The PostgreSQL contrib tree --------------------------- This subtree contains porting tools, analysis utilities, and plug-in features that are not part of the core PostgreSQL system, mainly because they address a limited audience or are too experimental to be part of the main source tree. This does not preclude their usefulness. User documentation for each module appears in the main SGML documentation. When building from the source distribution, these modules are not built automatically, unless you build the "world" target. You can also build and install them all by running "make all" and "make install" in this directory; or to build and install just one selected module, do the same in that module's subdirectory. Some directories supply new user-defined functions, operators, or types. To make use of one of these modules, after you have installed the code you need to register the new SQL objects in the database system by executing a CREATE EXTENSION command. In a fresh database, you can simply do CREATE EXTENSION module_name; See the PostgreSQL documentation for more information about this procedure.
Tom Lane
It's against project policy to use elog() for user-facing errors, or to omit an errcode() selection for errors that aren't supposed to be "can't happen" cases. Fix all the violations of this policy that result in ERRCODE_INTERNAL_ERROR log entries during the standard regression tests, as errors that can reliably be triggered from SQL surely should be considered user-facing. I also looked through all the files touched by this commit and fixed other nearby problems of the same ilk. I do not claim to have fixed all violations of the policy, just the ones in these files. In a few places I also changed existing ERRCODE choices that didn't seem particularly appropriate; mainly replacing ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR by something more specific. Back-patch to 9.5, but no further; changing ERRCODE assignments in stable branches doesn't seem like a good idea.