# genbki.sh--
#    shell script which generates .bki files from specially formatted .h
#    files.  These .bki files are used to initialize the postgres template
#    database.
# Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
#    $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/catalog/Attic/genbki.sh,v 1.13 1998/08/25 17:36:18 momjian Exp $
#    non-essential whitespace is removed from the generated file.
#    if this is ever a problem, then the sed script at the very
#    end can be changed into another awk script or something smarter..
trap "rm -f /tmp/genbki.tmp" 0 1 2 3 15

# make sure it is empty

PATH=$PATH:/lib:/usr/ccs/lib:/usr/ccs/lbin		# to find cpp
cpp /dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]
then	echo "Can't find cpp.  Exiting." 1>&2
	exit 1

if [ $? != 0 ]
    echo `basename $0`: Bad option
    exit 1

for opt in $*
    case $opt in
    -D) BKIOPTS="$BKIOPTS -D$2"; shift; shift;;
    -D*) BKIOPTS="$BKIOPTS $1";shift;;
    --) shift; break;;

# ----------------
# 	collect nodefiles
# ----------------
while test $x -le $numargs ; do
    x=`expr $x + 1`

# Get NAMEDATALEN and OIDNAMELEN from postgres_ext.h
NAMEDATALEN=`grep '#define.*NAMEDATALEN' ../../include/postgres_ext.h | awk '{ print $3 }'`
OIDNAMELEN=`grep '#define.*OIDNAMELEN' ../../include/postgres_ext.h | awk '{ print $3 }'`

# ----------------
# 	strip comments and trash from .h before we generate
#	the .bki file...
# ----------------
#	also, change Oid to oid. -- AY 8/94.
#	also, change NameData to name. -- jolly 8/21/95.
#	put multi-line start/end comments on a separate line
cat $SYSFILES | \
sed -e 's;/\*.*\*/;;g' \
    -e 's;/\*;\
;g' \
    -e 's;\*/;\
;g' | # we must run a new sed here to see the newlines we added
sed -e "s/;[ 	]*$//g" \
    -e "s/^[ 	]*//" \
    -e "s/[ 	]Oid/\ oid/g" \
    -e "s/[ 	]NameData/\ name/g" \
    -e "s/^Oid/oid/g" \
    -e "s/^NameData/\name/g" \
    -e "s/(NameData/(name/g" \
    -e "s/(Oid/(oid/g" \
awk '
# ----------------
#	now use awk to process remaining .h file..
#	nc is the number of catalogs
#	inside is a variable set to 1 when we are scanning the
#	   contents of a catalog definition.
#	inserting_data is a flag indicating when we are processing DATA lines.
#		(i.e. have a relation open and need to close it)
# ----------------
	inside = 0;
	raw = 0;
	bootstrap = 0;
	nc = 0;
	reln_open = 0;
        comment_level = 0;

# ----------------
# Anything in a /* .. */ block should be ignored.
# Blank lines also go.
# Note that any /* */ comment on a line by itself was removed from the line
# by the sed above.
# ----------------
/^\/\*/           { comment_level += 1; next; }
/^\*\//           { comment_level -= 1; next; }
comment_level > 0 { next; }

/^[ 	]*$/      { next; }

# ----------------
#	anything in a BKI_BEGIN .. BKI_END block should be passed
#	along without interpretation.
# ----------------
/^BKI_BEGIN/ 	{ raw = 1; next; }
/^BKI_END/ 	{ raw = 0; next; }
raw == 1 	{ print; next; }

# ----------------
#	DATA() statements should get passed right through after
#	stripping off the DATA( and the ) on the end.
# ----------------
/^DATA\(/ {
	data = substr($0, 6, length($0) - 6);
	print data;
	nf = 1;
	oid = 0;
	while (nf <= NF-3)
		if ($nf == "OID" && $(nf+1) == "=")
			oid = $(nf+2);

/^DESCR\(/ {
	if (oid != 0)
		data = substr($0, 8, length($0) - 9);
		if (data != "")
			printf "%d	%s\n", oid, data >> "/tmp/genbki.tmp";

# ----
#  end any prior catalog data insertions before starting a define index
# ----
	if (reln_open == 1) {
#		print "show";
		print "close " catalog;
		reln_open = 0;

	data = substr($0, 15, length($0) - 15);
	print "declare index " data

/^BUILD_INDICES/	{ print "build indices"; }
# ----------------
#	CATALOG() definitions take some more work.
# ----------------
/^CATALOG\(/ { 
# ----
#  end any prior catalog data insertions before starting a new one..
# ----
	if (reln_open == 1) {
#		print "show";
		print "close " catalog;
		reln_open = 0;

# ----
#  get the name of the new catalog
# ----
	pos = index($1,")");
	catalog = substr($1,9,pos-9); 

	if ($0 ~ /BOOTSTRAP/) {
		bootstrap = 1;

        i = 1;
	inside = 1;

# ----------------
#	process the contents of the catalog definition
#	attname[ x ] contains the attribute name for attribute x
#	atttype[ x ] contains the attribute type fot attribute x
# ----------------
inside == 1 {
# ----
#  ignore a leading brace line..
# ----
        if ($1 ~ /\{/)

# ----
#  if this is the last line, then output the bki catalog stuff.
# ----
	if ($1 ~ /}/) {
		if (bootstrap) {
			print "create bootstrap " catalog;
		} else {
			print "create " catalog;
		print "\t(";

		for (j=1; j<i-1; j++) {
			print "\t " attname[ j ] " = " atttype[ j ] " ,";
		print "\t " attname[ j ] " = " atttype[ j ] ;
		print "\t)";

		if (! bootstrap) {
			print "open " catalog;

		i = 1;
		reln_open = 1;
		inside = 0;
		bootstrap = 0;

# ----
#  if we are inside the catalog definition, then keep sucking up
#  attibute names and types
# ----
	if ($2 ~ /\[.*\]/) {			# array attribute
		idlen = index($2,"[") - 1;
		atttype[ i ] = $1 "[]";		# variable-length only..
		attname[ i ] = substr($2,1,idlen);
	} else {
		atttype[ i ] = $1;
		attname[ i ] = $2;

	if (reln_open == 1) {
#		print "show";
		print "close " catalog;
		reln_open = 0;
' | \
cpp $BKIOPTS | \
sed -e '/^[ 	]*$/d' \
    -e 's/[ 	][ 	]*/ /g' || exit 1

# send pg_description file contents to standard error
cat /tmp/genbki.tmp 1>&2

# ----------------
#	all done
# ----------------
exit 0