- Jan 04, 2001
Bruce Momjian authored
- Jan 03, 2001
Tom Lane authored
of early December 2000. COPY BINARY is now TOAST-safe.
Bruce Momjian authored
Index: TODO =================================================================== RCS file: /home/projects/pgsql/cvsroot/pgsql/doc/TODO,v retrieving revision 1.311 diff -r1.311 TODO 3c3 < Last updated: Tue Jan 2 21:23:11 EST 2001 --- > Last updated: Wed Jan 3 01:56:41 EST 2001 10c10 < A dash(-) marks changes that will appear in the upcoming 7.1 release. --- > A dash (-) marks changes that will appear in the upcoming 7.1 release. 23c23 < * -Creating index of TIMESTAMP & RELTIME fails, or rename to DATETIME(Thomas) --- > * -Creating index of TIMESTAMP & RELTIME fails, or rename to DATETIME (Thomas) 35c35 < * -Views containing aggregates sometimes fail(Jan) --- > * -Views containing aggregates sometimes fail (Jan) 37,38c37,38 < duplicates(inherit) < * -Disallow LOCK on view(Mark Hollomon) --- > duplicates (inherit) > * -Disallow LOCK on view (Mark Hollomon) 58,60c58,60 < * -Add OUTER joins, left and right[outer](Tom, Thomas) < * -Allow long tuples by chaining or auto-storing outside db (TOAST)(Jan) < * Fix memory leak for expressions[memory](Tom?) --- > * -Add OUTER joins, left and right[outer] (Tom, Thomas) > * -Allow long tuples by chaining or auto-storing outside db (TOAST) (Jan) > * Fix memory leak for expressions[memory] (Tom?) 70c70 < * Allow row re-use without vacuum(Vadim) --- > * Allow row re-use without vacuum (Vadim) 74c74 < * More access control over who can create tables and use locks(Karel) --- > * More access control over who can create tables and use locks (Karel) 92c92 < o -Fix large object mapping scheme, own typeid or reltype(Peter) --- > o -Fix large object mapping scheme, own typeid or reltype (Peter) 97c97 < * Fix improper masking of some inet/cidr types [cidr] --- > * -Fix improper masking of some inet/cidr types [cidr] 113c113 < * Get BIT type working --- > * -Get BIT type working 119c119 < * Update macaddr manufacturer numbers, or remove the function macaddr_manuf() --- > * -Update macaddr manufacturer numbers, or remove the function macaddr_manuf() 147c147 < * -Add ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN feature(Peter E) --- > * -Add ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN feature (Peter E) 157c157 < * Auto-destroy sequence on DROP of table with SERIAL(Ryan) --- > * Auto-destroy sequence on DROP of table with SERIAL (Ryan) 166a167 > * Allow INSERT INTO tab (col1, ..) VALUES (val1, ..), (val2, ..) 172d172 < * Allow INSERT INTO tab (col1, ..) VALUES (val1, ..), (val2, ..) 176c176 < * Make NULL's come out at the beginning or end depending on the --- > * Make NULL's come out at the beginning or end depending on the 220c220 < * Certain indexes will not shrink, i.e. oid indexes with many inserts(Vadim) --- > * Certain indexes will not shrink, i.e. oid indexes with many inserts (Vadim) 226c226 < with after-row images(Vadim) [logging](Vadim) --- > with after-row images (Vadim) [logging] 232c232 < * -Redesign the function call interface to handle NULLs better[function](Tom) --- > * -Redesign the function call interface to handle NULLs better[function] (Tom) 239c239 < * Encrpyt passwords in pg_shadow table using MD5(Vince) --- > * Encrpyt passwords in pg_shadow table using MD5 (Vince) 298a299,300 > * Create a transaction processor to aid in persistent connections and > connection pooling 307c309 < * Remove SET KSQO option now that OR processing is improved(Tom) --- > * Remove SET KSQO option now that OR processing is improved (Tom)
Bruce Momjian authored
Index: TODO =================================================================== RCS file: /home/projects/pgsql/cvsroot/pgsql/doc/TODO,v retrieving revision 1.310 diff -r1.310 TODO 3c3 < Last updated: Wed Dec 27 00:44:44 EST 2000 --- > Last updated: Tue Jan 2 21:23:11 EST 2001 310a311 > * Allow libedit to be used in place of libreadline
- Jan 02, 2001
Tom Lane authored
regression test 'failures'.
- Dec 30, 2000
Peter Eisentraut authored
Peter Eisentraut authored
Peter Eisentraut authored
Peter Eisentraut authored
- Dec 28, 2000
Tom Lane authored
- Dec 27, 2000
Bruce Momjian authored
Index: TODO =================================================================== RCS file: /home/projects/pgsql/cvsroot/pgsql/doc/TODO,v retrieving revision 1.309 diff -r1.309 TODO 3c3 < Last updated: Sat Dec 23 09:48:47 EST 2000 --- > Last updated: Wed Dec 27 00:44:44 EST 2000 60a61,70 > * Add replication of distributed databases [replication] > o automatic fallover > o load balancing > o master/slave replication > o multi-master replication > o partition data across servers > o sample implementation in contrib/rserv > o queries across databases or servers (two-phase commit) > * Point-in-time data recovery using backup and write-ahead log > * Allow row re-use without vacuum(Vadim) 112c122 < * Make file in/out interface to TOAST columns --- > * Make binary/file in/out interface for TOAST columns 122a133 > * Automatically create rules on views so they are updateable, per SQL92 173c184 < * allow psql \d to show temporary table schema --- > * allow psql \d to show temporary table structure 195d205 < * Add replication of distributed databases [replication] 200a211,212 > * Incremental backups > * Allow SQL92 schemas 205d216 < * Allow row re-use without vacuum(Vadim) 229a241 > * Allow Java server-side programming 278a291 > * Automatically keep clustering on a table 329d341 < 5~
- Dec 26, 2000
Peter Eisentraut authored
books separately), in directory $(docdir)/html.
Peter Eisentraut authored
Peter Eisentraut authored
Peter Eisentraut authored
- Dec 23, 2000
Peter Eisentraut authored
Bruce Momjian authored
Index: TODO =================================================================== RCS file: /home/projects/pgsql/cvsroot/pgsql/doc/TODO,v retrieving revision 1.308 diff -r1.308 TODO 3c3 < Last updated: Thu Dec 21 14:45:00 EST 2000 --- > Last updated: Sat Dec 23 09:48:47 EST 2000 72a73 > * Remove unused files during database vacuum or postmaster startup
Peter Eisentraut authored
- Dec 22, 2000
Peter Eisentraut authored
Peter Eisentraut authored
to the thing you get from running initdb. That's called a database cluster (per SQL).
Peter Eisentraut authored
Tom Lane authored
Tom Lane authored
recommendation from Paul Vixie. Add a new abbrev() function to produce abbreviated format as text. No forced initdb, but new function is not available unless you do an initdb or add the pg_proc row manually.
- Dec 21, 2000
Peter Eisentraut authored
full word "version" where appropriate.
Peter Eisentraut authored
Bruce Momjian authored
Index: TODO =================================================================== RCS file: /home/projects/pgsql/cvsroot/pgsql/doc/TODO,v retrieving revision 1.307 diff -r1.307 TODO 3c3 < Last updated: Thu Dec 21 14:12:04 EST 2000 --- > Last updated: Thu Dec 21 14:45:00 EST 2000 32d31 < * Prevent BETWEEN from using duplicate nodes
Bruce Momjian authored
Index: TODO =================================================================== RCS file: /home/projects/pgsql/cvsroot/pgsql/doc/TODO,v retrieving revision 1.306 diff -r1.306 TODO 3c3 < Last updated: Fri Dec 15 17:44:57 EST 2000 --- > Last updated: Thu Dec 21 14:12:04 EST 2000 31a32 > * Prevent BETWEEN from using duplicate nodes
Bruce Momjian authored
>mv privkey.pem cert.pem.pw >openssl rsa -in cert.pem.pw -out cert.pem (this removes the password) >openssl req -x509 -in cert.req -text -key cert.pem -out cert.cert then cp cert.pem $PGDATA/server.key cp cert.cert $PGDATA/server.crt Thank you; this works. Oliver Elphick
Bruce Momjian authored
Alfred Perlstein
- Dec 20, 2000
Thomas G. Lockhart authored
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
> We need additions to alter_table.sgml for the new OWNER option mention > in the features list. Here it is. -- Mark Hollomon
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
Tatsuo Ishii authored
between Unicode and other encodings.
- Dec 19, 2000
Peter Eisentraut authored
Peter Eisentraut authored
pointer into the real documentation.
Peter Eisentraut authored
Tom Lane authored
of function resolution procedure.
Tom Lane authored
in the docs for arrays.