* elog.c
* error logging and reporting
* Some notes about recursion and errors during error processing:
* We need to be robust about recursive-error scenarios --- for example,
* if we run out of memory, it's important to be able to report that fact.
* There are a number of considerations that go into this.
* First, distinguish between re-entrant use and actual recursion. It
* is possible for an error or warning message to be emitted while the
* parameters for an error message are being computed. In this case
* errstart has been called for the outer message, and some field values
* may have already been saved, but we are not actually recursing. We handle
* this by providing a (small) stack of ErrorData records. The inner message
* can be computed and sent without disturbing the state of the outer message.
* (If the inner message is actually an error, this isn't very interesting
* because control won't come back to the outer message generator ... but
* if the inner message is only debug or log data, this is critical.)
* Second, actual recursion will occur if an error is reported by one of
* the elog.c routines or something they call. By far the most probable
* scenario of this sort is "out of memory"; and it's also the nastiest
* to handle because we'd likely also run out of memory while trying to
* report this error! Our escape hatch for this case is to reset the
* ErrorContext to empty before trying to process the inner error. Since
* ErrorContext is guaranteed to have at least 8K of space in it (see mcxt.c),
* we should be able to process an "out of memory" message successfully.
* Since we lose the prior error state due to the reset, we won't be able
* to return to processing the original error, but we wouldn't have anyway.
* (NOTE: the escape hatch is not used for recursive situations where the
* inner message is of less than ERROR severity; in that case we just
* try to process it and return normally. Usually this will work, but if
* it ends up in infinite recursion, we will PANIC due to error stack
* overflow.)
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2005, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
Alvaro Herrera
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/backend/utils/error/elog.c,v 1.166 2005/11/03 17:11:39 alvherre Exp $
#include "postgres.h"
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <syslog.h>
#include "libpq/libpq.h"
#include "libpq/pqformat.h"
#include "mb/pg_wchar.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "postmaster/postmaster.h"
#include "postmaster/syslogger.h"
#include "storage/ipc.h"
#include "tcop/tcopprot.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
#include "utils/guc.h"
/* Global variables */
ErrorContextCallback *error_context_stack = NULL;
sigjmp_buf *PG_exception_stack = NULL;
/* GUC parameters */
PGErrorVerbosity Log_error_verbosity = PGERROR_VERBOSE;
char *Log_line_prefix = NULL; /* format for extra log line info */
int Log_destination = LOG_DESTINATION_STDERR;
static bool openlog_done = false;
static char *syslog_ident = NULL;
static int syslog_facility = LOG_LOCAL0;
static void write_syslog(int level, const char *line);
#ifdef WIN32
static void write_eventlog(int level, const char *line);
/* We provide a small stack of ErrorData records for re-entrant cases */
static ErrorData errordata[ERRORDATA_STACK_SIZE];
static int errordata_stack_depth = -1; /* index of topmost active frame */
static int recursion_depth = 0; /* to detect actual recursion */
/* Macro for checking errordata_stack_depth is reasonable */
do { \
if (errordata_stack_depth < 0) \
{ \
errordata_stack_depth = -1; \
ereport(ERROR, (errmsg_internal("errstart was not called"))); \
} \
} while (0)
static void log_line_prefix(StringInfo buf);
static void send_message_to_server_log(ErrorData *edata);
static void send_message_to_frontend(ErrorData *edata);
static char *expand_fmt_string(const char *fmt, ErrorData *edata);
static const char *useful_strerror(int errnum);
static const char *error_severity(int elevel);
static void append_with_tabs(StringInfo buf, const char *str);
* errstart --- begin an error-reporting cycle
* Create a stack entry and store the given parameters in it. Subsequently,
* errmsg() and perhaps other routines will be called to further populate
* the stack entry. Finally, errfinish() will be called to actually process
* the error report.
* Returns TRUE in normal case. Returns FALSE to short-circuit the error
* report (if it's a warning or lower and not to be reported anywhere).
errstart(int elevel, const char *filename, int lineno,
const char *funcname)
ErrorData *edata;
bool output_to_server = false;
bool output_to_client = false;
* Check some cases in which we want to promote an error into a more
* severe error. None of this logic applies for non-error messages.
if (elevel >= ERROR)
* If we are inside a critical section, all errors become PANIC
* errors. See miscadmin.h.
if (CritSectionCount > 0)
elevel = PANIC;
* Check reasons for treating ERROR as FATAL:
* 1. we have no handler to pass the error to (implies we are in the
* postmaster or in backend startup).
* 2. ExitOnAnyError mode switch is set (initdb uses this).
* 3. the error occurred after proc_exit has begun to run. (It's
* proc_exit's responsibility to see that this doesn't turn into
* infinite recursion!)
if (elevel == ERROR)
if (PG_exception_stack == NULL ||
ExitOnAnyError ||
elevel = FATAL;
* If the error level is ERROR or more, errfinish is not going to
* return to caller; therefore, if there is any stacked error already
* in progress it will be lost. This is more or less okay, except we
* do not want to have a FATAL or PANIC error downgraded because the
* reporting process was interrupted by a lower-grade error. So check
* the stack and make sure we panic if panic is warranted.
for (i = 0; i <= errordata_stack_depth; i++)
elevel = Max(elevel, errordata[i].elevel);
* Now decide whether we need to process this report at all; if it's
* warning or less and not enabled for logging, just return FALSE without
* starting up any error logging machinery.
/* Determine whether message is enabled for server log output */
if (IsPostmasterEnvironment)
/* Complicated because LOG is sorted out-of-order for this purpose */
if (elevel == LOG || elevel == COMMERROR)
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