<REFENTRY ID="SQL-CREATELANGUAGE"> <REFMETA> <REFENTRYTITLE> CREATE LANGUAGE </REFENTRYTITLE> <REFMISCINFO>SQL - Language Statements</REFMISCINFO> </REFMETA> <REFNAMEDIV> <REFNAME> CREATE LANGUAGE </REFNAME> <REFPURPOSE> Defines a new language for functions </REFPURPOSE> <REFSYNOPSISDIV> <REFSYNOPSISDIVINFO> <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE> </REFSYNOPSISDIVINFO> <SYNOPSIS> CREATE [TRUSTED] PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE '<replaceable class="parameter">langname</replaceable>' HANDLER <replaceable class="parameter">call_handler</replaceable> LANCOMPILER '<replaceable class="parameter">comment</replaceable>' </SYNOPSIS> <REFSECT2 ID="R2-SQL-CREATELANGUAGE-1"> <REFSECT2INFO> <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE> </REFSECT2INFO> <TITLE> Inputs </TITLE> <PARA> </PARA> <VARIABLELIST> <VARLISTENTRY> <TERM> </TERM> <LISTITEM> <PARA> <VARIABLELIST> <VARLISTENTRY> <TERM> <function>TRUSTED</function> </TERM> <LISTITEM> <PARA> <function> TRUSTED</function> specifies that the call handler for the language is safe; that is, it offers an unprivileged user no functionality to get around access restrictions. If this keyword is omitted when registering the language, only users with the PostgreSQL superuser privilege can use this language to create new functions (like the 'C' language). </PARA> </LISTITEM> </VARLISTENTRY> <VARLISTENTRY> <TERM> <replaceable class="parameter">langname</replaceable> </TERM> <LISTITEM> <PARA> The name of the new procedural language. The language name is case insensitive. A procedural language cannot override one of the built-in languages of PostgreSQL. </PARA> </LISTITEM> </VARLISTENTRY> <VARLISTENTRY> <TERM> <replaceable class="parameter">call_handler</replaceable> </TERM> <LISTITEM> <PARA> The argument for <function>HANDLER</function> is the name of a previously registered function that will be called to execute the PL procedures. </PARA> </LISTITEM> </VARLISTENTRY> <VARLISTENTRY> <TERM> <replaceable class="parameter">comment</replaceable> </TERM> <LISTITEM> <PARA> The <function>LANCOMPILER</function> argument is the string that will be inserted in the <literal>LANCOMPILER</literal> attribute of the new <filename>pg_language</filename> entry. At present, PostgreSQL doesn't use this attribute in any way. </PARA> </LISTITEM> </VARLISTENTRY> </variablelist> </LISTITEM> </VARLISTENTRY> </VARIABLELIST> </REFSECT2> <REFSECT2 ID="R2-SQL-CREATELANGUAGE-2"> <REFSECT2INFO> <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE> </REFSECT2INFO> <TITLE> Outputs </TITLE> <PARA> </PARA> <VARIABLELIST> <VARLISTENTRY> <TERM> </TERM> <LISTITEM> <PARA> <VARIABLELIST> <VARLISTENTRY> <TERM> <ReturnValue>CREATE</ReturnValue> </TERM> <LISTITEM> <PARA> This message is returned if the language is successfully created. </PARA> </LISTITEM> </VARLISTENTRY> <VARLISTENTRY> <TERM> <ReturnValue>ERROR: PL handler function <replaceable class="parameter">funcname</replaceable>() doesn't exist</ReturnValue> </TERM> <LISTITEM> <PARA> This error is returned if the function <replaceable class="parameter">funcname</replaceable>() is not found. </PARA> </LISTITEM> </VARLISTENTRY> </variablelist> </LISTITEM> </VARLISTENTRY> </VARIABLELIST> </REFSECT2> </REFSYNOPSISDIV> <REFSECT1 ID="R1-SQL-CREATELANGUAGE-1"> <REFSECT1INFO> <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE> </REFSECT1INFO> <TITLE> Description </TITLE> <PARA> Using <command>CREATE LANGUAGE</command>, a PostgreSQL user can register a new language with PostgreSQL. Subsequently, functions and trigger procedures can be defined in this new language. The user must have the PostgreSQL superuser privilege to register a new language. </PARA> <REFSECT2 ID="R2-SQL-CREATELANGUAGE-3"> <REFSECT2INFO> <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE> </REFSECT2INFO> <TITLE> Writing PL handlers </TITLE> <PARA> The call handler for a procedural language must be written in a compiler language such as 'C' and registered with PostgreSQL as a function taking no arguments and returning opaque type. <comment>What does `opaque type' mean?</comment> This prevents the call handler from being called directly as a function from queries. </para> <para> However, arguments must be supplied on the actual call when a PL function or trigger procedure in the language offered by the handler is to be executed. <itemizedlist> <listitem> <para> When called from the trigger manager, the only argument is the object ID from the procedure's <filename>pg_proc</filename> entry. All other information from the trigger manager is found in the global <structname>CurrentTriggerData</structname> pointer. </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para> When called from the function manager, the arguments are the object ID of the procedure's <filename>pg_proc</filename> entry, the number of arguments given to the PL function, the arguments in a <structname>FmgrValues</structname> structure and a pointer to a boolean where the function tells the caller if the return value is the SQL NULL value. </para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> </PARA> <para> It's up to the call handler to fetch the <filename>pg_proc</filename> entry and to analyze the argument and return types of the called procedure. The <function>AS</function> clause from the <command>CREATE FUNCTION</command> of the procedure will be found in the <literal>prosrc</literal> attribute of the <filename>pg_proc</filename> entry. This may be the source text in the procedural language itself (like for PL/Tcl), a pathname to a file or anything else that tells the call handler what to do in detail. </para> <REFSECT2 ID="R2-SQL-CREATELANGUAGE-4"> <REFSECT2INFO> <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE> </REFSECT2INFO> <TITLE> Notes </TITLE> <PARA> Use <citerefentry> <refentrytitle>CREATE FUNCTION</refentrytitle> </citerefentry> to create a function. </para> <para> Use <citerefentry> <refentrytitle>DROP LANGUAGE</refentrytitle> </citerefentry> to drop procedural languages. </para> <para> Refer to the table <filename>pg_language</filename> for further information: <programlisting> <computeroutput> Table = pg_language +--------------------------+--------------------------+-------+ | Field | Type | Length| +--------------------------+--------------------------+-------+ | lanname | name | 32 | | lancompiler | text | var | +--------------------------+--------------------------+-------+ lanname |lancompiler --------+-------------- internal|n/a lisp |/usr/ucb/liszt C |/bin/cc sql |postgres </computeroutput> </programlisting> </para> </refsect2> </refsect1> <REFSECT1 ID="R1-SQL-CREATELANGUAGE-4"> <TITLE> Restrictions </TITLE> <PARA> Since the call handler for a procedural language must be registered with PostgreSQL in the 'C' language, it inherits all the restrictions of 'C' functions. <comment> What are these restrictions? </comment> </para> </refsect1> <REFSECT1 ID="R1-SQL-CREATELANGUAGE-5"> <TITLE> Bugs </TITLE> <PARA> At present, the definitions for a procedural language cannot be changed once they have been created. </para> </refsect1> <REFSECT1 ID="R1-SQL-CREATELANGUAGE-6"> <TITLE> Usage </TITLE> <PARA> This is a template for a PL handler written in 'C': </PARA> <ProgramListing> #include "executor/spi.h" #include "commands/trigger.h" #include "utils/elog.h" #include "fmgr.h" /* for FmgrValues struct */ #include "access/heapam.h" #include "utils/syscache.h" #include "catalog/pg_proc.h" #include "catalog/pg_type.h" Datum plsample_call_handler( Oid prooid, int pronargs, FmgrValues *proargs, bool *isNull) { Datum retval; TriggerData *trigdata; if (CurrentTriggerData == NULL) { /* * Called as a function */ retval = ... } else { /* * Called as a trigger procedure */ trigdata = CurrentTriggerData; CurrentTriggerData = NULL; retval = ... } *isNull = false; return retval; } </ProgramListing> <para> Only a few thousand lines of code have to be added instead of the dots to complete the PL call handler. See <citerefentry> <refentrytitle>CREATE FUNCTION</refentrytitle> </citerefentry> for information on how to compile it into a loadable module .</para> <para> The following commands then register the sample procedural language.</para> <programlisting> CREATE FUNCTION plsample_call_handler () RETURNS opaque AS '/usr/local/pgsql/lib/plsample.so' LANGUAGE 'C'; CREATE PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE 'plsample' HANDLER plsample_call_handler LANCOMPILER 'PL/Sample'; </programlisting> </REFSECT1> <REFSECT1 ID="R1-SQL-CREATELANGUAGE-7"> <TITLE> Compatibility </TITLE> <PARA> CREATE LANGUAGE is a PostgreSQL extension. </PARA> <REFSECT2 ID="R2-SQL-CREATELANGUAGE-5"> <REFSECT2INFO> <DATE>1998-04-15</DATE> </REFSECT2INFO> <TITLE> SQL92 </TITLE> <PARA> There is no CREATE LANGUAGE statement in SQL92. </PARA> </refsect2> </refsect1> </REFENTRY> <!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file Local variables: mode: sgml sgml-omittag:t sgml-shorttag:t sgml-minimize-attributes:nil sgml-always-quote-attributes:t sgml-indent-step:1 sgml-indent-data:t sgml-parent-document:nil sgml-default-dtd-file:"../reference.ced" sgml-exposed-tags:nil sgml-local-catalogs:"/usr/lib/sgml/catalog" sgml-local-ecat-files:nil End: -->