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<TITLE>How PostgreSQL Processes a Query</TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#FF0000" VLINK="#A00000" ALINK="#0000FF">
How PostgreSQL Processes a Query
by Bruce Momjian
A query comes to the backend via data packets arriving through TCP/IP
or Unix Domain sockets. It is loaded into a string, and passed to
<A HREF="../../backend/parser">parser,</A> where the lexical scanner,
<A HREF="../../backend/parser/scan.l">scan.l,</A>
breaks the query up into tokens(words). The parser
<A HREF="../../backend/parser/gram.y">gram.y</A> and the tokens to
identify the query type, and load the proper query-specific structure,
like <A HREF="../../include/nodes/parsenodes.h">CreateStmt</A> or <A
The query is then identified as a <I>Utility</I> query or a more complex
query. A <I>Utility</I> query is processed by a query-specific function
in <A HREF="../../backend/commands"> commands.</A> A complex query, like
<CODE>DELETE</CODE> requires much more handling.
The parser takes a complex query, and creates a
<A HREF="../../include/nodes/parsenodes.h">Query</A> structure that
contains all the elements used by complex queries. Query.qual holds the
<CODE>WHERE</CODE> clause qualification, which is filled in by
<A HREF="../../backend/parser/parse_clause.c">transformWhereClause().</A>
Each table referenced in the query is represented by a <A
HREF="../../include/nodes/parsenodes.h"> RangeTableEntry,</A> and they
are linked together to form the <I>range table</I> of the query, which is
generated by <A HREF="../../backend/parser/parse_clause.c">
makeRangeTable().</A> Query.rtable holds the query's range table.
Certain queries, like <CODE>SELECT,</CODE> return columns of data. Other
queries, like <CODE>INSERT</CODE> and <CODE>UPDATE,</CODE> specify the columns
modified by the query. These column references are converted to <A
HREF="../../include/nodes/primnodes.h">Resdom</A> entries, which are
linked together to make up the <I>target list</I> of the query. The
target list is stored in Query.targetList, which is generated by
<A HREF="../../backend/parser/parse_target.c">transformTargetList().</A>
Other query elements, like aggregates(<CODE>SUM()</CODE>), <CODE>GROUP BY,</CODE>
and <CODE>ORDER BY</CODE> are also stored in their own Query fields.
The next step is for the Query to be modified by any <CODE>VIEWS</CODE> or
<CODE>RULES</CODE> that may apply to the query. This is performed by the <A
HREF="../../backend/rewrite">rewrite</A> system.
The <A HREF="../../backend/optimizer">optimizer</A> takes the Query
structure and generates an optimal <A
HREF="../..//include/nodes/plannodes.h">Plan,</A> which contains the
operations to be performed to execute the query. The <A
HREF="../../backend/optimizer/path">path</A> module determines the best
table join order and join type of each table in the RangeTable, using
Query.qual(<CODE>WHERE</CODE> clause) to consider optimal index usage.
The Plan is then passed to the <A
HREF="../../backend/executor">executor</A> for execution, and the result
returned to the client.
There are many other modules that support this basic functionality.
They can be accessed by clicking on the flowchart.
Click on an item to see more detail or
<A HREF="backend_dirs.html">click</A> to see the full index.
<IMG src="flow.jpg" usemap="#flowmap" alt="flowchart">
<MAP name="flowmap">
<AREA COORDS="290,10,450,50" HREF="backend_dirs.html#main">
<AREA COORDS="550,10,710,50" HREF="backend_dirs.html#bootstrap">
<AREA COORDS="290,90,450,130," HREF="backend_dirs.html#postmaster">
<AREA COORDS="550,90,710,130," HREF="backend_dirs.html#libpq">
<AREA COORDS="290,170,450,210" HREF="backend_dirs.html#tcop">
<AREA COORDS="550,170,710,210" HREF="backend_dirs.html#tcop">
<AREA COORDS="290,270,450,310" HREF="backend_dirs.html#parser">
<AREA COORDS="290,350,450,390" HREF="backend_dirs.html#tcop">
<AREA COORDS="290,430,450,470" HREF="backend_dirs.html#optimizer">
<AREA COORDS="290,510,450,550" HREF="backend_dirs.html#optimizer/plan">
<AREA COORDS="290,570,450,630" HREF="backend_dirs.html#executor">
<AREA COORDS="550,350,710,390" HREF="backend_dirs.html#commands">
<AREA COORDS="10,330,170,370" HREF="backend_dirs.html#access">
<AREA COORDS="10,390,170,430" HREF="backend_dirs.html#catalog">
<AREA COORDS="10,450,170,490" HREF="backend_dirs.html#utils">
<AREA COORDS="10,510,170,550" HREF="backend_dirs.html#nodes">
<AREA COORDS="10,570,170,610" HREF="backend_dirs.html#storage">
Another area of interest is the shared memory area, which contains data
accessable to all backends. It has table recently used data/index
blocks, locks, backend information, and lookup tables for these
<LI>ShmemIndex - lookup shared memory addresses using structure names
<LI><A HREF="../../include/storage/buf_internals.h">Buffer
Descriptor</A> - control header for buffer cache block
<LI><A HREF="../../include/storage/buf_internals.h">Buffer Block</A> -
data/index buffer cache block
<LI>Shared Buffer Lookup Table - lookup of buffer cache block addresses using
table name and block number(<A HREF="../../include/storage/buf_internals.h">
<LI>MultiLevelLockTable (ctl) - control structure for
each locking method. Currently, only multi-level locking is used(<A
<LI>MultiLevelLockTable (lock hash) - the <A
HREF="../../include/storage/lock.h">LOCK</A> structure, looked up using
relation, database object ids(<A
HREF="../../include/storage/lock.h">LOCKTAG)</A>. The lock table structure contains the
lock modes(read/write or shared/exclusive) and circular linked list of backends (<A
HREF="../../include/storage/proc.h">PROC</A> structure pointers) waiting
on the lock.
<LI>MultiLevelLockTable (xid hash) - lookup of LOCK structure address
using transaction id, LOCK address. It is used to quickly check if the
current transaction already has any locks on a table, rather than having
to search through all the held locks. It also stores the modes
(read/write) of the locks held by the current transaction. The returned
<A HREF="../../include/storage/lock.h">XIDLookupEnt</A> structure also
contains a pointer to the backend's PROC.lockQueue.
<LI><A HREF="../../include/storage/proc.h">Proc Header</A> - information
about each backend, including locks held/waiting, indexed by process id
Each data structure is created by calling <A
HREF="../../backend/storage/ipc/shmem.c">ShmemInitStruct(),</A> and
the lookups are created by
<A HREF="../../backend/storage/ipc/shmem.c">ShmemInitHash().</A>
Maintainer: Bruce Momjian (<A
Last updated: Tue Dec 9 17:56:08 EST 1997