Bruce Momjian authored
is in <string> and not in <string.h> on QNX4/egcs-2.91.60. Probably this can be changed for all platforms. The test in line 1705 uses <string> as well. Because I am not sure, I havn't this included into the patch. doc/Makefile has to be sligthly modified as it has been done for src/backend/Makefile due to a QNX4 problem (patch attached) Furthermore src/test/regress/run_check.sh needs to be patched as it has been done for regress.sh (patch attached). Please note that in the patch the postmaster is started always with the -i option. run_check.sh reports the test "limit" as failed, but in reallity it is OK. regress.sh reports it as OK. Andreas Kardos
Bruce Momjian authoredis in <string> and not in <string.h> on QNX4/egcs-2.91.60. Probably this can be changed for all platforms. The test in line 1705 uses <string> as well. Because I am not sure, I havn't this included into the patch. doc/Makefile has to be sligthly modified as it has been done for src/backend/Makefile due to a QNX4 problem (patch attached) Furthermore src/test/regress/run_check.sh needs to be patched as it has been done for regress.sh (patch attached). Please note that in the patch the postmaster is started always with the -i option. run_check.sh reports the test "limit" as failed, but in reallity it is OK. regress.sh reports it as OK. Andreas Kardos
Makefile 1.85 KiB
# Makefile
# Postgres documentation installation makefile
# Thomas Lockhart
# Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
# $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/doc/Makefile,v 1.15 2000/05/17 16:57:40 momjian Exp $
SRCDIR= ../src
TAR= tar
GZCAT= zcat
# Pick up Makefile.global from the source area
# This is the only resource from the code source area and is optional.
# Actually, we want this to get Makefile.custom - thomas 1998-03-01
ifneq ($(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/Makefile.global), )
include $(SRCDIR)/Makefile.global
# Hmm, made this optional but jade _really_ doesn't like them missing
# - thomas 1998-03-01
ifneq ($(HDSL), )
ifneq ($(PDSL), )
MODULES= admin postgres programmer tutorial user
TARGETS= $(MODULES:%=%.html)
.PRECIOUS: postgres.tex postgres.dvi
.PHONY: beforeinstall install all clean distclean
-@if [ ! -d $(PGDOCS) ]; then mkdir $(PGDOCS); fi
$(MAKE) all
$(MAKE) man
all:: beforeinstall $(MODULES)
rm -rf $(MODULES)
$(MAKE) clean
-@if test ! -d $(POSTMANDIR) ; then mkdir $(POSTMANDIR) ; fi
$(GZCAT) man.tar.gz | (cd $(POSTMANDIR) ; $(TAR) xf - )
# Generic production rules
# Unpack tar file
# Put into area pointed to by $(PGDOCS).
## Make a local file to keep track of dependencies,
## if $(PGDOCS) points somewhere else.
## Disable this for now - thomas 1998-03-01
# Remove the contents of the target directory
# to replace symlinks - thomas 1998-03-01
%: %.tar.gz
rm -rf ./$@ $(PGDOCS)/$*
if test ! -d $(PGDOCS)/$* ; then mkdir $(PGDOCS)/$* ; fi
$(GZCAT) $< | (cd $(PGDOCS)/$* ; $(TAR) xf - )
# touch ./$*