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postgres.sgml 5.73 KiB
$Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/doc/src/sgml/postgres.sgml,v 1.8 1998/08/17 16:20:33 thomas Exp $
Postgres integrated documentation.
Other subset docs should be copied and shrunk from here.
thomas 1998-02-23

$Log: postgres.sgml,v $
Revision 1.8  1998/08/17 16:20:33  thomas
Move SQL reference pages up into the User's Guide.

Revision 1.7  1998/08/15 06:52:53  thomas
Include new chapters.


<!doctype book PUBLIC "-//Davenport//DTD DocBook V3.0//EN" [

<!-- tutorial -->
<!entity intro    SYSTEM "intro.sgml">
<!entity arch     SYSTEM "arch.sgml">
<!entity start    SYSTEM "start.sgml">
<!entity query    SYSTEM "query.sgml">

<!-- user's guide -->
<!entity advanced SYSTEM "advanced.sgml">
<!entity environ  SYSTEM "environ.sgml">
<!entity manage   SYSTEM "manage.sgml">
<!entity datatype SYSTEM "datatype.sgml">
<!entity oper     SYSTEM "oper.sgml">
<!entity func     SYSTEM "func.sgml">
<!entity typeconv SYSTEM "typeconv.sgml">
<!entity keys     SYSTEM "keys.sgml">
<!entity array    SYSTEM "array.sgml">
<!entity inherit  SYSTEM "inherit.sgml">
<!entity query-ug SYSTEM "query-ug.sgml">
<!entity storage  SYSTEM "storage.sgml">
<!entity psql     SYSTEM "psql.sgml">
<!entity pgaccess SYSTEM "pgaccess.sgml">

<!-- reference pages -->
<!entity % allfiles SYSTEM "allfiles.sgml">

<!-- administrator's guide -->
<!entity start-ag SYSTEM "start-ag.sgml">
<!entity install  SYSTEM "install.sgml">
<!entity recovery SYSTEM "recovery.sgml">
<!entity regress  SYSTEM "regress.sgml">
<!entity ports    SYSTEM "ports.sgml">
<!entity release  SYSTEM "release.sgml">

<!-- programmer's guide -->
<!entity intro-pg SYSTEM "intro-pg.sgml">
<!entity arch-pg  SYSTEM "arch-pg.sgml">
<!entity extend   SYSTEM "extend.sgml">
<!entity rules    SYSTEM "rules.sgml">
<!entity xfunc    SYSTEM "xfunc.sgml">
<!entity xtypes   SYSTEM "xtypes.sgml">
<!entity xoper    SYSTEM "xoper.sgml">
<!entity xaggr    SYSTEM "xaggr.sgml">
<!entity xindex   SYSTEM "xindex.sgml">
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<!entity dfunc    SYSTEM "dfunc.sgml">
<!entity lobj     SYSTEM "lobj.sgml">
<!entity trigger  SYSTEM "trigger.sgml">
<!entity spi      SYSTEM "spi.sgml">
<!entity func-ref SYSTEM "func-ref.sgml">
<!entity libpq    SYSTEM "libpq.sgml">
<!entity libpgtcl SYSTEM "libpgtcl.sgml">
<!entity ecpg     SYSTEM "ecpg.sgml">
<!entity odbc     SYSTEM "odbc.sgml">
<!entity jdbc     SYSTEM "jdbc.sgml">

<!-- developer's guide -->
<!entity arch-dev SYSTEM "arch-dev.sgml">
<!entity geqo     SYSTEM "geqo.sgml">
<!entity protocol SYSTEM "protocol.sgml">
<!entity compiler SYSTEM "compiler.sgml">
<!entity page     SYSTEM "page.sgml">
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<!entity biblio   SYSTEM "biblio.sgml">
<!entity contacts SYSTEM "contacts.sgml">
<!-- entity manpages SYSTEM "man/manpages.sgml" subdoc -->
<Book Id="postgres">

<!-- Title information -->

    <ReleaseInfo>Covering v6.4 for general release</ReleaseInfo>
      <CorpAuthor>The PostgreSQL Development Team</CorpAuthor>
<!-- editor in authorgroup is not supported

    <Date>(last updated 1998-02-23)</Date>

<ProductName>PostgreSQL</ProductName> is copyright (C) 1998 by the Postgres Global Development Group.


<TOC> </TOC>
<LOT> </LOT>

Your name here...

<preface id="preface">

 developed originally in the UC Berkeley Computer Science Department,
 pioneered many of the object-relational concepts
 now becoming available in some commercial databases.
It provides SQL92/SQL3 language support,
 transaction integrity, and type extensibility.
 <ProductName>PostgreSQL</ProductName> is a public-domain, open source descendant
 of this original Berkeley code.

<part Id="part-tutorial">
Introduction for new users.

<part Id="part-user">
<Title>User's Guide</Title>
Information for users.

<part Id="part-admin">
<Title>Administrator's Guide</Title>
Installation and maintenance information.

<part Id="part-programmer">
<Title>Programmer's Guide</Title>
Information for extending <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName>.
<!-- &libpq; -->

<part Id="part-interfaces">
User and programmer interfaces.

<part Id="part-developer">
<Title>Developer's Guide</Title>
The Developer's Guide includes discussion of design decisions and suggestions for
future development.

<part Id="part-appendix">
Additional related information.

<index Id="part-index">
