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Commit 8b845520 authored by Peter Eisentraut's avatar Peter Eisentraut
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Add tests for various connection string issues

Add tests for consistent support of connection strings in frontend
programs as well as proper handling of unusual characters in database
and user names.  These tests were developed for the issues of

To allow testing of names with spaces, change the pg_regress
command-line options --create-role and --dbname to split their arguments
by comma only, not space or comma as before.  Only commas were actually
used in existing uses.

Noah Misch, Michael Paquier, Peter Eisentraut
parent e7010ce4
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use strict;
use warnings;
use PostgresNode;
use TestLib;
use Test::More tests => 14;
# In a SQL_ASCII database, pgwin32_message_to_UTF16() needs to
# interpret everything as UTF8. We're going to use byte sequences
# that aren't valid UTF-8 strings, so that would fail. Use LATIN1,
# which accepts any byte and has a conversion from each byte to UTF-8.
$ENV{LC_ALL} = 'C';
# Create database and user names covering the range of LATIN1
# characters, for use in a connection string by pg_dumpall. Skip ','
# because of pg_regress --create-role, skip [\n\r] because pg_dumpall
# does not allow them.
my $dbname1 = generate_ascii_string(1, 9) .
generate_ascii_string(11, 12) .
generate_ascii_string(14, 33) .
($TestLib::windows_os ? '' : '"x"') . # IPC::Run mishandles '"' on Windows
generate_ascii_string(35, 43) .
generate_ascii_string(45, 63); # contains '='
my $dbname2 = generate_ascii_string(67, 129); # skip 64-66 to keep length to 62
my $dbname3 = generate_ascii_string(130, 192);
my $dbname4 = generate_ascii_string(193, 255);
my $node = get_new_node('main');
$node->init(extra => ['--locale=C', '--encoding=LATIN1']);
# prep pg_hba.conf and pg_ident.conf
$node->run_log([$ENV{PG_REGRESS}, '--config-auth', $node->data_dir,
'--create-role', "$dbname1,$dbname2,$dbname3,$dbname4"]);
my $backupdir = $node->backup_dir;
my $discard = "$backupdir/discard.sql";
my $plain = "$backupdir/plain.sql";
my $dirfmt = "$backupdir/dirfmt";
foreach my $dbname ($dbname1, $dbname2, $dbname3, $dbname4, 'CamelCase')
$node->run_log(['createdb', $dbname]);
$node->run_log(['createuser', '-s', $dbname]);
# For these tests, pg_dumpall -r is used because it produces a short
# dump.
$node->command_ok(['pg_dumpall', '-r', '-f', $discard, '--dbname',
$node->connstr($dbname1), '-U', $dbname4],
'pg_dumpall with long ASCII name 1');
$node->command_ok(['pg_dumpall', '-r', '-f', $discard, '--dbname',
$node->connstr($dbname2), '-U', $dbname3],
'pg_dumpall with long ASCII name 2');
$node->command_ok(['pg_dumpall', '-r', '-f', $discard, '--dbname',
$node->connstr($dbname3), '-U', $dbname2],
'pg_dumpall with long ASCII name 3');
$node->command_ok(['pg_dumpall', '-r', '-f', $discard, '--dbname',
$node->connstr($dbname4), '-U', $dbname1],
'pg_dumpall with long ASCII name 4');
$node->command_ok(['pg_dumpall', '-r', '-l', 'dbname=template1'],
'pg_dumpall -l accepts connection string');
$node->run_log(['createdb', "foo\n\rbar"]);
# not sufficient to use -r here
$node->command_fails(['pg_dumpall', '-f', $discard],
'pg_dumpall with \n\r in database name');
$node->run_log(['dropdb', "foo\n\rbar"]);
# make a table, so the parallel worker has something to dump
$node->safe_psql($dbname1, 'CREATE TABLE t0()');
# XXX no printed message when this fails, just SIGPIPE termination
$node->command_ok(['pg_dump', '-Fd', '-j2', '-f', $dirfmt,
'-U', $dbname1, $node->connstr($dbname1)],
'parallel dump');
# recreate $dbname1 for restore test
$node->run_log(['dropdb', $dbname1]);
$node->run_log(['createdb', $dbname1]);
$node->command_ok(['pg_restore', '-v', '-d', 'template1', '-j2',
'-U', $dbname1, $dirfmt],
'parallel restore');
$node->run_log(['dropdb', $dbname1]);
$node->command_ok(['pg_restore', '-C', '-v', '-d', 'template1', '-j2',
'-U', $dbname1, $dirfmt],
'parallel restore with create');
$node->command_ok(['pg_dumpall', '-f', $plain, '-U', $dbname1],
'take full dump');
system_log('cat', $plain);
my($stderr, $result);
my $bootstrap_super = 'boot';
my $restore_super = qq{a'b\\c=d\\ne"f};
# Restore full dump through psql using environment variables for
# dbname/user connection parameters
my $envar_node = get_new_node('destination_envar');
$envar_node->init(extra => ['-U', $bootstrap_super,
'--locale=C', '--encoding=LATIN1']);
'--config-auth', $envar_node->data_dir,
'--create-role', "$bootstrap_super,$restore_super"]);
# make superuser for restore
$envar_node->run_log(['createuser', '-U', $bootstrap_super, '-s', $restore_super]);
local $ENV{PGPORT} = $envar_node->port;
local $ENV{PGUSER} = $restore_super;
$result = run_log(['psql', '-X', '-f', $plain], '2>', \$stderr);
ok($result, 'restore full dump using environment variables for connection parameters');
is($stderr, '', 'no dump errors');
# Restore full dump through psql using command-line options for
# dbname/user connection parameters. "\connect dbname=" forgets
# user/port from command line.
$restore_super =~ s/"//g if $TestLib::windows_os; # IPC::Run mishandles '"' on Windows
my $cmdline_node = get_new_node('destination_cmdline');
$cmdline_node->init(extra => ['-U', $bootstrap_super,
'--locale=C', '--encoding=LATIN1']);
'--config-auth', $cmdline_node->data_dir,
'--create-role', "$bootstrap_super,$restore_super"]);
$cmdline_node->run_log(['createuser', '-U', $bootstrap_super, '-s', $restore_super]);
$result = run_log(['psql', '-p', $cmdline_node->port, '-U', $restore_super, '-X', '-f', $plain], '2>', \$stderr);
ok($result, 'restore full dump with command-line options for connection parameters');
is($stderr, '', 'no dump errors');
......@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ sub create_standby
$node_standby = get_new_node('standby');
$node_standby->init_from_backup($node_master, 'my_backup');
my $connstr_master = $node_master->connstr('postgres');
my $connstr_master = $node_master->connstr();
"recovery.conf", qq(
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ use warnings;
use PostgresNode;
use TestLib;
use Test::More tests => 13;
use Test::More tests => 14;
......@@ -28,3 +28,6 @@ $node->issues_sql_like(
[ 'clusterdb', '-t', 'test1' ],
qr/statement: CLUSTER test1;/,
'cluster specific table');
$node->command_ok([qw(clusterdb --echo --verbose dbname=template1)],
'clusterdb with connection string');
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ use warnings;
use PostgresNode;
use TestLib;
use Test::More tests => 20;
use Test::More tests => 23;
......@@ -42,3 +42,10 @@ $node->issues_sql_like(
[ 'reindexdb', '-v', '-t', 'test1', 'postgres' ],
qr/statement: REINDEX \(VERBOSE\) TABLE test1;/,
'reindex with verbose output');
$node->command_ok([qw(reindexdb --echo --table=pg_am dbname=template1)],
'reindexdb table with connection string');
$node->command_ok([qw(reindexdb --echo dbname=template1)],
'reindexdb database with connection string');
$node->command_ok([qw(reindexdb --echo --system dbname=template1)],
'reindexdb system with connection string');
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ use warnings;
use PostgresNode;
use TestLib;
use Test::More tests => 18;
use Test::More tests => 19;
......@@ -33,3 +33,5 @@ $node->issues_sql_like(
[ 'vacuumdb', '-Z', 'postgres' ],
qr/statement: ANALYZE;/,
'vacuumdb -Z');
$node->command_ok([qw(vacuumdb -Z --table=pg_am dbname=template1)],
'vacuumdb with connection string');
use strict;
use warnings;
use PostgresNode;
use TestLib;
use Test::More tests => 3;
# Tests to check connection string handling in utilities
# In a SQL_ASCII database, pgwin32_message_to_UTF16() needs to
# interpret everything as UTF8. We're going to use byte sequences
# that aren't valid UTF-8 strings, so that would fail. Use LATIN1,
# which accepts any byte and has a conversion from each byte to UTF-8.
$ENV{LC_ALL} = 'C';
# Create database names covering the range of LATIN1 characters and
# run the utilities' --all options over them.
my $dbname1 = generate_ascii_string(1, 63); # contains '='
my $dbname2 = generate_ascii_string(67, 129); # skip 64-66 to keep length to 62
my $dbname3 = generate_ascii_string(130, 192);
my $dbname4 = generate_ascii_string(193, 255);
my $node = get_new_node('main');
$node->init(extra => ['--locale=C', '--encoding=LATIN1']);
foreach my $dbname ($dbname1, $dbname2, $dbname3, $dbname4, 'CamelCase')
$node->run_log(['createdb', $dbname]);
$node->command_ok([qw(vacuumdb --all --echo --analyze-only)],
'vacuumdb --all with unusual database names');
$node->command_ok([qw(reindexdb --all --echo)],
'reindexdb --all with unusual database names');
$node->command_ok([qw(clusterdb --all --echo --verbose)],
'clusterdb --all with unusual database names');
......@@ -243,7 +243,13 @@ sub connstr
return "port=$pgport host=$pghost";
return "port=$pgport host=$pghost dbname=$dbname";
# Escape properly the database string before using it, only
# single quotes and backslashes need to be treated this way.
$dbname =~ s#\\#\\\\#g;
$dbname =~ s#\'#\\\'#g;
return "port=$pgport host=$pghost dbname='$dbname'";
......@@ -396,7 +402,8 @@ sub init
mkdir $self->backup_dir;
mkdir $self->archive_dir;
TestLib::system_or_bail('initdb', '-D', $pgdata, '-A', 'trust', '-N');
TestLib::system_or_bail('initdb', '-D', $pgdata, '-A', 'trust', '-N',
@{ $params{extra} });
TestLib::system_or_bail($ENV{PG_REGRESS}, '--config-auth', $pgdata);
open my $conf, ">>$pgdata/postgresql.conf";
......@@ -1300,6 +1307,24 @@ sub issues_sql_like
=item $node->run_log(...)
Runs a shell command like TestLib::run_log, but with PGPORT set so
that the command will default to connecting to this PostgresNode.
sub run_log
my $self = shift;
local $ENV{PGPORT} = $self->port;
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ use SimpleTee;
use Test::More;
our @EXPORT = qw(
......@@ -166,6 +167,19 @@ sub run_log
return IPC::Run::run(@_);
# Generate a string made of the given range of ASCII characters
sub generate_ascii_string
my ($from_char, $to_char) = @_;
my $res;
for my $i ($from_char .. $to_char)
$res .= sprintf("%c", $i);
return $res;
sub slurp_dir
my ($dir) = @_;
......@@ -876,6 +876,29 @@ initialize_environment(void)
static const char *
fmtHba(const char *raw)
static char *ret;
const char *rp;
char *wp;
wp = ret = realloc(ret, 3 + strlen(raw) * 2);
*wp++ = '"';
for (rp = raw; *rp; rp++)
if (*rp == '"')
*wp++ = '"';
*wp++ = *rp;
*wp++ = '"';
*wp++ = '\0';
return ret;
* Get account and domain/realm names for the current user. This is based on
......@@ -1037,11 +1060,11 @@ config_sspi_auth(const char *pgdata)
* '#'. Windows forbids the double-quote character itself, so don't
* bother escaping embedded double-quote characters.
CW(fprintf(ident, "regress \"%s@%s\" \"%s\"\n",
accountname, domainname, username) >= 0);
CW(fprintf(ident, "regress \"%s@%s\" %s\n",
accountname, domainname, fmtHba(username)) >= 0);
for (sl = extraroles; sl; sl = sl->next)
CW(fprintf(ident, "regress \"%s@%s\" \"%s\"\n",
accountname, domainname, sl->str) >= 0);
CW(fprintf(ident, "regress \"%s@%s\" %s\n",
accountname, domainname, fmtHba(sl->str)) >= 0);
CW(fclose(ident) == 0);
......@@ -2064,7 +2087,7 @@ regression_main(int argc, char *argv[], init_function ifunc, test_function tfunc
* before we add the specified one.
split_to_stringlist(optarg, ", ", &dblist);
split_to_stringlist(optarg, ",", &dblist);
case 2:
debug = true;
......@@ -2114,7 +2137,7 @@ regression_main(int argc, char *argv[], init_function ifunc, test_function tfunc
dlpath = pg_strdup(optarg);
case 18:
split_to_stringlist(optarg, ", ", &extraroles);
split_to_stringlist(optarg, ",", &extraroles);
case 19:
add_stringlist_item(&temp_configs, optarg);
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