diff --git a/src/backend/utils/adt/ruleutils.c b/src/backend/utils/adt/ruleutils.c
index e4a81ceda9d3311005d84ce40b8283ef835d7e4a..1ec1db9081b22b1bcd703f0d323532912c1f599f 100644
--- a/src/backend/utils/adt/ruleutils.c
+++ b/src/backend/utils/adt/ruleutils.c
@@ -5214,6 +5214,24 @@ get_rule_expr(Node *node, deparse_context *context,
 								 expr->useOr ? "ANY" : "ALL");
 				get_rule_expr_paren(arg2, context, true, node);
+				/*
+				 * There's inherent ambiguity in "x op ANY/ALL (y)" when y is
+				 * a bare sub-SELECT.  Since we're here, the sub-SELECT must
+				 * be meant as a scalar sub-SELECT yielding an array value to
+				 * be used in ScalarArrayOpExpr; but the grammar will
+				 * preferentially interpret such a construct as an ANY/ALL
+				 * SubLink.  To prevent misparsing the output that way, insert
+				 * a dummy coercion (which will be stripped by parse analysis,
+				 * so no inefficiency is added in dump and reload).  This is
+				 * indeed most likely what the user wrote to get the construct
+				 * accepted in the first place.
+				 */
+				if (IsA(arg2, SubLink) &&
+					((SubLink *) arg2)->subLinkType == EXPR_SUBLINK)
+					appendStringInfo(buf, "::%s",
+									 format_type_with_typemod(exprType(arg2),
+														  exprTypmod(arg2)));
 				appendStringInfoChar(buf, ')');
 				if (!PRETTY_PAREN(context))
 					appendStringInfoChar(buf, ')');
diff --git a/src/test/regress/expected/create_view.out b/src/test/regress/expected/create_view.out
index 6cf0e672c8e3686a4473f6add644a4ca880b72ea..df6b03025f6258fe481bdff606265681293b59a5 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/expected/create_view.out
+++ b/src/test/regress/expected/create_view.out
@@ -347,6 +347,34 @@ select * from int8_tbl i where i.* in (values(i.*::int8_tbl));
  4567890123456789 | -4567890123456789
 (5 rows)
+-- check display of ScalarArrayOp with a sub-select
+select 'foo'::text = any(array['abc','def','foo']::text[]);
+ ?column? 
+ t
+(1 row)
+select 'foo'::text = any((select array['abc','def','foo']::text[]));  -- fail
+ERROR:  operator does not exist: text = text[]
+LINE 1: select 'foo'::text = any((select array['abc','def','foo']::t...
+                           ^
+HINT:  No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts.
+select 'foo'::text = any((select array['abc','def','foo']::text[])::text[]);
+ ?column? 
+ t
+(1 row)
+create view tt19v as
+select 'foo'::text = any(array['abc','def','foo']::text[]) c1,
+       'foo'::text = any((select array['abc','def','foo']::text[])::text[]) c2;
+select pg_get_viewdef('tt19v', true);
+                                               pg_get_viewdef                                               
+  SELECT 'foo'::text = ANY (ARRAY['abc'::text, 'def'::text, 'foo'::text]) AS c1,                           +
+     'foo'::text = ANY ((( SELECT ARRAY['abc'::text, 'def'::text, 'foo'::text] AS "array"))::text[]) AS c2;
+(1 row)
 -- clean up all the random objects we made above
 set client_min_messages = warning;
 DROP SCHEMA temp_view_test CASCADE;
diff --git a/src/test/regress/sql/create_view.sql b/src/test/regress/sql/create_view.sql
index f13c9af2e891304e779691aca59e67080be2549b..57c5197633870f1f27cedcca86c028c55f746494 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/sql/create_view.sql
+++ b/src/test/regress/sql/create_view.sql
@@ -237,6 +237,17 @@ select * from tt17v;
 select pg_get_viewdef('tt17v', true);
 select * from int8_tbl i where i.* in (values(i.*::int8_tbl));
+-- check display of ScalarArrayOp with a sub-select
+select 'foo'::text = any(array['abc','def','foo']::text[]);
+select 'foo'::text = any((select array['abc','def','foo']::text[]));  -- fail
+select 'foo'::text = any((select array['abc','def','foo']::text[])::text[]);
+create view tt19v as
+select 'foo'::text = any(array['abc','def','foo']::text[]) c1,
+       'foo'::text = any((select array['abc','def','foo']::text[])::text[]) c2;
+select pg_get_viewdef('tt19v', true);
 -- clean up all the random objects we made above
 set client_min_messages = warning;
 DROP SCHEMA temp_view_test CASCADE;