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  1. Feb 24, 2004
  2. Feb 20, 2004
    • Bruce Momjian's avatar
      The following bug has been logged online: · 1d567aee
      Bruce Momjian authored
      Bug reference:      1081
      Logged by:          Aarjav Trivedi
      Email address:
      PostgreSQL version: 7.4
      Operating system:   Linux
      Description:        Spelling error in tsearch2.sql leading to problems
      On line 620 of tsearch2.sql which is required to install and run
      REATE FUNCTION tsstat_in(cstring)
      should be
      CREATE FUNCTION tsstat_in(cstring)
      because of this error, TSEARCH fails to work as specified,
  3. Feb 17, 2004
    • Bruce Momjian's avatar
      Please apply this patch to contrib/dbmirror · 51b363ec
      Bruce Momjian authored
      In incorperates changes from myself and a number of contributors.
      This update to dbmirror provides:
      -replication of sequence operations via setval/nextval support for logging to syslog
      -changed the names of the tables to dbmirror_*  (no quotes required)
      -Support for writitng SQL statements to files instead of directly to
       a slave database
      -More options for in the config files.
      Steven Singer
  4. Feb 03, 2004
    • Tom Lane's avatar
      Rename SortMem and VacuumMem to work_mem and maintenance_work_mem. · 391c3811
      Tom Lane authored
      Make btree index creation and initial validation of foreign-key constraints
      use maintenance_work_mem rather than work_mem as their memory limit.
      Add some code to guc.c to allow these variables to be referenced by their
      old names in SHOW and SET commands, for backwards compatibility.
  5. Jan 26, 2004
  6. Jan 19, 2004
  7. Jan 09, 2004
  8. Dec 27, 2003
  9. Dec 18, 2003
  10. Dec 17, 2003
  11. Dec 10, 2003
  12. Dec 08, 2003
  13. Dec 07, 2003
  14. Dec 05, 2003
  15. Dec 04, 2003
  16. Dec 03, 2003
  17. Dec 02, 2003
    • Bruce Momjian's avatar
      I've run across a pretty serious problem with pg_autovacuum. · ea4b9f14
      Bruce Momjian authored
      pg_autovacuum looses track of any table that's ever been truncated
      (possibly other situations too).   When i truncate a table it gets a
      new relfilenode in pg_class.  This is a problem because pg_autovacuum
      assumes pg_class.relfilenode will join to pg_stats_all_tables.relid.
      pg_stats_all_tables.relid is actallly the oid from pg_class, not the
      relfilenode.   These two values start out equal so pg_autovacuum works
      initially, but it fails later on because of this incorrect assumption.
      This patch fixes that problem.  Applied to HEAD and 7.4.X.
      Brian Hirt
    • Bruce Momjian's avatar
      I noticed in the 7.4 release that in contrib/pg_autovacuum, args->logfile is · 15b5d6cf
      Bruce Momjian authored
      not initialized if a log file is not specified on the command line.  This
      causes an immediate segfault on systems that fill allocated memory with some
      value other than zero (my FreeBSD machine uses 0xD0).
      Several crashes later I discovered that args->user, password, host, and port
      are also used without being initialized.
      This doesn't appear to be fixed in CVS and I came up empty on a mailing list
      search -- hope it hasn't been reported already.
      Craig Boston
  18. Nov 29, 2003
    • PostgreSQL Daemon's avatar
      · 55b11325
      PostgreSQL Daemon authored
      make sure the $Id tags are converted to $PostgreSQL as well ...
    • PostgreSQL Daemon's avatar
      · 969685ad
      PostgreSQL Daemon authored
      $Header: -> $PostgreSQL Changes ...
  19. Nov 28, 2003
  20. Nov 27, 2003
  21. Nov 26, 2003
  22. Nov 25, 2003
  23. Nov 17, 2003
  24. Nov 12, 2003
    • Tom Lane's avatar
      Cross-data-type comparisons are now indexable by btrees, pursuant to my · fa5c8a05
      Tom Lane authored
      pghackers proposal of 8-Nov.  All the existing cross-type comparison
      operators (int2/int4/int8 and float4/float8) have appropriate support.
      The original proposal of storing the right-hand-side datatype as part of
      the primary key for pg_amop and pg_amproc got modified a bit in the event;
      it is easier to store zero as the 'default' case and only store a nonzero
      when the operator is actually cross-type.  Along the way, remove the
      long-since-defunct bigbox_ops operator class.
    • Bruce Momjian's avatar
      Typo fix in comment from David Wheeler · f719f0f6
      Bruce Momjian authored
  25. Nov 09, 2003
    • Tom Lane's avatar
      Add operator strategy and comparison-value datatype fields to ScanKey. · c1d62bfd
      Tom Lane authored
      Remove the 'strategy map' code, which was a large amount of mechanism
      that no longer had any use except reverse-mapping from procedure OID to
      strategy number.  Passing the strategy number to the index AM in the
      first place is simpler and faster.
      This is a preliminary step in planned support for cross-datatype index
      operations.  I'm committing it now since the ScanKeyEntryInitialize()
      API change touches quite a lot of files, and I want to commit those
      changes before the tree drifts under me.
    • Bruce Momjian's avatar
      Fix typo on autovacuum readme. · 6479ee28
      Bruce Momjian authored
  26. Oct 27, 2003
  27. Oct 20, 2003
  28. Oct 16, 2003