Explore projects
Here are stored all code of the AllBertEinStein project. The AllBert EinStein project will provide data for fireball and space debris research by observing the controlled re-entry of one or more artificial meteoroids.
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Luca Scalerandi / mlinspect
Apache License 2.0Inspect ML Pipelines in Python in the form of a DAG
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Tobias Schmidt / Partitioned Filters
MIT LicenseA four-dimensional Analysis of Partitioned Approximate Filters
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Thomas Blum / sql-parser
MIT LicenseSQL Parser for C++. Building C++ object structure from SQL statements.
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dbtools / DBtransactions
MIT LicenseUpdated -
dbtools / DBnormalizer
MIT LicenseUpdated -
monopedia / pistache
Apache License 2.0Updated -
monopedia / client
Apache License 2.0Updated