- Aug 08, 2003
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
< * Allow easy display of usernames in a group > * -Allow easy display of usernames in a group 88,89d87 < * -Delay resolution of array expression type so assignment coercion < can be performed on empty array expressions (Joe) 94c92,94 < o Support construction of array result values in expressions > o -Support construction of array result values in expressions (Joe) > o Delay resolution of array expression type so assignment coercion > can be performed on empty array expressions (Joe) 148c148 < * Allow LIKE indexing optimization for non-ASCII locales > * -Allow LIKE indexing optimization for non-ASCII locales using special index 173c173 < * Return proper effected tuple count from complex commands [return] > * -Return proper effected tuple count from complex commands [return] 236c236 < o Allow SHOW of non-modifiable variables, like pg_controldata > o -Allow SHOW of some non-modifiable variables, like pg_controldata 257a258 > o Add capability to create and call PROCEDURES 272c273 < > * Allow psql \du to show groups, and add \dg for groups 424c425 < * Improve Subplan list handling > * -Improve Subplan list handling
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
< o Allow array declarations and other data types in PL/PgSQL DECLARE > o -Allow array declarations and other data types in PL/PgSQL DECLARE 254c254 < o Allow PL/PgSQL to support array element assignment > o -Allow PL/PgSQL to support array element assignment (Joe)
Bruce Momjian authored
< o Add PL/PgSQL PROCEDURES that can return multiple values
Bruce Momjian authored
Tom Lane authored
Tom Lane authored
Peter Eisentraut authored
mode. from Dave Cramer
Peter Eisentraut authored
NULL for it.
Peter Eisentraut authored
Peter Eisentraut authored
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
< * Allow elog() to return error codes, module name, file name, line < number, not just messages (Peter E) < * Add error codes (Peter E) < * Make error messages more consistent [error] > * -Allow elog() to return error codes, module name, file name, line > number, not just messages (Tom) > * -Add error codes (Tom) > * -Make error messages more consistent 40c40 < * Add GUC log_statement_and_duration to print statement and >= min duration > * -Add GUC log_statement_and_duration to print statement and >= min duration 84c84 < * Allow current datestyle to restrict dates; prevent month/day swapping > * -Allow current datestyle to restrict dates; prevent month/day swapping 86c86 < * Prevent month/day swapping of ISO dates to make invalid dates valid > * -Prevent month/day swapping of ISO dates to make invalid dates valid 88c88 < * Delay resolution of array expression type so assignment coercion > * -Delay resolution of array expression type so assignment coercion 93c93 < o Allow arrays to be ORDER'ed > o -Allow arrays to be ORDER'ed 116c116 < * Remove Cyrillic recode support > * -Remove Cyrillic recode support 144c144 < * Certain indexes will not shrink, e.g. indexes on ever-increasing > * -Certain indexes will not shrink, e.g. indexes on ever-increasing 185c185 < * Have SELECT '13 minutes'::interval display zero seconds in ISO datestyle > * -Have SELECT '13 minutes'::interval display zero seconds in ISO datestyle 196c196 < o -Add ALTER TABLE tab SET WITHOUT OIDS (Rod) > o --Add ALTER TABLE tab SET WITHOUT OIDS (Rod) 221c221 < stored in the backend > stored in the backend (Gavin) 235c235 < o Allow EXPLAIN EXECUTE to see prepared plans > o -Allow EXPLAIN EXECUTE to see prepared plans 241d240 < o Add untrusted version of plpython 265c264 < * Allow psql to show transaction status if backend protocol changes made > * -Allow psql to show transaction status if backend protocol changes made 272,273c271,272 < * Modify pg_get_triggerdef() to take a boolean to pretty-print, < and use that as part of pg_dump along with psql > * -Modify pg_get_triggerdef() to take a boolean to pretty-print, > and use that as part of pg_dump along with psql 292c291 < o Add SQLSTATE > o -Add SQLSTATE 296c295 < o Implement SQLDA (do we really need this?) > o -Implement SQLDA 364d362 < * Allow binding query args over FE/BE protocol 378c376,377 < * Provide automatic running of vacuum in the background (Tom) [vacuum] > * Provide automatic running of vacuum in the background in backend > rather than in /contrib [vacuum] 427c426 < * Allow Subplans to use efficient joins(hash, merge) with upper variable > * -Allow Subplans to use efficient joins(hash, merge) with upper variable 429c428 < * Allow merge and hash joins on expressions not just simple variables (Tom) > * -Allow merge and hash joins on expressions not just simple variables (Tom) 474c473 < * Remove memory/file descriptor freeing befor elog(ERROR) (Bruce) > * Remove memory/file descriptor freeing before ereport(ERROR) (Bruce) 489,490c488,489 < o Show transaction status in psql < o Allow binding of query parameters, support for prepared queries > o -Show transaction status in psql > o -Allow binding of query parameters, support for prepared queries 492,494c491,493 < o Remove hard-coded limits on user/db/password names < o Remove unused elements of startup packet (unused, tty, passlength) < o Fix COPY/fastpath protocol? > o -Remove hard-coded limits on user/db/password names > o -Remove unused elements of startup packet (unused, tty, passlength) > o -Fix COPY/fastpath protocol 496,497c495 < o Replication support? < o Error codes > o -Error codes 500d4979 < o ecpg improvements? 503c500 < o Report server version number, database encoding, client encoding > o -Report server version number, database encoding, client encoding
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
Tom Lane authored
encountered; per bug report from Christian van der Leeden 8/7/03. Also, adjust larger/smaller routines (MAX/MIN) to share code with comparisons for timestamp, interval, timetz.
Bruce Momjian authored
- Aug 07, 2003
Tom Lane authored
Tom Lane authored
getopt_long(). This is more or less the same problem as we saw earlier with getaddrinfo() and struct addrinfo, and for the same reason: random user-added libraries might contain the subroutine, but there's no guarantee we will find the matching header files.
Tom Lane authored
Tom Lane authored
subplan it starts with, as they may be needed at upper join levels. See comments added to code for the non-obvious reason why. Per bug report from Robert Creager.
Tom Lane authored
macros like AI_NUMERICHOST; instead, test the macros individually. Should fix recent reports of trouble on AIX and Unixware.
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
Tom Lane authored
reduces the number of concurrent processes launched during parallel regression tests, possibly avoiding failures such as exceeding a user's max number of processes. This essentially completes the reversion of 1.27->1.28.
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
Barry Lind authored
Bruce Momjian authored
output C files to proper compile again.