Thomas G. Lockhart authored
Make new file current.sgml to hold release info for the current release. Should be moved to release.sgml before filling with next release info.
Thomas G. Lockhart authoredMake new file current.sgml to hold release info for the current release. Should be moved to release.sgml before filling with next release info.
postgres.sgml 7.36 KiB
$Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/doc/src/sgml/postgres.sgml,v 1.14 1998/10/31 09:36:34 thomas Exp $
Postgres integrated documentation.
Other subset docs should be copied and shrunk from here.
thomas 1998-02-23
$Log: postgres.sgml,v $
Revision 1.14 1998/10/31 09:36:34 thomas
Cleanup for v6.4 release.
Make new file current.sgml to hold release info for the current release.
Should be moved to release.sgml before filling with next release info.
Revision 1.13 1998/10/30 19:37:09 thomas
Minor editing and markup changes as a result of preparing the Postscript
documentation for v6.4.
Bigger updates to the installation instructions (install and config).
Revision 1.12 1998/10/27 06:14:01 thomas
Include configuration chapter with new info on configure and make.
Revision 1.11 1998/10/25 00:24:31 thomas
Add Y2K statement for intros.
Make sure notation section is included in most intros.
Revision 1.7-1.10 1998/10/21 05:31:52 thomas
Include new information from Massimo. Rearrange ODBC docs.
Add information for operator precedence.
Split introduction sections into separate files to allow the legal notice
and notation sections appear in all documents without having the history
show up everplace too.
Add full list of reserved and non-reserved key words in syntax.sgml.
Add a separate chapter to the admin guide on security.
Move SQL reference pages up into the User's Guide.
<!doctype book PUBLIC "-//Davenport//DTD DocBook V3.0//EN" [
<!entity about SYSTEM "about.sgml">
<!entity history SYSTEM "history.sgml">
<!entity info SYSTEM "info.sgml">
<!entity legal SYSTEM "legal.sgml">
<!entity notation SYSTEM "notation.sgml">
<!entity y2k SYSTEM "y2k.sgml">
<!-- tutorial -->
<!entity intro SYSTEM "intro.sgml">
<!entity arch SYSTEM "arch.sgml">
<!entity start SYSTEM "start.sgml">
<!entity query SYSTEM "query.sgml">
<!-- user's guide -->
<!entity advanced SYSTEM "advanced.sgml">
<!entity environ SYSTEM "environ.sgml">
<!entity manage SYSTEM "manage.sgml">
<!entity datatype SYSTEM "datatype.sgml">
<!entity oper SYSTEM "oper.sgml">
<!entity func SYSTEM "func.sgml">
<!entity typeconv SYSTEM "typeconv.sgml">
<!entity keys SYSTEM "keys.sgml">
<!entity array SYSTEM "array.sgml">
<!entity inherit SYSTEM "inherit.sgml">
<!entity query-ug SYSTEM "query-ug.sgml">
<!entity storage SYSTEM "storage.sgml">
<!entity psql SYSTEM "psql.sgml">
<!entity pgaccess SYSTEM "pgaccess.sgml">
<!-- reference pages -->
<!entity % allfiles SYSTEM "allfiles.sgml">
<!-- administrator's guide -->
<!entity config SYSTEM "config.sgml">
<!entity current SYSTEM "current.sgml">
<!entity install SYSTEM "install.sgml">
<!entity intro-ag SYSTEM "intro-ag.sgml">
<!entity options SYSTEM "pg_options.sgml">
<!entity ports SYSTEM "ports.sgml">
<!entity runtime SYSTEM "runtime.sgml">
<!entity recovery SYSTEM "recovery.sgml">
<!entity regress SYSTEM "regress.sgml">
<!entity release SYSTEM "release.sgml">
<!entity start-ag SYSTEM "start-ag.sgml">
<!-- programmer's guide -->
<!entity intro-pg SYSTEM "intro-pg.sgml">
<!entity arch-pg SYSTEM "arch-pg.sgml">
<!entity extend SYSTEM "extend.sgml">
<!entity rules SYSTEM "rules.sgml">
<!entity xfunc SYSTEM "xfunc.sgml">
<!entity xtypes SYSTEM "xtypes.sgml">
<!entity xoper SYSTEM "xoper.sgml">
<!entity xaggr SYSTEM "xaggr.sgml">
<!entity xindex SYSTEM "xindex.sgml">
<!entity gist SYSTEM "gist.sgml">
<!entity dfunc SYSTEM "dfunc.sgml">
<!entity lobj SYSTEM "lobj.sgml">
<!entity trigger SYSTEM "trigger.sgml">
<!entity spi SYSTEM "spi.sgml">
<!entity func-ref SYSTEM "func-ref.sgml">
<!entity libpq SYSTEM "libpq.sgml">
<!entity libpgtcl SYSTEM "libpgtcl.sgml">
<!entity ecpg SYSTEM "ecpg.sgml">
<!entity odbc SYSTEM "odbc.sgml">
<!entity jdbc SYSTEM "jdbc.sgml">
<!entity xplang SYSTEM "xplang.sgml">
<!-- developer's guide -->
<!entity arch-dev SYSTEM "arch-dev.sgml">
<!entity biblio SYSTEM "biblio.sgml">
<!entity bki SYSTEM "bki.sgml">
<!entity compiler SYSTEM "compiler.sgml">
<!entity contacts SYSTEM "contacts.sgml">
<!entity docguide SYSTEM "docguide.sgml">
<!entity geqo SYSTEM "geqo.sgml">
<!entity page SYSTEM "page.sgml">
<!entity protocol SYSTEM "protocol.sgml">
<!entity signals SYSTEM "signals.sgml">
<!-- entity manpages SYSTEM "man/manpages.sgml" subdoc -->
<Book Id="postgres">
<!-- Title information -->
<ReleaseInfo>Covering v6.4 for general release</ReleaseInfo>
<CorpAuthor>The PostgreSQL Development Team</CorpAuthor>
<!-- editor in authorgroup is not supported
<Date>(last updated 1998-02-23)</Date>
<ProductName>PostgreSQL</ProductName> is copyright (C) 1998
by the Postgres Global Development Group.
<TOC> </TOC>
<LOT> </LOT>
Your name here...
<preface id="preface">
developed originally in the UC Berkeley Computer Science Department,
pioneered many of the object-relational concepts
now becoming available in some commercial databases.
It provides SQL92/SQL3 language support,
transaction integrity, and type extensibility.
<ProductName>PostgreSQL</ProductName> is a public-domain, open source descendant
of this original Berkeley code.
<part Id="part-tutorial">
Introduction for new users.
<part Id="part-user">
<Title>User's Guide</Title>
Information for users.
<part Id="part-admin">
<Title>Administrator's Guide</Title>
Installation and maintenance information.
<part Id="part-programmer">
<Title>Programmer's Guide</Title>
Information for extending <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName>.
<!-- &libpq; -->
<part Id="part-interfaces">
User and programmer interfaces.
<part Id="part-developer">
<Title>Developer's Guide</Title>
The Developer's Guide includes discussion of design decisions and
suggestions for future development.
<part Id="part-appendix">
Additional related information.
Omit index until we have some index entries.
- thomas 1998-10-26
<index Id="part-index">