Tom Lane authored
The initial implementation of this feature was really unsupportable, because it's relying on the physical size of an on-disk file to carry the relation's populated/unpopulated state, which is at least a modularity violation and could have serious long-term consequences. We could say that an unlogged matview goes to empty on crash, but not everybody likes that definition, so let's just remove the feature for 9.3. We can add it back when we have a less klugy implementation. I left the grammar and tab-completion support for CREATE UNLOGGED MATERIALIZED VIEW in place, since it's harmless and allows delivering a more specific error message about the unsupported feature. I'm committing this separately to ease identification of what should be reverted when/if we are able to re-enable the feature.
Tom Lane authoredThe initial implementation of this feature was really unsupportable, because it's relying on the physical size of an on-disk file to carry the relation's populated/unpopulated state, which is at least a modularity violation and could have serious long-term consequences. We could say that an unlogged matview goes to empty on crash, but not everybody likes that definition, so let's just remove the feature for 9.3. We can add it back when we have a less klugy implementation. I left the grammar and tab-completion support for CREATE UNLOGGED MATERIALIZED VIEW in place, since it's harmless and allows delivering a more specific error message about the unsupported feature. I'm committing this separately to ease identification of what should be reverted when/if we are able to re-enable the feature.
analyze.c 72.79 KiB
* analyze.c
* transform the raw parse tree into a query tree
* For optimizable statements, we are careful to obtain a suitable lock on
* each referenced table, and other modules of the backend preserve or
* re-obtain these locks before depending on the results. It is therefore
* okay to do significant semantic analysis of these statements. For
* utility commands, no locks are obtained here (and if they were, we could
* not be sure we'd still have them at execution). Hence the general rule
* for utility commands is to just dump them into a Query node untransformed.
* DECLARE CURSOR, EXPLAIN, and CREATE TABLE AS are exceptions because they
* contain optimizable statements, which we should transform.
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2013, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* src/backend/parser/analyze.c
#include "postgres.h"
#include "access/sysattr.h"
#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
#include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h"
#include "optimizer/var.h"
#include "parser/analyze.h"
#include "parser/parse_agg.h"
#include "parser/parse_clause.h"
#include "parser/parse_coerce.h"
#include "parser/parse_collate.h"
#include "parser/parse_cte.h"
#include "parser/parse_oper.h"
#include "parser/parse_param.h"
#include "parser/parse_relation.h"
#include "parser/parse_target.h"
#include "parser/parsetree.h"
#include "rewrite/rewriteManip.h"
#include "utils/rel.h"
/* Hook for plugins to get control at end of parse analysis */
post_parse_analyze_hook_type post_parse_analyze_hook = NULL;
static Query *transformDeleteStmt(ParseState *pstate, DeleteStmt *stmt);
static Query *transformInsertStmt(ParseState *pstate, InsertStmt *stmt);
static List *transformInsertRow(ParseState *pstate, List *exprlist,
List *stmtcols, List *icolumns, List *attrnos);
static int count_rowexpr_columns(ParseState *pstate, Node *expr);
static Query *transformSelectStmt(ParseState *pstate, SelectStmt *stmt);
static Query *transformValuesClause(ParseState *pstate, SelectStmt *stmt);
static Query *transformSetOperationStmt(ParseState *pstate, SelectStmt *stmt);
static Node *transformSetOperationTree(ParseState *pstate, SelectStmt *stmt,
bool isTopLevel, List **targetlist);
static void determineRecursiveColTypes(ParseState *pstate,
Node *larg, List *nrtargetlist);
static Query *transformUpdateStmt(ParseState *pstate, UpdateStmt *stmt);
static List *transformReturningList(ParseState *pstate, List *returningList);
static Query *transformDeclareCursorStmt(ParseState *pstate,
DeclareCursorStmt *stmt);
static Query *transformExplainStmt(ParseState *pstate,
ExplainStmt *stmt);
static Query *transformCreateTableAsStmt(ParseState *pstate,
CreateTableAsStmt *stmt);
static void transformLockingClause(ParseState *pstate, Query *qry,
LockingClause *lc, bool pushedDown);
* parse_analyze
* Analyze a raw parse tree and transform it to Query form.
* Optionally, information about $n parameter types can be supplied.
* References to $n indexes not defined by paramTypes[] are disallowed.
* The result is a Query node. Optimizable statements require considerable
* transformation, while utility-type statements are simply hung off
* a dummy CMD_UTILITY Query node.
Query *
parse_analyze(Node *parseTree, const char *sourceText,
Oid *paramTypes, int numParams)
ParseState *pstate = make_parsestate(NULL);
Query *query;
Assert(sourceText != NULL); /* required as of 8.4 */
pstate->p_sourcetext = sourceText;
if (numParams > 0)
parse_fixed_parameters(pstate, paramTypes, numParams);
query = transformTopLevelStmt(pstate, parseTree);
if (post_parse_analyze_hook)
(*post_parse_analyze_hook) (pstate, query);
return query;
* parse_analyze_varparams
* This variant is used when it's okay to deduce information about $n
* symbol datatypes from context. The passed-in paramTypes[] array can
* be modified or enlarged (via repalloc).
Query *
parse_analyze_varparams(Node *parseTree, const char *sourceText,
Oid **paramTypes, int *numParams)
ParseState *pstate = make_parsestate(NULL);
Query *query;
Assert(sourceText != NULL); /* required as of 8.4 */
pstate->p_sourcetext = sourceText;
parse_variable_parameters(pstate, paramTypes, numParams);
query = transformTopLevelStmt(pstate, parseTree);
/* make sure all is well with parameter types */
check_variable_parameters(pstate, query);
if (post_parse_analyze_hook)
(*post_parse_analyze_hook) (pstate, query);
return query;
* parse_sub_analyze
* Entry point for recursively analyzing a sub-statement.
Query *
parse_sub_analyze(Node *parseTree, ParseState *parentParseState,
CommonTableExpr *parentCTE,
bool locked_from_parent)
ParseState *pstate = make_parsestate(parentParseState);
Query *query;
pstate->p_parent_cte = parentCTE;
pstate->p_locked_from_parent = locked_from_parent;
query = transformStmt(pstate, parseTree);
return query;
* transformTopLevelStmt -
* transform a Parse tree into a Query tree.
* The only thing we do here that we don't do in transformStmt() is to
* convert SELECT ... INTO into CREATE TABLE AS. Since utility statements
* aren't allowed within larger statements, this is only allowed at the top
* of the parse tree, and so we only try it before entering the recursive
* transformStmt() processing.
Query *
transformTopLevelStmt(ParseState *pstate, Node *parseTree)
if (IsA(parseTree, SelectStmt))
SelectStmt *stmt = (SelectStmt *) parseTree;
/* If it's a set-operation tree, drill down to leftmost SelectStmt */
while (stmt && stmt->op != SETOP_NONE)
stmt = stmt->larg;
Assert(stmt && IsA(stmt, SelectStmt) &&stmt->larg == NULL);
if (stmt->intoClause)
CreateTableAsStmt *ctas = makeNode(CreateTableAsStmt);
ctas->query = parseTree;
ctas->into = stmt->intoClause;
ctas->relkind = OBJECT_TABLE;
ctas->is_select_into = true;
* Remove the intoClause from the SelectStmt. This makes it safe
* for transformSelectStmt to complain if it finds intoClause set
* (implying that the INTO appeared in a disallowed place).
stmt->intoClause = NULL;
parseTree = (Node *) ctas;
return transformStmt(pstate, parseTree);
* transformStmt -
* recursively transform a Parse tree into a Query tree.
Query *
transformStmt(ParseState *pstate, Node *parseTree)
Query *result;
switch (nodeTag(parseTree))
* Optimizable statements
case T_InsertStmt:
result = transformInsertStmt(pstate, (InsertStmt *) parseTree);
case T_DeleteStmt:
result = transformDeleteStmt(pstate, (DeleteStmt *) parseTree);
case T_UpdateStmt:
result = transformUpdateStmt(pstate, (UpdateStmt *) parseTree);
case T_SelectStmt:
SelectStmt *n = (SelectStmt *) parseTree;
if (n->valuesLists)
result = transformValuesClause(pstate, n);
else if (n->op == SETOP_NONE)
result = transformSelectStmt(pstate, n);
result = transformSetOperationStmt(pstate, n);
* Special cases
case T_DeclareCursorStmt:
result = transformDeclareCursorStmt(pstate,
(DeclareCursorStmt *) parseTree);
case T_ExplainStmt:
result = transformExplainStmt(pstate,
(ExplainStmt *) parseTree);
case T_CreateTableAsStmt:
result = transformCreateTableAsStmt(pstate,
(CreateTableAsStmt *) parseTree);
* other statements don't require any transformation; just return
* the original parsetree with a Query node plastered on top.
result = makeNode(Query);
result->commandType = CMD_UTILITY;
result->utilityStmt = (Node *) parseTree;
/* Mark as original query until we learn differently */
result->querySource = QSRC_ORIGINAL;
result->canSetTag = true;
return result;
* analyze_requires_snapshot
* Returns true if a snapshot must be set before doing parse analysis
* on the given raw parse tree.
* Classification here should match transformStmt(); but we also have to
* allow a NULL input (for Parse/Bind of an empty query string).
analyze_requires_snapshot(Node *parseTree)
bool result;
if (parseTree == NULL)
return false;
switch (nodeTag(parseTree))
* Optimizable statements
case T_InsertStmt:
case T_DeleteStmt:
case T_UpdateStmt:
case T_SelectStmt:
result = true;
* Special cases
case T_DeclareCursorStmt:
/* yes, because it's analyzed just like SELECT */
result = true;
case T_ExplainStmt:
case T_CreateTableAsStmt:
/* yes, because we must analyze the contained statement */
result = true;
/* other utility statements don't have any real parse analysis */
result = false;
return result;
* transformDeleteStmt -
* transforms a Delete Statement
static Query *
transformDeleteStmt(ParseState *pstate, DeleteStmt *stmt)
Query *qry = makeNode(Query);
Node *qual;
qry->commandType = CMD_DELETE;
/* process the WITH clause independently of all else */
if (stmt->withClause)
qry->hasRecursive = stmt->withClause->recursive;
qry->cteList = transformWithClause(pstate, stmt->withClause);
qry->hasModifyingCTE = pstate->p_hasModifyingCTE;
/* set up range table with just the result rel */
qry->resultRelation = setTargetTable(pstate, stmt->relation,
qry->distinctClause = NIL;
* The USING clause is non-standard SQL syntax, and is equivalent in
* functionality to the FROM list that can be specified for UPDATE. The
* USING keyword is used rather than FROM because FROM is already a
* keyword in the DELETE syntax.
transformFromClause(pstate, stmt->usingClause);
qual = transformWhereClause(pstate, stmt->whereClause,
qry->returningList = transformReturningList(pstate, stmt->returningList);
/* done building the range table and jointree */
qry->rtable = pstate->p_rtable;
qry->jointree = makeFromExpr(pstate->p_joinlist, qual);
qry->hasSubLinks = pstate->p_hasSubLinks;
qry->hasWindowFuncs = pstate->p_hasWindowFuncs;
qry->hasAggs = pstate->p_hasAggs;
if (pstate->p_hasAggs)
parseCheckAggregates(pstate, qry);
assign_query_collations(pstate, qry);
return qry;
* transformInsertStmt -
* transform an Insert Statement
static Query *
transformInsertStmt(ParseState *pstate, InsertStmt *stmt)
Query *qry = makeNode(Query);
SelectStmt *selectStmt = (SelectStmt *) stmt->selectStmt;
List *exprList = NIL;
bool isGeneralSelect;
List *sub_rtable;
List *sub_namespace;
List *icolumns;
List *attrnos;
RangeTblEntry *rte;
RangeTblRef *rtr;
ListCell *icols;
ListCell *attnos;
ListCell *lc;
/* There can't be any outer WITH to worry about */
Assert(pstate->p_ctenamespace == NIL);
qry->commandType = CMD_INSERT;
pstate->p_is_insert = true;
/* process the WITH clause independently of all else */
if (stmt->withClause)
qry->hasRecursive = stmt->withClause->recursive;
qry->cteList = transformWithClause(pstate, stmt->withClause);
qry->hasModifyingCTE = pstate->p_hasModifyingCTE;
* We have three cases to deal with: DEFAULT VALUES (selectStmt == NULL),
* VALUES list, or general SELECT input. We special-case VALUES, both for
* efficiency and so we can handle DEFAULT specifications.
* The grammar allows attaching ORDER BY, LIMIT, FOR UPDATE, or WITH to a
* VALUES clause. If we have any of those, treat it as a general SELECT;
* so it will work, but you can't use DEFAULT items together with those.
isGeneralSelect = (selectStmt && (selectStmt->valuesLists == NIL ||
selectStmt->sortClause != NIL ||
selectStmt->limitOffset != NULL ||
selectStmt->limitCount != NULL ||
selectStmt->lockingClause != NIL ||
selectStmt->withClause != NULL));
* If a non-nil rangetable/namespace was passed in, and we are doing
* INSERT/SELECT, arrange to pass the rangetable/namespace down to the
* SELECT. This can only happen if we are inside a CREATE RULE, and in
* that case we want the rule's OLD and NEW rtable entries to appear as
* part of the SELECT's rtable, not as outer references for it. (Kluge!)
* The SELECT's joinlist is not affected however. We must do this before
* adding the target table to the INSERT's rtable.
if (isGeneralSelect)
sub_rtable = pstate->p_rtable;
pstate->p_rtable = NIL;
sub_namespace = pstate->p_namespace;
pstate->p_namespace = NIL;
sub_rtable = NIL; /* not used, but keep compiler quiet */
sub_namespace = NIL;
* Must get write lock on INSERT target table before scanning SELECT, else
* we will grab the wrong kind of initial lock if the target table is also
* mentioned in the SELECT part. Note that the target table is not added
* to the joinlist or namespace.
qry->resultRelation = setTargetTable(pstate, stmt->relation,
false, false, ACL_INSERT);
/* Validate stmt->cols list, or build default list if no list given */
icolumns = checkInsertTargets(pstate, stmt->cols, &attrnos);
Assert(list_length(icolumns) == list_length(attrnos));
* Determine which variant of INSERT we have.
if (selectStmt == NULL)
* We have INSERT ... DEFAULT VALUES. We can handle this case by
* emitting an empty targetlist --- all columns will be defaulted when
* the planner expands the targetlist.
exprList = NIL;
else if (isGeneralSelect)
* We make the sub-pstate a child of the outer pstate so that it can
* see any Param definitions supplied from above. Since the outer
* pstate's rtable and namespace are presently empty, there are no
* side-effects of exposing names the sub-SELECT shouldn't be able to
* see.
ParseState *sub_pstate = make_parsestate(pstate);
Query *selectQuery;
* Process the source SELECT.
* It is important that this be handled just like a standalone SELECT;
* otherwise the behavior of SELECT within INSERT might be different
* from a stand-alone SELECT. (Indeed, Postgres up through 6.5 had
* bugs of just that nature...)
sub_pstate->p_rtable = sub_rtable;
sub_pstate->p_joinexprs = NIL; /* sub_rtable has no joins */
sub_pstate->p_namespace = sub_namespace;
selectQuery = transformStmt(sub_pstate, stmt->selectStmt);
/* The grammar should have produced a SELECT */
if (!IsA(selectQuery, Query) ||
selectQuery->commandType != CMD_SELECT ||
selectQuery->utilityStmt != NULL)
elog(ERROR, "unexpected non-SELECT command in INSERT ... SELECT");
* Make the source be a subquery in the INSERT's rangetable, and add
* it to the INSERT's joinlist.
rte = addRangeTableEntryForSubquery(pstate,
makeAlias("*SELECT*", NIL),
rtr = makeNode(RangeTblRef);
/* assume new rte is at end */
rtr->rtindex = list_length(pstate->p_rtable);
Assert(rte == rt_fetch(rtr->rtindex, pstate->p_rtable));
pstate->p_joinlist = lappend(pstate->p_joinlist, rtr);
* Generate an expression list for the INSERT that selects all the
* non-resjunk columns from the subquery. (INSERT's tlist must be
* separate from the subquery's tlist because we may add columns,
* insert datatype coercions, etc.)
* HACK: unknown-type constants and params in the SELECT's targetlist
* are copied up as-is rather than being referenced as subquery
* outputs. This is to ensure that when we try to coerce them to
* the target column's datatype, the right things happen (see
* special cases in coerce_type). Otherwise, this fails:
* INSERT INTO foo SELECT 'bar', ... FROM baz
exprList = NIL;
foreach(lc, selectQuery->targetList)
TargetEntry *tle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(lc);
Expr *expr;
if (tle->resjunk)
if (tle->expr &&
(IsA(tle->expr, Const) ||IsA(tle->expr, Param)) &&
exprType((Node *) tle->expr) == UNKNOWNOID)
expr = tle->expr;
Var *var = makeVarFromTargetEntry(rtr->rtindex, tle);
var->location = exprLocation((Node *) tle->expr);
expr = (Expr *) var;
exprList = lappend(exprList, expr);
/* Prepare row for assignment to target table */
exprList = transformInsertRow(pstate, exprList,
icolumns, attrnos);
else if (list_length(selectStmt->valuesLists) > 1)
* Process INSERT ... VALUES with multiple VALUES sublists. We
* generate a VALUES RTE holding the transformed expression lists, and
* build up a targetlist containing Vars that reference the VALUES
* RTE.
List *exprsLists = NIL;
List *collations = NIL;
int sublist_length = -1;
bool lateral = false;
int i;
Assert(selectStmt->intoClause == NULL);
foreach(lc, selectStmt->valuesLists)
List *sublist = (List *) lfirst(lc);
/* Do basic expression transformation (same as a ROW() expr) */
sublist = transformExpressionList(pstate, sublist, EXPR_KIND_VALUES);
* All the sublists must be the same length, *after*
* transformation (which might expand '*' into multiple items).
* The VALUES RTE can't handle anything different.
if (sublist_length < 0)
/* Remember post-transformation length of first sublist */
sublist_length = list_length(sublist);
else if (sublist_length != list_length(sublist))
errmsg("VALUES lists must all be the same length"),
exprLocation((Node *) sublist))));
/* Prepare row for assignment to target table */
sublist = transformInsertRow(pstate, sublist,
icolumns, attrnos);
* We must assign collations now because assign_query_collations
* doesn't process rangetable entries. We just assign all the
* collations independently in each row, and don't worry about
* whether they are consistent vertically. The outer INSERT query
* isn't going to care about the collations of the VALUES columns,
* so it's not worth the effort to identify a common collation for
* each one here. (But note this does have one user-visible
* consequence: INSERT ... VALUES won't complain about conflicting
* explicit COLLATEs in a column, whereas the same VALUES
* construct in another context would complain.)
assign_list_collations(pstate, sublist);
exprsLists = lappend(exprsLists, sublist);
* Although we don't really need collation info, let's just make sure
* we provide a correctly-sized list in the VALUES RTE.
for (i = 0; i < sublist_length; i++)
collations = lappend_oid(collations, InvalidOid);
* Ordinarily there can't be any current-level Vars in the expression
* lists, because the namespace was empty ... but if we're inside
* CREATE RULE, then NEW/OLD references might appear. In that case we
* have to mark the VALUES RTE as LATERAL.
if (list_length(pstate->p_rtable) != 1 &&
contain_vars_of_level((Node *) exprsLists, 0))
lateral = true;
* Generate the VALUES RTE
rte = addRangeTableEntryForValues(pstate, exprsLists, collations,
NULL, lateral, true);
rtr = makeNode(RangeTblRef);
/* assume new rte is at end */
rtr->rtindex = list_length(pstate->p_rtable);
Assert(rte == rt_fetch(rtr->rtindex, pstate->p_rtable));
pstate->p_joinlist = lappend(pstate->p_joinlist, rtr);
* Generate list of Vars referencing the RTE
expandRTE(rte, rtr->rtindex, 0, -1, false, NULL, &exprList);
* Process INSERT ... VALUES with a single VALUES sublist. We treat
* this case separately for efficiency. The sublist is just computed
* directly as the Query's targetlist, with no VALUES RTE. So it
* works just like a SELECT without any FROM.
List *valuesLists = selectStmt->valuesLists;
Assert(list_length(valuesLists) == 1);
Assert(selectStmt->intoClause == NULL);
/* Do basic expression transformation (same as a ROW() expr) */
exprList = transformExpressionList(pstate,
(List *) linitial(valuesLists),
/* Prepare row for assignment to target table */
exprList = transformInsertRow(pstate, exprList,
icolumns, attrnos);
* Generate query's target list using the computed list of expressions.
* Also, mark all the target columns as needing insert permissions.
rte = pstate->p_target_rangetblentry;
qry->targetList = NIL;
icols = list_head(icolumns);
attnos = list_head(attrnos);
foreach(lc, exprList)
Expr *expr = (Expr *) lfirst(lc);
ResTarget *col;
AttrNumber attr_num;
TargetEntry *tle;
col = (ResTarget *) lfirst(icols);
Assert(IsA(col, ResTarget));
attr_num = (AttrNumber) lfirst_int(attnos);
tle = makeTargetEntry(expr,
qry->targetList = lappend(qry->targetList, tle);
rte->modifiedCols = bms_add_member(rte->modifiedCols,
attr_num - FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber);
icols = lnext(icols);
attnos = lnext(attnos);
* If we have a RETURNING clause, we need to add the target relation to
* the query namespace before processing it, so that Var references in
* RETURNING will work. Also, remove any namespace entries added in a
* sub-SELECT or VALUES list.
if (stmt->returningList)
pstate->p_namespace = NIL;
addRTEtoQuery(pstate, pstate->p_target_rangetblentry,
false, true, true);
qry->returningList = transformReturningList(pstate,
/* done building the range table and jointree */
qry->rtable = pstate->p_rtable;
qry->jointree = makeFromExpr(pstate->p_joinlist, NULL);
qry->hasSubLinks = pstate->p_hasSubLinks;
assign_query_collations(pstate, qry);
return qry;
* Prepare an INSERT row for assignment to the target table.
* The row might be either a VALUES row, or variables referencing a
* sub-SELECT output.
static List *
transformInsertRow(ParseState *pstate, List *exprlist,
List *stmtcols, List *icolumns, List *attrnos)
List *result;
ListCell *lc;
ListCell *icols;
ListCell *attnos;
* Check length of expr list. It must not have more expressions than
* there are target columns. We allow fewer, but only if no explicit
* columns list was given (the remaining columns are implicitly
* defaulted). Note we must check this *after* transformation because
* that could expand '*' into multiple items.
if (list_length(exprlist) > list_length(icolumns))
errmsg("INSERT has more expressions than target columns"),
if (stmtcols != NIL &&
list_length(exprlist) < list_length(icolumns))
* We can get here for cases like INSERT ... SELECT (a,b,c) FROM ...
* where the user accidentally created a RowExpr instead of separate
* columns. Add a suitable hint if that seems to be the problem,
* because the main error message is quite misleading for this case.
* (If there's no stmtcols, you'll get something about data type
* mismatch, which is less misleading so we don't worry about giving a
* hint in that case.)
errmsg("INSERT has more target columns than expressions"),
((list_length(exprlist) == 1 &&
count_rowexpr_columns(pstate, linitial(exprlist)) ==
list_length(icolumns)) ?
errhint("The insertion source is a row expression containing the same number of columns expected by the INSERT. Did you accidentally use extra parentheses?") : 0),
* Prepare columns for assignment to target table.
result = NIL;
icols = list_head(icolumns);
attnos = list_head(attrnos);
foreach(lc, exprlist)
Expr *expr = (Expr *) lfirst(lc);
ResTarget *col;
col = (ResTarget *) lfirst(icols);
Assert(IsA(col, ResTarget));
expr = transformAssignedExpr(pstate, expr,
result = lappend(result, expr);
icols = lnext(icols);
attnos = lnext(attnos);
return result;
* count_rowexpr_columns -
* get number of columns contained in a ROW() expression;
* return -1 if expression isn't a RowExpr or a Var referencing one.
* This is currently used only for hint purposes, so we aren't terribly
* tense about recognizing all possible cases. The Var case is interesting
* because that's what we'll get in the INSERT ... SELECT (...) case.
static int
count_rowexpr_columns(ParseState *pstate, Node *expr)
if (expr == NULL)
return -1;
if (IsA(expr, RowExpr))
return list_length(((RowExpr *) expr)->args);
if (IsA(expr, Var))
Var *var = (Var *) expr;
AttrNumber attnum = var->varattno;
if (attnum > 0 && var->vartype == RECORDOID)
RangeTblEntry *rte;
rte = GetRTEByRangeTablePosn(pstate, var->varno, var->varlevelsup);
if (rte->rtekind == RTE_SUBQUERY)
/* Subselect-in-FROM: examine sub-select's output expr */
TargetEntry *ste = get_tle_by_resno(rte->subquery->targetList,
if (ste == NULL || ste->resjunk)
return -1;
expr = (Node *) ste->expr;
if (IsA(expr, RowExpr))
return list_length(((RowExpr *) expr)->args);
return -1;
* transformSelectStmt -
* transforms a Select Statement
* Note: this covers only cases with no set operations and no VALUES lists;
* see below for the other cases.
static Query *
transformSelectStmt(ParseState *pstate, SelectStmt *stmt)
Query *qry = makeNode(Query);
Node *qual;
ListCell *l;
qry->commandType = CMD_SELECT;
/* process the WITH clause independently of all else */
if (stmt->withClause)
qry->hasRecursive = stmt->withClause->recursive;
qry->cteList = transformWithClause(pstate, stmt->withClause);
qry->hasModifyingCTE = pstate->p_hasModifyingCTE;
/* Complain if we get called from someplace where INTO is not allowed */
if (stmt->intoClause)
errmsg("SELECT ... INTO is not allowed here"),
exprLocation((Node *) stmt->intoClause))));
/* make FOR UPDATE/FOR SHARE info available to addRangeTableEntry */
pstate->p_locking_clause = stmt->lockingClause;
/* make WINDOW info available for window functions, too */
pstate->p_windowdefs = stmt->windowClause;
/* process the FROM clause */
transformFromClause(pstate, stmt->fromClause);
/* transform targetlist */
qry->targetList = transformTargetList(pstate, stmt->targetList,
/* mark column origins */
markTargetListOrigins(pstate, qry->targetList);
/* transform WHERE */
qual = transformWhereClause(pstate, stmt->whereClause,
/* initial processing of HAVING clause is much like WHERE clause */
qry->havingQual = transformWhereClause(pstate, stmt->havingClause,
* Transform sorting/grouping stuff. Do ORDER BY first because both
* transformGroupClause and transformDistinctClause need the results. Note
* that these functions can also change the targetList, so it's passed to
* them by reference.
qry->sortClause = transformSortClause(pstate,
true /* fix unknowns */ ,
false /* allow SQL92 rules */ );
qry->groupClause = transformGroupClause(pstate,
false /* allow SQL92 rules */ );
if (stmt->distinctClause == NIL)
qry->distinctClause = NIL;
qry->hasDistinctOn = false;
else if (linitial(stmt->distinctClause) == NULL)
qry->distinctClause = transformDistinctClause(pstate,
qry->hasDistinctOn = false;
qry->distinctClause = transformDistinctOnClause(pstate,
qry->hasDistinctOn = true;
/* transform LIMIT */
qry->limitOffset = transformLimitClause(pstate, stmt->limitOffset,
qry->limitCount = transformLimitClause(pstate, stmt->limitCount,
/* transform window clauses after we have seen all window functions */
qry->windowClause = transformWindowDefinitions(pstate,
qry->rtable = pstate->p_rtable;
qry->jointree = makeFromExpr(pstate->p_joinlist, qual);
qry->hasSubLinks = pstate->p_hasSubLinks;
qry->hasWindowFuncs = pstate->p_hasWindowFuncs;
qry->hasAggs = pstate->p_hasAggs;
if (pstate->p_hasAggs || qry->groupClause || qry->havingQual)
parseCheckAggregates(pstate, qry);
foreach(l, stmt->lockingClause)
transformLockingClause(pstate, qry,
(LockingClause *) lfirst(l), false);
assign_query_collations(pstate, qry);
return qry;
* transformValuesClause -
* transforms a VALUES clause that's being used as a standalone SELECT
* We build a Query containing a VALUES RTE, rather as if one had written
static Query *
transformValuesClause(ParseState *pstate, SelectStmt *stmt)
Query *qry = makeNode(Query);
List *exprsLists;
List *collations;
List **colexprs = NULL;
int sublist_length = -1;
bool lateral = false;
RangeTblEntry *rte;
int rtindex;
ListCell *lc;
ListCell *lc2;
int i;
qry->commandType = CMD_SELECT;
/* Most SELECT stuff doesn't apply in a VALUES clause */
Assert(stmt->distinctClause == NIL);
Assert(stmt->intoClause == NULL);
Assert(stmt->targetList == NIL);
Assert(stmt->fromClause == NIL);
Assert(stmt->whereClause == NULL);
Assert(stmt->groupClause == NIL);
Assert(stmt->havingClause == NULL);
Assert(stmt->windowClause == NIL);
Assert(stmt->op == SETOP_NONE);
/* process the WITH clause independently of all else */
if (stmt->withClause)
qry->hasRecursive = stmt->withClause->recursive;
qry->cteList = transformWithClause(pstate, stmt->withClause);
qry->hasModifyingCTE = pstate->p_hasModifyingCTE;
* For each row of VALUES, transform the raw expressions. This is also a
* handy place to reject DEFAULT nodes, which the grammar allows for
* simplicity.
* Note that the intermediate representation we build is column-organized
* not row-organized. That simplifies the type and collation processing
* below.
foreach(lc, stmt->valuesLists)
List *sublist = (List *) lfirst(lc);
/* Do basic expression transformation (same as a ROW() expr) */
sublist = transformExpressionList(pstate, sublist, EXPR_KIND_VALUES);
* All the sublists must be the same length, *after* transformation
* (which might expand '*' into multiple items). The VALUES RTE can't
* handle anything different.
if (sublist_length < 0)
/* Remember post-transformation length of first sublist */
sublist_length = list_length(sublist);
/* and allocate array for per-column lists */
colexprs = (List **) palloc0(sublist_length * sizeof(List *));
else if (sublist_length != list_length(sublist))
errmsg("VALUES lists must all be the same length"),
exprLocation((Node *) sublist))));
/* Check for DEFAULT and build per-column expression lists */
i = 0;
foreach(lc2, sublist)
Node *col = (Node *) lfirst(lc2);
if (IsA(col, SetToDefault))
errmsg("DEFAULT can only appear in a VALUES list within INSERT"),
parser_errposition(pstate, exprLocation(col))));
colexprs[i] = lappend(colexprs[i], col);
/* Release sub-list's cells to save memory */
* Now resolve the common types of the columns, and coerce everything to
* those types. Then identify the common collation, if any, of each
* column.
* We must do collation processing now because (1) assign_query_collations
* doesn't process rangetable entries, and (2) we need to label the VALUES
* RTE with column collations for use in the outer query. We don't
* consider conflict of implicit collations to be an error here; instead
* the column will just show InvalidOid as its collation, and you'll get a
* failure later if that results in failure to resolve a collation.
* Note we modify the per-column expression lists in-place.
collations = NIL;
for (i = 0; i < sublist_length; i++)
Oid coltype;
Oid colcoll;
coltype = select_common_type(pstate, colexprs[i], "VALUES", NULL);
foreach(lc, colexprs[i])
Node *col = (Node *) lfirst(lc);
col = coerce_to_common_type(pstate, col, coltype, "VALUES");
lfirst(lc) = (void *) col;
colcoll = select_common_collation(pstate, colexprs[i], true);
collations = lappend_oid(collations, colcoll);
* Finally, rearrange the coerced expressions into row-organized lists.
exprsLists = NIL;
foreach(lc, colexprs[0])
Node *col = (Node *) lfirst(lc);
List *sublist;
sublist = list_make1(col);
exprsLists = lappend(exprsLists, sublist);
for (i = 1; i < sublist_length; i++)
forboth(lc, colexprs[i], lc2, exprsLists)
Node *col = (Node *) lfirst(lc);
List *sublist = lfirst(lc2);
/* sublist pointer in exprsLists won't need adjustment */
(void) lappend(sublist, col);
* Ordinarily there can't be any current-level Vars in the expression
* lists, because the namespace was empty ... but if we're inside CREATE
* RULE, then NEW/OLD references might appear. In that case we have to
* mark the VALUES RTE as LATERAL.
if (pstate->p_rtable != NIL &&
contain_vars_of_level((Node *) exprsLists, 0))
lateral = true;
* Generate the VALUES RTE
rte = addRangeTableEntryForValues(pstate, exprsLists, collations,
NULL, lateral, true);
addRTEtoQuery(pstate, rte, true, true, true);
/* assume new rte is at end */
rtindex = list_length(pstate->p_rtable);
Assert(rte == rt_fetch(rtindex, pstate->p_rtable));
* Generate a targetlist as though expanding "*"
Assert(pstate->p_next_resno == 1);
qry->targetList = expandRelAttrs(pstate, rte, rtindex, 0, -1);
* The grammar allows attaching ORDER BY, LIMIT, and FOR UPDATE to a
* VALUES, so cope.
qry->sortClause = transformSortClause(pstate,
true /* fix unknowns */ ,
false /* allow SQL92 rules */ );
qry->limitOffset = transformLimitClause(pstate, stmt->limitOffset,
qry->limitCount = transformLimitClause(pstate, stmt->limitCount,
if (stmt->lockingClause)
errmsg("SELECT FOR UPDATE/SHARE cannot be applied to VALUES")));
qry->rtable = pstate->p_rtable;
qry->jointree = makeFromExpr(pstate->p_joinlist, NULL);
qry->hasSubLinks = pstate->p_hasSubLinks;
assign_query_collations(pstate, qry);
return qry;
* transformSetOperationStmt -
* transforms a set-operations tree
* A set-operation tree is just a SELECT, but with UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT
* structure to it. We must transform each leaf SELECT and build up a top-
* level Query that contains the leaf SELECTs as subqueries in its rangetable.
* The tree of set operations is converted into the setOperations field of
* the top-level Query.
static Query *
transformSetOperationStmt(ParseState *pstate, SelectStmt *stmt)
Query *qry = makeNode(Query);
SelectStmt *leftmostSelect;
int leftmostRTI;
Query *leftmostQuery;
SetOperationStmt *sostmt;
List *sortClause;
Node *limitOffset;
Node *limitCount;
List *lockingClause;
WithClause *withClause;
Node *node;
ListCell *left_tlist,
List *targetvars,
int sv_rtable_length;
RangeTblEntry *jrte;
int tllen;
qry->commandType = CMD_SELECT;
* Find leftmost leaf SelectStmt. We currently only need to do this in
* order to deliver a suitable error message if there's an INTO clause
* there, implying the set-op tree is in a context that doesn't allow
* INTO. (transformSetOperationTree would throw error anyway, but it
* seems worth the trouble to throw a different error for non-leftmost
* INTO, so we produce that error in transformSetOperationTree.)
leftmostSelect = stmt->larg;
while (leftmostSelect && leftmostSelect->op != SETOP_NONE)
leftmostSelect = leftmostSelect->larg;
Assert(leftmostSelect && IsA(leftmostSelect, SelectStmt) &&
leftmostSelect->larg == NULL);
if (leftmostSelect->intoClause)
errmsg("SELECT ... INTO is not allowed here"),
exprLocation((Node *) leftmostSelect->intoClause))));
* We need to extract ORDER BY and other top-level clauses here and not
* let transformSetOperationTree() see them --- else it'll just recurse
* right back here!
sortClause = stmt->sortClause;
limitOffset = stmt->limitOffset;
limitCount = stmt->limitCount;
lockingClause = stmt->lockingClause;
withClause = stmt->withClause;
stmt->sortClause = NIL;
stmt->limitOffset = NULL;
stmt->limitCount = NULL;
stmt->lockingClause = NIL;
stmt->withClause = NULL;
/* We don't support FOR UPDATE/SHARE with set ops at the moment. */
if (lockingClause)
/* Process the WITH clause independently of all else */
if (withClause)
qry->hasRecursive = withClause->recursive;
qry->cteList = transformWithClause(pstate, withClause);
qry->hasModifyingCTE = pstate->p_hasModifyingCTE;
* Recursively transform the components of the tree.
sostmt = (SetOperationStmt *) transformSetOperationTree(pstate, stmt,
Assert(sostmt && IsA(sostmt, SetOperationStmt));
qry->setOperations = (Node *) sostmt;
* Re-find leftmost SELECT (now it's a sub-query in rangetable)
node = sostmt->larg;
while (node && IsA(node, SetOperationStmt))
node = ((SetOperationStmt *) node)->larg;
Assert(node && IsA(node, RangeTblRef));
leftmostRTI = ((RangeTblRef *) node)->rtindex;
leftmostQuery = rt_fetch(leftmostRTI, pstate->p_rtable)->subquery;
Assert(leftmostQuery != NULL);
* Generate dummy targetlist for outer query using column names of
* leftmost select and common datatypes/collations of topmost set
* operation. Also make lists of the dummy vars and their names for use
* in parsing ORDER BY.
* Note: we use leftmostRTI as the varno of the dummy variables. It
* shouldn't matter too much which RT index they have, as long as they
* have one that corresponds to a real RT entry; else funny things may
* happen when the tree is mashed by rule rewriting.
qry->targetList = NIL;
targetvars = NIL;
targetnames = NIL;
left_tlist = list_head(leftmostQuery->targetList);
forthree(lct, sostmt->colTypes,
lcm, sostmt->colTypmods,
lcc, sostmt->colCollations)
Oid colType = lfirst_oid(lct);
int32 colTypmod = lfirst_int(lcm);
Oid colCollation = lfirst_oid(lcc);
TargetEntry *lefttle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(left_tlist);
char *colName;
TargetEntry *tle;
Var *var;
colName = pstrdup(lefttle->resname);
var = makeVar(leftmostRTI,
var->location = exprLocation((Node *) lefttle->expr);
tle = makeTargetEntry((Expr *) var,
(AttrNumber) pstate->p_next_resno++,
qry->targetList = lappend(qry->targetList, tle);
targetvars = lappend(targetvars, var);
targetnames = lappend(targetnames, makeString(colName));
left_tlist = lnext(left_tlist);
* As a first step towards supporting sort clauses that are expressions
* using the output columns, generate a namespace entry that makes the
* output columns visible. A Join RTE node is handy for this, since we
* can easily control the Vars generated upon matches.
* Note: we don't yet do anything useful with such cases, but at least
* "ORDER BY upper(foo)" will draw the right error message rather than
* "foo not found".
sv_rtable_length = list_length(pstate->p_rtable);
jrte = addRangeTableEntryForJoin(pstate,
sv_namespace = pstate->p_namespace;
pstate->p_namespace = NIL;
/* add jrte to column namespace only */
addRTEtoQuery(pstate, jrte, false, false, true);
* For now, we don't support resjunk sort clauses on the output of a
* setOperation tree --- you can only use the SQL92-spec options of
* selecting an output column by name or number. Enforce by checking that
* transformSortClause doesn't add any items to tlist.
tllen = list_length(qry->targetList);
qry->sortClause = transformSortClause(pstate,
false /* no unknowns expected */ ,
false /* allow SQL92 rules */ );
/* restore namespace, remove jrte from rtable */
pstate->p_namespace = sv_namespace;
pstate->p_rtable = list_truncate(pstate->p_rtable, sv_rtable_length);
if (tllen != list_length(qry->targetList))
errmsg("invalid UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT ORDER BY clause"),
errdetail("Only result column names can be used, not expressions or functions."),
errhint("Add the expression/function to every SELECT, or move the UNION into a FROM clause."),
exprLocation(list_nth(qry->targetList, tllen)))));
qry->limitOffset = transformLimitClause(pstate, limitOffset,
qry->limitCount = transformLimitClause(pstate, limitCount,
qry->rtable = pstate->p_rtable;
qry->jointree = makeFromExpr(pstate->p_joinlist, NULL);
qry->hasSubLinks = pstate->p_hasSubLinks;
qry->hasWindowFuncs = pstate->p_hasWindowFuncs;
qry->hasAggs = pstate->p_hasAggs;
if (pstate->p_hasAggs || qry->groupClause || qry->havingQual)
parseCheckAggregates(pstate, qry);
foreach(l, lockingClause)
transformLockingClause(pstate, qry,
(LockingClause *) lfirst(l), false);
assign_query_collations(pstate, qry);
return qry;
* transformSetOperationTree
* Recursively transform leaves and internal nodes of a set-op tree
* In addition to returning the transformed node, if targetlist isn't NULL
* then we return a list of its non-resjunk TargetEntry nodes. For a leaf
* set-op node these are the actual targetlist entries; otherwise they are
* dummy entries created to carry the type, typmod, collation, and location
* (for error messages) of each output column of the set-op node. This info
* is needed only during the internal recursion of this function, so outside
* callers pass NULL for targetlist. Note: the reason for passing the
* actual targetlist entries of a leaf node is so that upper levels can
* replace UNKNOWN Consts with properly-coerced constants.
static Node *
transformSetOperationTree(ParseState *pstate, SelectStmt *stmt,
bool isTopLevel, List **targetlist)
bool isLeaf;
Assert(stmt && IsA(stmt, SelectStmt));
/* Guard against stack overflow due to overly complex set-expressions */
* Validity-check both leaf and internal SELECTs for disallowed ops.
if (stmt->intoClause)
errmsg("INTO is only allowed on first SELECT of UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT"),
exprLocation((Node *) stmt->intoClause))));
/* We don't support FOR UPDATE/SHARE with set ops at the moment. */
if (stmt->lockingClause)
* If an internal node of a set-op tree has ORDER BY, LIMIT, FOR UPDATE,
* or WITH clauses attached, we need to treat it like a leaf node to
* generate an independent sub-Query tree. Otherwise, it can be
* represented by a SetOperationStmt node underneath the parent Query.
if (stmt->op == SETOP_NONE)
Assert(stmt->larg == NULL && stmt->rarg == NULL);
isLeaf = true;
Assert(stmt->larg != NULL && stmt->rarg != NULL);
if (stmt->sortClause || stmt->limitOffset || stmt->limitCount ||
stmt->lockingClause || stmt->withClause)
isLeaf = true;
isLeaf = false;
if (isLeaf)
/* Process leaf SELECT */
Query *selectQuery;
char selectName[32];
RangeTblRef *rtr;
ListCell *tl;
* Transform SelectStmt into a Query.
* Note: previously transformed sub-queries don't affect the parsing
* of this sub-query, because they are not in the toplevel pstate's
* namespace list.
selectQuery = parse_sub_analyze((Node *) stmt, pstate, NULL, false);
* Check for bogus references to Vars on the current query level (but
* upper-level references are okay). Normally this can't happen
* because the namespace will be empty, but it could happen if we are
* inside a rule.
if (pstate->p_namespace)
if (contain_vars_of_level((Node *) selectQuery, 1))
errmsg("UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT member statement cannot refer to other relations of same query level"),
locate_var_of_level((Node *) selectQuery, 1))));
* Extract a list of the non-junk TLEs for upper-level processing.
if (targetlist)
*targetlist = NIL;
foreach(tl, selectQuery->targetList)
TargetEntry *tle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(tl);
if (!tle->resjunk)
*targetlist = lappend(*targetlist, tle);
* Make the leaf query be a subquery in the top-level rangetable.
snprintf(selectName, sizeof(selectName), "*SELECT* %d",
list_length(pstate->p_rtable) + 1);
rte = addRangeTableEntryForSubquery(pstate,
makeAlias(selectName, NIL),
* Return a RangeTblRef to replace the SelectStmt in the set-op tree.
rtr = makeNode(RangeTblRef);
/* assume new rte is at end */
rtr->rtindex = list_length(pstate->p_rtable);
Assert(rte == rt_fetch(rtr->rtindex, pstate->p_rtable));
return (Node *) rtr;
/* Process an internal node (set operation node) */
SetOperationStmt *op = makeNode(SetOperationStmt);
List *ltargetlist;
List *rtargetlist;
ListCell *ltl;
ListCell *rtl;
const char *context;
context = (stmt->op == SETOP_UNION ? "UNION" :
op->op = stmt->op;
op->all = stmt->all;
* Recursively transform the left child node.
op->larg = transformSetOperationTree(pstate, stmt->larg,
* If we are processing a recursive union query, now is the time to
* examine the non-recursive term's output columns and mark the
* containing CTE as having those result columns. We should do this
* only at the topmost setop of the CTE, of course.
if (isTopLevel &&
pstate->p_parent_cte &&
determineRecursiveColTypes(pstate, op->larg, ltargetlist);
* Recursively transform the right child node.
op->rarg = transformSetOperationTree(pstate, stmt->rarg,
* Verify that the two children have the same number of non-junk
* columns, and determine the types of the merged output columns.
if (list_length(ltargetlist) != list_length(rtargetlist))
errmsg("each %s query must have the same number of columns",
exprLocation((Node *) rtargetlist))));
if (targetlist)
*targetlist = NIL;
op->colTypes = NIL;
op->colTypmods = NIL;
op->colCollations = NIL;
op->groupClauses = NIL;
forboth(ltl, ltargetlist, rtl, rtargetlist)
TargetEntry *ltle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(ltl);
TargetEntry *rtle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(rtl);
Node *lcolnode = (Node *) ltle->expr;
Node *rcolnode = (Node *) rtle->expr;
Oid lcoltype = exprType(lcolnode);
Oid rcoltype = exprType(rcolnode);
int32 lcoltypmod = exprTypmod(lcolnode);
int32 rcoltypmod = exprTypmod(rcolnode);
Node *bestexpr;
int bestlocation;
Oid rescoltype;
int32 rescoltypmod;
Oid rescolcoll;
/* select common type, same as CASE et al */
rescoltype = select_common_type(pstate,
list_make2(lcolnode, rcolnode),
bestlocation = exprLocation(bestexpr);
/* if same type and same typmod, use typmod; else default */
if (lcoltype == rcoltype && lcoltypmod == rcoltypmod)
rescoltypmod = lcoltypmod;
rescoltypmod = -1;
* Verify the coercions are actually possible. If not, we'd fail
* later anyway, but we want to fail now while we have sufficient
* context to produce an error cursor position.
* For all non-UNKNOWN-type cases, we verify coercibility but we
* don't modify the child's expression, for fear of changing the
* child query's semantics.
* If a child expression is an UNKNOWN-type Const or Param, we
* want to replace it with the coerced expression. This can only
* happen when the child is a leaf set-op node. It's safe to
* replace the expression because if the child query's semantics
* depended on the type of this output column, it'd have already
* coerced the UNKNOWN to something else. We want to do this
* because (a) we want to verify that a Const is valid for the
* target type, or resolve the actual type of an UNKNOWN Param,
* and (b) we want to avoid unnecessary discrepancies between the
* output type of the child query and the resolved target type.
* Such a discrepancy would disable optimization in the planner.
* If it's some other UNKNOWN-type node, eg a Var, we do nothing
* (knowing that coerce_to_common_type would fail). The planner
* is sometimes able to fold an UNKNOWN Var to a constant before
* it has to coerce the type, so failing now would just break
* cases that might work.
if (lcoltype != UNKNOWNOID)
lcolnode = coerce_to_common_type(pstate, lcolnode,
rescoltype, context);
else if (IsA(lcolnode, Const) ||
IsA(lcolnode, Param))
lcolnode = coerce_to_common_type(pstate, lcolnode,
rescoltype, context);
ltle->expr = (Expr *) lcolnode;
if (rcoltype != UNKNOWNOID)
rcolnode = coerce_to_common_type(pstate, rcolnode,
rescoltype, context);
else if (IsA(rcolnode, Const) ||
IsA(rcolnode, Param))
rcolnode = coerce_to_common_type(pstate, rcolnode,
rescoltype, context);
rtle->expr = (Expr *) rcolnode;
* Select common collation. A common collation is required for
* all set operators except UNION ALL; see SQL:2008 7.13 <query
* expression> Syntax Rule 15c. (If we fail to identify a common
* collation for a UNION ALL column, the curCollations element
* will be set to InvalidOid, which may result in a runtime error
* if something at a higher query level wants to use the column's
* collation.)
rescolcoll = select_common_collation(pstate,
list_make2(lcolnode, rcolnode),
(op->op == SETOP_UNION && op->all));
/* emit results */
op->colTypes = lappend_oid(op->colTypes, rescoltype);
op->colTypmods = lappend_int(op->colTypmods, rescoltypmod);
op->colCollations = lappend_oid(op->colCollations, rescolcoll);
* For all cases except UNION ALL, identify the grouping operators
* (and, if available, sorting operators) that will be used to
* eliminate duplicates.
if (op->op != SETOP_UNION || !op->all)
SortGroupClause *grpcl = makeNode(SortGroupClause);
Oid sortop;
Oid eqop;
bool hashable;
ParseCallbackState pcbstate;
setup_parser_errposition_callback(&pcbstate, pstate,
/* determine the eqop and optional sortop */
false, true, false,
&sortop, &eqop, NULL,
/* we don't have a tlist yet, so can't assign sortgrouprefs */
grpcl->tleSortGroupRef = 0;
grpcl->eqop = eqop;
grpcl->sortop = sortop;
grpcl->nulls_first = false; /* OK with or without sortop */
grpcl->hashable = hashable;
op->groupClauses = lappend(op->groupClauses, grpcl);
* Construct a dummy tlist entry to return. We use a SetToDefault
* node for the expression, since it carries exactly the fields
* needed, but any other expression node type would do as well.
if (targetlist)
SetToDefault *rescolnode = makeNode(SetToDefault);
TargetEntry *restle;
rescolnode->typeId = rescoltype;
rescolnode->typeMod = rescoltypmod;
rescolnode->collation = rescolcoll;
rescolnode->location = bestlocation;
restle = makeTargetEntry((Expr *) rescolnode,
0, /* no need to set resno */
*targetlist = lappend(*targetlist, restle);
return (Node *) op;
* Process the outputs of the non-recursive term of a recursive union
* to set up the parent CTE's columns
static void
determineRecursiveColTypes(ParseState *pstate, Node *larg, List *nrtargetlist)
Node *node;
int leftmostRTI;
Query *leftmostQuery;
List *targetList;
ListCell *left_tlist;
ListCell *nrtl;
int next_resno;
* Find leftmost leaf SELECT
node = larg;
while (node && IsA(node, SetOperationStmt))
node = ((SetOperationStmt *) node)->larg;
Assert(node && IsA(node, RangeTblRef));
leftmostRTI = ((RangeTblRef *) node)->rtindex;
leftmostQuery = rt_fetch(leftmostRTI, pstate->p_rtable)->subquery;
Assert(leftmostQuery != NULL);
* Generate dummy targetlist using column names of leftmost select and
* dummy result expressions of the non-recursive term.
targetList = NIL;
left_tlist = list_head(leftmostQuery->targetList);
next_resno = 1;
foreach(nrtl, nrtargetlist)
TargetEntry *nrtle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(nrtl);
TargetEntry *lefttle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(left_tlist);
char *colName;
TargetEntry *tle;
colName = pstrdup(lefttle->resname);
tle = makeTargetEntry(nrtle->expr,
targetList = lappend(targetList, tle);
left_tlist = lnext(left_tlist);
/* Now build CTE's output column info using dummy targetlist */
analyzeCTETargetList(pstate, pstate->p_parent_cte, targetList);
* transformUpdateStmt -
* transforms an update statement
static Query *
transformUpdateStmt(ParseState *pstate, UpdateStmt *stmt)
Query *qry = makeNode(Query);
RangeTblEntry *target_rte;
Node *qual;
ListCell *origTargetList;
ListCell *tl;
qry->commandType = CMD_UPDATE;
pstate->p_is_update = true;
/* process the WITH clause independently of all else */
if (stmt->withClause)
qry->hasRecursive = stmt->withClause->recursive;
qry->cteList = transformWithClause(pstate, stmt->withClause);
qry->hasModifyingCTE = pstate->p_hasModifyingCTE;
qry->resultRelation = setTargetTable(pstate, stmt->relation,
* the FROM clause is non-standard SQL syntax. We used to be able to do
* this with REPLACE in POSTQUEL so we keep the feature.
transformFromClause(pstate, stmt->fromClause);
qry->targetList = transformTargetList(pstate, stmt->targetList,
qual = transformWhereClause(pstate, stmt->whereClause,
qry->returningList = transformReturningList(pstate, stmt->returningList);
qry->rtable = pstate->p_rtable;
qry->jointree = makeFromExpr(pstate->p_joinlist, qual);
qry->hasSubLinks = pstate->p_hasSubLinks;
* Now we are done with SELECT-like processing, and can get on with
* transforming the target list to match the UPDATE target columns.
/* Prepare to assign non-conflicting resnos to resjunk attributes */
if (pstate->p_next_resno <= pstate->p_target_relation->rd_rel->relnatts)
pstate->p_next_resno = pstate->p_target_relation->rd_rel->relnatts + 1;
/* Prepare non-junk columns for assignment to target table */
target_rte = pstate->p_target_rangetblentry;
origTargetList = list_head(stmt->targetList);
foreach(tl, qry->targetList)
TargetEntry *tle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(tl);
ResTarget *origTarget;
int attrno;
if (tle->resjunk)
* Resjunk nodes need no additional processing, but be sure they
* have resnos that do not match any target columns; else rewriter
* or planner might get confused. They don't need a resname
* either.
tle->resno = (AttrNumber) pstate->p_next_resno++;
tle->resname = NULL;
if (origTargetList == NULL)
elog(ERROR, "UPDATE target count mismatch --- internal error");
origTarget = (ResTarget *) lfirst(origTargetList);
Assert(IsA(origTarget, ResTarget));
attrno = attnameAttNum(pstate->p_target_relation,
origTarget->name, true);
if (attrno == InvalidAttrNumber)
errmsg("column \"%s\" of relation \"%s\" does not exist",
parser_errposition(pstate, origTarget->location)));
updateTargetListEntry(pstate, tle, origTarget->name,
/* Mark the target column as requiring update permissions */
target_rte->modifiedCols = bms_add_member(target_rte->modifiedCols,
attrno - FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber);
origTargetList = lnext(origTargetList);
if (origTargetList != NULL)
elog(ERROR, "UPDATE target count mismatch --- internal error");
assign_query_collations(pstate, qry);
return qry;
* transformReturningList -
static List *
transformReturningList(ParseState *pstate, List *returningList)
List *rlist;
int save_next_resno;
if (returningList == NIL)
return NIL; /* nothing to do */
* We need to assign resnos starting at one in the RETURNING list. Save
* and restore the main tlist's value of p_next_resno, just in case
* someone looks at it later (probably won't happen).
save_next_resno = pstate->p_next_resno;
pstate->p_next_resno = 1;
/* transform RETURNING identically to a SELECT targetlist */
rlist = transformTargetList(pstate, returningList, EXPR_KIND_RETURNING);
/* mark column origins */
markTargetListOrigins(pstate, rlist);
/* restore state */
pstate->p_next_resno = save_next_resno;
return rlist;
* transformDeclareCursorStmt -
* transform a DECLARE CURSOR Statement
* DECLARE CURSOR is a hybrid case: it's an optimizable statement (in fact not
* significantly different from a SELECT) as far as parsing/rewriting/planning
* are concerned, but it's not passed to the executor and so in that sense is
* a utility statement. We transform it into a Query exactly as if it were
* a SELECT, then stick the original DeclareCursorStmt into the utilityStmt
* field to carry the cursor name and options.
static Query *
transformDeclareCursorStmt(ParseState *pstate, DeclareCursorStmt *stmt)
Query *result;
* Don't allow both SCROLL and NO SCROLL to be specified
if ((stmt->options & CURSOR_OPT_SCROLL) &&
(stmt->options & CURSOR_OPT_NO_SCROLL))
errmsg("cannot specify both SCROLL and NO SCROLL")));
result = transformStmt(pstate, stmt->query);
/* Grammar should not have allowed anything but SELECT */
if (!IsA(result, Query) ||
result->commandType != CMD_SELECT ||
result->utilityStmt != NULL)
elog(ERROR, "unexpected non-SELECT command in DECLARE CURSOR");
* We also disallow data-modifying WITH in a cursor. (This could be
* allowed, but the semantics of when the updates occur might be
* surprising.)
if (result->hasModifyingCTE)
errmsg("DECLARE CURSOR must not contain data-modifying statements in WITH")));
/* FOR UPDATE and WITH HOLD are not compatible */
if (result->rowMarks != NIL && (stmt->options & CURSOR_OPT_HOLD))
errmsg("DECLARE CURSOR WITH HOLD ... FOR UPDATE/SHARE is not supported"),
errdetail("Holdable cursors must be READ ONLY.")));
/* FOR UPDATE and SCROLL are not compatible */
if (result->rowMarks != NIL && (stmt->options & CURSOR_OPT_SCROLL))
errmsg("DECLARE SCROLL CURSOR ... FOR UPDATE/SHARE is not supported"),
errdetail("Scrollable cursors must be READ ONLY.")));
/* FOR UPDATE and INSENSITIVE are not compatible */
if (result->rowMarks != NIL && (stmt->options & CURSOR_OPT_INSENSITIVE))
errdetail("Insensitive cursors must be READ ONLY.")));
/* We won't need the raw querytree any more */
stmt->query = NULL;
result->utilityStmt = (Node *) stmt;
return result;
* transformExplainStmt -
* transform an EXPLAIN Statement
* EXPLAIN is like other utility statements in that we emit it as a
* CMD_UTILITY Query node; however, we must first transform the contained
* query. We used to postpone that until execution, but it's really necessary
* to do it during the normal parse analysis phase to ensure that side effects
* of parser hooks happen at the expected time.
static Query *
transformExplainStmt(ParseState *pstate, ExplainStmt *stmt)
Query *result;
/* transform contained query, allowing SELECT INTO */
stmt->query = (Node *) transformTopLevelStmt(pstate, stmt->query);
/* represent the command as a utility Query */
result = makeNode(Query);
result->commandType = CMD_UTILITY;
result->utilityStmt = (Node *) stmt;
return result;
* transformCreateTableAsStmt -
* Statement
* As with EXPLAIN, transform the contained statement now.
static Query *
transformCreateTableAsStmt(ParseState *pstate, CreateTableAsStmt *stmt)
Query *result;
Query *query;
/* transform contained query */
query = transformStmt(pstate, stmt->query);
stmt->query = (Node *) query;
/* additional work needed for CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW */
if (stmt->relkind == OBJECT_MATVIEW)
* Prohibit a data-modifying CTE in the query used to create a
* materialized view. It's not sufficiently clear what the user would
* want to happen if the MV is refreshed or incrementally maintained.
if (query->hasModifyingCTE)
errmsg("materialized views must not use data-modifying statements in WITH")));
* Check whether any temporary database objects are used in the
* creation query. It would be hard to refresh data or incrementally
* maintain it if a source disappeared.
if (isQueryUsingTempRelation(query))
errmsg("materialized views must not use temporary tables or views")));
* A materialized view would either need to save parameters for use in
* maintaining/loading the data or prohibit them entirely. The latter
* seems safer and more sane.
if (query_contains_extern_params(query))
errmsg("materialized views may not be defined using bound parameters")));
* For now, we disallow unlogged materialized views, because it
* seems like a bad idea for them to just go to empty after a crash.
* (If we could mark them as unpopulated, that would be better, but
* that requires catalog changes which crash recovery can't presently
* handle.)
if (stmt->into->rel->relpersistence == RELPERSISTENCE_UNLOGGED)
errmsg("materialized views cannot be UNLOGGED")));
* At runtime, we'll need a copy of the parsed-but-not-rewritten Query
* for purposes of creating the view's ON SELECT rule. We stash that
* in the IntoClause because that's where intorel_startup() can
* conveniently get it from.
stmt->into->viewQuery = copyObject(query);
/* represent the command as a utility Query */
result = makeNode(Query);
result->commandType = CMD_UTILITY;
result->utilityStmt = (Node *) stmt;
return result;
* Check for features that are not supported with FOR [KEY] UPDATE/SHARE.
* exported so planner can check again after rewriting, query pullup, etc
CheckSelectLocking(Query *qry)
if (qry->setOperations)
errmsg("row-level locks are not allowed with UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT")));
if (qry->distinctClause != NIL)
errmsg("row-level locks are not allowed with DISTINCT clause")));
if (qry->groupClause != NIL)
errmsg("row-level locks are not allowed with GROUP BY clause")));
if (qry->havingQual != NULL)
errmsg("row-level locks are not allowed with HAVING clause")));
if (qry->hasAggs)
errmsg("row-level locks are not allowed with aggregate functions")));
if (qry->hasWindowFuncs)
errmsg("row-level locks are not allowed with window functions")));
if (expression_returns_set((Node *) qry->targetList))
errmsg("row-level locks are not allowed with set-returning functions in the target list")));
* Transform a FOR [KEY] UPDATE/SHARE clause
* This basically involves replacing names by integer relids.
* NB: if you need to change this, see also markQueryForLocking()
* in rewriteHandler.c, and isLockedRefname() in parse_relation.c.
static void
transformLockingClause(ParseState *pstate, Query *qry, LockingClause *lc,
bool pushedDown)
List *lockedRels = lc->lockedRels;
ListCell *l;
ListCell *rt;
Index i;
LockingClause *allrels;
/* make a clause we can pass down to subqueries to select all rels */
allrels = makeNode(LockingClause);
allrels->lockedRels = NIL; /* indicates all rels */
allrels->strength = lc->strength;
allrels->noWait = lc->noWait;
if (lockedRels == NIL)
/* all regular tables used in query */
i = 0;
foreach(rt, qry->rtable)
RangeTblEntry *rte = (RangeTblEntry *) lfirst(rt);
switch (rte->rtekind)
applyLockingClause(qry, i,
lc->strength, lc->noWait, pushedDown);
rte->requiredPerms |= ACL_SELECT_FOR_UPDATE;
applyLockingClause(qry, i,
lc->strength, lc->noWait, pushedDown);
* FOR UPDATE/SHARE of subquery is propagated to all of
* subquery's rels, too. We could do this later (based on
* the marking of the subquery RTE) but it is convenient
* to have local knowledge in each query level about which
* rels need to be opened with RowShareLock.
transformLockingClause(pstate, rte->subquery,
allrels, true);
/* just the named tables */
foreach(l, lockedRels)
RangeVar *thisrel = (RangeVar *) lfirst(l);
/* For simplicity we insist on unqualified alias names here */
if (thisrel->catalogname || thisrel->schemaname)
errmsg("row-level locks must specify unqualified relation names"),
parser_errposition(pstate, thisrel->location)));
i = 0;
foreach(rt, qry->rtable)
RangeTblEntry *rte = (RangeTblEntry *) lfirst(rt);
if (strcmp(rte->eref->aliasname, thisrel->relname) == 0)
switch (rte->rtekind)
applyLockingClause(qry, i,
lc->strength, lc->noWait,
rte->requiredPerms |= ACL_SELECT_FOR_UPDATE;
applyLockingClause(qry, i,
lc->strength, lc->noWait,
/* see comment above */
transformLockingClause(pstate, rte->subquery,
allrels, true);
case RTE_JOIN:
errmsg("row-level locks cannot be applied to a join"),
parser_errposition(pstate, thisrel->location)));
errmsg("row-level locks cannot be applied to a function"),
parser_errposition(pstate, thisrel->location)));
errmsg("row-level locks cannot be applied to VALUES"),
parser_errposition(pstate, thisrel->location)));
case RTE_CTE:
errmsg("row-level locks cannot be applied to a WITH query"),
parser_errposition(pstate, thisrel->location)));
elog(ERROR, "unrecognized RTE type: %d",
(int) rte->rtekind);
break; /* out of foreach loop */
if (rt == NULL)
errmsg("relation \"%s\" in row-level lock clause not found in FROM clause",
parser_errposition(pstate, thisrel->location)));
* Record locking info for a single rangetable item
applyLockingClause(Query *qry, Index rtindex,
LockClauseStrength strength, bool noWait, bool pushedDown)
RowMarkClause *rc;
/* If it's an explicit clause, make sure hasForUpdate gets set */
if (!pushedDown)
qry->hasForUpdate = true;
/* Check for pre-existing entry for same rtindex */
if ((rc = get_parse_rowmark(qry, rtindex)) != NULL)
* If the same RTE is specified for more than one locking strength,
* treat is as the strongest. (Reasonable, since you can't take both a
* shared and exclusive lock at the same time; it'll end up being
* exclusive anyway.)
* We also consider that NOWAIT wins if it's specified both ways. This
* is a bit more debatable but raising an error doesn't seem helpful.
* (Consider for instance SELECT FOR UPDATE NOWAIT from a view that
* internally contains a plain FOR UPDATE spec.)
* And of course pushedDown becomes false if any clause is explicit.
rc->strength = Max(rc->strength, strength);
rc->noWait |= noWait;
rc->pushedDown &= pushedDown;
/* Make a new RowMarkClause */
rc = makeNode(RowMarkClause);
rc->rti = rtindex;
rc->strength = strength;
rc->noWait = noWait;
rc->pushedDown = pushedDown;
qry->rowMarks = lappend(qry->rowMarks, rc);