Peter Eisentraut authoredPeter Eisentraut authored
Makefile 6.30 KiB
# Makefile
# Postgres documentation makefile
# Thomas Lockhart
# Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
# $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/doc/src/sgml/Makefile,v 1.45 2001/11/18 20:35:02 petere Exp $
subdir = doc/src/sgml
top_builddir = ../../..
include $(top_builddir)/src/Makefile.global
DOCBOOKSTYLE = /home/projects/pgsql/developers/thomas/db162.d/docbook
ifndef JADE
JADE = jade
SGMLINCLUDE = -D $(srcdir) -D $(srcdir)/ref
ifndef NSGMLS
NSGMLS = nsgmls
ifndef SGMLSPL
SGMLSPL = sgmlspl
CONVERT = convert
EPSTOPDF = epstopdf
# docbook2man generates man pages from docbook refentry source code.
ifndef D2MDIR
# This is where the (patched) docbook2man perl scripts reside on hub.org.
D2MDIR= /home/users/t/thomas/d2x/docbook2man
D2MSCRIPT= $(D2MDIR)/docbook2man-spec.pl
vpath %.sgml ./ref
ALLBOOKS = admin developer programmer reference tutorial user
ALLSGML := $(wildcard $(srcdir)/*.sgml $(srcdir)/ref/*.sgml) bookindex.sgml setindex.sgml
## Man pages
.PHONY: man
DEFAULTSECTION := $(sqlmansect_dummy)
man: $(ALLSGML)
$(NSGMLS) $(NSGMLS_FLAGS) $(srcdir)/book-decl.sgml $(srcdir)/reference.sgml \
| $(SGMLSPL) $(D2MSCRIPT) --lowercase --section $(DEFAULTSECTION) --date "`date '+%Y-%m-%d'`"
# One more time, to resolve cross-references
$(NSGMLS) $(NSGMLS_FLAGS) $(srcdir)/book-decl.sgml $(srcdir)/reference.sgml \
| $(SGMLSPL) $(D2MSCRIPT) --lowercase --section $(DEFAULTSECTION) --date "`date '+%Y-%m-%d'`"
$(mkinstalldirs) man1 man$(DEFAULTSECTION)
mv *.1 man1/
JADE.html = $(JADE) $(JADEFLAGS) $(SGMLINCLUDE) -c $(CATALOG) -d stylesheet.dsl -i output-html -t sgml
postgres.html: postgres.sgml $(ALLSGML) stylesheet.dsl
@rm -f *.html
$(JADE.html) $<
ln -sf index.html $@
$(addsuffix .html, $(ALLBOOKS)): %.html: %.sgml $(ALLSGML) stylesheet.dsl
@rm -f *.html
$(JADE.html) book-decl.sgml $<
ln -sf index.html $@
programmer.html: catalogs.gif connections.gif
postgres.html: catalogs.gif connections.gif
COLLATEINDEX = $(PERL) $(DOCBOOKSTYLE)/bin/collateindex.pl -f -g -t 'Index'
ifeq (,$(wildcard HTML.index))
$(COLLATEINDEX) -x -o $@ -N
bookindex.sgml: HTML.index
$(COLLATEINDEX) -i 'bookindex' -o $@ $<
setindex.sgml: HTML.index
$(COLLATEINDEX) -i 'setindex' -x -o $@ $<
## Print
# RTF to allow minor editing for hardcopy
$(addsuffix .rtf, $(ALLBOOKS)): %.rtf: %.sgml $(ALLSGML) stylesheet.dsl
$(JADE) $(JADEFLAGS) $(SGMLINCLUDE) -c $(CATALOG) -d stylesheet.dsl -t rtf -V rtf-backend -i output-print book-decl.sgml $<
# TeX
# Regular TeX and pdfTeX have slightly differing requirements, so we
# need to distinguish the path we're taking.
$(addsuffix .tex-ps, $(ALLBOOKS)): %.tex-ps: %.sgml $(ALLSGML) stylesheet.dsl
$(JADE) $(JADEFLAGS) $(SGMLINCLUDE) -c $(CATALOG) -d stylesheet.dsl -t tex -V tex-backend -i output-print -V texdvi-output -o $@ book-decl.sgml $<
# TeX transforms '--' into en-dashes. This hack should go away when
# OpenJade is fixed (ver. 1.4?)
$(PERL) -pi -e 's/\-\-/\\mbox{}-\\mbox{}-\\mbox{}/g' $@
$(PERL) -pi -e 's/\<\</\\mbox{}<\\mbox{}<\\mbox{}/g' $@
$(PERL) -pi -e 's/\>\>/\\mbox{}>\\mbox{}>\\mbox{}/g' $@
$(PERL) -pi -e "s/\'\'/\\\\mbox{}'\\\\mbox{}'\\\\mbox{}/g" $@
programmer.tex-ps: catalogs.eps connections.eps
$(addsuffix .tex-pdf, $(ALLBOOKS)): %.tex-pdf: %.sgml $(ALLSGML) stylesheet.dsl
$(JADE) $(JADEFLAGS) $(SGMLINCLUDE) -c $(CATALOG) -d stylesheet.dsl -t tex -V tex-backend -i output-print -V texpdf-output -o $@ book-decl.sgml $<
$(PERL) -pi -e 's/\-\-/\\mbox{}-\\mbox{}-\\mbox{}/g' $@
$(PERL) -pi -e 's/\<\</\\mbox{}<\\mbox{}<\\mbox{}/g' $@
$(PERL) -pi -e 's/\>\>/\\mbox{}>\\mbox{}>\\mbox{}/g' $@
$(PERL) -pi -e "s/\'\'/\\\\mbox{}'\\\\mbox{}'\\\\mbox{}/g" $@
programmer.tex-pdf: catalogs.pdf connections.pdf
%.dvi: %.tex-ps
@rm -f $*.aux $*.log
jadetex $<
jadetex $<
jadetex $<
# Postscript from TeX
%.ps: %.dvi
dvips -o $@ $<
%.pdf: %.tex-pdf
@rm -f $*.aux $*.log $*.out
pdfjadetex $<
pdfjadetex $<
pdfjadetex $<
# This generates an XML version of the flow-object tree. It's useful
# for debugging DSSSL code, and possibly to interface to some other
# tools that can make use of this.
$(addsuffix .fot, $(ALLBOOKS)): %.fot: %.sgml $(ALLSGML) stylesheet.dsl
$(JADE) $(JADEFLAGS) $(SGMLINCLUDE) -c $(CATALOG) -d stylesheet.dsl -t fot -i output-print -o $@ book-decl.sgml $<
# Graphics
cp $(srcdir)/../graphics/$@ .
%.eps: %.gif
$(CONVERT) $< eps:$@
%.pdf: %.eps
## Semi-automatic generation of some text files.
JADE.text = $(JADE) $(JADEFLAGS) $(SGMLINCLUDE) -c $(CATALOG) -d stylesheet.dsl -i output-text -t sgml
INSTALL HISTORY regress_README: % : %.html
@echo "|";\
echo "| You should now take '$<', save it as a text file in Netscape,";\
echo "| and put it in place of the existing '$@' file.";\
echo "|"
INSTALL.html: standalone-install.sgml installation.sgml
$(JADE.text) -V nochunks $+ >$@
HISTORY.html: release.sgml
( echo '<!doctype appendix PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN">'; \
cat $< ) >tempfile_HISTORY.sgml
$(JADE.text) -V nochunks tempfile_HISTORY.sgml >$@
rm tempfile_HISTORY.sgml
regress_README.html: regress.sgml
( echo '<!doctype chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN" ['; \
echo '<!entity % standalone-ignore "IGNORE"> ]>'; \
cat $< ) >tempfile_regress_README.sgml
$(JADE.text) -V nochunks tempfile_regress_README.sgml >$@
rm tempfile_regress_README.sgml
## Check
check: $(addprefix check-, $(ALLBOOKS)) check-postgres
# Quick syntax check without style processing
$(addprefix check-, $(ALLBOOKS)): check-%: %.sgml
$(NSGMLS) $(SGMLINCLUDE) -s book-decl.sgml $<
check-postgres: postgres.sgml
## Clean
clean distclean maintainer-clean:
rm -f HTML.manifest *.html *.gif
# man
rm -rf *.1 *.$(DEFAULTSECTION) man1 man$(DEFAULTSECTION) manpage.refs manpage.links manpage.log
# print
rm -f *.rtf *.tex-ps *.tex-pdf *.dvi *.aux *.log *.ps *.pdf *.out *.eps *.fot
# index
rm -f HTML.index bookindex.sgml setindex.sgml