From c9de6b922e4f8c2647c64a67e86d4a95e3fca2cc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tom Lane <>
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2005 19:18:01 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Document the behavior of GRANT/REVOKE in cases where the
 privilege is held by means of role membership, rather than directly.  Per
 discussion and bug fix of a couple weeks ago.

 doc/src/sgml/ref/grant.sgml  |  25 +++++-
 doc/src/sgml/ref/revoke.sgml |  27 +++++-
 doc/src/sgml/user-manag.sgml | 170 +++++++++++++++++++----------------
 3 files changed, 143 insertions(+), 79 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/ref/grant.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/ref/grant.sgml
index 8e8196f480d..bb9571abd83 100644
--- a/doc/src/sgml/ref/grant.sgml
+++ b/doc/src/sgml/ref/grant.sgml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-$PostgreSQL: pgsql/doc/src/sgml/ref/grant.sgml,v 1.49 2005/10/13 23:26:00 tgl Exp $
+$PostgreSQL: pgsql/doc/src/sgml/ref/grant.sgml,v 1.50 2005/10/20 19:18:01 tgl Exp $
 PostgreSQL documentation
@@ -343,6 +343,29 @@ GRANT <replaceable class="PARAMETER">role</replaceable> [, ...]
     by the containing role itself.)
+   <para>
+    <command>GRANT</> and <command>REVOKE</> can also be done by a role
+    that is not the owner of the affected object, but is a member of the role
+    that owns the object, or is a member of a role that holds privileges
+    <literal>WITH GRANT OPTION</literal> on the object.  In this case the
+    privileges will be recorded as having been granted by the role that
+    actually owns the object or holds the privileges
+    <literal>WITH GRANT OPTION</literal>.  For example, if table
+    <literal>t1</> is owned by role <literal>g1</>, of which role
+    <literal>u1</> is a member, then <literal>u1</> can grant privileges
+    on <literal>t1</> to <literal>u2</>, but those privileges will appear
+    to have been granted directly by <literal>g1</>.  Any other member
+    of role <literal>g1</> could revoke them later.
+   </para>
+   <para>
+    If the role executing <command>GRANT</> holds the required privileges
+    indirectly via more than one role membership path, it is unspecified
+    which containing role will be recorded as having done the grant.  In such
+    cases it is best practice to use <command>SET ROLE</> to become the
+    specific role you want to do the <command>GRANT</> as.
+   </para>
     Currently, <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> does not support
     granting or revoking privileges for individual columns of a table.
diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/ref/revoke.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/ref/revoke.sgml
index 58219c55cef..68c69f8814f 100644
--- a/doc/src/sgml/ref/revoke.sgml
+++ b/doc/src/sgml/ref/revoke.sgml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-$PostgreSQL: pgsql/doc/src/sgml/ref/revoke.sgml,v 1.34 2005/07/26 23:24:02 tgl Exp $
+$PostgreSQL: pgsql/doc/src/sgml/ref/revoke.sgml,v 1.35 2005/10/20 19:18:01 tgl Exp $
 PostgreSQL documentation
@@ -158,6 +158,31 @@ REVOKE [ ADMIN OPTION FOR ]
     it is possible for a superuser to revoke all privileges, but this may
     require use of <literal>CASCADE</literal> as stated above.
+   <para>
+    <command>REVOKE</> can also be done by a role
+    that is not the owner of the affected object, but is a member of the role
+    that owns the object, or is a member of a role that holds privileges
+    <literal>WITH GRANT OPTION</literal> on the object.  In this case the
+    command is performed as though it were issued by the containing role that
+    actually owns the object or holds the privileges
+    <literal>WITH GRANT OPTION</literal>.  For example, if table
+    <literal>t1</> is owned by role <literal>g1</>, of which role
+    <literal>u1</> is a member, then <literal>u1</> can revoke privileges
+    on <literal>t1</> that are recorded as being granted by <literal>g1</>.
+    This would include grants made by <literal>u1</> as well as by other
+    members of role <literal>g1</>.
+   </para>
+   <para>
+    If the role executing <command>REVOKE</> holds privileges
+    indirectly via more than one role membership path, it is unspecified
+    which containing role will be used to perform the command.  In such cases
+    it is best practice to use <command>SET ROLE</> to become the specific
+    role you want to do the <command>REVOKE</> as.  Failure to do so may
+    lead to revoking privileges other than the ones you intended, or not
+    revoking anything at all.
+   </para>
  <refsect1 id="SQL-REVOKE-examples">
diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/user-manag.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/user-manag.sgml
index cadca53ace6..fb8f84a4916 100644
--- a/doc/src/sgml/user-manag.sgml
+++ b/doc/src/sgml/user-manag.sgml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-$PostgreSQL: pgsql/doc/src/sgml/user-manag.sgml,v 1.32 2005/10/15 20:12:33 neilc Exp $
+$PostgreSQL: pgsql/doc/src/sgml/user-manag.sgml,v 1.33 2005/10/20 19:18:00 tgl Exp $
 <chapter id="user-manag">
@@ -267,6 +267,81 @@ ALTER ROLE myname SET enable_indexscan TO off;
+ <sect1 id="privileges">
+  <title>Privileges</title>
+  <indexterm zone="privileges">
+   <primary>privilege</primary>
+  </indexterm>
+  <indexterm zone="privileges">
+   <primary>owner</primary>
+  </indexterm>
+  <indexterm zone="privileges">
+   <primary>GRANT</primary>
+  </indexterm>
+  <indexterm zone="privileges">
+   <primary>REVOKE</primary>
+  </indexterm>
+  <para>
+   When an object is created, it is assigned an owner. The
+   owner is normally the role that executed the creation statement.
+   For most kinds of objects, the initial state is that only the owner
+   (or a superuser) can do anything with the object. To allow
+   other roles to use it, <firstterm>privileges</firstterm> must be
+   granted.
+   There are several different kinds of privilege: <literal>SELECT</>,
+   <literal>INSERT</>, <literal>UPDATE</>, <literal>DELETE</>,
+   <literal>RULE</>, <literal>REFERENCES</>, <literal>TRIGGER</>,
+   <literal>CREATE</>, <literal>TEMPORARY</>, <literal>EXECUTE</>,
+   and <literal>USAGE</>. For more
+   information on the different types of privileges supported by
+   <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>, see the
+   <xref linkend="sql-grant" endterm="sql-grant-title"> reference page.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+   To assign privileges, the <command>GRANT</command> command is
+   used. So, if <literal>joe</literal> is an existing role, and
+   <literal>accounts</literal> is an existing table, the privilege to
+   update the table can be granted with
+GRANT UPDATE ON accounts TO joe;
+   The special name <literal>PUBLIC</literal> can
+   be used to grant a privilege to every role on the system. Writing
+   <literal>ALL</literal> in place of a specific privilege specifies that all
+   privileges that apply to the object will be granted.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+   To revoke a privilege, use the fittingly named
+   <xref linkend="sql-revoke" endterm="sql-revoke-title"> command:
+  </para>
+  <para>
+   The special privileges of an object's owner (i.e., the right to modify
+   or destroy the object) are always implicit in being the owner,
+   and cannot be granted or revoked.  But the owner can choose
+   to revoke his own ordinary privileges, for example to make a
+   table read-only for himself as well as others.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+   An object can be assigned to a new owner with an <command>ALTER</command>
+   command of the appropriate kind for the object.  Superusers can always do
+   this; ordinary roles can only do it if they are both the current owner
+   of the object (or a member of the owning role) and a member of the new
+   owning role.
+  </para>
+ </sect1>
  <sect1 id="role-membership">
   <title>Role Membership</title>
@@ -373,6 +448,22 @@ RESET ROLE;
+  <para>
+   The role attributes <literal>LOGIN</>, <literal>SUPERUSER</>,
+   <literal>CREATEDB</>, and <literal>CREATEROLE</> can be thought of as
+   special privileges, but they are never inherited as ordinary privileges
+   on database objects are.  You must actually <command>SET ROLE</> to a
+   specific role having one of these attributes in order to make use of
+   the attribute.  Continuing the above example, we might well choose to
+   grant <literal>CREATEDB</> and <literal>CREATEROLE</> to the
+   <literal>admin</> role.  Then a session connecting as role <literal>joe</>
+   would not have these privileges immediately, only after doing
+   <command>SET ROLE admin</>.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+  </para>
    To destroy a group role, use <xref
    linkend="sql-droprole" endterm="sql-droprole-title">:
@@ -386,87 +477,12 @@ DROP ROLE <replaceable>name</replaceable>;
- <sect1 id="privileges">
-  <title>Privileges</title>
-  <indexterm zone="privileges">
-   <primary>privilege</primary>
-  </indexterm>
-  <indexterm zone="privileges">
-   <primary>owner</primary>
-  </indexterm>
-  <indexterm zone="privileges">
-   <primary>GRANT</primary>
-  </indexterm>
-  <indexterm zone="privileges">
-   <primary>REVOKE</primary>
-  </indexterm>
-  <para>
-   When an object is created, it is assigned an owner. The
-   owner is normally the role that executed the creation statement.
-   For most kinds of objects, the initial state is that only the owner
-   (or a superuser) can do anything with the object. To allow
-   other roles to use it, <firstterm>privileges</firstterm> must be
-   granted.
-   There are several different kinds of privilege: <literal>SELECT</>,
-   <literal>INSERT</>, <literal>UPDATE</>, <literal>DELETE</>,
-   <literal>RULE</>, <literal>REFERENCES</>, <literal>TRIGGER</>,
-   <literal>CREATE</>, <literal>TEMPORARY</>, <literal>EXECUTE</>,
-   and <literal>USAGE</>. For more
-   information on the different types of privileges supported by
-   <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>, see the
-   <xref linkend="sql-grant" endterm="sql-grant-title"> reference page.
-  </para>
-  <para>
-   To assign privileges, the <command>GRANT</command> command is
-   used. So, if <literal>joe</literal> is an existing role, and
-   <literal>accounts</literal> is an existing table, the privilege to
-   update the table can be granted with
-GRANT UPDATE ON accounts TO joe;
-   The special name <literal>PUBLIC</literal> can
-   be used to grant a privilege to every role on the system. Writing
-   <literal>ALL</literal> in place of a specific privilege specifies that all
-   privileges that apply to the object will be granted.
-  </para>
-  <para>
-   To revoke a privilege, use the fittingly named
-   <xref linkend="sql-revoke" endterm="sql-revoke-title"> command:
-  </para>
-  <para>
-   The special privileges of an object's owner (i.e., the right to modify
-   or destroy the object) are always implicit in being the owner,
-   and cannot be granted or revoked.  But the owner can choose
-   to revoke his own ordinary privileges, for example to make a
-   table read-only for himself as well as others.
-  </para>
-  <para>
-   An object can be assigned to a new owner with an <command>ALTER</command>
-   command of the appropriate kind for the object.  Superusers can always do
-   this; ordinary roles can only do it if they are both the current owner
-   of the object (or a member of the owning role) and a member of the new
-   owning role.
-  </para>
- </sect1>
  <sect1 id="perm-functions">
   <title>Functions and Triggers</title>
    Functions and triggers allow users to insert code into the backend
-   server that other users may execute without knowing it. Hence, both
+   server that other users may execute unintentionally. Hence, both
    mechanisms permit users to <quote>Trojan horse</quote>
    others with relative ease. The only real protection is tight
    control over who can define functions.