Tom Lane authored
memory contexts. Currently, only leaks in expressions executed as quals or projections are handled. Clean up some old dead cruft in executor while at it --- unused fields in state nodes, that sort of thing.
Tom Lane authoredmemory contexts. Currently, only leaks in expressions executed as quals or projections are handled. Clean up some old dead cruft in executor while at it --- unused fields in state nodes, that sort of thing.
nodeGroup.c 12.58 KiB
* nodeGroup.c
* Routines to handle group nodes (used for queries with GROUP BY clause).
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2000, PostgreSQL, Inc
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* The Group node is designed for handling queries with a GROUP BY clause.
* Its outer plan must deliver tuples that are sorted in the order
* specified by the grouping columns (ie. tuples from the same group are
* consecutive). That way, we just have to compare adjacent tuples to
* locate group boundaries.
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/executor/nodeGroup.c,v 1.37 2000/07/12 02:37:03 tgl Exp $
#include "postgres.h"
#include "access/heapam.h"
#include "catalog/pg_operator.h"
#include "executor/executor.h"
#include "executor/nodeGroup.h"
#include "parser/parse_oper.h"
#include "parser/parse_type.h"
static TupleTableSlot *ExecGroupEveryTuple(Group *node);
static TupleTableSlot *ExecGroupOneTuple(Group *node);
/* ---------------------------------------
* ExecGroup -
* There are two modes in which tuples are returned by ExecGroup. If
* tuplePerGroup is TRUE, every tuple from the same group will be
* returned, followed by a NULL at the end of each group. This is
* useful for Agg node which needs to aggregate over tuples of the same
* group. (eg. SELECT salary, count(*) FROM emp GROUP BY salary)
* If tuplePerGroup is FALSE, only one tuple per group is returned. The
* tuple returned contains only the group columns. NULL is returned only
* at the end when no more groups are present. This is useful when
* the query does not involve aggregates. (eg. SELECT salary FROM emp
* GROUP BY salary)
* ------------------------------------------
TupleTableSlot *
ExecGroup(Group *node)
if (node->tuplePerGroup)
return ExecGroupEveryTuple(node);
return ExecGroupOneTuple(node);
* ExecGroupEveryTuple -
* return every tuple with a NULL between each group
static TupleTableSlot *
ExecGroupEveryTuple(Group *node)
GroupState *grpstate;
EState *estate;
ExprContext *econtext;
TupleDesc tupdesc;
HeapTuple outerTuple = NULL;
HeapTuple firsttuple;
TupleTableSlot *outerslot;
ProjectionInfo *projInfo;
TupleTableSlot *resultSlot;
bool isDone;
/* ---------------------
* get state info from node
* ---------------------
grpstate = node->grpstate;
if (grpstate->grp_done)
return NULL;
estate = node->plan.state;
econtext = grpstate->csstate.cstate.cs_ExprContext;
tupdesc = ExecGetScanType(&grpstate->csstate);
* We need not call ResetExprContext here because execTuplesMatch
* will reset the per-tuple memory context once per input tuple.
/* if we haven't returned first tuple of a new group yet ... */
if (grpstate->grp_useFirstTuple)
grpstate->grp_useFirstTuple = FALSE;
* note we rely on subplan to hold ownership of the tuple for as
* long as we need it; we don't copy it.
InvalidBuffer, false);
outerslot = ExecProcNode(outerPlan(node), (Plan *) node);
if (TupIsNull(outerslot))
grpstate->grp_done = TRUE;
return NULL;
outerTuple = outerslot->val;
firsttuple = grpstate->grp_firstTuple;
if (firsttuple == NULL)
/* this should occur on the first call only */
grpstate->grp_firstTuple = heap_copytuple(outerTuple);
* Compare with first tuple and see if this tuple is of the
* same group.
if (!execTuplesMatch(firsttuple, outerTuple,
node->numCols, node->grpColIdx,
* No; save the tuple to return it next time, and return
grpstate->grp_useFirstTuple = TRUE;
grpstate->grp_firstTuple = heap_copytuple(outerTuple);
return NULL; /* signifies the end of the group */
* note we rely on subplan to hold ownership of the tuple for as
* long as we need it; we don't copy it.
InvalidBuffer, false);
/* ----------------
* form a projection tuple, store it in the result tuple
* slot and return it.
* ----------------
projInfo = grpstate->csstate.cstate.cs_ProjInfo;
econtext->ecxt_scantuple = grpstate->csstate.css_ScanTupleSlot;
resultSlot = ExecProject(projInfo, &isDone);
return resultSlot;
* ExecGroupOneTuple -
* returns one tuple per group, a NULL at the end when there are no more
* tuples.
static TupleTableSlot *
ExecGroupOneTuple(Group *node)
GroupState *grpstate;
EState *estate;
ExprContext *econtext;
TupleDesc tupdesc;
HeapTuple outerTuple = NULL;
HeapTuple firsttuple;
TupleTableSlot *outerslot;
ProjectionInfo *projInfo;
TupleTableSlot *resultSlot;
bool isDone;
/* ---------------------
* get state info from node
* ---------------------
grpstate = node->grpstate;
if (grpstate->grp_done)
return NULL;
estate = node->plan.state;
econtext = node->grpstate->csstate.cstate.cs_ExprContext;
tupdesc = ExecGetScanType(&grpstate->csstate);
* We need not call ResetExprContext here because execTuplesMatch
* will reset the per-tuple memory context once per input tuple.
firsttuple = grpstate->grp_firstTuple;
if (firsttuple == NULL)
/* this should occur on the first call only */
outerslot = ExecProcNode(outerPlan(node), (Plan *) node);
if (TupIsNull(outerslot))
grpstate->grp_done = TRUE;
return NULL;
grpstate->grp_firstTuple = firsttuple =
* find all tuples that belong to a group
for (;;)
outerslot = ExecProcNode(outerPlan(node), (Plan *) node);
if (TupIsNull(outerslot))
grpstate->grp_done = TRUE;
outerTuple = NULL;
outerTuple = outerslot->val;
* Compare with first tuple and see if this tuple is of the same
* group.
if (!execTuplesMatch(firsttuple, outerTuple,
node->numCols, node->grpColIdx,
/* ----------------
* form a projection tuple, store it in the result tuple
* slot and return it.
* ----------------
projInfo = grpstate->csstate.cstate.cs_ProjInfo;
* note we rely on subplan to hold ownership of the tuple for as long
* as we need it; we don't copy it.
InvalidBuffer, false);
econtext->ecxt_scantuple = grpstate->csstate.css_ScanTupleSlot;
resultSlot = ExecProject(projInfo, &isDone);
/* save outerTuple if we are not done yet */
if (!grpstate->grp_done)
grpstate->grp_firstTuple = heap_copytuple(outerTuple);
return resultSlot;
/* -----------------
* ExecInitGroup
* Creates the run-time information for the group node produced by the
* planner and initializes its outer subtree
* -----------------
ExecInitGroup(Group *node, EState *estate, Plan *parent)
GroupState *grpstate;
Plan *outerPlan;
* assign the node's execution state
node->plan.state = estate;
* create state structure
grpstate = makeNode(GroupState);
node->grpstate = grpstate;
grpstate->grp_useFirstTuple = FALSE;
grpstate->grp_done = FALSE;
grpstate->grp_firstTuple = NULL;
* create expression context
ExecAssignExprContext(estate, &grpstate->csstate.cstate);
#define GROUP_NSLOTS 2
* tuple table initialization
ExecInitScanTupleSlot(estate, &grpstate->csstate);
ExecInitResultTupleSlot(estate, &grpstate->csstate.cstate);
* initializes child nodes
outerPlan = outerPlan(node);
ExecInitNode(outerPlan, estate, (Plan *) node);
/* ----------------
* initialize tuple type.
* ----------------
ExecAssignScanTypeFromOuterPlan((Plan *) node, &grpstate->csstate);
* Initialize tuple type for both result and scan. This node does no
* projection
ExecAssignResultTypeFromTL((Plan *) node, &grpstate->csstate.cstate);
ExecAssignProjectionInfo((Plan *) node, &grpstate->csstate.cstate);
* Precompute fmgr lookup data for inner loop
grpstate->eqfunctions =
return TRUE;
ExecCountSlotsGroup(Group *node)
return ExecCountSlotsNode(outerPlan(node)) + GROUP_NSLOTS;
/* ------------------------
* ExecEndGroup(node)
* -----------------------
ExecEndGroup(Group *node)
GroupState *grpstate;
Plan *outerPlan;
grpstate = node->grpstate;
outerPlan = outerPlan(node);
ExecEndNode(outerPlan, (Plan *) node);
/* clean up tuple table */
if (grpstate->grp_firstTuple != NULL)
grpstate->grp_firstTuple = NULL;
ExecReScanGroup(Group *node, ExprContext *exprCtxt, Plan *parent)
GroupState *grpstate = node->grpstate;
grpstate->grp_useFirstTuple = FALSE;
grpstate->grp_done = FALSE;
if (grpstate->grp_firstTuple != NULL)
grpstate->grp_firstTuple = NULL;
if (((Plan *) node)->lefttree &&
((Plan *) node)->lefttree->chgParam == NULL)
ExecReScan(((Plan *) node)->lefttree, exprCtxt, (Plan *) node);
* Code shared with nodeUnique.c
* execTuplesMatch
* Return true if two tuples match in all the indicated fields.
* This is used to detect group boundaries in nodeGroup, and to
* decide whether two tuples are distinct or not in nodeUnique.
* tuple1, tuple2: the tuples to compare
* tupdesc: tuple descriptor applying to both tuples
* numCols: the number of attributes to be examined
* matchColIdx: array of attribute column numbers
* eqFunctions: array of fmgr lookup info for the equality functions to use
* evalContext: short-term memory context for executing the functions
* NB: evalContext is reset each time!
execTuplesMatch(HeapTuple tuple1,
HeapTuple tuple2,
TupleDesc tupdesc,
int numCols,
AttrNumber *matchColIdx,
FmgrInfo *eqfunctions,
MemoryContext evalContext)
MemoryContext oldContext;
bool result;
int i;
/* Reset and switch into the temp context. */
oldContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(evalContext);
* We cannot report a match without checking all the fields, but we
* can report a non-match as soon as we find unequal fields. So,
* start comparing at the last field (least significant sort key).
* That's the most likely to be different...
result = true;
for (i = numCols; --i >= 0;)
AttrNumber att = matchColIdx[i];
Datum attr1,
bool isNull1,
attr1 = heap_getattr(tuple1,
attr2 = heap_getattr(tuple2,
if (isNull1 != isNull2)
result = false; /* one null and one not; they aren't equal */
if (isNull1)
continue; /* both are null, treat as equal */
/* Apply the type-specific equality function */
if (! DatumGetBool(FunctionCall2(&eqfunctions[i],
attr1, attr2)))
result = false; /* they aren't equal */
return result;
* execTuplesMatchPrepare
* Look up the equality functions needed for execTuplesMatch.
* The result is a palloc'd array.
FmgrInfo *
execTuplesMatchPrepare(TupleDesc tupdesc,
int numCols,
AttrNumber *matchColIdx)
FmgrInfo *eqfunctions = (FmgrInfo *) palloc(numCols * sizeof(FmgrInfo));
int i;
for (i = 0; i < numCols; i++)
AttrNumber att = matchColIdx[i];
Oid typid = tupdesc->attrs[att - 1]->atttypid;
Operator eq_operator;
Form_pg_operator pgopform;
eq_operator = oper("=", typid, typid, true);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(eq_operator))
elog(ERROR, "Unable to identify an equality operator for type '%s'",
pgopform = (Form_pg_operator) GETSTRUCT(eq_operator);
fmgr_info(pgopform->oprcode, &eqfunctions[i]);
return eqfunctions;