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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Dec 16, 1999
  2. Dec 13, 1999
  3. Dec 09, 1999
  4. Nov 24, 1999
  5. Nov 08, 1999
  6. Nov 04, 1999
    • Hiroshi Inoue's avatar
      Make it possible to execute crashed CREATE/DROP commands again. · 2e2189a5
      Hiroshi Inoue authored
      Now indexes of pg_class and pg_type are unique indexes
      and guarantee the uniqueness of correponding attributes.
      heap_create() was changed to take another boolean parameter
      which allows to postpone the creation of disk file.
      The name of rd_nonameunlinked was changed to rd_unlinked.
      It is used generally(not only for noname relations) now.
      Requires initdb.
  7. Oct 25, 1999
    • Tom Lane's avatar
      Standardize on MAXPGPATH as the size of a file pathname buffer, · 51f62d50
      Tom Lane authored
      eliminating some wildly inconsistent coding in various parts of the
      system.  I set MAXPGPATH = 1024 in  If anyone is really
      convinced that there ought to be a configure-time test to set the
      value, go right ahead ... but I think it's a waste of time.
  8. Oct 06, 1999
  9. Sep 27, 1999
  10. Sep 18, 1999
    • Tom Lane's avatar
      Mega-commit to make heap_open/heap_openr/heap_close take an · bd272cac
      Tom Lane authored
      additional argument specifying the kind of lock to acquire/release (or
      'NoLock' to do no lock processing).  Ensure that all relations are locked
      with some appropriate lock level before being examined --- this ensures
      that relevant shared-inval messages have been processed and should prevent
      problems caused by concurrent VACUUM.  Fix several bugs having to do with
      mismatched increment/decrement of relation ref count and mismatched
      heap_open/close (which amounts to the same thing).  A bogus ref count on
      a relation doesn't matter much *unless* a SI Inval message happens to
      arrive at the wrong time, which is probably why we got away with this
      sloppiness for so long.  Repair missing grab of AccessExclusiveLock in
      DROP TABLE, ALTER/RENAME TABLE, etc, as noted by Hiroshi.
      Recommend 'make clean all' after pulling this update; I modified the
      Relation struct layout slightly.
      Will post further discussion to pghackers list shortly.
  11. Sep 12, 1999
  12. Jul 19, 1999
  13. Jul 17, 1999
  14. Jul 16, 1999
  15. Jul 15, 1999
  16. May 25, 1999
  17. May 10, 1999
  18. Apr 20, 1999
  19. Mar 25, 1999
  20. Mar 17, 1999
  21. Feb 14, 1999
  22. Feb 03, 1999
  23. Feb 02, 1999
  24. Jan 21, 1999
    • Bruce Momjian's avatar
      The following patch finishes primary key support. Previously, when · c91dbcc5
      Bruce Momjian authored
      a field was labelled as a primary key, the system automatically
      created a unique index on the field.  This patch extends it so
      that the index has the indisprimary field set.  You can pull a list
      of primary keys with the followiing select.
      SELECT pg_class.relname, pg_attribute.attname
          FROM pg_class, pg_attribute, pg_index
          WHERE pg_class.oid = pg_attribute.attrelid AND
              pg_class.oid = pg_index.indrelid AND
              pg_index.indkey[0] = pg_attribute.attnum AND
              pg_index.indisunique = 't';
      There is nothing in this patch that modifies the template database to
      set the indisprimary attribute for system tables.  Should they be
      changed or should we only be concerned with user tables?
  25. Jan 17, 1999
  26. Nov 27, 1998
  27. Sep 01, 1998
  28. Aug 24, 1998
    • Bruce Momjian's avatar
    • Bruce Momjian's avatar
      o note that now pg_database has a new attribuite "encoding" even · c0b01461
      Bruce Momjian authored
      if MULTIBYTE is not enabled. So be sure to run initdb.
      o these patches are made against the latest source tree (after
      Bruce's massive patch, I think) BTW, I noticed that after running
      regression, the oid field of pg_type seems disappeared.
      	regression=> select oid from pg_type; ERROR:  attribute
      	'oid' not found
      this happens after the constraints test. This occures with/without
      my patches. strange...
      o pg_database_mb.h, pg_class_mb.h, pg_attribute_mb.h are no longer
      used, and shoud be removed.
      o GetDatabaseInfo() in utils/misc/database.c removed (actually in
      #ifdef 0). seems nobody uses.
  29. Aug 19, 1998
    • Bruce Momjian's avatar
      heap_fetch requires buffer pointer, must be released; heap_getnext · 79715390
      Bruce Momjian authored
      no longer returns buffer pointer, can be gotten from scan;
      	descriptor; bootstrap can create multi-key indexes;
      pg_procname index now is multi-key index; oidint2, oidint4, oidname
      are gone (must be removed from regression tests); use System Cache
      rather than sequential scan in many places; heap_modifytuple no
      longer takes buffer parameter; remove unused buffer parameter in
      a few other functions; oid8 is not index-able; remove some use of
      single-character variable names; cleanup Buffer variables usage
      and scan descriptor looping; cleaned up allocation and freeing of
      tuples; 18k lines of diff;
  30. Aug 06, 1998
  31. Jul 27, 1998
  32. Jul 26, 1998
    • Marc G. Fournier's avatar
      · 5979d738
      Marc G. Fournier authored
      As Bruce mentioned, this is due to the conflict among changes we made.
      Included patches should fix the problem(I changed all MB to
      MULTIBYTE). Please let me know if you have further problem.
      P.S. I did not include pathces to configure and gram.c to save the
      file size( and gram.y modified).
  33. Jul 24, 1998
    • Marc G. Fournier's avatar
      · bf00bbb0
      Marc G. Fournier authored
      I really hope that I haven't missed anything in this one...
      Attached are patches to enhance the multi-byte support.  (patches are
      against 7/18 snapshot)
      * determine encoding at initdb/createdb rather than compile time
      Now initdb/createdb has an option to specify the encoding. Also, I
      modified the syntax of CREATE DATABASE to accept encoding option. See
      README.mb for more details.
      For this purpose I have added new column "encoding" to pg_database.
      Also pg_attribute and pg_class are changed to catch up the
      modification to pg_database.  Actually I haved added pg_database_mb.h,
      pg_attribute_mb.h and pg_class_mb.h. These are used only when MB is
      enabled. The reason having separate files is I couldn't find a way to
      use ifdef or whatever in those files. I have to admit it looks
      ugly. No way.
      * support for PGCLIENTENCODING when issuing COPY command
      commands/copy.c modified.
      * support for SQL92 syntax "SET NAMES"
      See gram.y.
      * support for LATIN2-5
      * add UNICODE regression test case
      * new test suite for MB
      New directory test/mb added.
      * clean up source files
      Basic idea is to have MB's own subdirectory for easier maintenance.
      These are include/mb and backend/utils/mb.
  34. Jun 27, 1998
  35. Jun 15, 1998