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Jakob Huber
20 years ago
Bruce Momjian
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Developer's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for PostgreSQL
Last updated:
Sat Nov 27 01:02:35
EST 200
Last updated:
Wed Dec 1 16:11:11
EST 200
Current maintainer: Bruce Momjian (
@@ -12,19 +12,24 @@
General Questions
1.1) How do I get involved in PostgreSQL development?
1.2) How do I add a feature or fix a bug?
1.3) How do I download/update the current source tree?
1.4) How do I test my changes?
1.5) What tools are available for developers?
1.6) What books are good for developers?
1.7) What is configure all about?
1.8) How do I add a new port?
1.9) Why don't you use threads/raw devices/async-I/O, <insert your
1.2) What development environment is required to develop code?
1.3) What areas need work?
1.4) What do I do after choosing an item to work on?
1.5) Where can I learn more about the code?
1.6) I've developed a patch, what next?
1.7) How do I download/update the current source tree?
1.8) How do I test my changes?
1.9) What tools are available for developers?
1.10) What books are good for developers?
1.11) What is configure all about?
1.12) How do I add a new port?
1.13) Why don't you use threads/raw devices/async-I/O, <insert your
favorite wizz-bang feature here>?
1.10) How are RPM's packaged?
1.11) How are CVS branches handled?
1.12) Where can I get a copy of the SQL standards?
1.1) How do I get involved in PostgreSQL web site development?
1.14) How are RPM's packaged?
1.15) How are CVS branches handled?
1.16) Where can I get a copy of the SQL standards?
1.17) Where can I get technical assistance?
1.18) How do I get involved in PostgreSQL web site development?
Technical Questions
@@ -43,150 +48,157 @@
1.1) How go I get involved in PostgreSQL development?
This was written by Lamar Owen:
Download the code and have a look around. See 1.7.
Subscribe to and read the pgsql-hackers mailing list (often termed
'hackers'). This is where the major contributors and core members of
the project discuss development.
What open source development process is used by the PostgreSQL team?
Read HACKERS for six months (or a full release cycle, whichever is
longer). Really. HACKERS _is_the process. The process is not well
documented (AFAIK -- it may be somewhere that I am not aware of) --
and it changes continually.
What development environment (OS, system, compilers, etc) is required
to develop code?
Developers Corner on the website has links to this information. The
distribution tarball itself includes all the extra tools and documents
that go beyond a good Unix-like development environment. In general, a
modern unix with a modern gcc, GNU make or equivalent, autoconf (of a
particular version), and good working knowledge of those tools are
What areas need support?
The TODO list.
You've made the first step, by finding and subscribing to HACKERS.
Once you find an area to look at in the TODO, and have read the
documentation on the internals, etc, then you check out a current
CVS,write what you are going to write (keeping your CVS checkout up to
date in the process), and make up a patch (as a context diff only) and
send to the PATCHES list, prefereably.
Discussion on the patch typically happens here. If the patch adds a
major feature, it would be a good idea to talk about it first on the
HACKERS list, in order to increase the chances of it being accepted,
as well as toavoid duplication of effort. Note that experienced
developers with a proven track record usually get the big jobs -- for
more than one reason. Also note that PostgreSQL is highly portable --
nonportable code will likely be dismissed out of hand.
Once your contributions get accepted, things move from there.
Typically, you would be added as a developer on the list on the
website when one of the other developers recommends it. Membership on
the steering committee is by invitation only, by the other steering
committee members, from what I have gathered watching froma distance.
I make these statements from having watched the process for over two
To see a good example of how one goes about this, search the archives
for the name 'Tom Lane' and see what his first post consisted of, and
where he took things. In particular, note that this hasn't been _that_
long ago -- and his bugfixing and general deep knowledge with this
codebase is legendary. Take a few days to read after him. And pay
special attention to both the sheer quantity as well as the
painstaking quality of his work. Both are in high demand.
1.2) How do I add a feature or fix a bug?
1.2) What development environment is required to develop code?
The source code is over 350,000 lines. Many fixes/features are
isolated to one specific area of the code. Others require knowledge of
much of the source. If you are confused about where to start, ask the
hackers list, and they will be glad to assess the complexity and give
pointers on where to start.
Another thing to keep in mind is that many fixes and features can be
added with surprisingly little code. I often start by adding code,
then looking at other areas in the code where similar things are done,
and by the time I am finished, the patch is quite small and compact.
When adding code, keep in mind that it should use the existing
facilities in the source, for performance reasons and for simplicity.
Often a review of existing code doing similar things is helpful.
The usual process for source additions is:
* Review the TODO list.
* Discuss hackers the desirability of the fix/feature.
* How should it behave in complex circumstances?
* How should it be implemented?
* Submit the patch to the patches list.
* Answer email questions.
* Wait for the patch to be applied.
1.3) How do I download/update the current source tree?
PostgreSQL is developed mostly in the C programming language. It also
makes use of Yacc and Lex.
The source code is targeted at most of the popular Unix platforms and
the Windows environment (XP, Windows 2000, and up).
Most developers make use of the open source development tool chain. If
you have contributed to open source software before, you will probably
be familiar with these tools. They include: GCC (,
GDB (, autoconf
( AND GNU make
Developers using this tool chain on Windows make use of MingW (see
Some developers use compilers from other software vendors with mixed
Developers who are regularly rebuilding the source often pass the
--enable-depend flag to configure. The result is that when you make a
modification to a C header file, all files depend upon that file are
also rebuilt.
1.3) What areas need work?
Outstanding features are detailed in the TODO list. This is located in
doc/TODO in the source distribution or at
You can learn more about these features by consulting the archives,
the SQL standards and the recommend texts (see 1.10).
1.4) What do I do after choosing an item to work on?
Send an email to pgsql-hackers with a proposal for what you want to do
(assuming your contribution is not trivial). Working in isolation is
not advisable: others may be working on the same TODO item; you may
have misunderstood the TODO item; your approach may benefit from the
review of others.
1.5) Where can I learn more about the code?
Other than documentation in the source tree itself, you can find some
papers/presentations discussing the code at
1.6) I've developed a patch, what next?
Generate the patch in contextual diff format. If you are unfamiliar
with this, you may find the script src/tools/makediff/difforig useful.
Ensure that your patch is generated against the most recent version of
the code. If it is a patch adding new functionality, the most recent
version is cvs HEAD; if it is a bug fix, this will be the most
recently version of the branch which suffers from the bug (for more on
branches in PostgreSQL, see 1.15).
Finally, submit the patch to It will be
reviewed by other contributors to the project and may be either
accepted or sent back for further work.
1.7) How do I download/update the current source tree?
There are several ways to obtain the source tree. Occasional
developers can just get the most recent source tree snapshot from For regular developers, you can use CVS. CVS
allows you to download the source tree, then occasionally update your
copy of the source tree with any new changes. Using CVS, you don't
have to download the entire source each time, only the changed files.
Anonymous CVS does not allows developers to update the remote source
tree, though privileged developers can do this. There is a CVS section
( in our
documentation that describes how to use remote CVS. You can also use
CVSup, which has similarly functionality, and is available from
To update the source tree, there are two ways. You can generate a
patch against your current source tree, perhaps using the make_diff
tools mentioned above, and send them to the patches list. They will be
reviewed, and applied in a timely manner. If the patch is major, and
we are in beta testing, the developers may wait for the final release
before applying your patches.
For hard-core developers, Marc( will give you a
Unix shell account on, so you can use CVS to update the
main source tree, or you can ftp your files into your account, patch,
and cvs install the changes directly into the source tree.
1.4) How do I test my changes?
Regular developers may want to take advantage of anonymous access to
our source code management system. The source tree is currently hosted
in CVS. For details of how to obtain the source from CVS see
1.8) How do I test my changes?
First, use psql to make sure it is working as you expect. Then run
src/test/regress and get the output of src/test/regress/checkresults
with and without your changes, to see that your patch does not change
the regression test in unexpected ways. This practice has saved me
many times. The regression tests test the code in ways I would never
do, and has caught many bugs in my patches. By finding the problems
now, you save yourself a lot of debugging later when things are
broken, and you can't figure out when it happened.
1.5) What tools are available for developers?
Basic system testing
The easiest way to test your code is to ensure that it builds against
the latest verion of the code and that it does not generate compiler
It is worth advised that you pass --enable-cassert to configure. This
will turn on assertions with in the source which will often show us
bugs because they cause data corruption of segmentation violations.
This generally makes debugging much easier.
Then, perform run time testing via psql.
Regression test suite
The next step is to test your changes against the existing regression
test suite. To do this, issue "make check" in the root directory of
the source tree. If any tests failure, investigate.
If you've deliberately changed existing behaviour, this change may
cause a regression test failure but not any actual regression. If so,
you should also patch the regression test suite.
Other run time testing
Some developers make use of tools such as valgrind
( for memory testing, gprof (which comes with
the GNU binutils suite) and oprofile
( for profiling and other related
What about unit testing, static analysis, model checking...?
There have been a number of discussions about other testing frameworks
and some developers are exploring these ideas.
1.9) What tools are available for developers?
Aside from the User documentation mentioned in the regular FAQ, there
are several development tools available. First, all the files in the
/tools directory are designed for developers.
First, all the files in the src/tools directory are designed for
RELEASE_CHANGES changes we have to make for each release
SQL_keywords standard SQL'92 keywords
backend description/flowchart of the backend directories
ccsym find standard defines made by your compiler
copyright fixes copyright notices
entab converts tabs to spaces, used by pgindent
find_static finds functions that could be made static
find_typedef finds typedefs in the source code
find_badmacros finds macros that use braces incorrectly
fsync a script to provide information about the cost of cache
syncing system calls
make_ctags make vi 'tags' file in each directory
make_diff make *.orig and diffs of source
make_etags make emacs 'etags' files
make_keywords make comparison of our keywords and SQL'92
make_mkid make mkid ID files
mkldexport create AIX exports file
pgindent indents C source files
pgjindent indents Java source files
pgcvslog used to generate a list of changes for each release
pginclude scripts for adding/removing include files
unused_oids in pgsql/src/include/catalog
pgindent indents source files
pgtest a semi-automated build system
thread a thread testing script
In src/include/catalog:
unused_oids a script which generates unused OIDs for use in system
duplicate_oids finds duplicate OIDs in system catalog definitions
Let me note some of these. If you point your browser at the
file:/usr/local/src/pgsql/src/tools/backend/index.html directory, you
If you point your browser at the tools/backend/index.html file, you
will see few paragraphs describing the data flow, the backend
components in a flow chart, and a description of the shared memory
area. You can click on any flowchart box to see a description. If you
@@ -203,18 +215,18 @@
back out twice to return to the original function. Most editors
support this via tags or etags files.
Third, you need to get id-utils from:
Third, you need to get id-utils from
By running tools/make_mkid, an archive of source symbols can be
created that can be rapidly queried like grep or edited. Others prefer
created that can be rapidly queried.
make_diff has tools to create patch diff files that can be applied to
the distribution. This produces context diffs, which is our preferred
Some developers make use of cscope, which can be found at Others use glimpse, which can be found at
tools/make_diff has tools to create patch diff files that can be
applied to the distribution. This produces context diffs, which is our
preferred format.
Our standard format is to indent each code level with one tab, where
each tab is four spaces. You will need to set your editor to display
@@ -262,7 +274,7 @@
pgindent will the format code by specifying flags to your operating
system's utility indent. This article describes the value of a
constent coding style.
tent coding style.
pgindent is run on all source files just before each beta test period.
It auto-formats all source files to make them consistent. Comment
@@ -277,7 +289,7 @@
is also a script called unused_oids in pgsql/src/include/catalog that
shows the unused oids.
) What books are good for developers?
) What books are good for developers?
I have four good books, An Introduction to Database Systems, by C.J.
Date, Addison, Wesley, A Guide to the SQL Standard, by C.J. Date, et.
@@ -285,9 +297,9 @@
Navathe, and Transaction Processing, by Jim Gray, Morgan, Kaufmann
There is also a database performance site, with a handbook on-line
written by Jim Gray at
written by Jim Gray at
) What is configure all about?
) What is configure all about?
The files configure and are part of the GNU autoconf
package. Configure allows us to test for various capabilities of the
@@ -309,7 +321,7 @@
removed, so you see only the file contained in the source
) How do I add a new port?
) How do I add a new port?
There are a variety of places that need to be modified to add a new
port. First, start in the src/template directory. Add an appropriate
@@ -326,7 +338,7 @@
src/makefiles directory for port-specific Makefile handling. There is
a backend/port directory if you need special files for your OS.
) Why don't you use threads/raw devices/async-I/O, <insert your favorite
) Why don't you use threads/raw devices/async-I/O, <insert your favorite
wizz-bang feature here>?
There is always a temptation to use the newest operating system
@@ -352,7 +364,7 @@
cautious about their adoption. The TODO list often contains links to
discussions showing our reasoning in these areas.
) How are RPM
s packaged?
) How are RPMs packaged?
This was written by Lamar Owen:
@@ -447,7 +459,7 @@
Of course, there are many projects that DO include all the files
necessary to build RPMs from their Official Tarball (TM).
) How are CVS branches managed?
) How are CVS branches managed?
This was written by Tom Lane:
@@ -506,7 +518,7 @@
tree right away after a major release --- we wait for a dot-release or
two, so that we won't have to double-patch the first wave of fixes.
) Where can I get a copy of the SQL standards?
) Where can I get a copy of the SQL standards?
There are three versions of the SQL standard: SQL-92, SQL:1999, and
SQL:2003. They are endorsed by ANSI and ISO. Draft versions can be
@@ -523,7 +535,20 @@
* (SQL-92)
* (paper)
1.13) How go I get involved in PostgreSQL web site development?
1.17) Where can I get technical assistance?
Many technical questions held by those new to the code have been
answered on the pgsql-hackers mailing list - the archives of which can
be found at
If you cannot find discussion or your particular question, feel free
to put it to the list.
Major contributors also answer technical questions, including
questions about development of new features, on IRC at in the #postgresql channel.
1.18) How go I get involved in PostgreSQL web site development?
PostgreSQL website development is discussed on the mailing list. The is a project page where the
@@ -627,8 +652,9 @@ typedef struct nameData
Here are some of the List manipulation commands:
return the data at list element i.
lfirst(i), lfirst_int(i), lfirst_oid(i)
return the data (a point, inteter and OID respectively) at list
element i.
return the next list element after i.
@@ -640,7 +666,8 @@ typedef struct nameData
a typical code snippet that loops through a List containing Var
*'s and processes each one:
List *i, *list;
List *list;
ListCell *i;
foreach(i, list)
@@ -689,9 +716,10 @@ List *i, *list;
The structures passing around from the parser, rewrite, optimizer, and
executor require quite a bit of support. Most structures have support
routines in src/backend/nodes used to create, copy, read, and output
those structures. Make sure you add support for your new field to
these files. Find any other places the structure may need code for
your new field. mkid is helpful with this (see above).
those structures (in particular, the files copyfuncs.c and
equalfuncs.c. Make sure you add support for your new field to these
files. Find any other places the structure may need code for your new
field. mkid is helpful with this (see 1.9).
2.5) Why do we use palloc() and pfree() to allocate memory?
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