- Apr 21, 2002
Tom Lane authored
different privilege bits (might as well make use of the space we were wasting on padding). EXECUTE and USAGE bits for procedures, languages now are separate privileges instead of being overlaid on SELECT. Add privileges for namespaces and databases. The GRANT and REVOKE commands work for these object types, but we don't actually enforce the privileges yet...
- Apr 20, 2002
Tom Lane authored
_RETURN now, since there's no need to keep 'em unique anymore.
- Apr 19, 2002
Tom Lane authored
(tgrelid, tgname). This provides an additional check on trigger name uniqueness per-table (which was already enforced by the code anyway). With this change, RelationBuildTriggers will read the triggers in order by tgname, since it's scanning using this index. Since a predictable trigger ordering has been requested for some time, document this behavior as a feature. Also document that rules fire in name order, since yesterday's changes to pg_rewrite indexing cause that too.
- Apr 18, 2002
Tom Lane authored
DROP RULE and COMMENT ON RULE syntax adds an 'ON tablename' clause, similar to TRIGGER syntaxes. To allow loading of existing pg_dump files containing COMMENT ON RULE, the COMMENT code will still accept the old syntax --- but only if the target rulename is unique across the whole database.
Bruce Momjian authored
< without using PL/PgSQL EXECUTE, needs cached plan invalidation > without using PL/PgSQL EXECUTE, needs cache prevention/invalidation
Bruce Momjian authored
> o Abort all, some or, no SET changes made in an aborted transaction
Bruce Momjian authored
> o Abort all or commit all SET changes made in an aborted transaction
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
> o Allow Java server-side programming, http://pljava.sourceforge.net > [java]
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
> * Rod is Rod Taylor <rbt@zort.ca>
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
> * Cache most recent query plan(s) (Neil) [prepare] > * Neil is Neil Conway <nconway@klamath.dyndns.org>
Bruce Momjian authored
> using a sequential scan for highest/lowest values (Oleg)
Bruce Momjian authored
Add to DROP COLUMN description.
Bruce Momjian authored
> o Abort SET changes made in aborted transactions (?)
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
> * Add BETWEEN ASYMMETRIC/SYMMETRIC (Christopher) > * Christopher is Christopher Kings-Lynne <chriskl@familyhealth.com.au>
Bruce Momjian authored
> * Add BSD-licensed qsort() for Solaris
Bruce Momjian authored
> o Allow SHOW to output as a query result, like EXPLAIN
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
> * Try flex flags -Cf and -CF to see if performance improves
- Apr 17, 2002
Bruce Momjian authored
> * Add utility to compute accurate random_page_cost value
Tom Lane authored
an 'opclass owner' column in pg_opclass. Nothing is done with it at present, but since there are plans to invent a CREATE OPERATOR CLASS command soon, we'll probably want DROP OPERATOR CLASS too, which suggests that a notion of ownership would be a good idea.
Bruce Momjian authored
> * Allow easy display of usernames in a group
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
Tom Lane authored
qualified operator names directly, for example CREATE OPERATOR myschema.+ ( ... ). To qualify an operator name in an expression you need to write OPERATOR(myschema.+) (thanks to Peter for suggesting an escape hatch). I also took advantage of having to reformat pg_operator to fix something that'd been bugging me for a while: mergejoinable operators should have explicit links to the associated cross-data-type comparison operators, rather than hardwiring an assumption that they are named < and >.
- Apr 16, 2002
Tom Lane authored
selected as the creation target namespace; to make that happen, you must explicitly set search_path that way. This makes initdb a hair more complex but seems like a good safety feature.
- Apr 15, 2002
Bruce Momjian authored
> * -Allow oid to act as a foreign key
- Apr 14, 2002
Bruce Momjian authored
Peter Eisentraut authored
which covers some recent installation schemes. Add Mandrake installation layout to directories to check for stylesheets. Allow documentation build to proceed if stylesheets were not found, in case the stylesheets might be found through the SGML catalog mechanism.
Bruce Momjian authored
> without using PL/PgSQL EXECUTE, needs cached plan invalidation
Tatsuo Ishii authored
- Apr 13, 2002
Tom Lane authored
Bruce Momjian authored
the libpgtcl "pg_execute" command. This was mentioned on pgsql-interfaces on Mar 3. I am posting it here in the hope that someone will check to see if it makes sense and is correct SGML-wise. I did run it through jade, but this is my first try at this sort of thing. ljb
Bruce Momjian authored
> * Change NUMERIC to enforce the maximum precision, and increase it