The problem could be a number of things. Try testing your user-defined
function in a stand alone test program first. Also, make sure you are
not sending elog NOTICES when the front-end is expecting data, such as
during a type_in() or type_out() functions
5.2) What does the message: NOTICE:PortalHeapMemoryFree: 0x402251d0 not in
alloc set! mean?
You are pfree'ing something that was not palloc'ed. Beware of mixing
malloc/free and palloc/pfree.
5.3) How can I contribute some nifty new types and functions for
Send your extensions to the pgsql-hackers mailing list, and they will
eventually end up in the contrib/ subdirectory.
5.4) How do I write a C function to return a tuple?
This requires wizardry so extreme that the authors have never tried
it, though in principle it can be done.
5.5) I have changed a source file. Why does the recompile does not see the
The Makefiles do not have the proper dependencies for include files.
You have to do a make clean and then another make.