to keep track of possible sort operators
* for GROUP/DISTINCT, and in particular to try to sort for the grouping
* in a way that will also yield a requested ORDER BY ordering. So we need
* to be able to compare ORDER BY and GROUP/DISTINCT lists, which motivates
* the decision to give them the same representation.
* tleSortGroupRef must match ressortgroupref of exactly one entry of the
* query's targetlist; that is the expression to be sorted or grouped by.
* eqop is the OID of the equality operator.
* sortop is the OID of the ordering operator (a "<" or ">" operator),
* or InvalidOid if not available.
* nulls_first means about what you'd expect. If sortop is InvalidOid
* then nulls_first is meaningless and should be set to false.
* hashable is TRUE if eqop is hashable (note this condition also depends
* on the datatype of the input expression).
* In an ORDER BY item, all fields must be valid. (The eqop isn't essential
* here, but it's cheap to get it along with the sortop, and requiring it
* to be valid eases comparisons to grouping items.) Note that this isn't
* actually enough information to determine an ordering: if the sortop is
* collation-sensitive, a collation OID is needed too. We don't store the
* collation in SortGroupClause because it's not available at the time the
* parser builds the SortGroupClause; instead, consult the exposed collation
* of the referenced targetlist expression to find out what it is.
* In a grouping item, eqop must be valid. If the eqop is a btree equality
* operator, then sortop should be set to a compatible ordering operator.
* We prefer to set eqop/sortop/nulls_first to match any ORDER BY item that
* the query presents for the same tlist item. If there is none, we just
* use the default ordering op for the datatype.
* If the tlist item's type has a hash opclass but no btree opclass, then
* we will set eqop to the hash equality operator, sortop to InvalidOid,
* and nulls_first to false. A grouping item of this kind can only be
* implemented by hashing, and of course it'll never match an ORDER BY item.
* The hashable flag is provided since we generally have the requisite
* information readily available when the SortGroupClause is constructed,
* and it's relatively expensive to get it again later. Note there is no
* need for a "sortable" flag since OidIsValid(sortop) serves the purpose.
* A query might have both ORDER BY and DISTINCT (or DISTINCT ON) clauses.
* In SELECT DISTINCT, the distinctClause list is as long or longer than the
* sortClause list, while in SELECT DISTINCT ON it's typically shorter.
* The two lists must match up to the end of the shorter one --- the parser
* rearranges the distinctClause if necessary to make this true. (This
* restriction ensures that only one sort step is needed to both satisfy the
* ORDER BY and set up for the Unique step. This is semantically necessary
* for DISTINCT ON, and presents no real drawback for DISTINCT.)
typedef struct SortGroupClause
Bruce Momjian
NodeTag type;
Index tleSortGroupRef; /* reference into targetlist */
Oid eqop; /* the equality operator ('=' op) */
Oid sortop; /* the ordering operator ('<' op), or 0 */
bool nulls_first; /* do NULLs come before normal values? */
bool hashable; /* can eqop be implemented by hashing? */
} SortGroupClause;
* WindowClause -
* transformed representation of WINDOW and OVER clauses
* A parsed Query's windowClause list contains these structs. "name" is set
* if the clause originally came from WINDOW, and is NULL if it originally
* was an OVER clause (but note that we collapse out duplicate OVERs).
* partitionClause and orderClause are lists of SortGroupClause structs.
* winref is an ID number referenced by WindowFunc nodes; it must be unique
* among the members of a Query's windowClause list.
* When refname isn't null, the partitionClause is always copied from there;
* the orderClause might or might not be copied (see copiedOrder); the framing
* options are never copied, per spec.
typedef struct WindowClause
NodeTag type;
char *name; /* window name (NULL in an OVER clause) */
char *refname; /* referenced window name, if any */
List *partitionClause; /* PARTITION BY list */
List *orderClause; /* ORDER BY list */
int frameOptions; /* frame_clause options, see WindowDef */
Node *startOffset; /* expression for starting bound, if any */
Node *endOffset; /* expression for ending bound, if any */
Index winref; /* ID referenced by window functions */
bool copiedOrder; /* did we copy orderClause from refname? */
* RowMarkClause -
* parser output representation of FOR UPDATE/SHARE clauses
* Query.rowMarks contains a separate RowMarkClause node for each relation
* identified as a FOR UPDATE/SHARE target. If FOR UPDATE/SHARE is applied
* to a subquery, we generate RowMarkClauses for all normal and subquery rels
* in the subquery, but they are marked pushedDown = true to distinguish them
* from clauses that were explicitly written at this query level. Also,
* Query.hasForUpdate tells whether there were explicit FOR UPDATE/SHARE
* clauses in the current query level.
typedef struct RowMarkClause
NodeTag type;
Index rti; /* range table index of target relation */
bool forUpdate; /* true = FOR UPDATE, false = FOR SHARE */
bool noWait; /* NOWAIT option */
bool pushedDown; /* pushed down from higher query level? */
} RowMarkClause;
* WithClause -
* representation of WITH clause
* Note: WithClause does not propagate into the Query representation;
* but CommonTableExpr does.
typedef struct WithClause
NodeTag type;
List *ctes; /* list of CommonTableExprs */
bool recursive; /* true = WITH RECURSIVE */
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} WithClause;
* CommonTableExpr -
* representation of WITH list element
* We don't currently support the SEARCH or CYCLE clause.
typedef struct CommonTableExpr
NodeTag type;
char *ctename; /* query name (never qualified) */
List *aliascolnames; /* optional list of column names */
/* SelectStmt/InsertStmt/etc before parse analysis, Query afterwards: */
Node *ctequery; /* the CTE's subquery */
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
/* These fields are set during parse analysis: */
bool cterecursive; /* is this CTE actually recursive? */
int cterefcount; /* number of RTEs referencing this CTE
* (excluding internal self-references) */
List *ctecolnames; /* list of output column names */
List *ctecoltypes; /* OID list of output column type OIDs */
List *ctecoltypmods; /* integer list of output column typmods */
List *ctecolcollations; /* OID list of column collation OIDs */
} CommonTableExpr;
/* Convenience macro to get the output tlist of a CTE's query */
#define GetCTETargetList(cte) \
(AssertMacro(IsA((cte)->ctequery, Query)), \
((Query *) (cte)->ctequery)->commandType == CMD_SELECT ? \
((Query *) (cte)->ctequery)->targetList : \
((Query *) (cte)->ctequery)->returningList)
* Optimizable Statements
/* ----------------------
* Insert Statement
* The source expression is represented by SelectStmt for both the
* SELECT and VALUES cases. If selectStmt is NULL, then the query
* ----------------------
typedef struct InsertStmt
RangeVar *relation; /* relation to insert into */
List *cols; /* optional: names of the target columns */
Node *selectStmt; /* the source SELECT/VALUES, or NULL */
List *returningList; /* list of expressions to return */
WithClause *withClause; /* WITH clause */
} InsertStmt;
* Delete Statement
typedef struct DeleteStmt
Bruce Momjian
NodeTag type;
RangeVar *relation; /* relation to delete from */
List *usingClause; /* optional using clause for more tables */
Node *whereClause; /* qualifications */
List *returningList; /* list of expressions to return */
WithClause *withClause; /* WITH clause */
} DeleteStmt;
* Update Statement
typedef struct UpdateStmt
Bruce Momjian
NodeTag type;
RangeVar *relation; /* relation to update */
List *targetList; /* the target list (of ResTarget) */
Node *whereClause; /* qualifications */
List *fromClause; /* optional from clause for more tables */
List *returningList; /* list of expressions to return */
WithClause *withClause; /* WITH clause */
} UpdateStmt;
* Select Statement
* A "simple" SELECT is represented in the output of gram.y by a single
* SelectStmt node; so is a VALUES construct. A query containing set
* operators (UNION, INTERSECT, EXCEPT) is represented by a tree of SelectStmt
* nodes, in which the leaf nodes are component SELECTs and the internal nodes
* represent UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT operators. Using the same node
* type for both leaf and internal nodes allows gram.y to stick ORDER BY,
* LIMIT, etc, clause values into a SELECT statement without worrying
* whether it is a simple or compound SELECT.