- Aug 30, 1998
Bruce Momjian authored
- Aug 25, 1998
Thomas G. Lockhart authored
- Aug 17, 1998
Thomas G. Lockhart authored
Thomas G. Lockhart authored
into cleaner html output file names.
Thomas G. Lockhart authored
Thomas G. Lockhart authored
Thomas G. Lockhart authored
Add a note on sgml-tools that they are now working with jade and so may become the toolset of choice in the future.
Thomas G. Lockhart authored
Thomas G. Lockhart authored
conflicting with the tutorial.sgml container document.
Thomas G. Lockhart authored
- Aug 15, 1998
Thomas G. Lockhart authored
Make sure all files end with a newline.
Thomas G. Lockhart authored
Now back in sync with libpq.3 man page, which should be obsolete soon.
Thomas G. Lockhart authored
Thomas G. Lockhart authored
and plans for some of them.
Thomas G. Lockhart authored
Thomas G. Lockhart authored
on the mailing lists a while ago. Maybe slightly changed to fit docs. Will go into the User's Guide.
Thomas G. Lockhart authored
anyway, so this will replace them as of now.
- Aug 11, 1998
Bruce Momjian authored
- Jul 29, 1998
Thomas G. Lockhart authored
This was the Postgres95 documentation written by Jolly and Chu...
Thomas G. Lockhart authored
Thomas G. Lockhart authored
This should be the right thing now...
Thomas G. Lockhart authored
to be meaningful.
Thomas G. Lockhart authored
Fix Id tag in chapter headings to allow meaningful file names in html.
Thomas G. Lockhart authored
Include tables of possible source files throughout tree.
Thomas G. Lockhart authored
Fix examples for regex operators.
Thomas G. Lockhart authored
Thomas G. Lockhart authored
Thomas G. Lockhart authored
Thomas G. Lockhart authored
- Jul 24, 1998
Marc G. Fournier authored
I really hope that I haven't missed anything in this one... From: t-ishii@sra.co.jp Attached are patches to enhance the multi-byte support. (patches are against 7/18 snapshot) * determine encoding at initdb/createdb rather than compile time Now initdb/createdb has an option to specify the encoding. Also, I modified the syntax of CREATE DATABASE to accept encoding option. See README.mb for more details. For this purpose I have added new column "encoding" to pg_database. Also pg_attribute and pg_class are changed to catch up the modification to pg_database. Actually I haved added pg_database_mb.h, pg_attribute_mb.h and pg_class_mb.h. These are used only when MB is enabled. The reason having separate files is I couldn't find a way to use ifdef or whatever in those files. I have to admit it looks ugly. No way. * support for PGCLIENTENCODING when issuing COPY command commands/copy.c modified. * support for SQL92 syntax "SET NAMES" See gram.y. * support for LATIN2-5 * add UNICODE regression test case * new test suite for MB New directory test/mb added. * clean up source files Basic idea is to have MB's own subdirectory for easier maintenance. These are include/mb and backend/utils/mb.
- Jul 14, 1998
Thomas G. Lockhart authored
Bruce Momjian authored
- Jul 09, 1998
Thomas G. Lockhart authored
Marc G. Fournier authored
From: Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> Attached are diffs (from current cvs sources) to bring libpq.sgml and libpq.3 up to date. It appears that at various times in the past, people have made edits to one or the other of these files but not both. I propagated some changes from each into the other, but I don't think I caught every inconsistency. It'd be real nice if the man pages could be automatically generated from the SGML...
Marc G. Fournier authored
From: Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> Making PQrequestCancel safe to call in a signal handler turned out to be much easier than I feared. So here are the diffs. Some notes: * I modified the postmaster's packet "iodone" callback interface to allow the callback routine to return a continue-or-drop-connection return code; this was necessary to allow the connection to be closed after receiving a Cancel, rather than proceeding to launch a new backend... Being a neatnik, I also made the iodone proc have a typechecked parameter list. * I deleted all code I could find that had to do with OOB. * I made some edits to ensure that all signals mentioned in the code are referred to symbolically not by numbers ("SIGUSR2" not "2"). I think Bruce may have already done at least some of the same edits; I hope that merging these patches is not too painful.
- Jul 08, 1998
Thomas G. Lockhart authored
Thomas G. Lockhart authored
from datatype.sgml into separate files. Add type conversion information. Format historical release notes.
- Jun 16, 1998
Bruce Momjian authored
I have implemented a framework of encoding translation between the backend and the frontend. Also I have added a new variable setting command: SET CLIENT_ENCODING TO 'encoding'; Other features include: Latin1 support more 8 bit cleaness See doc/README.mb for more details. Note that the pacthes are against May 30 snapshot. Tatsuo Ishii
Bruce Momjian authored
Attached to the mail is locale-patch.tar.gz. In the archive there are: file README.locale short description directory src/test/locale test suite; currently only koi8-r tests, but the suite can be easily extended file locale.patch the very patch; to apply: patch < locale.patch; should be applied to postgres-6.3.2 (at least I created it with 6.3.2 without any additional patches) Files touched by the patch: src/include/utils/builtins.h src/backend/utils/adt/char.c src/backend/utils/adt/varchar.c src/backend/utils/adt/varlena.c Oleg
Bruce Momjian authored
pg_notifies statement is eliminated, and callbacks defined by pg_listen are instead invoked automatically from the Tcl idle loop whenever a NOTIFY message is received. I have done only cursory testing, so there may be problems still lurking (particularly on non-Unix machines?). But it seems to work. Patch is against today's cvs sources. Note that this will not work with the 6.3.2 release since it depends on the new libpq. The diffs are a bit large so I've gzipped them. A patch to update libpgtcl.sgml is included too. regards, tom lane