- Sep 01, 1998
Bruce Momjian authored
- Aug 31, 1998
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
- Aug 29, 1998
Bruce Momjian authored
was tested with Linux/GCC. I still have some issues with with the snprintf() function. David Hartwig
- Aug 28, 1998
Bruce Momjian authored
I don't know if this is really related to the initdb problem discussion (haven't followed it enough). But seems so because it fixes a damn problem during index tuple insertion on CREATE TABLE into pg_attribute_relid_attnum_index. Anyway - this bug was really hard to find. During startup the relcache reads in some prepared information about index strategies from a file and then reinitializes the function pointers inside the scanKey data. But for sake it assumed single attribute index tuples (hasn't that changed recently). Thus not all the strategies scanKey entries where initialized properly, resulting in invalid addresses for the btree comparision functions. With the patch at the end the regression tests passed excellent except for the sanity_check that crashed at vacuum and the misc test where the select unique1 from onek2 outputs the two rows in different order. Jan
- Aug 25, 1998
Marc G. Fournier authored
cvs add'd two files for the tprintf() patch...
Marc G. Fournier authored
From: Massimo Dal Zotto <dz@cs.unitn.it> > tprintf.patch > > tprintf.patch > > adds functions and macros which implement a conditional trace package > with the ability to change flags and numeric options of running > backends at runtime. > Options/flags can be specified in the command line and/or read from > the file pg_options in the data directory.
Marc G. Fournier authored
From: Massimo Dal Zotto <dz@cs.unitn.it> > ps-status.patch > > macros for ps status, used by postgres.c and utility.c. > Unfortunately ps status is system dependent and the current > code doesn't work on linux. The use of macros confines system > dependency to into one file (ps-status.h). Users of other > operating systems should check this code and submit new macros.
Marc G. Fournier authored
From: Massimo Dal Zotto <dz@cs.unitn.it> assert.patch adds a switch to turn on/off the assert checking if enabled at compile time. You can now compile postgres with assert checking and disable it at runtime in a production environment.
Bruce Momjian authored
Thanks. But patches for src/backend/catalog/Makefile seems missing in the current source tree. Please apply attached patches. It also includes some corrections to src/backend/util/mb/wchar.c. -- Tatsuo Ishii t-ishii@sra.co.jp
- Aug 24, 1998
Bruce Momjian authored
patch is applied: Rewrite rules on relation level work fine now. Event qualifications on insert/update/delete rules work fine now. I added the new keyword OLD to reference the CURRENT tuple. CURRENT will be removed in 6.5. Update rules can reference NEW and OLD in the rule qualification and the actions. Insert/update/delete rules on views can be established to let them behave like real tables. For insert/update/delete rules multiple actions are supported now. The actions can also be surrounded by parantheses to make psql happy. Multiple actions are required if update to a view requires updates to multiple tables. Regular users are permitted to create/drop rules on tables they have RULE permissions for (DefineQueryRewrite() is now able to get around the access restrictions on pg_rewrite). This enables view creation for regular users too. This required an extra boolean parameter to pg_parse_and_plan() that tells to set skipAcl on all rangetable entries of the resulting queries. There is a new function pg_exec_query_acl_override() that could be used by backend utilities to use this facility. All rule actions (not only views) inherit the permissions of the event relations owner. Sample: User A creates tables T1 and T2, creates rules that log INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE on T1 in T2 (like in the regression tests for rules I created) and grants ALL but RULE on T1 to user B. User B can now fully access T1 and the logging happens in T2. But user B cannot access T2 at all, only the rule actions can. And due to missing RULE permissions on T1, user B cannot disable logging. Rules on the attribute level are disabled (they don't work properly and since regular users are now permitted to create rules I decided to disable them). Rules on select must have exactly one action that is a select (so select rules must be a view definition). UPDATE NEW/OLD rules are disabled (still broken, but triggers can do it). There are two new system views (pg_rule and pg_view) that show the definition of the rules or views so the db admin can see what the users do. They use two new functions pg_get_ruledef() and pg_get_viewdef() that are builtins. The functions pg_get_ruledef() and pg_get_viewdef() could be used to implement rule and view support in pg_dump. PostgreSQL is now the only database system I know, that has rewrite rules on the query level. All others (where I found a rule statement at all) use stored database procedures or the like (triggers as we call them) for active rules (as some call them). Future of the rule system: The now disabled parts of the rule system (attribute level, multiple actions on select and update new stuff) require a complete new rewrite handler from scratch. The old one is too badly wired up. After 6.4 I'll start to work on a new rewrite handler, that fully supports the attribute level rules, multiple actions on select and update new. This will be available for 6.5 so we get full rewrite rule capabilities. Jan
Bruce Momjian authored
if MULTIBYTE is not enabled. So be sure to run initdb. o these patches are made against the latest source tree (after Bruce's massive patch, I think) BTW, I noticed that after running regression, the oid field of pg_type seems disappeared. regression=> select oid from pg_type; ERROR: attribute 'oid' not found this happens after the constraints test. This occures with/without my patches. strange... o pg_database_mb.h, pg_class_mb.h, pg_attribute_mb.h are no longer used, and shoud be removed. o GetDatabaseInfo() in utils/misc/database.c removed (actually in #ifdef 0). seems nobody uses. t-ishii@sra.co.jp
- Aug 21, 1998
Bruce Momjian authored
- Aug 19, 1998
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
no longer returns buffer pointer, can be gotten from scan; descriptor; bootstrap can create multi-key indexes; pg_procname index now is multi-key index; oidint2, oidint4, oidname are gone (must be removed from regression tests); use System Cache rather than sequential scan in many places; heap_modifytuple no longer takes buffer parameter; remove unused buffer parameter in a few other functions; oid8 is not index-able; remove some use of single-character variable names; cleanup Buffer variables usage and scan descriptor looping; cleaned up allocation and freeing of tuples; 18k lines of diff;
- Aug 16, 1998
Thomas G. Lockhart authored
Previously, had thrown an error, but looking for alternate strategies for table indices utilization would prefer to continue.
Thomas G. Lockhart authored
Bracket things with #ifdef ENABLE_LINE_TYPE. The line data type has always been used internally to support other types, but I/O routines have never been defined for it.
- Aug 15, 1998
Thomas G. Lockhart authored
- Aug 11, 1998
Bruce Momjian authored
functions btrim() ltrim() and rtrim(). The error was that the character after the set was included in the tests (ptr2 pointed to the character after the vardata part of set if no match found, so comparing *ptr or *end against *ptr2 MAY match -> strip). Jan -- #======================================================================# # It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. # # Let's break this rule - forgive me. # #======================================== jwieck@debis.com (Jan Wieck) #
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
- Aug 04, 1998
Bruce Momjian authored
it is now only mergejoin.
- Aug 01, 1998
Vadim B. Mikheev authored
- Jul 27, 1998
Vadim B. Mikheev authored
- Jul 26, 1998
Marc G. Fournier authored
From: t-ishii@sra.co.jp As Bruce mentioned, this is due to the conflict among changes we made. Included patches should fix the problem(I changed all MB to MULTIBYTE). Please let me know if you have further problem. P.S. I did not include pathces to configure and gram.c to save the file size(configure.in and gram.y modified).
- Jul 24, 1998
Marc G. Fournier authored
I really hope that I haven't missed anything in this one... From: t-ishii@sra.co.jp Attached are patches to enhance the multi-byte support. (patches are against 7/18 snapshot) * determine encoding at initdb/createdb rather than compile time Now initdb/createdb has an option to specify the encoding. Also, I modified the syntax of CREATE DATABASE to accept encoding option. See README.mb for more details. For this purpose I have added new column "encoding" to pg_database. Also pg_attribute and pg_class are changed to catch up the modification to pg_database. Actually I haved added pg_database_mb.h, pg_attribute_mb.h and pg_class_mb.h. These are used only when MB is enabled. The reason having separate files is I couldn't find a way to use ifdef or whatever in those files. I have to admit it looks ugly. No way. * support for PGCLIENTENCODING when issuing COPY command commands/copy.c modified. * support for SQL92 syntax "SET NAMES" See gram.y. * support for LATIN2-5 * add UNICODE regression test case * new test suite for MB New directory test/mb added. * clean up source files Basic idea is to have MB's own subdirectory for easier maintenance. These are include/mb and backend/utils/mb.
- Jul 20, 1998
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
- Jul 19, 1998
Bruce Momjian authored
- Jul 18, 1998
Bruce Momjian authored
\d? results in one query. Add \d? field search feature. Rename MB to MULTIBYTE.
- Jul 12, 1998
Bruce Momjian authored
- Jul 09, 1998
Marc G. Fournier authored
From: Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> Making PQrequestCancel safe to call in a signal handler turned out to be much easier than I feared. So here are the diffs. Some notes: * I modified the postmaster's packet "iodone" callback interface to allow the callback routine to return a continue-or-drop-connection return code; this was necessary to allow the connection to be closed after receiving a Cancel, rather than proceeding to launch a new backend... Being a neatnik, I also made the iodone proc have a typechecked parameter list. * I deleted all code I could find that had to do with OOB. * I made some edits to ensure that all signals mentioned in the code are referred to symbolically not by numbers ("SIGUSR2" not "2"). I think Bruce may have already done at least some of the same edits; I hope that merging these patches is not too painful.
- Jul 08, 1998
Thomas G. Lockhart authored
At the moment, probably only works for i686/gcc and Alphas...
Bruce Momjian authored
- Jun 27, 1998
Bruce Momjian authored
shmem_exit to replace exitpg().
- Jun 18, 1998
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
- Jun 16, 1998
Bruce Momjian authored
Attached to the mail is locale-patch.tar.gz. In the archive there are: file README.locale short description directory src/test/locale test suite; currently only koi8-r tests, but the suite can be easily extended file locale.patch the very patch; to apply: patch < locale.patch; should be applied to postgres-6.3.2 (at least I created it with 6.3.2 without any additional patches) Files touched by the patch: src/include/utils/builtins.h src/backend/utils/adt/char.c src/backend/utils/adt/varchar.c src/backend/utils/adt/varlena.c Oleg
- Jun 15, 1998
Bruce Momjian authored