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  • Tom Lane's avatar
    Pass collations to functions in FunctionCallInfoData, not FmgrInfo. · d64713df
    Tom Lane authored
    Since collation is effectively an argument, not a property of the function,
    FmgrInfo is really the wrong place for it; and this becomes critical in
    cases where a cached FmgrInfo is used for varying purposes that might need
    different collation settings.  Fix by passing it in FunctionCallInfoData
    instead.  In particular this allows a clean fix for bug #5970 (record_cmp
    not working).  This requires touching a bit more code than the original
    method, but nobody ever thought that collations would not be an invasive
    Pass collations to functions in FunctionCallInfoData, not FmgrInfo.
    Tom Lane authored
    Since collation is effectively an argument, not a property of the function,
    FmgrInfo is really the wrong place for it; and this becomes critical in
    cases where a cached FmgrInfo is used for varying purposes that might need
    different collation settings.  Fix by passing it in FunctionCallInfoData
    instead.  In particular this allows a clean fix for bug #5970 (record_cmp
    not working).  This requires touching a bit more code than the original
    method, but nobody ever thought that collations would not be an invasive
execnodes.h 62.73 KiB
 * execnodes.h
 *	  definitions for executor state nodes
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2011, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 * src/include/nodes/execnodes.h

#include "access/genam.h"
#include "access/heapam.h"
#include "access/skey.h"
#include "nodes/params.h"
#include "nodes/plannodes.h"
#include "nodes/tidbitmap.h"
#include "utils/hsearch.h"
#include "utils/rel.h"
#include "utils/snapshot.h"
#include "utils/tuplestore.h"

/* ----------------
 *	  IndexInfo information
 *		this struct holds the information needed to construct new index
 *		entries for a particular index.  Used for both index_build and
 *		retail creation of index entries.
 *		NumIndexAttrs		number of columns in this index
 *		KeyAttrNumbers		underlying-rel attribute numbers used as keys
 *							(zeroes indicate expressions)
 *		Expressions			expr trees for expression entries, or NIL if none
 *		ExpressionsState	exec state for expressions, or NIL if none
 *		Predicate			partial-index predicate, or NIL if none
 *		PredicateState		exec state for predicate, or NIL if none
 *		ExclusionOps		Per-column exclusion operators, or NULL if none
 *		ExclusionProcs		Underlying function OIDs for ExclusionOps
 *		ExclusionStrats		Opclass strategy numbers for ExclusionOps
 *		Unique				is it a unique index?
 *		ReadyForInserts		is it valid for inserts?
 *		Concurrent			are we doing a concurrent index build?
 *		BrokenHotChain		did we detect any broken HOT chains?
 * ii_Concurrent and ii_BrokenHotChain are used only during index build;
 * they're conventionally set to false otherwise.
 * ----------------
typedef struct IndexInfo
	NodeTag		type;
	int			ii_NumIndexAttrs;
	AttrNumber	ii_KeyAttrNumbers[INDEX_MAX_KEYS];
	List	   *ii_Expressions; /* list of Expr */
	List	   *ii_ExpressionsState;	/* list of ExprState */
	List	   *ii_Predicate;	/* list of Expr */
	List	   *ii_PredicateState;		/* list of ExprState */
	Oid		   *ii_ExclusionOps;	/* array with one entry per column */
	Oid		   *ii_ExclusionProcs;		/* array with one entry per column */
	uint16	   *ii_ExclusionStrats;		/* array with one entry per column */
	bool		ii_Unique;
	bool		ii_ReadyForInserts;
	bool		ii_Concurrent;
	bool		ii_BrokenHotChain;
} IndexInfo;

/* ----------------
 *	  ExprContext_CB
 *		List of callbacks to be called at ExprContext shutdown.
 * ----------------
typedef void (*ExprContextCallbackFunction) (Datum arg);

typedef struct ExprContext_CB
	struct ExprContext_CB *next;
	ExprContextCallbackFunction function;
	Datum		arg;
} ExprContext_CB;

/* ----------------
 *	  ExprContext
 *		This class holds the "current context" information
 *		needed to evaluate expressions for doing tuple qualifications
 *		and tuple projections.	For example, if an expression refers
 *		to an attribute in the current inner tuple then we need to know
 *		what the current inner tuple is and so we look at the expression
 *		context.
 *	There are two memory contexts associated with an ExprContext:
 *	* ecxt_per_query_memory is a query-lifespan context, typically the same
 *	  context the ExprContext node itself is allocated in.	This context
 *	  can be used for purposes such as storing function call cache info.
 *	* ecxt_per_tuple_memory is a short-term context for expression results.
 *	  As the name suggests, it will typically be reset once per tuple,
 *	  before we begin to evaluate expressions for that tuple.  Each
 *	  ExprContext normally has its very own per-tuple memory context.
 *	CurrentMemoryContext should be set to ecxt_per_tuple_memory before
 *	calling ExecEvalExpr() --- see ExecEvalExprSwitchContext().
 * ----------------
typedef struct ExprContext
	NodeTag		type;

	/* Tuples that Var nodes in expression may refer to */
	TupleTableSlot *ecxt_scantuple;
	TupleTableSlot *ecxt_innertuple;
	TupleTableSlot *ecxt_outertuple;

	/* Memory contexts for expression evaluation --- see notes above */
	MemoryContext ecxt_per_query_memory;
	MemoryContext ecxt_per_tuple_memory;

	/* Values to substitute for Param nodes in expression */
	ParamExecData *ecxt_param_exec_vals;		/* for PARAM_EXEC params */
	ParamListInfo ecxt_param_list_info; /* for other param types */

	 * Values to substitute for Aggref nodes in the expressions of an Agg
	 * node, or for WindowFunc nodes within a WindowAgg node.
	Datum	   *ecxt_aggvalues; /* precomputed values for aggs/windowfuncs */
	bool	   *ecxt_aggnulls;	/* null flags for aggs/windowfuncs */

	/* Value to substitute for CaseTestExpr nodes in expression */
	Datum		caseValue_datum;
	bool		caseValue_isNull;

	/* Value to substitute for CoerceToDomainValue nodes in expression */
	Datum		domainValue_datum;
	bool		domainValue_isNull;

	/* Link to containing EState (NULL if a standalone ExprContext) */
	struct EState *ecxt_estate;

	/* Functions to call back when ExprContext is shut down */
	ExprContext_CB *ecxt_callbacks;
} ExprContext;

 * Set-result status returned by ExecEvalExpr()
typedef enum
	ExprSingleResult,			/* expression does not return a set */
	ExprMultipleResult,			/* this result is an element of a set */
	ExprEndResult				/* there are no more elements in the set */
} ExprDoneCond;

 * Return modes for functions returning sets.  Note values must be chosen
 * as separate bits so that a bitmask can be formed to indicate supported
 * modes.  SFRM_Materialize_Random and SFRM_Materialize_Preferred are
 * auxiliary flags about SFRM_Materialize mode, rather than separate modes.
typedef enum
	SFRM_ValuePerCall = 0x01,	/* one value returned per call */
	SFRM_Materialize = 0x02,	/* result set instantiated in Tuplestore */
	SFRM_Materialize_Random = 0x04,		/* Tuplestore needs randomAccess */
	SFRM_Materialize_Preferred = 0x08	/* caller prefers Tuplestore */
} SetFunctionReturnMode;

 * When calling a function that might return a set (multiple rows),
 * a node of this type is passed as fcinfo->resultinfo to allow
 * return status to be passed back.  A function returning set should
 * raise an error if no such resultinfo is provided.
typedef struct ReturnSetInfo
	NodeTag		type;
	/* values set by caller: */
	ExprContext *econtext;		/* context function is being called in */
	TupleDesc	expectedDesc;	/* tuple descriptor expected by caller */
	int			allowedModes;	/* bitmask: return modes caller can handle */
	/* result status from function (but pre-initialized by caller): */
	SetFunctionReturnMode returnMode;	/* actual return mode */
	ExprDoneCond isDone;		/* status for ValuePerCall mode */
	/* fields filled by function in Materialize return mode: */
	Tuplestorestate *setResult; /* holds the complete returned tuple set */
	TupleDesc	setDesc;		/* actual descriptor for returned tuples */
} ReturnSetInfo;

/* ----------------
 *		ProjectionInfo node information
 *		This is all the information needed to perform projections ---
 *		that is, form new tuples by evaluation of targetlist expressions.
 *		Nodes which need to do projections create one of these.
 *		ExecProject() evaluates the tlist, forms a tuple, and stores it
 *		in the given slot.	Note that the result will be a "virtual" tuple
 *		unless ExecMaterializeSlot() is then called to force it to be
 *		converted to a physical tuple.	The slot must have a tupledesc
 *		that matches the output of the tlist!
 *		The planner very often produces tlists that consist entirely of
 *		simple Var references (lower levels of a plan tree almost always
 *		look like that).  And top-level tlists are often mostly Vars too.
 *		We therefore optimize execution of simple-Var tlist entries.
 *		The pi_targetlist list actually contains only the tlist entries that
 *		aren't simple Vars, while those that are Vars are processed using the
 *		varSlotOffsets/varNumbers/varOutputCols arrays.
 *		The lastXXXVar fields are used to optimize fetching of fields from
 *		input tuples: they let us do a slot_getsomeattrs() call to ensure
 *		that all needed attributes are extracted in one pass.
 *		targetlist		target list for projection (non-Var expressions only)
 *		exprContext		expression context in which to evaluate targetlist
 *		slot			slot to place projection result in
 *		itemIsDone		workspace array for ExecProject
 *		directMap		true if varOutputCols[] is an identity map
 *		numSimpleVars	number of simple Vars found in original tlist
 *		varSlotOffsets	array indicating which slot each simple Var is from
 *		varNumbers		array containing input attr numbers of simple Vars
 *		varOutputCols	array containing output attr numbers of simple Vars
 *		lastInnerVar	highest attnum from inner tuple slot (0 if none)
 *		lastOuterVar	highest attnum from outer tuple slot (0 if none)
 *		lastScanVar		highest attnum from scan tuple slot (0 if none)
 * ----------------
typedef struct ProjectionInfo
	NodeTag		type;
	List	   *pi_targetlist;
	ExprContext *pi_exprContext;
	TupleTableSlot *pi_slot;
	ExprDoneCond *pi_itemIsDone;
	bool		pi_directMap;
	int			pi_numSimpleVars;
	int		   *pi_varSlotOffsets;
	int		   *pi_varNumbers;
	int		   *pi_varOutputCols;
	int			pi_lastInnerVar;
	int			pi_lastOuterVar;
	int			pi_lastScanVar;
} ProjectionInfo;

/* ----------------
 *	  JunkFilter
 *	  This class is used to store information regarding junk attributes.
 *	  A junk attribute is an attribute in a tuple that is needed only for
 *	  storing intermediate information in the executor, and does not belong
 *	  in emitted tuples.  For example, when we do an UPDATE query,
 *	  the planner adds a "junk" entry to the targetlist so that the tuples
 *	  returned to ExecutePlan() contain an extra attribute: the ctid of
 *	  the tuple to be updated.	This is needed to do the update, but we
 *	  don't want the ctid to be part of the stored new tuple!  So, we
 *	  apply a "junk filter" to remove the junk attributes and form the
 *	  real output tuple.  The junkfilter code also provides routines to
 *	  extract the values of the junk attribute(s) from the input tuple.
 *	  targetList:		the original target list (including junk attributes).
 *	  cleanTupType:		the tuple descriptor for the "clean" tuple (with
 *						junk attributes removed).
 *	  cleanMap:			A map with the correspondence between the non-junk
 *						attribute numbers of the "original" tuple and the
 *						attribute numbers of the "clean" tuple.
 *	  resultSlot:		tuple slot used to hold cleaned tuple.
 *	  junkAttNo:		not used by junkfilter code.  Can be used by caller
 *						to remember the attno of a specific junk attribute
 *						(execMain.c stores the "ctid" attno here).
 * ----------------
typedef struct JunkFilter
	NodeTag		type;
	List	   *jf_targetList;
	TupleDesc	jf_cleanTupType;
	AttrNumber *jf_cleanMap;
	TupleTableSlot *jf_resultSlot;
	AttrNumber	jf_junkAttNo;
} JunkFilter;

/* ----------------
 *	  ResultRelInfo information
 *		Whenever we update an existing relation, we have to
 *		update indices on the relation, and perhaps also fire triggers.
 *		The ResultRelInfo class is used to hold all the information needed
 *		about a result relation, including indices.. -cim 10/15/89
 *		RangeTableIndex			result relation's range table index
 *		RelationDesc			relation descriptor for result relation
 *		NumIndices				# of indices existing on result relation
 *		IndexRelationDescs		array of relation descriptors for indices
 *		IndexRelationInfo		array of key/attr info for indices
 *		TrigDesc				triggers to be fired, if any
 *		TrigFunctions			cached lookup info for trigger functions
 *		TrigWhenExprs			array of trigger WHEN expr states
 *		TrigInstrument			optional runtime measurements for triggers
 *		ConstraintExprs			array of constraint-checking expr states
 *		junkFilter				for removing junk attributes from tuples
 *		projectReturning		for computing a RETURNING list
 * ----------------
typedef struct ResultRelInfo
	NodeTag		type;
	Index		ri_RangeTableIndex;
	Relation	ri_RelationDesc;
	int			ri_NumIndices;
	RelationPtr ri_IndexRelationDescs;
	IndexInfo **ri_IndexRelationInfo;
	TriggerDesc *ri_TrigDesc;
	FmgrInfo   *ri_TrigFunctions;
	List	  **ri_TrigWhenExprs;
	struct Instrumentation *ri_TrigInstrument;
	List	  **ri_ConstraintExprs;
	JunkFilter *ri_junkFilter;
	ProjectionInfo *ri_projectReturning;
} ResultRelInfo;

/* ----------------
 *	  EState information
 * Master working state for an Executor invocation
 * ----------------
typedef struct EState
	NodeTag		type;

	/* Basic state for all query types: */
	ScanDirection es_direction; /* current scan direction */
	Snapshot	es_snapshot;	/* time qual to use */
	Snapshot	es_crosscheck_snapshot; /* crosscheck time qual for RI */
	List	   *es_range_table; /* List of RangeTblEntry */
	PlannedStmt *es_plannedstmt;	/* link to top of plan tree */

	JunkFilter *es_junkFilter;	/* top-level junk filter, if any */

	/* If query can insert/delete tuples, the command ID to mark them with */
	CommandId	es_output_cid;

	/* Info about target table(s) for insert/update/delete queries: */
	ResultRelInfo *es_result_relations; /* array of ResultRelInfos */
	int			es_num_result_relations;		/* length of array */
	ResultRelInfo *es_result_relation_info;		/* currently active array elt */

	/* Stuff used for firing triggers: */
	List	   *es_trig_target_relations;		/* trigger-only ResultRelInfos */
	TupleTableSlot *es_trig_tuple_slot; /* for trigger output tuples */
	TupleTableSlot *es_trig_oldtup_slot;		/* for trigger old tuples */

	/* Parameter info: */
	ParamListInfo es_param_list_info;	/* values of external params */
	ParamExecData *es_param_exec_vals;	/* values of internal params */

	/* Other working state: */
	MemoryContext es_query_cxt; /* per-query context in which EState lives */

	List	   *es_tupleTable;	/* List of TupleTableSlots */

	List	   *es_rowMarks;	/* List of ExecRowMarks */

	uint32		es_processed;	/* # of tuples processed */
	Oid			es_lastoid;		/* last oid processed (by INSERT) */

	int			es_top_eflags;	/* eflags passed to ExecutorStart */
	int			es_instrument;	/* OR of InstrumentOption flags */
	bool		es_select_into; /* true if doing SELECT INTO */
	bool		es_into_oids;	/* true to generate OIDs in SELECT INTO */
	bool		es_finished;	/* true when ExecutorFinish is done */

	List	   *es_exprcontexts;	/* List of ExprContexts within EState */

	List	   *es_subplanstates;		/* List of PlanState for SubPlans */

	List	   *es_auxmodifytables;		/* List of secondary ModifyTableStates */

	 * this ExprContext is for per-output-tuple operations, such as constraint
	 * checks and index-value computations.  It will be reset for each output
	 * tuple.  Note that it will be created only if needed.
	ExprContext *es_per_tuple_exprcontext;

	 * These fields are for re-evaluating plan quals when an updated tuple is
	 * substituted in READ COMMITTED mode.	es_epqTuple[] contains tuples that
	 * scan plan nodes should return instead of whatever they'd normally
	 * return, or NULL if nothing to return; es_epqTupleSet[] is true if a
	 * particular array entry is valid; and es_epqScanDone[] is state to
	 * remember if the tuple has been returned already.  Arrays are of size
	 * list_length(es_range_table) and are indexed by scan node scanrelid - 1.
	HeapTuple  *es_epqTuple;	/* array of EPQ substitute tuples */
	bool	   *es_epqTupleSet; /* true if EPQ tuple is provided */
	bool	   *es_epqScanDone; /* true if EPQ tuple has been fetched */
} EState;

 * ExecRowMark -
 *	   runtime representation of FOR UPDATE/SHARE clauses
 * When doing UPDATE, DELETE, or SELECT FOR UPDATE/SHARE, we should have an
 * ExecRowMark for each non-target relation in the query (except inheritance
 * parent RTEs, which can be ignored at runtime).  See PlanRowMark for details
 * about most of the fields.  In addition to fields directly derived from
 * PlanRowMark, we store curCtid, which is used by the WHERE CURRENT OF code.
 * EState->es_rowMarks is a list of these structs.
typedef struct ExecRowMark
	Relation	relation;		/* opened and suitably locked relation */
	Index		rti;			/* its range table index */
	Index		prti;			/* parent range table index, if child */
	Index		rowmarkId;		/* unique identifier for resjunk columns */
	RowMarkType markType;		/* see enum in nodes/plannodes.h */
	bool		noWait;			/* NOWAIT option */
	ItemPointerData curCtid;	/* ctid of currently locked tuple, if any */
} ExecRowMark;

 * ExecAuxRowMark -
 *	   additional runtime representation of FOR UPDATE/SHARE clauses
 * Each LockRows and ModifyTable node keeps a list of the rowmarks it needs to
 * deal with.  In addition to a pointer to the related entry in es_rowMarks,
 * this struct carries the column number(s) of the resjunk columns associated
 * with the rowmark (see comments for PlanRowMark for more detail).  In the
 * case of ModifyTable, there has to be a separate ExecAuxRowMark list for
 * each child plan, because the resjunk columns could be at different physical
 * column positions in different subplans.
typedef struct ExecAuxRowMark
	ExecRowMark *rowmark;		/* related entry in es_rowMarks */
	AttrNumber	ctidAttNo;		/* resno of ctid junk attribute, if any */
	AttrNumber	toidAttNo;		/* resno of tableoid junk attribute, if any */
	AttrNumber	wholeAttNo;		/* resno of whole-row junk attribute, if any */
} ExecAuxRowMark;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *				 Tuple Hash Tables
 * All-in-memory tuple hash tables are used for a number of purposes.
 * Note: tab_hash_funcs are for the key datatype(s) stored in the table,
 * and tab_eq_funcs are non-cross-type equality operators for those types.
 * Normally these are the only functions used, but FindTupleHashEntry()
 * supports searching a hashtable using cross-data-type hashing.  For that,
 * the caller must supply hash functions for the LHS datatype as well as
 * the cross-type equality operators to use.  in_hash_funcs and cur_eq_funcs
 * are set to point to the caller's function arrays while doing such a search.
 * During LookupTupleHashEntry(), they point to tab_hash_funcs and
 * tab_eq_funcs respectively.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct TupleHashEntryData *TupleHashEntry;
typedef struct TupleHashTableData *TupleHashTable;

typedef struct TupleHashEntryData
	/* firstTuple must be the first field in this struct! */
	MinimalTuple firstTuple;	/* copy of first tuple in this group */
	/* there may be additional data beyond the end of this struct */
} TupleHashEntryData;			/* VARIABLE LENGTH STRUCT */

typedef struct TupleHashTableData
	HTAB	   *hashtab;		/* underlying dynahash table */
	int			numCols;		/* number of columns in lookup key */
	AttrNumber *keyColIdx;		/* attr numbers of key columns */
	FmgrInfo   *tab_hash_funcs; /* hash functions for table datatype(s) */
	FmgrInfo   *tab_eq_funcs;	/* equality functions for table datatype(s) */
	MemoryContext tablecxt;		/* memory context containing table */
	MemoryContext tempcxt;		/* context for function evaluations */
	Size		entrysize;		/* actual size to make each hash entry */
	TupleTableSlot *tableslot;	/* slot for referencing table entries */
	/* The following fields are set transiently for each table search: */
	TupleTableSlot *inputslot;	/* current input tuple's slot */
	FmgrInfo   *in_hash_funcs;	/* hash functions for input datatype(s) */
	FmgrInfo   *cur_eq_funcs;	/* equality functions for input vs. table */
}	TupleHashTableData;

typedef HASH_SEQ_STATUS TupleHashIterator;

 * Use InitTupleHashIterator/TermTupleHashIterator for a read/write scan.
 * Use ResetTupleHashIterator if the table can be frozen (in this case no
 * explicit scan termination is needed).
#define InitTupleHashIterator(htable, iter) \
	hash_seq_init(iter, (htable)->hashtab)
#define TermTupleHashIterator(iter) \
#define ResetTupleHashIterator(htable, iter) \
	do { \
		hash_freeze((htable)->hashtab); \
		hash_seq_init(iter, (htable)->hashtab); \
	} while (0)
#define ScanTupleHashTable(iter) \
	((TupleHashEntry) hash_seq_search(iter))

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *				 Expression State Trees
 * Each executable expression tree has a parallel ExprState tree.
 * Unlike PlanState, there is not an exact one-for-one correspondence between
 * ExprState node types and Expr node types.  Many Expr node types have no
 * need for node-type-specific run-time state, and so they can use plain
 * ExprState or GenericExprState as their associated ExprState node type.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------

/* ----------------
 *		ExprState node
 * ExprState is the common superclass for all ExprState-type nodes.
 * It can also be instantiated directly for leaf Expr nodes that need no
 * local run-time state (such as Var, Const, or Param).
 * To save on dispatch overhead, each ExprState node contains a function
 * pointer to the routine to execute to evaluate the node.
 * ----------------

typedef struct ExprState ExprState;

typedef Datum (*ExprStateEvalFunc) (ExprState *expression,
												ExprContext *econtext,
												bool *isNull,
												ExprDoneCond *isDone);

struct ExprState
	NodeTag		type;
	Expr	   *expr;			/* associated Expr node */
	ExprStateEvalFunc evalfunc; /* routine to run to execute node */

/* ----------------
 *		GenericExprState node
 * This is used for Expr node types that need no local run-time state,
 * but have one child Expr node.
 * ----------------
typedef struct GenericExprState
	ExprState	xprstate;
	ExprState  *arg;			/* state of my child node */
} GenericExprState;

/* ----------------
 *		AggrefExprState node
 * ----------------
typedef struct AggrefExprState
	ExprState	xprstate;
	List	   *args;			/* states of argument expressions */
	int			aggno;			/* ID number for agg within its plan node */
} AggrefExprState;

/* ----------------
 *		WindowFuncExprState node
 * ----------------
typedef struct WindowFuncExprState
	ExprState	xprstate;
	List	   *args;			/* states of argument expressions */
	int			wfuncno;		/* ID number for wfunc within its plan node */
} WindowFuncExprState;

/* ----------------
 *		ArrayRefExprState node
 * Note: array types can be fixed-length (typlen > 0), but only when the
 * element type is itself fixed-length.  Otherwise they are varlena structures
 * and have typlen = -1.  In any case, an array type is never pass-by-value.
 * ----------------
typedef struct ArrayRefExprState
	ExprState	xprstate;
	List	   *refupperindexpr;	/* states for child nodes */
	List	   *reflowerindexpr;
	ExprState  *refexpr;
	ExprState  *refassgnexpr;
	int16		refattrlength;	/* typlen of array type */
	int16		refelemlength;	/* typlen of the array element type */
	bool		refelembyval;	/* is the element type pass-by-value? */
	char		refelemalign;	/* typalign of the element type */
} ArrayRefExprState;

/* ----------------
 *		FuncExprState node
 * Although named for FuncExpr, this is also used for OpExpr, DistinctExpr,
 * and NullIf nodes; be careful to check what xprstate.expr is actually
 * pointing at!
 * ----------------
typedef struct FuncExprState
	ExprState	xprstate;
	List	   *args;			/* states of argument expressions */

	 * Function manager's lookup info for the target function.  If func.fn_oid
	 * is InvalidOid, we haven't initialized it yet (nor any of the following
	 * fields).
	FmgrInfo	func;

	 * For a set-returning function (SRF) that returns a tuplestore, we keep
	 * the tuplestore here and dole out the result rows one at a time. The
	 * slot holds the row currently being returned.
	Tuplestorestate *funcResultStore;
	TupleTableSlot *funcResultSlot;

	 * In some cases we need to compute a tuple descriptor for the function's
	 * output.	If so, it's stored here.
	TupleDesc	funcResultDesc;
	bool		funcReturnsTuple;		/* valid when funcResultDesc isn't
										 * NULL */

	 * setArgsValid is true when we are evaluating a set-returning function
	 * that uses value-per-call mode and we are in the middle of a call
	 * series; we want to pass the same argument values to the function again
	 * (and again, until it returns ExprEndResult).  This indicates that
	 * fcinfo_data already contains valid argument data.
	bool		setArgsValid;

	 * Flag to remember whether we found a set-valued argument to the
	 * function. This causes the function result to be a set as well. Valid
	 * only when setArgsValid is true or funcResultStore isn't NULL.
	bool		setHasSetArg;	/* some argument returns a set */

	 * Flag to remember whether we have registered a shutdown callback for
	 * this FuncExprState.	We do so only if funcResultStore or setArgsValid
	 * has been set at least once (since all the callback is for is to release
	 * the tuplestore or clear setArgsValid).
	bool		shutdown_reg;	/* a shutdown callback is registered */

	 * Call parameter structure for the function.  This has been initialized
	 * (by InitFunctionCallInfoData) if func.fn_oid is valid.  It also saves
	 * argument values between calls, when setArgsValid is true.
	FunctionCallInfoData fcinfo_data;
} FuncExprState;

/* ----------------
 *		ScalarArrayOpExprState node
 * This is a FuncExprState plus some additional data.
 * ----------------
typedef struct ScalarArrayOpExprState
	FuncExprState fxprstate;
	/* Cached info about array element type */
	Oid			element_type;
	int16		typlen;
	bool		typbyval;
	char		typalign;
} ScalarArrayOpExprState;

/* ----------------
 *		BoolExprState node
 * ----------------
typedef struct BoolExprState
	ExprState	xprstate;
	List	   *args;			/* states of argument expression(s) */
} BoolExprState;

/* ----------------
 *		SubPlanState node
 * ----------------
typedef struct SubPlanState
	ExprState	xprstate;
	struct PlanState *planstate;	/* subselect plan's state tree */
	ExprState  *testexpr;		/* state of combining expression */
	List	   *args;			/* states of argument expression(s) */
	HeapTuple	curTuple;		/* copy of most recent tuple from subplan */
	/* these are used when hashing the subselect's output: */
	ProjectionInfo *projLeft;	/* for projecting lefthand exprs */
	ProjectionInfo *projRight;	/* for projecting subselect output */
	TupleHashTable hashtable;	/* hash table for no-nulls subselect rows */
	TupleHashTable hashnulls;	/* hash table for rows with null(s) */
	bool		havehashrows;	/* TRUE if hashtable is not empty */
	bool		havenullrows;	/* TRUE if hashnulls is not empty */
	MemoryContext hashtablecxt; /* memory context containing hash tables */
	MemoryContext hashtempcxt;	/* temp memory context for hash tables */
	ExprContext *innerecontext; /* econtext for computing inner tuples */
	AttrNumber *keyColIdx;		/* control data for hash tables */
	FmgrInfo   *tab_hash_funcs; /* hash functions for table datatype(s) */
	FmgrInfo   *tab_eq_funcs;	/* equality functions for table datatype(s) */
	FmgrInfo   *lhs_hash_funcs; /* hash functions for lefthand datatype(s) */
	FmgrInfo   *cur_eq_funcs;	/* equality functions for LHS vs. table */
} SubPlanState;

/* ----------------
 *		AlternativeSubPlanState node
 * ----------------
typedef struct AlternativeSubPlanState
	ExprState	xprstate;
	List	   *subplans;		/* states of alternative subplans */
	int			active;			/* list index of the one we're using */
} AlternativeSubPlanState;

/* ----------------
 *		FieldSelectState node
 * ----------------
typedef struct FieldSelectState
	ExprState	xprstate;
	ExprState  *arg;			/* input expression */
	TupleDesc	argdesc;		/* tupdesc for most recent input */
} FieldSelectState;

/* ----------------
 *		FieldStoreState node
 * ----------------
typedef struct FieldStoreState
	ExprState	xprstate;
	ExprState  *arg;			/* input tuple value */
	List	   *newvals;		/* new value(s) for field(s) */
	TupleDesc	argdesc;		/* tupdesc for most recent input */
} FieldStoreState;

/* ----------------
 *		CoerceViaIOState node
 * ----------------
typedef struct CoerceViaIOState
	ExprState	xprstate;
	ExprState  *arg;			/* input expression */
	FmgrInfo	outfunc;		/* lookup info for source output function */
	FmgrInfo	infunc;			/* lookup info for result input function */
	Oid			intypioparam;	/* argument needed for input function */
} CoerceViaIOState;

/* ----------------
 *		ArrayCoerceExprState node
 * ----------------
typedef struct ArrayCoerceExprState
	ExprState	xprstate;
	ExprState  *arg;			/* input array value */
	Oid			resultelemtype; /* element type of result array */
	FmgrInfo	elemfunc;		/* lookup info for element coercion function */
	/* use struct pointer to avoid including array.h here */
	struct ArrayMapState *amstate;		/* workspace for array_map */
} ArrayCoerceExprState;

/* ----------------
 *		ConvertRowtypeExprState node
 * ----------------
typedef struct ConvertRowtypeExprState
	ExprState	xprstate;
	ExprState  *arg;			/* input tuple value */
	TupleDesc	indesc;			/* tupdesc for source rowtype */
	TupleDesc	outdesc;		/* tupdesc for result rowtype */
	/* use "struct" so we needn't include tupconvert.h here */
	struct TupleConversionMap *map;
	bool		initialized;
} ConvertRowtypeExprState;

/* ----------------
 *		CaseExprState node
 * ----------------
typedef struct CaseExprState
	ExprState	xprstate;
	ExprState  *arg;			/* implicit equality comparison argument */
	List	   *args;			/* the arguments (list of WHEN clauses) */
	ExprState  *defresult;		/* the default result (ELSE clause) */
} CaseExprState;

/* ----------------
 *		CaseWhenState node
 * ----------------
typedef struct CaseWhenState
	ExprState	xprstate;
	ExprState  *expr;			/* condition expression */
	ExprState  *result;			/* substitution result */
} CaseWhenState;

/* ----------------
 *		ArrayExprState node
 * Note: ARRAY[] expressions always produce varlena arrays, never fixed-length
 * arrays.
 * ----------------
typedef struct ArrayExprState
	ExprState	xprstate;
	List	   *elements;		/* states for child nodes */
	int16		elemlength;		/* typlen of the array element type */
	bool		elembyval;		/* is the element type pass-by-value? */
	char		elemalign;		/* typalign of the element type */
} ArrayExprState;

/* ----------------
 *		RowExprState node
 * ----------------
typedef struct RowExprState
	ExprState	xprstate;
	List	   *args;			/* the arguments */
	TupleDesc	tupdesc;		/* descriptor for result tuples */
} RowExprState;

/* ----------------
 *		RowCompareExprState node
 * ----------------
typedef struct RowCompareExprState
	ExprState	xprstate;
	List	   *largs;			/* the left-hand input arguments */
	List	   *rargs;			/* the right-hand input arguments */
	FmgrInfo   *funcs;			/* array of comparison function info */
	Oid		   *collations;		/* array of collations to use */
} RowCompareExprState;

/* ----------------
 *		CoalesceExprState node
 * ----------------
typedef struct CoalesceExprState
	ExprState	xprstate;
	List	   *args;			/* the arguments */
} CoalesceExprState;

/* ----------------
 *		MinMaxExprState node
 * ----------------
typedef struct MinMaxExprState
	ExprState	xprstate;
	List	   *args;			/* the arguments */
	FmgrInfo	cfunc;			/* lookup info for comparison func */
} MinMaxExprState;

/* ----------------
 *		XmlExprState node
 * ----------------
typedef struct XmlExprState
	ExprState	xprstate;
	List	   *named_args;		/* ExprStates for named arguments */
	List	   *args;			/* ExprStates for other arguments */
} XmlExprState;

/* ----------------
 *		NullTestState node
 * ----------------
typedef struct NullTestState
	ExprState	xprstate;
	ExprState  *arg;			/* input expression */
	/* used only if input is of composite type: */
	TupleDesc	argdesc;		/* tupdesc for most recent input */
} NullTestState;

/* ----------------
 *		CoerceToDomainState node
 * ----------------
typedef struct CoerceToDomainState
	ExprState	xprstate;
	ExprState  *arg;			/* input expression */
	/* Cached list of constraints that need to be checked */
	List	   *constraints;	/* list of DomainConstraintState nodes */
} CoerceToDomainState;

 * DomainConstraintState - one item to check during CoerceToDomain
 * Note: this is just a Node, and not an ExprState, because it has no
 * corresponding Expr to link to.  Nonetheless it is part of an ExprState
 * tree, so we give it a name following the xxxState convention.
typedef enum DomainConstraintType
} DomainConstraintType;

typedef struct DomainConstraintState
	NodeTag		type;
	DomainConstraintType constrainttype;		/* constraint type */
	char	   *name;			/* name of constraint (for error msgs) */
	ExprState  *check_expr;		/* for CHECK, a boolean expression */
} DomainConstraintState;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *				 Executor State Trees
 * An executing query has a PlanState tree paralleling the Plan tree
 * that describes the plan.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------

/* ----------------
 *		PlanState node
 * We never actually instantiate any PlanState nodes; this is just the common
 * abstract superclass for all PlanState-type nodes.
 * ----------------
typedef struct PlanState
	NodeTag		type;

	Plan	   *plan;			/* associated Plan node */

	EState	   *state;			/* at execution time, states of individual
								 * nodes point to one EState for the whole
								 * top-level plan */

	struct Instrumentation *instrument; /* Optional runtime stats for this
										 * plan node */

	 * Common structural data for all Plan types.  These links to subsidiary
	 * state trees parallel links in the associated plan tree (except for the
	 * subPlan list, which does not exist in the plan tree).
	List	   *targetlist;		/* target list to be computed at this node */
	List	   *qual;			/* implicitly-ANDed qual conditions */
	struct PlanState *lefttree; /* input plan tree(s) */
	struct PlanState *righttree;
	List	   *initPlan;		/* Init SubPlanState nodes (un-correlated expr
								 * subselects) */
	List	   *subPlan;		/* SubPlanState nodes in my expressions */

	 * State for management of parameter-change-driven rescanning
	Bitmapset  *chgParam;		/* set of IDs of changed Params */

	 * Other run-time state needed by most if not all node types.
	TupleTableSlot *ps_ResultTupleSlot; /* slot for my result tuples */
	ExprContext *ps_ExprContext;	/* node's expression-evaluation context */
	ProjectionInfo *ps_ProjInfo;	/* info for doing tuple projection */
	bool		ps_TupFromTlist;/* state flag for processing set-valued
								 * functions in targetlist */
} PlanState;

/* ----------------
 *	these are defined to avoid confusion problems with "left"
 *	and "right" and "inner" and "outer".  The convention is that
 *	the "left" plan is the "outer" plan and the "right" plan is
 *	the inner plan, but these make the code more readable.
 * ----------------
#define innerPlanState(node)		(((PlanState *)(node))->righttree)
#define outerPlanState(node)		(((PlanState *)(node))->lefttree)

 * EPQState is state for executing an EvalPlanQual recheck on a candidate
 * tuple in ModifyTable or LockRows.  The estate and planstate fields are
 * NULL if inactive.
typedef struct EPQState
	EState	   *estate;			/* subsidiary EState */
	PlanState  *planstate;		/* plan state tree ready to be executed */
	TupleTableSlot *origslot;	/* original output tuple to be rechecked */
	Plan	   *plan;			/* plan tree to be executed */
	List	   *arowMarks;		/* ExecAuxRowMarks (non-locking only) */
	int			epqParam;		/* ID of Param to force scan node re-eval */
} EPQState;

/* ----------------
 *	 ResultState information
 * ----------------
typedef struct ResultState
	PlanState	ps;				/* its first field is NodeTag */
	ExprState  *resconstantqual;
	bool		rs_done;		/* are we done? */
	bool		rs_checkqual;	/* do we need to check the qual? */
} ResultState;

/* ----------------
 *	 ModifyTableState information
 * ----------------
typedef struct ModifyTableState
	PlanState	ps;				/* its first field is NodeTag */
	CmdType		operation;		/* INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE */
	bool		canSetTag;		/* do we set the command tag/es_processed? */
	bool		mt_done;		/* are we done? */
	PlanState **mt_plans;		/* subplans (one per target rel) */
	int			mt_nplans;		/* number of plans in the array */
	int			mt_whichplan;	/* which one is being executed (0..n-1) */
	ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo;		/* per-subplan target relations */
	List	  **mt_arowmarks;	/* per-subplan ExecAuxRowMark lists */
	EPQState	mt_epqstate;	/* for evaluating EvalPlanQual rechecks */
	bool		fireBSTriggers; /* do we need to fire stmt triggers? */
} ModifyTableState;

/* ----------------
 *	 AppendState information
 *		nplans			how many plans are in the array
 *		whichplan		which plan is being executed (0 .. n-1)
 * ----------------
typedef struct AppendState
	PlanState	ps;				/* its first field is NodeTag */
	PlanState **appendplans;	/* array of PlanStates for my inputs */
	int			as_nplans;
	int			as_whichplan;
} AppendState;

/* ----------------
 *	 MergeAppendState information
 *		nplans			how many plans are in the array
 *		nkeys			number of sort key columns
 *		scankeys		sort keys in ScanKey representation
 *		slots			current output tuple of each subplan
 *		heap			heap of active tuples (represented as array indexes)
 *		heap_size		number of active heap entries
 *		initialized		true if we have fetched first tuple from each subplan
 *		last_slot		last subplan fetched from (which must be re-called)
 * ----------------
typedef struct MergeAppendState
	PlanState	ps;				/* its first field is NodeTag */
	PlanState **mergeplans;		/* array of PlanStates for my inputs */
	int			ms_nplans;
	int			ms_nkeys;
	ScanKey		ms_scankeys;	/* array of length ms_nkeys */
	TupleTableSlot **ms_slots;	/* array of length ms_nplans */
	int		   *ms_heap;		/* array of length ms_nplans */
	int			ms_heap_size;	/* current active length of ms_heap[] */
	bool		ms_initialized; /* are subplans started? */
	int			ms_last_slot;	/* last subplan slot we returned from */
} MergeAppendState;

/* ----------------
 *	 RecursiveUnionState information
 *		RecursiveUnionState is used for performing a recursive union.
 *		recursing			T when we're done scanning the non-recursive term
 *		intermediate_empty	T if intermediate_table is currently empty
 *		working_table		working table (to be scanned by recursive term)
 *		intermediate_table	current recursive output (next generation of WT)
 * ----------------
typedef struct RecursiveUnionState
	PlanState	ps;				/* its first field is NodeTag */
	bool		recursing;
	bool		intermediate_empty;
	Tuplestorestate *working_table;
	Tuplestorestate *intermediate_table;
	/* Remaining fields are unused in UNION ALL case */
	FmgrInfo   *eqfunctions;	/* per-grouping-field equality fns */
	FmgrInfo   *hashfunctions;	/* per-grouping-field hash fns */
	MemoryContext tempContext;	/* short-term context for comparisons */
	TupleHashTable hashtable;	/* hash table for tuples already seen */
	MemoryContext tableContext; /* memory context containing hash table */
} RecursiveUnionState;

/* ----------------
 *	 BitmapAndState information
 * ----------------
typedef struct BitmapAndState
	PlanState	ps;				/* its first field is NodeTag */
	PlanState **bitmapplans;	/* array of PlanStates for my inputs */
	int			nplans;			/* number of input plans */
} BitmapAndState;

/* ----------------
 *	 BitmapOrState information
 * ----------------
typedef struct BitmapOrState
	PlanState	ps;				/* its first field is NodeTag */
	PlanState **bitmapplans;	/* array of PlanStates for my inputs */
	int			nplans;			/* number of input plans */
} BitmapOrState;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *				 Scan State Information
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------

/* ----------------
 *	 ScanState information
 *		ScanState extends PlanState for node types that represent
 *		scans of an underlying relation.  It can also be used for nodes
 *		that scan the output of an underlying plan node --- in that case,
 *		only ScanTupleSlot is actually useful, and it refers to the tuple
 *		retrieved from the subplan.
 *		currentRelation    relation being scanned (NULL if none)
 *		currentScanDesc    current scan descriptor for scan (NULL if none)
 *		ScanTupleSlot	   pointer to slot in tuple table holding scan tuple
 * ----------------
typedef struct ScanState
	PlanState	ps;				/* its first field is NodeTag */
	Relation	ss_currentRelation;
	HeapScanDesc ss_currentScanDesc;
	TupleTableSlot *ss_ScanTupleSlot;
} ScanState;

 * SeqScan uses a bare ScanState as its state node, since it needs
 * no additional fields.
typedef ScanState SeqScanState;

 * These structs store information about index quals that don't have simple
 * constant right-hand sides.  See comments for ExecIndexBuildScanKeys()
 * for discussion.
typedef struct
	ScanKey		scan_key;		/* scankey to put value into */
	ExprState  *key_expr;		/* expr to evaluate to get value */
	bool		key_toastable;	/* is expr's result a toastable datatype? */
} IndexRuntimeKeyInfo;

typedef struct
	ScanKey		scan_key;		/* scankey to put value into */
	ExprState  *array_expr;		/* expr to evaluate to get array value */
	int			next_elem;		/* next array element to use */
	int			num_elems;		/* number of elems in current array value */
	Datum	   *elem_values;	/* array of num_elems Datums */
	bool	   *elem_nulls;		/* array of num_elems is-null flags */
} IndexArrayKeyInfo;

/* ----------------
 *	 IndexScanState information
 *		indexqualorig	   execution state for indexqualorig expressions
 *		ScanKeys		   Skey structures for index quals
 *		NumScanKeys		   number of ScanKeys
 *		OrderByKeys		   Skey structures for index ordering operators
 *		NumOrderByKeys	   number of OrderByKeys
 *		RuntimeKeys		   info about Skeys that must be evaluated at runtime
 *		NumRuntimeKeys	   number of RuntimeKeys
 *		RuntimeKeysReady   true if runtime Skeys have been computed
 *		RuntimeContext	   expr context for evaling runtime Skeys
 *		RelationDesc	   index relation descriptor
 *		ScanDesc		   index scan descriptor
 * ----------------
typedef struct IndexScanState
	ScanState	ss;				/* its first field is NodeTag */
	List	   *indexqualorig;
	ScanKey		iss_ScanKeys;
	int			iss_NumScanKeys;
	ScanKey		iss_OrderByKeys;
	int			iss_NumOrderByKeys;
	IndexRuntimeKeyInfo *iss_RuntimeKeys;
	int			iss_NumRuntimeKeys;
	bool		iss_RuntimeKeysReady;
	ExprContext *iss_RuntimeContext;
	Relation	iss_RelationDesc;
	IndexScanDesc iss_ScanDesc;
} IndexScanState;

/* ----------------
 *	 BitmapIndexScanState information
 *		result			   bitmap to return output into, or NULL
 *		ScanKeys		   Skey structures for index quals
 *		NumScanKeys		   number of ScanKeys
 *		RuntimeKeys		   info about Skeys that must be evaluated at runtime
 *		NumRuntimeKeys	   number of RuntimeKeys
 *		ArrayKeys		   info about Skeys that come from ScalarArrayOpExprs
 *		NumArrayKeys	   number of ArrayKeys
 *		RuntimeKeysReady   true if runtime Skeys have been computed
 *		RuntimeContext	   expr context for evaling runtime Skeys
 *		RelationDesc	   index relation descriptor
 *		ScanDesc		   index scan descriptor
 * ----------------
typedef struct BitmapIndexScanState
	ScanState	ss;				/* its first field is NodeTag */
	TIDBitmap  *biss_result;
	ScanKey		biss_ScanKeys;
	int			biss_NumScanKeys;
	IndexRuntimeKeyInfo *biss_RuntimeKeys;
	int			biss_NumRuntimeKeys;
	IndexArrayKeyInfo *biss_ArrayKeys;
	int			biss_NumArrayKeys;
	bool		biss_RuntimeKeysReady;
	ExprContext *biss_RuntimeContext;
	Relation	biss_RelationDesc;
	IndexScanDesc biss_ScanDesc;
} BitmapIndexScanState;

/* ----------------
 *	 BitmapHeapScanState information
 *		bitmapqualorig	   execution state for bitmapqualorig expressions
 *		tbm				   bitmap obtained from child index scan(s)
 *		tbmiterator		   iterator for scanning current pages
 *		tbmres			   current-page data
 *		prefetch_iterator  iterator for prefetching ahead of current page
 *		prefetch_pages	   # pages prefetch iterator is ahead of current
 *		prefetch_target    target prefetch distance
 * ----------------
typedef struct BitmapHeapScanState
	ScanState	ss;				/* its first field is NodeTag */
	List	   *bitmapqualorig;
	TIDBitmap  *tbm;
	TBMIterator *tbmiterator;
	TBMIterateResult *tbmres;
	TBMIterator *prefetch_iterator;
	int			prefetch_pages;
	int			prefetch_target;
} BitmapHeapScanState;

/* ----------------
 *	 TidScanState information
 *		isCurrentOf    scan has a CurrentOfExpr qual
 *		NumTids		   number of tids in this scan
 *		TidPtr		   index of currently fetched tid
 *		TidList		   evaluated item pointers (array of size NumTids)
 * ----------------
typedef struct TidScanState
	ScanState	ss;				/* its first field is NodeTag */
	List	   *tss_tidquals;	/* list of ExprState nodes */
	bool		tss_isCurrentOf;
	int			tss_NumTids;
	int			tss_TidPtr;
	int			tss_MarkTidPtr;
	ItemPointerData *tss_TidList;
	HeapTupleData tss_htup;
} TidScanState;

/* ----------------
 *	 SubqueryScanState information
 *		SubqueryScanState is used for scanning a sub-query in the range table.
 *		ScanTupleSlot references the current output tuple of the sub-query.
 * ----------------
typedef struct SubqueryScanState
	ScanState	ss;				/* its first field is NodeTag */
	PlanState  *subplan;
} SubqueryScanState;

/* ----------------
 *	 FunctionScanState information
 *		Function nodes are used to scan the results of a
 *		function appearing in FROM (typically a function returning set).
 *		eflags				node's capability flags
 *		tupdesc				expected return tuple description
 *		tuplestorestate		private state of tuplestore.c
 *		funcexpr			state for function expression being evaluated
 * ----------------
typedef struct FunctionScanState
	ScanState	ss;				/* its first field is NodeTag */
	int			eflags;
	TupleDesc	tupdesc;
	Tuplestorestate *tuplestorestate;
	ExprState  *funcexpr;
} FunctionScanState;

/* ----------------
 *	 ValuesScanState information
 *		ValuesScan nodes are used to scan the results of a VALUES list
 *		rowcontext			per-expression-list context
 *		exprlists			array of expression lists being evaluated
 *		array_len			size of array
 *		curr_idx			current array index (0-based)
 *		marked_idx			marked position (for mark/restore)
 *	Note: is used to evaluate any qual or projection
 *	expressions attached to the node.  We create a second ExprContext,
 *	rowcontext, in which to build the executor expression state for each
 *	Values sublist.  Resetting this context lets us get rid of expression
 *	state for each row, avoiding major memory leakage over a long values list.
 * ----------------
typedef struct ValuesScanState
	ScanState	ss;				/* its first field is NodeTag */
	ExprContext *rowcontext;
	List	  **exprlists;
	int			array_len;
	int			curr_idx;
	int			marked_idx;
} ValuesScanState;

/* ----------------
 *	 CteScanState information
 *		CteScan nodes are used to scan a CommonTableExpr query.
 * Multiple CteScan nodes can read out from the same CTE query.  We use
 * a tuplestore to hold rows that have been read from the CTE query but
 * not yet consumed by all readers.
 * ----------------
typedef struct CteScanState
	ScanState	ss;				/* its first field is NodeTag */
	int			eflags;			/* capability flags to pass to tuplestore */
	int			readptr;		/* index of my tuplestore read pointer */
	PlanState  *cteplanstate;	/* PlanState for the CTE query itself */
	/* Link to the "leader" CteScanState (possibly this same node) */
	struct CteScanState *leader;
	/* The remaining fields are only valid in the "leader" CteScanState */
	Tuplestorestate *cte_table; /* rows already read from the CTE query */
	bool		eof_cte;		/* reached end of CTE query? */
} CteScanState;

/* ----------------
 *	 WorkTableScanState information
 *		WorkTableScan nodes are used to scan the work table created by
 *		a RecursiveUnion node.	We locate the RecursiveUnion node
 *		during executor startup.
 * ----------------
typedef struct WorkTableScanState
	ScanState	ss;				/* its first field is NodeTag */
	RecursiveUnionState *rustate;
} WorkTableScanState;

/* ----------------
 *	 ForeignScanState information
 *		ForeignScan nodes are used to scan foreign-data tables.
 * ----------------
typedef struct ForeignScanState
	ScanState	ss;				/* its first field is NodeTag */
	/* use struct pointer to avoid including fdwapi.h here */
	struct FdwRoutine *fdwroutine;
	void	   *fdw_state;		/* foreign-data wrapper can keep state here */
} ForeignScanState;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *				 Join State Information
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------

/* ----------------
 *	 JoinState information
 *		Superclass for state nodes of join plans.
 * ----------------
typedef struct JoinState
	PlanState	ps;
	JoinType	jointype;
	List	   *joinqual;		/* JOIN quals (in addition to ps.qual) */
} JoinState;

/* ----------------
 *	 NestLoopState information
 *		NeedNewOuter	   true if need new outer tuple on next call
 *		MatchedOuter	   true if found a join match for current outer tuple
 *		NullInnerTupleSlot prepared null tuple for left outer joins
 * ----------------
typedef struct NestLoopState
	JoinState	js;				/* its first field is NodeTag */
	bool		nl_NeedNewOuter;
	bool		nl_MatchedOuter;
	TupleTableSlot *nl_NullInnerTupleSlot;
} NestLoopState;

/* ----------------
 *	 MergeJoinState information
 *		NumClauses		   number of mergejoinable join clauses
 *		Clauses			   info for each mergejoinable clause
 *		JoinState		   current state of ExecMergeJoin state machine
 *		ExtraMarks		   true to issue extra Mark operations on inner scan
 *		ConstFalseJoin	   true if we have a constant-false joinqual
 *		FillOuter		   true if should emit unjoined outer tuples anyway
 *		FillInner		   true if should emit unjoined inner tuples anyway
 *		MatchedOuter	   true if found a join match for current outer tuple
 *		MatchedInner	   true if found a join match for current inner tuple
 *		OuterTupleSlot	   slot in tuple table for cur outer tuple
 *		InnerTupleSlot	   slot in tuple table for cur inner tuple
 *		MarkedTupleSlot    slot in tuple table for marked tuple
 *		NullOuterTupleSlot prepared null tuple for right outer joins
 *		NullInnerTupleSlot prepared null tuple for left outer joins
 *		OuterEContext	   workspace for computing outer tuple's join values
 *		InnerEContext	   workspace for computing inner tuple's join values
 * ----------------
/* private in nodeMergejoin.c: */
typedef struct MergeJoinClauseData *MergeJoinClause;

typedef struct MergeJoinState
	JoinState	js;				/* its first field is NodeTag */
	int			mj_NumClauses;
	MergeJoinClause mj_Clauses; /* array of length mj_NumClauses */
	int			mj_JoinState;
	bool		mj_ExtraMarks;
	bool		mj_ConstFalseJoin;
	bool		mj_FillOuter;
	bool		mj_FillInner;
	bool		mj_MatchedOuter;
	bool		mj_MatchedInner;
	TupleTableSlot *mj_OuterTupleSlot;
	TupleTableSlot *mj_InnerTupleSlot;
	TupleTableSlot *mj_MarkedTupleSlot;
	TupleTableSlot *mj_NullOuterTupleSlot;
	TupleTableSlot *mj_NullInnerTupleSlot;
	ExprContext *mj_OuterEContext;
	ExprContext *mj_InnerEContext;
} MergeJoinState;

/* ----------------
 *	 HashJoinState information
 *		hashclauses				original form of the hashjoin condition
 *		hj_OuterHashKeys		the outer hash keys in the hashjoin condition
 *		hj_InnerHashKeys		the inner hash keys in the hashjoin condition
 *		hj_HashOperators		the join operators in the hashjoin condition
 *		hj_HashTable			hash table for the hashjoin
 *								(NULL if table not built yet)
 *		hj_CurHashValue			hash value for current outer tuple
 *		hj_CurBucketNo			regular bucket# for current outer tuple
 *		hj_CurSkewBucketNo		skew bucket# for current outer tuple
 *		hj_CurTuple				last inner tuple matched to current outer
 *								tuple, or NULL if starting search
 *								(hj_CurXXX variables are undefined if
 *								OuterTupleSlot is empty!)
 *		hj_OuterTupleSlot		tuple slot for outer tuples
 *		hj_HashTupleSlot		tuple slot for inner (hashed) tuples
 *		hj_NullOuterTupleSlot	prepared null tuple for right/full outer joins
 *		hj_NullInnerTupleSlot	prepared null tuple for left/full outer joins
 *		hj_FirstOuterTupleSlot	first tuple retrieved from outer plan
 *		hj_JoinState			current state of ExecHashJoin state machine
 *		hj_MatchedOuter			true if found a join match for current outer
 *		hj_OuterNotEmpty		true if outer relation known not empty
 * ----------------

/* these structs are defined in executor/hashjoin.h: */
typedef struct HashJoinTupleData *HashJoinTuple;
typedef struct HashJoinTableData *HashJoinTable;

typedef struct HashJoinState
	JoinState	js;				/* its first field is NodeTag */
	List	   *hashclauses;	/* list of ExprState nodes */
	List	   *hj_OuterHashKeys;		/* list of ExprState nodes */
	List	   *hj_InnerHashKeys;		/* list of ExprState nodes */
	List	   *hj_HashOperators;		/* list of operator OIDs */
	HashJoinTable hj_HashTable;
	uint32		hj_CurHashValue;
	int			hj_CurBucketNo;
	int			hj_CurSkewBucketNo;
	HashJoinTuple hj_CurTuple;
	TupleTableSlot *hj_OuterTupleSlot;
	TupleTableSlot *hj_HashTupleSlot;
	TupleTableSlot *hj_NullOuterTupleSlot;
	TupleTableSlot *hj_NullInnerTupleSlot;
	TupleTableSlot *hj_FirstOuterTupleSlot;
	int			hj_JoinState;
	bool		hj_MatchedOuter;
	bool		hj_OuterNotEmpty;
} HashJoinState;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *				 Materialization State Information
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------

/* ----------------
 *	 MaterialState information
 *		materialize nodes are used to materialize the results
 *		of a subplan into a temporary file.
 *		ss.ss_ScanTupleSlot refers to output of underlying plan.
 * ----------------
typedef struct MaterialState
	ScanState	ss;				/* its first field is NodeTag */
	int			eflags;			/* capability flags to pass to tuplestore */
	bool		eof_underlying; /* reached end of underlying plan? */
	Tuplestorestate *tuplestorestate;
} MaterialState;

/* ----------------
 *	 SortState information
 * ----------------
typedef struct SortState
	ScanState	ss;				/* its first field is NodeTag */
	bool		randomAccess;	/* need random access to sort output? */
	bool		bounded;		/* is the result set bounded? */
	int64		bound;			/* if bounded, how many tuples are needed */
	bool		sort_Done;		/* sort completed yet? */
	bool		bounded_Done;	/* value of bounded we did the sort with */
	int64		bound_Done;		/* value of bound we did the sort with */
	void	   *tuplesortstate; /* private state of tuplesort.c */
} SortState;

/* ---------------------
 *	GroupState information
 * -------------------------
typedef struct GroupState
	ScanState	ss;				/* its first field is NodeTag */
	FmgrInfo   *eqfunctions;	/* per-field lookup data for equality fns */
	bool		grp_done;		/* indicates completion of Group scan */
} GroupState;

/* ---------------------
 *	AggState information
 *	ss.ss_ScanTupleSlot refers to output of underlying plan.
 *	Note: contains ecxt_aggvalues and
 *	ecxt_aggnulls arrays, which hold the computed agg values for the current
 *	input group during evaluation of an Agg node's output tuple(s).  We
 *	create a second ExprContext, tmpcontext, in which to evaluate input
 *	expressions and run the aggregate transition functions.
 * -------------------------
/* these structs are private in nodeAgg.c: */
typedef struct AggStatePerAggData *AggStatePerAgg;
typedef struct AggStatePerGroupData *AggStatePerGroup;

typedef struct AggState
	ScanState	ss;				/* its first field is NodeTag */
	List	   *aggs;			/* all Aggref nodes in targetlist & quals */
	int			numaggs;		/* length of list (could be zero!) */
	FmgrInfo   *eqfunctions;	/* per-grouping-field equality fns */
	FmgrInfo   *hashfunctions;	/* per-grouping-field hash fns */
	AggStatePerAgg peragg;		/* per-Aggref information */
	MemoryContext aggcontext;	/* memory context for long-lived data */
	ExprContext *tmpcontext;	/* econtext for input expressions */
	bool		agg_done;		/* indicates completion of Agg scan */
	/* these fields are used in AGG_PLAIN and AGG_SORTED modes: */
	AggStatePerGroup pergroup;	/* per-Aggref-per-group working state */
	HeapTuple	grp_firstTuple; /* copy of first tuple of current group */
	/* these fields are used in AGG_HASHED mode: */
	TupleHashTable hashtable;	/* hash table with one entry per group */
	TupleTableSlot *hashslot;	/* slot for loading hash table */
	List	   *hash_needed;	/* list of columns needed in hash table */
	bool		table_filled;	/* hash table filled yet? */
	TupleHashIterator hashiter; /* for iterating through hash table */
} AggState;

/* ----------------
 *	WindowAggState information
 * ----------------
/* these structs are private in nodeWindowAgg.c: */
typedef struct WindowStatePerFuncData *WindowStatePerFunc;
typedef struct WindowStatePerAggData *WindowStatePerAgg;

typedef struct WindowAggState
	ScanState	ss;				/* its first field is NodeTag */

	/* these fields are filled in by ExecInitExpr: */
	List	   *funcs;			/* all WindowFunc nodes in targetlist */
	int			numfuncs;		/* total number of window functions */
	int			numaggs;		/* number that are plain aggregates */

	WindowStatePerFunc perfunc; /* per-window-function information */
	WindowStatePerAgg peragg;	/* per-plain-aggregate information */
	FmgrInfo   *partEqfunctions;	/* equality funcs for partition columns */
	FmgrInfo   *ordEqfunctions; /* equality funcs for ordering columns */
	Tuplestorestate *buffer;	/* stores rows of current partition */
	int			current_ptr;	/* read pointer # for current */
	int64		spooled_rows;	/* total # of rows in buffer */
	int64		currentpos;		/* position of current row in partition */
	int64		frameheadpos;	/* current frame head position */
	int64		frametailpos;	/* current frame tail position */
	/* use struct pointer to avoid including windowapi.h here */
	struct WindowObjectData *agg_winobj;		/* winobj for aggregate
												 * fetches */
	int64		aggregatedbase; /* start row for current aggregates */
	int64		aggregatedupto; /* rows before this one are aggregated */
	int			frameOptions;	/* frame_clause options, see WindowDef */
	ExprState  *startOffset;	/* expression for starting bound offset */
	ExprState  *endOffset;		/* expression for ending bound offset */
	Datum		startOffsetValue;		/* result of startOffset evaluation */
	Datum		endOffsetValue; /* result of endOffset evaluation */

	MemoryContext partcontext;	/* context for partition-lifespan data */
	MemoryContext aggcontext;	/* context for each aggregate data */
	ExprContext *tmpcontext;	/* short-term evaluation context */

	bool		all_first;		/* true if the scan is starting */
	bool		all_done;		/* true if the scan is finished */
	bool		partition_spooled;		/* true if all tuples in current
										 * partition have been spooled into
										 * tuplestore */
	bool		more_partitions;/* true if there's more partitions after this
								 * one */
	bool		framehead_valid;/* true if frameheadpos is known up to date
								 * for current row */
	bool		frametail_valid;/* true if frametailpos is known up to date
								 * for current row */

	TupleTableSlot *first_part_slot;	/* first tuple of current or next
										 * partition */

	/* temporary slots for tuples fetched back from tuplestore */
	TupleTableSlot *agg_row_slot;
	TupleTableSlot *temp_slot_1;
	TupleTableSlot *temp_slot_2;
} WindowAggState;

/* ----------------
 *	 UniqueState information
 *		Unique nodes are used "on top of" sort nodes to discard
 *		duplicate tuples returned from the sort phase.	Basically
 *		all it does is compare the current tuple from the subplan
 *		with the previously fetched tuple (stored in its result slot).
 *		If the two are identical in all interesting fields, then
 *		we just fetch another tuple from the sort and try again.
 * ----------------
typedef struct UniqueState
	PlanState	ps;				/* its first field is NodeTag */
	FmgrInfo   *eqfunctions;	/* per-field lookup data for equality fns */
	MemoryContext tempContext;	/* short-term context for comparisons */
} UniqueState;

/* ----------------
 *	 HashState information
 * ----------------
typedef struct HashState
	PlanState	ps;				/* its first field is NodeTag */
	HashJoinTable hashtable;	/* hash table for the hashjoin */
	List	   *hashkeys;		/* list of ExprState nodes */
	/* hashkeys is same as parent's hj_InnerHashKeys */
} HashState;

/* ----------------
 *	 SetOpState information
 *		Even in "sorted" mode, SetOp nodes are more complex than a simple
 *		Unique, since we have to count how many duplicates to return.  But
 *		we also support hashing, so this is really more like a cut-down
 *		form of Agg.
 * ----------------
/* this struct is private in nodeSetOp.c: */
typedef struct SetOpStatePerGroupData *SetOpStatePerGroup;

typedef struct SetOpState
	PlanState	ps;				/* its first field is NodeTag */
	FmgrInfo   *eqfunctions;	/* per-grouping-field equality fns */
	FmgrInfo   *hashfunctions;	/* per-grouping-field hash fns */
	bool		setop_done;		/* indicates completion of output scan */
	long		numOutput;		/* number of dups left to output */
	MemoryContext tempContext;	/* short-term context for comparisons */
	/* these fields are used in SETOP_SORTED mode: */
	SetOpStatePerGroup pergroup;	/* per-group working state */
	HeapTuple	grp_firstTuple; /* copy of first tuple of current group */
	/* these fields are used in SETOP_HASHED mode: */
	TupleHashTable hashtable;	/* hash table with one entry per group */
	MemoryContext tableContext; /* memory context containing hash table */
	bool		table_filled;	/* hash table filled yet? */
	TupleHashIterator hashiter; /* for iterating through hash table */
} SetOpState;

/* ----------------
 *	 LockRowsState information
 *		LockRows nodes are used to enforce FOR UPDATE/FOR SHARE locking.
 * ----------------
typedef struct LockRowsState
	PlanState	ps;				/* its first field is NodeTag */
	List	   *lr_arowMarks;	/* List of ExecAuxRowMarks */
	EPQState	lr_epqstate;	/* for evaluating EvalPlanQual rechecks */
} LockRowsState;

/* ----------------
 *	 LimitState information
 *		Limit nodes are used to enforce LIMIT/OFFSET clauses.
 *		They just select the desired subrange of their subplan's output.
 * offset is the number of initial tuples to skip (0 does nothing).
 * count is the number of tuples to return after skipping the offset tuples.
 * If no limit count was specified, count is undefined and noCount is true.
 * When lstate == LIMIT_INITIAL, offset/count/noCount haven't been set yet.
 * ----------------
typedef enum
	LIMIT_INITIAL,				/* initial state for LIMIT node */
	LIMIT_RESCAN,				/* rescan after recomputing parameters */
	LIMIT_EMPTY,				/* there are no returnable rows */
	LIMIT_INWINDOW,				/* have returned a row in the window */
	LIMIT_SUBPLANEOF,			/* at EOF of subplan (within window) */
	LIMIT_WINDOWEND,			/* stepped off end of window */
	LIMIT_WINDOWSTART			/* stepped off beginning of window */
} LimitStateCond;

typedef struct LimitState
	PlanState	ps;				/* its first field is NodeTag */
	ExprState  *limitOffset;	/* OFFSET parameter, or NULL if none */
	ExprState  *limitCount;		/* COUNT parameter, or NULL if none */
	int64		offset;			/* current OFFSET value */
	int64		count;			/* current COUNT, if any */
	bool		noCount;		/* if true, ignore count */
	LimitStateCond lstate;		/* state machine status, as above */
	int64		position;		/* 1-based index of last tuple returned */
	TupleTableSlot *subSlot;	/* tuple last obtained from subplan */
} LimitState;
#endif   /* EXECNODES_H */