diff --git a/contrib/README b/contrib/README
index fca74d32cde7238554c3e789144fb2810b389408..4ad2760f666131d1f6f57a36a4c87e8159cd2bdf 100644
--- a/contrib/README
+++ b/contrib/README
@@ -34,6 +34,10 @@ cube -
 	Multidimensional-cube datatype (GiST indexing example)
 	by Gene Selkov, Jr. <selkovjr@mcs.anl.gov>
+dbase -
+	Converts from dbase/xbase to PostgreSQL
+	by Ivan Baldo, lubaldo@adinet.com.uy
 earthdistance -
 	Operator for computing earth distance for two points
 	by Hal Snyder <hal@vailsys.com>
diff --git a/contrib/dbase/Makefile b/contrib/dbase/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8302e77702ff139f9fa1af3991b13c6dbbcd61ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/dbase/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/contrib/dbase/Attic/Makefile,v 1.1 2001/05/10 14:41:23 momjian Exp $
+subdir = contrib/dbase
+top_builddir = ../..
+include $(top_builddir)/src/Makefile.global
+override CPPFLAGS := -I$(libpq_srcdir) $(CPPFLAGS)
+OBJS	= dbf.o dbf2pg.o endian.o
+all: dbf2pg
+dbf2pg: $(OBJS) $(libpq_builddir)/libpq.a
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(OBJS) $(libpq) $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS) -liconv -o $@
+install: all installdirs
+	$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) dbf2pg$(X)	$(bindir)
+	$(INSTALL_DATA) README.dbf2pg	$(docdir)/contrib
+	$(mkinstalldirs) $(bindir) $(docdir)/contrib
+	rm -f $(bindir)/dbf2pg$(X) $(docdir)/contrib/README.dbf2pg
+clean distclean maintainer-clean:
+	rm -f dbf2pg$(X) $(OBJS)
+depend dep:
+	$(CC) -MM -MG $(CFLAGS) *.c > depend
+ifeq (depend,$(wildcard depend))
+include depend
diff --git a/contrib/dbase/README.dbf2pg b/contrib/dbase/README.dbf2pg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3dfa40ad31a072edb79ebccd6a9a075cba6896c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/dbase/README.dbf2pg
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+dbf2sql(1L)					      dbf2sql(1L)
+       dbf2sql	-  Insert  xBase-style	.dbf-files  into  a Post-
+       greSQL-table
+       "dbf2pg [options] dbf-file"
+       Options:
+       [-v[v]] [-f] [-u | -l] [-c | -D] [-d database] [-t  table]
+       [-h   host]   [-s  oldname=newname[,oldname=newname]]  [-s
+       start] [-e end] [-W] [-U username]  [-B	transaction_size]
+       [-F charset_from [-T charset_to]]
+       This  manual  page documents the program dbf2pg.  It takes
+       an xBase-style .dbf-file, and inserts it into  the  speci-
+       fied database and table.
+       -v     Display some status-messages.
+       -vv    Also display progress.
+       -f     Convert  all field-names from the .dbf-file to low-
+	      ercase.
+       -u     Convert the contents of all fields to uppercase.
+       -l     Convert the contents of all fields to lowercase.
+       -c     Create the table specified with -t.  If this  table
+	      already exists, first DROP it.
+       -D     Delete the contents of the table specified with -t.
+	      Note that this table has to  exists.  An	error  is
+	      returned if this is not the case.
+       -W     Ask for password.
+       -d database
+	      Specify  the  database to use. An error is returned
+	      if  this	database  does	not  exists.  Default  is
+	      "test".
+       -t table
+	      Specify  the  table  to  insert  in.  An	error  is
+	      returned if this table does not exists. Default  is
+	      "test".
+       -h host
+	      Specify  the  host  to which to connect. Default is
+	      "localhost".
+								1
+dbf2sql(1L)					      dbf2sql(1L)
+       -s oldname=newname[,oldname=newname]
+	      Change the name of a field from oldname to newname.
+	      This  is	mainly	used to avoid using reserved SQL-
+	      keywords. Example:
+	      -s SELECT=SEL,COMMIT=doit
+	      This is done  before  the  -f  operator  has  taken
+	      effect!
+       -s start
+	      Specify  the  first record-number in the xBase-file
+	      we will insert.
+       -e end Specify the last record-number in the xBase-file we
+	      will insert.
+       -B transaction_size
+	      Specify  the  number  of	records  per transaction,
+	      default is all records.
+       -U username
+	      Log as the specified user in the database.
+       -F charset_from
+	      If specified, it converts the data from the  speci-
+	      fied charset. Example:
+	      -F IBM437
+	      Consult  your  system documentation to see the con-
+	      vertions available.
+       -T charset_to
+	      Together with -F charset_from  ,	it  converts  the
+	      data   to   the	specified   charset.  Default  is
+	      "ISO-8859-1".
+       This program is affected by the	environment-variables  as
+       used  by  "PostgresSQL."   See  the documentation of Post-
+       gresSQL for more info.
+       Fields larger than 8192 characters are not  supported  and
+       could break the program.
+       Some  charset  convertions  could  cause  the output to be
+       larger than the input and could break the program.
+								2
diff --git a/contrib/dbase/dbf.c b/contrib/dbase/dbf.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..94f0b165cac063b5d23005ca82ca720ae4df2137
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/dbase/dbf.c
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+/* Routines to read and write xBase-files (.dbf)
+   By Maarten Boekhold, 29th of oktober 1995
+   Modified by Frank Koormann (fkoorman@usf.uni-osnabrueck.de), Jun 10 1996
+	prepare dataarea with memset
+	get systemtime and set filedate
+	set formatstring for real numbers
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include "dbf.h"
+/* open a dbf-file, get it's field-info and store this information */
+dbhead *dbf_open(u_char *file, int flags) {
+	int				file_no;
+	dbhead			*dbh;
+	f_descr			*fields;
+	dbf_header		*head;
+	dbf_field		*fieldc;
+	int			t;
+	if ((dbh = (dbhead *)malloc(sizeof(dbhead))) == NULL) {
+		return (dbhead *)DBF_ERROR;
+	}
+	if ((head = (dbf_header *)malloc(sizeof(dbf_header))) == NULL) {
+		free(dbh);
+		return (dbhead *)DBF_ERROR;
+	}
+	if ((fieldc = (dbf_field *)malloc(sizeof(dbf_field))) == NULL) {
+		free(head);
+		free(dbh);
+		return (dbhead *)DBF_ERROR;
+	}
+	if ((file_no = open(file, flags)) == -1) {
+		free(fieldc);
+		free(head);
+		free(dbh);
+		return (dbhead *)DBF_ERROR;
+	}
+/* read in the disk-header */
+	if (read(file_no, head, sizeof(dbf_header)) == -1) {
+		close(file_no);
+		free(fieldc);
+		free(head);
+		free(dbh);
+		return (dbhead *)DBF_ERROR;
+	}
+	if (!(head->dbh_dbt & DBH_NORMAL)) {
+        close(file_no);
+        free(fieldc);
+        free(head);
+        free(dbh);
+        return (dbhead *)DBF_ERROR;
+	}
+	dbh->db_fd = file_no;
+	if (head->dbh_dbt & DBH_MEMO) {
+		dbh->db_memo = 1;
+	} else {
+		dbh->db_memo = 0;
+	}
+	dbh->db_year = head->dbh_year;
+	dbh->db_month = head->dbh_month;
+	dbh->db_day = head->dbh_day;
+	dbh->db_hlen = get_short((u_char *)&head->dbh_hlen);
+	dbh->db_records = get_long((u_char *)&head->dbh_records);
+	dbh->db_currec = 0;
+	dbh->db_rlen = get_short((u_char *)&head->dbh_rlen);
+	dbh->db_nfields = (dbh->db_hlen - sizeof(dbf_header)) / sizeof(dbf_field);
+								/* dbh->db_hlen - sizeof(dbf_header) isn't the
+									correct size, cos dbh->hlen is in fact
+									a little more cos of the 0x0D (and
+									possibly another byte, 0x4E, I have
+									seen this somewhere). Because of rounding
+									everything turns out right :) */
+	if ((fields = (f_descr *)calloc(dbh->db_nfields, sizeof(f_descr)))
+		== NULL) {
+                close(file_no);
+                free(fieldc);
+                free(head);
+                free(dbh);
+                return (dbhead *)DBF_ERROR;
+	}
+	for (t = 0; t < dbh->db_nfields; t++) {
+/* Maybe I have calculated the number of fields incorrectly. This can happen
+   when programs reserve lots of space at the end of the header for future
+   expansion. This will catch this situation */ 
+		if (fields[t].db_name[0] == 0x0D) {
+			dbh->db_nfields = t;
+			break;
+		}
+		read(file_no, fieldc, sizeof(dbf_field));
+		strncpy(fields[t].db_name, fieldc->dbf_name, DBF_NAMELEN);
+		fields[t].db_type = fieldc->dbf_type;	
+		fields[t].db_flen = fieldc->dbf_flen;
+		fields[t].db_dec  = fieldc->dbf_dec;
+	}
+	dbh->db_offset = dbh->db_hlen;
+	dbh->db_fields = fields;
+	if ((dbh->db_buff = (u_char *)malloc(dbh->db_rlen)) == NULL) {
+            return (dbhead *)DBF_ERROR;
+    }
+    free(fieldc);
+    free(head);
+	return dbh;
+int	dbf_write_head(dbhead *dbh) {
+	dbf_header	head;
+	time_t now;
+	struct tm *dbf_time;
+	if (lseek(dbh->db_fd, 0, SEEK_SET) == -1) {
+		return DBF_ERROR;
+	}
+/* fill up the diskheader */
+/* Set dataarea of head to '\0' */
+	memset(&head,'\0',sizeof(dbf_header));
+	head.dbh_dbt = DBH_NORMAL;
+	if (dbh->db_memo) head.dbh_dbt = DBH_MEMO;
+	now = time((time_t *)NULL); 
+	dbf_time = localtime(&now);
+	head.dbh_year = dbf_time->tm_year;
+	head.dbh_month = dbf_time->tm_mon + 1; /* Months since January + 1 */
+	head.dbh_day = dbf_time->tm_mday;
+	put_long(head.dbh_records, dbh->db_records);
+	put_short(head.dbh_hlen, dbh->db_hlen);
+	put_short(head.dbh_rlen, dbh->db_rlen);
+	if (write(dbh->db_fd, &head, sizeof(dbf_header)) == -1 ) {
+		return DBF_ERROR;
+	}
+	return 0;
+int dbf_put_fields(dbhead *dbh) {
+	dbf_field	field;
+	u_long		t;
+	u_char		end = 0x0D;
+	if (lseek(dbh->db_fd, sizeof(dbf_header), SEEK_SET) == -1) {
+		return DBF_ERROR;
+	}
+/* Set dataarea of field to '\0' */
+	memset(&field,'\0',sizeof(dbf_field));
+	for (t = 0; t < dbh->db_nfields; t++) {
+		strncpy(field.dbf_name, dbh->db_fields[t].db_name, DBF_NAMELEN - 1);
+		field.dbf_type = dbh->db_fields[t].db_type;
+		field.dbf_flen = dbh->db_fields[t].db_flen;
+		field.dbf_dec = dbh->db_fields[t].db_dec;
+		if (write(dbh->db_fd, &field, sizeof(dbf_field)) == -1) {
+			return DBF_ERROR;
+		}
+	}
+	if (write(dbh->db_fd, &end, 1) == -1) {
+		return DBF_ERROR;
+	}
+	return 0;
+int dbf_add_field(dbhead *dbh, u_char *name, u_char type,
+								u_char length, u_char dec) {
+f_descr	*ptr;
+u_char	*foo;
+u_long	size, field_no;
+	size = (dbh->db_nfields + 1) * sizeof(f_descr);
+	if (!(ptr = (f_descr *) realloc(dbh->db_fields, size))) {
+		return DBF_ERROR;
+	}
+	dbh->db_fields = ptr;
+	field_no = dbh->db_nfields;
+	strncpy(dbh->db_fields[field_no].db_name, name, DBF_NAMELEN);
+	dbh->db_fields[field_no].db_type = type;
+	dbh->db_fields[field_no].db_flen = length;
+	dbh->db_fields[field_no].db_dec = dec;
+	dbh->db_nfields++;
+	dbh->db_hlen += sizeof(dbf_field);
+	dbh->db_rlen += length;
+	if (!(foo = (u_char *) realloc(dbh->db_buff, dbh->db_rlen))) {
+		return DBF_ERROR;
+	}
+	dbh->db_buff = foo;
+	return 0;
+dbhead *dbf_open_new(u_char *name, int flags) {
+dbhead	*dbh;
+	if (!(dbh = (dbhead *)malloc(sizeof(dbhead)))) {
+		return (dbhead *)DBF_ERROR;
+	}
+	if (flags & O_CREAT) {
+		if ((dbh->db_fd = open(name, flags, DBF_FILE_MODE)) == -1) {
+			free(dbh);
+			return (dbhead *)DBF_ERROR;
+		}
+	} else {
+		if ((dbh->db_fd = open(name, flags)) == -1) {
+			free(dbh);
+			return (dbhead *)DBF_ERROR;
+		}
+	}
+	dbh->db_offset = 0;
+	dbh->db_memo = 0;
+	dbh->db_year = 0;
+	dbh->db_month = 0;
+	dbh->db_day	= 0;
+	dbh->db_hlen = sizeof(dbf_header) + 1;
+	dbh->db_records = 0;
+	dbh->db_currec = 0;
+	dbh->db_rlen = 1;
+	dbh->db_nfields = 0;
+	dbh->db_buff = NULL;
+	dbh->db_fields = (f_descr *)NULL;
+	return dbh;
+void dbf_close(dbhead *dbh) {
+	int t;
+	close(dbh->db_fd);
+	for (t = 0; t < dbh->db_nfields; t++) {
+		free(&dbh->db_fields[t]);
+	}
+	if (dbh->db_buff != NULL) {
+		free(dbh->db_buff);
+	}
+	free(dbh);
+int dbf_get_record(dbhead *dbh, field *fields,  u_long rec) {
+	u_char  *data;
+	int     t, i, offset;
+	u_char  *dbffield, *end;
+/* calculate at which offset we have to read. *DON'T* forget the
+   0x0D which seperates field-descriptions from records!
+	Note (april 5 1996): This turns out to be included in db_hlen
+	offset = dbh->db_hlen + (rec * dbh->db_rlen);
+	if (lseek(dbh->db_fd, offset, SEEK_SET) == -1) {
+		lseek(dbh->db_fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
+		dbh->db_offset = 0;
+		return DBF_ERROR;
+	}
+	dbh->db_offset 	= offset;
+	dbh->db_currec	= rec;
+	data = dbh->db_buff;
+    read(dbh->db_fd, data, dbh->db_rlen);
+    if (data[0] == DBF_DELETED) {
+            return DBF_DELETED;
+    }
+    dbffield = &data[1];
+    for (t = 0; t < dbh->db_nfields; t++) {
+            strncpy(fields[t].db_name, dbh->db_fields[t].db_name, DBF_NAMELEN);
+            fields[t].db_type = dbh->db_fields[t].db_type;
+            fields[t].db_flen = dbh->db_fields[t].db_flen;
+            fields[t].db_dec  = dbh->db_fields[t].db_dec;
+            if (fields[t].db_type == 'C') {
+				end = &dbffield[fields[t].db_flen - 1 ];
+				i = fields[t].db_flen;
+                while (( i > 0) && ((*end < 0x21) || (*end > 0x7E))) {
+       	          	end--;
+					i--;
+                }
+				strncpy(fields[t].db_contents, dbffield, i);
+                fields[t].db_contents[i] = '\0';
+            } else {
+				end = dbffield;
+				i = fields[t].db_flen;
+                while (( i > 0) && ((*end < 0x21) || (*end > 0x7E))) {
+					end++;
+					i--;
+				}
+				strncpy(fields[t].db_contents, end, i);
+				fields[t].db_contents[i] = '\0';
+            }
+            dbffield += fields[t].db_flen;
+	}
+    dbh->db_offset += dbh->db_rlen;
+	return DBF_VALID;
+field *dbf_build_record(dbhead *dbh) {
+	int t;
+	field	*fields;
+	if (!(fields = (field *)calloc(dbh->db_nfields, sizeof(field)))) {
+		return (field *)DBF_ERROR;
+	}
+	for ( t = 0; t < dbh->db_nfields; t++) {
+		if (!(fields[t].db_contents =
+			(u_char *)malloc(dbh->db_fields[t].db_flen + 1))) {
+			for (t = 0; t < dbh->db_nfields; t++) {
+				if (fields[t].db_contents != 0) {
+					free(fields[t].db_contents);
+					free(fields);
+				}
+				return (field *)DBF_ERROR;
+			}
+		}
+		strncpy(fields[t].db_name, dbh->db_fields[t].db_name, DBF_NAMELEN);
+		fields[t].db_type = dbh->db_fields[t].db_type;
+		fields[t].db_flen = dbh->db_fields[t].db_flen;
+		fields[t].db_dec  = dbh->db_fields[t].db_dec;
+	}
+	return fields;
+void dbf_free_record(dbhead *dbh, field *rec) {
+	int t;
+	for ( t = 0; t < dbh->db_nfields; t++) {
+		free(rec[t].db_contents);
+	}
+	free(rec);
+int dbf_put_record(dbhead *dbh, field *rec, u_long where) {
+	u_long	offset, new, idx, t, h, length;
+	u_char	*data, end = 0x1a;
+	double	fl;
+	u_char	foo[128], format[32];
+/*	offset:	offset in file for this record
+	new:	real offset after lseek
+	idx:	index to which place we are inside the 'hardcore'-data for this
+			record
+	t:		field-counter
+	data:	the hardcore-data that is put on disk
+	h:		index into the field-part in the hardcore-data
+	length:	length of the data to copy
+	fl:		a float used to get the right precision with real numbers
+	foo:	copy of db_contents when field is not 'C'
+	format:	sprintf format-string to get the right precision with real numbers
+	NOTE: this declaration of 'foo' can cause overflow when the contents-field
+	is longer the 127 chars (which is highly unlikely, cos it is not used
+	in text-fields).
+	DO A SEEK_END WITH 0!!!!!! USE -1 !!!!!!!!!!
+	if (where > dbh->db_records) {
+		if ((new = lseek(dbh->db_fd, -1, SEEK_END)) == -1) {
+			return DBF_ERROR;
+		}
+		dbh->db_records++;
+	} else {
+		offset = dbh->db_hlen + (where * dbh->db_rlen);
+		if ((new = lseek(dbh->db_fd, offset, SEEK_SET)) == -1) {
+			return DBF_ERROR;
+		}
+	}
+	dbh->db_offset = new;
+	data = dbh->db_buff;
+/* Set dataarea of data to ' ' (space) */
+	memset(data,' ',dbh->db_rlen);
+/*	data[0] = DBF_VALID; */
+	idx = 1;
+	for (t = 0; t < dbh->db_nfields; t++) {
+/* if field is empty, don't do a thing */
+	  if (rec[t].db_contents[0] != '\0') {
+/*	Handle text */
+		if (rec[t].db_type == 'C') {
+			if (strlen(rec[t].db_contents) > rec[t].db_flen) {
+				length = rec[t].db_flen;
+			} else {
+				length = strlen(rec[t].db_contents);
+			}
+			strncpy(data+idx, rec[t].db_contents, length);
+		} else {
+/* Handle the rest */
+/* Numeric is special, because of real numbers */
+			if ((rec[t].db_type == 'N') && (rec[t].db_dec != 0)) {
+				fl = atof(rec[t].db_contents);
+				sprintf(format, "%%.%df", rec[t].db_dec); 
+				sprintf(foo, format, fl);
+			} else {
+				strcpy(foo, rec[t].db_contents);
+			}
+			if (strlen(foo) > rec[t].db_flen) {
+				length = rec[t].db_flen;
+			} else {
+				length = strlen(foo);
+			}
+			h = rec[t].db_flen - length;
+			strncpy(data+idx+h, foo, length);
+		}
+	  }
+	  idx += rec[t].db_flen;
+	}
+	if (write(dbh->db_fd, data, dbh->db_rlen) == -1) {
+		return DBF_ERROR;
+	}
+/* There's a 0x1A at the end of a dbf-file */
+	if (where == dbh->db_records) {
+		if (write(dbh->db_fd, &end, 1) == -1) {
+			return DBF_ERROR;
+		}
+	}
+	dbh->db_offset += dbh->db_rlen;
+	return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/dbase/dbf.h b/contrib/dbase/dbf.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a6e92517ead0ed25df08697de485b4981217843d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/dbase/dbf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+/* header-file for dbf.c
+   declares routines for reading and writing xBase-files (.dbf), and
+   associated structures
+   Maarten Boekhold (boekhold@cindy.et.tudelft.nl) 29 oktober 1995
+#ifndef _DBF_H
+#define _DBF_H
+#include <sys/types.h>
+		The DBF-part
+#define DBF_FILE_MODE	0644
+/* byte offsets for date in dbh_date */
+#define DBH_DATE_YEAR	0
+#define DBH_DATE_MONTH	1
+#define DBH_DATE_DAY	2
+/* maximum fieldname-length */
+#define DBF_NAMELEN	11
+/* magic-cookies for the file */
+#define DBH_NORMAL	0x03
+#define DBH_MEMO	0x83
+/* magic-cookies for the fields */
+#define DBF_ERROR	-1
+#define DBF_VALID	0x20
+#define DBF_DELETED	0x2A
+/* diskheader */
+typedef struct {
+	u_char	dbh_dbt;		/* indentification field */
+	u_char	dbh_year;		/* last modification-date */
+	u_char	dbh_month;
+	u_char	dbh_day;
+	u_char	dbh_records[4];	/* number of records */
+	u_char	dbh_hlen[2];	/* length of this header */
+	u_char	dbh_rlen[2];	/* length of a record */
+	u_char	dbh_stub[20];	/* misc stuff we don't need */
+} dbf_header;
+/* disk field-description */
+typedef struct {
+	u_char	dbf_name[DBF_NAMELEN];	/* field-name terminated with \0 */
+	u_char	dbf_type;				/* field-type */
+	u_char	dbf_reserved[4];		/* some reserved stuff */
+	u_char	dbf_flen;				/* field-length */
+	u_char	dbf_dec;				/* number of decimal positions if
+					  			       type is 'N' */
+	u_char	dbf_stub[14];			/* stuff we don't need */
+} dbf_field;
+/* memory field-description */
+typedef struct {
+	u_char	db_name[DBF_NAMELEN];	/* field-name terminated with \0 */
+	u_char	db_type;		/* field-type */
+	u_char	db_flen;		/* field-length */
+	u_char	db_dec;			/* number of decimal positions */
+} f_descr;
+/* memory dfb-header */
+typedef struct {
+	int	db_fd;				/* file-descriptor */
+	u_long	db_offset;		/* current offset in file */
+	u_char	db_memo;		/* memo-file present */
+	u_char	db_year;		/* last update as YYMMDD */
+	u_char	db_month;
+	u_char	db_day;
+	u_long	db_hlen;		/* length of the diskheader, for
+							   calculating the offsets */
+	u_long	db_records;		/* number of records */
+	u_long	db_currec;		/* current record-number starting
+					   		   at 0 */
+	u_short	db_rlen;		/* length of the record */
+	u_char	db_nfields;		/* number of fields */
+	u_char	*db_buff;		/* record-buffer to save malloc()'s */
+	f_descr	*db_fields;		/* pointer to an array of field-
+					   	       descriptions */
+} dbhead;
+/* structure that contains everything a user wants from a field, including
+   the contents (in ASCII). Warning! db_flen may be bigger than the actual
+   length of db_name! This is because a field doesn't have to be completely
+   filled */
+typedef struct {
+	u_char	db_name[DBF_NAMELEN];	/* field-name terminated with \0 */
+	u_char	db_type;		/* field-type */
+	u_char	db_flen;		/* field-length */
+	u_char	db_dec;			/* number of decimal positions */
+	u_char*	db_contents;	/* contents of the field in ASCII */
+} field;
+/* prototypes for functions */
+extern dbhead*	dbf_open(u_char *file ,int flags);
+extern int	dbf_write_head(dbhead *dbh);
+extern int	dbf_put_fields(dbhead *dbh);
+extern int	dbf_add_field(dbhead *dbh, u_char *name, u_char type,
+										u_char length, u_char dec);
+extern dbhead * dbf_open_new(u_char *name, int flags);
+extern void	dbf_close(dbhead *dbh);
+extern int	dbf_get_record(dbhead *dbh, field *fields, u_long rec);
+extern field*	dbf_build_record(dbhead *dbh);
+extern void	dbf_free_record(dbhead *dbh, field* fields);
+extern int dbf_put_record(dbhead *dbh, field *rec, u_long where);
+		The endian-part
+extern long get_long(u_char *cp);
+extern void put_long(u_char *cp, long lval);
+extern short get_short(u_char *cp);
+extern void put_short(u_char *cp, short lval);
+#endif	/* _DBF_H */
diff --git a/contrib/dbase/dbf2pg.1 b/contrib/dbase/dbf2pg.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a377e489c831f049db7280e4154c312dff3ea910
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/dbase/dbf2pg.1
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+.TH dbf2sql 1L \" -*- nroff -*-
+dbf2sql \- Insert xBase\-style .dbf\-files into a PostgreSQL\-table
+.B dbf2pg [options] dbf-file
+[-v[v]] [-f] [-u | -l] [-c | -D] [-d database] [-t table]
+[-h host] [-s oldname=newname[,oldname=newname]]
+[-s start] [-e end] [-W] [-U username] [-B transaction_size]
+[-F charset_from [-T charset_to]]
+This manual page documents the program
+.BR dbf2pg.
+It takes an xBase-style .dbf-file, and inserts it into the specified
+database and table.
+.I "\-v"
+Display some status-messages.
+.I "-vv"
+Also display progress.
+.I "-f"
+Convert all field-names from the .dbf-file to lowercase.
+.I "-u"
+Convert the contents of all fields to uppercase.
+.I "-l"
+Convert the contents of all fields to lowercase.
+.I "-c"
+Create the table specified with
+.IR \-t .
+If this table already exists, first
+.I "-D"
+Delete the contents of the table specified with
+.IR \-t .
+Note that this table has to exists. An error is returned if this is not the
+.I "-W"
+Ask for password.
+.I "-d database"
+Specify the database to use. An error is returned if this database does not
+exists. Default is "test".
+.I "-t table"
+Specify the table to insert in. An error is returned if this table does not
+exists. Default is "test".
+.I "-h host"
+Specify the host to which to connect. Default is "localhost".
+.I "-s oldname=newname[,oldname=newname]"
+Change the name of a field from
+.BR oldname
+.BR newname .
+This is mainly used to avoid using reserved SQL-keywords. Example:
+This is done
+.BR before
+.IR -f
+operator has taken effect!
+.I "-s start"
+Specify the first record-number in the xBase-file we will insert.
+.I "-e end"
+Specify the last record-number in the xBase-file we will insert.
+.I "-B transaction_size"
+Specify the number of records per transaction, default is all records.
+.I "-U username"
+Log as the specified user in the database.
+.I "-F charset_from"
+If specified, it converts the data from the specified charset. Example:
+-F IBM437
+Consult your system documentation to see the convertions available.
+.I "-T charset_to"
+Together with
+.I "-F charset_from"
+, it converts the data to the specified charset. Default is "ISO-8859-1".
+This program is affected by the environment-variables as used
+.B PostgresSQL.
+See the documentation of PostgresSQL for more info.
+Fields larger than 8192 characters are not supported and could break the
+Some charset convertions could cause the output to be larger than the input
+and could break the program.
diff --git a/contrib/dbase/dbf2pg.c b/contrib/dbase/dbf2pg.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..53c0314afb57ae0f832a8472b1331cc143bc61cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/dbase/dbf2pg.c
@@ -0,0 +1,809 @@
+/* This program reads in an xbase-dbf file and sends 'inserts' to an
+   PostgreSQL-server with the records in the xbase-file
+   M. Boekhold (boekhold@cindy.et.tudelft.nl)  okt. 1995
+   oktober 1996: merged sources of dbf2msql.c and dbf2pg.c
+   oktober 1997: removed msql support
+#define HAVE_ICONV_H
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <termios.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_ICONV_H
+#include <iconv.h>
+#include <libpq-fe.h>
+#include "dbf.h"
+int	verbose = 0, upper = 0, lower = 0, create = 0, fieldlow = 0;
+int del = 0;
+unsigned int begin = 0, end = 0;
+unsigned int t_block = 0;
+#ifdef HAVE_ICONV_H
+char *charset_from=NULL;
+char *charset_to="ISO-8859-1";
+iconv_t iconv_d;
+char convert_charset_buff[8192];
+char	*host = NULL;
+char 	*dbase = "test";
+char 	*table = "test";
+char	*username = NULL;
+char	*password = NULL;
+char	*subarg = NULL;
+char	escape_buff[8192];
+void do_substitute(char *subarg, dbhead *dbh);
+inline void strtoupper(char *string);
+inline void strtolower(char *string);
+void do_create(PGconn *, char*, dbhead*);
+void do_inserts(PGconn *, char*, dbhead*);
+int check_table(PGconn *, char*);
+char *Escape(char*);
+#ifdef HAVE_ICONV_H
+char *convert_charset(char *string);
+void usage(void);
+unsigned int isinteger(char *);
+char *simple_prompt(const char *prompt, int maxlen, int echo);
+unsigned int isinteger(char *buff) {
+	char *i=buff;
+	while (*i != '\0') {
+		if (i==buff)
+			if ((*i == '-') ||
+				(*i == '+')) {
+				i++; continue;
+			}
+		if (!isdigit((int)*i)) return 0;
+		i++;
+	}
+	return 1;
+inline void strtoupper(char *string) {
+	while(*string != '\0') {
+		*string = toupper(*string);
+		string++;
+	}
+inline void strtolower(char *string) {
+	while(*string != '\0') {
+		*string = tolower(*string);
+		string++;
+	}
+/* FIXME: should this check for overflow? */
+char *Escape(char *string) {
+    char    *foo, *bar;
+    foo = escape_buff;
+    bar = string;
+    while (*bar != '\0') {
+        if ((*bar == '\t') ||
+        	(*bar == '\n') ||
+        	(*bar == '\\')) {
+            *foo++ = '\\';
+        }
+        *foo++ = *bar++;
+    }
+    *foo = '\0';
+    return escape_buff;
+#ifdef HAVE_ICONV_H
+char *convert_charset(char *string) {
+	size_t in_size, out_size, nconv;
+	char *in_ptr,*out_ptr;
+	in_size=strlen(string)+1;
+	out_size=sizeof(convert_charset_buff);
+	in_ptr=string;
+	out_ptr=convert_charset_buff;
+	iconv(iconv_d, NULL, &in_size, &out_ptr, &out_size); /* necessary to reset state information */
+	while(in_size>0)
+	{
+		nconv = iconv(iconv_d, &in_ptr, &in_size, &out_ptr, &out_size);
+		if(nconv == (size_t) -1)
+		{
+			printf("WARNING: cannot convert charset of string \"%s\".\n",
+				string);
+			strcpy(convert_charset_buff,string);
+			return convert_charset_buff;
+		}
+	}
+	*out_ptr = 0; /* terminate output string */
+	return convert_charset_buff;
+int check_table(PGconn *conn, char *table) {
+	char		*q = "select relname from pg_class where "
+					"relkind='r' and relname !~* '^pg'";
+	PGresult	*res;
+	int 		i = 0;
+	if (!(res = PQexec(conn, q))) {
+		printf("%s\n", PQerrorMessage(conn));
+		return 0;
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < PQntuples(res); i++) {
+		if (!strcmp(table, PQgetvalue(res, i, PQfnumber(res, "relname")))) {
+			return 1;
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+void usage(void){
+	printf("\
+usage: dbf2pg [-u | -l] [-h hostname] [-W] [-U username]
+              [-B transaction_size] [-F charset_from [-T charset_to]]
+              [-s oldname=newname[,oldname=newname[...]]] [-d dbase]
+              [-t table] [-c | -D] [-f] [-v[v]] dbf-file\n");
+/* patch submitted by Jeffrey Y. Sue <jysue@aloha.net> */
+/* Provides functionallity for substituting dBase-fieldnames for others */
+/* Mainly for avoiding conflicts between fieldnames and SQL-reserved */
+/* keywords */
+void do_substitute(char *subarg, dbhead *dbh)
+      /* NOTE: subarg is modified in this function */
+      int i,bad;
+      char *p,*oldname,*newname;
+      if (!subarg) {
+              return;
+      }
+      if (verbose>1) {
+              printf("Substituting new field names\n");
+      }
+      /* use strstr instead of strtok because of possible empty tokens */
+      oldname = subarg;
+      while (oldname && strlen(oldname) && (p=strstr(oldname,"=")) ) {
+              *p = '\0';      /* mark end of oldname */
+              newname = ++p;  /* point past \0 of oldname */
+              if (strlen(newname)) {  /* if not an empty string */
+                      p = strstr(newname,",");
+                      if (p) {
+                              *p = '\0';      /* mark end of newname */
+                              p++;    /* point past where the comma was */
+                      }
+              }
+              if (strlen(newname)>=DBF_NAMELEN) {
+                      printf("Truncating new field name %s to %d chars\n",
+                              newname,DBF_NAMELEN-1);
+                      newname[DBF_NAMELEN-1] = '\0';
+              }
+              bad = 1;
+              for (i=0;i<dbh->db_nfields;i++) {
+                      if (strcmp(dbh->db_fields[i].db_name,oldname)==0) {
+                              bad = 0;
+                              strcpy(dbh->db_fields[i].db_name,newname);
+                              if (verbose>1) {
+                                      printf("Substitute old:%s new:%s\n",
+                                              oldname,newname);
+                              }
+                              break;
+                      }
+              }
+              if (bad) {
+                      printf("Warning: old field name %s not found\n",
+                              oldname);
+              }
+              oldname = p;
+      }
+} /* do_substitute */
+void do_create(PGconn *conn, char *table, dbhead *dbh) {
+	char		*query;
+	char 		t[20];
+	int			i, length;
+	PGresult	*res;
+	if (verbose > 1) {
+		printf("Building CREATE-clause\n");
+	}
+	if (!(query = (char *)malloc(
+			(dbh->db_nfields * 40) + 29 + strlen(table)))) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation error in function do_create\n");
+		PQfinish(conn);
+		close(dbh->db_fd);
+		free(dbh);
+		exit(1);
+	}
+	sprintf(query, "CREATE TABLE %s (", table);
+	length = strlen(query);
+	for ( i = 0; i < dbh->db_nfields; i++) {
+              if (!strlen(dbh->db_fields[i].db_name)) {
+                      continue;
+                      /* skip field if length of name == 0 */
+              }
+		if ((strlen(query) != length)) {
+                        strcat(query, ",");
+                }
+				if (fieldlow)
+					strtolower(dbh->db_fields[i].db_name);
+                strcat(query, dbh->db_fields[i].db_name);
+                switch(dbh->db_fields[i].db_type) {
+						case 'D':
+								strcat(query, " date");
+								break;
+                        case 'C':
+								if (dbh->db_fields[i].db_flen > 1) {
+									strcat(query, " varchar");
+									sprintf(t, "(%d)",
+											dbh->db_fields[i].db_flen);
+									strcat(query, t);
+								} else {
+	                                strcat(query, " char");
+								}
+                                break;
+                        case 'N':
+                                if (dbh->db_fields[i].db_dec != 0) {
+                                        strcat(query, " real");
+                                } else {
+                                        strcat(query, " int");
+                                }
+                                break;
+                        case 'L':
+                                strcat(query, " char");
+                                break;
+                }
+	}
+	strcat(query, ")");
+	if (verbose > 1) {
+		printf("Sending create-clause\n");
+		printf("%s\n", query);
+	}
+	if ((res = PQexec(conn, query)) == NULL) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Error creating table!\n");
+		fprintf(stderr, "Detailed report: %s\n", PQerrorMessage(conn));
+                close(dbh->db_fd);
+                free(dbh);
+				free(query);
+                PQfinish(conn);
+                exit(1);
+	}
+	PQclear(res);
+	free(query);
+/* FIXME: can be optimized to not use strcat, but it is worth the effort? */
+void do_inserts(PGconn *conn, char *table, dbhead *dbh) {
+	PGresult	*res;
+	field		*fields;
+	int			i, h, result;
+	char		*query, *foo;
+	char		pgdate[10];
+	if (verbose > 1) {
+		printf("Inserting records\n");
+	}
+	h = 2; /* 2 because of terminating \n\0 */
+	for ( i = 0 ; i < dbh->db_nfields ; i++ ) {
+		h += dbh->db_fields[i].db_flen > 2 ?
+					dbh->db_fields[i].db_flen :
+					2; /* account for possible NULL values (\N) */
+		h += 1; /* the delimiter */
+	}
+	/* make sure we can build the COPY query, note that we don't need to just
+ 	add this value, since the COPY query is a separate query (see below) */
+	if (h < 17+strlen(table)) h = 17+strlen(table);
+	if (!(query = (char *)malloc(h))) {
+		PQfinish(conn);
+		fprintf(stderr,
+			"Memory allocation error in function do_inserts (query)\n");
+		close(dbh->db_fd);
+		free(dbh);
+		exit(1);
+	}
+	if ((fields = dbf_build_record(dbh)) == (field *)DBF_ERROR) {
+        fprintf(stderr,
+            "Couldn't allocate memory for record in do_insert\n");
+		PQfinish(conn);
+        free(query);
+        dbf_close(dbh);
+        exit(1);
+    }
+	if (end == 0)              /* "end" is a user option, if not specified, */
+		end = dbh->db_records; /* then all records are processed. */
+	if (t_block == 0) /* user not specified transaction block size */
+		t_block = end-begin; /* then we set it to be the full data */
+	for (i = begin; i < end; i++) {
+		/* we need to start a new transaction and COPY statement */
+		if (((i-begin) % t_block) == 0) {
+			if (verbose > 1)
+				fprintf(stderr, "Transaction: START\n");
+			res = PQexec(conn, "BEGIN");
+			if (res == NULL) {
+				fprintf(stderr, "Error starting transaction!\n");
+				fprintf(stderr, "Detailed report: %s\n", PQerrorMessage(conn));
+                exit(1);
+			}
+			sprintf(query, "COPY %s FROM stdin", table);
+			res = PQexec(conn, query);
+			if (res == NULL) {
+				fprintf(stderr, "Error starting COPY!\n");
+				fprintf(stderr, "Detailed report: %s\n", PQerrorMessage(conn));
+                exit(1);
+			}
+		}
+		/* build line and submit */
+		result = dbf_get_record(dbh, fields,  i);
+		if (result == DBF_VALID) {
+			query[0] = '\0';
+			for (h = 0; h < dbh->db_nfields; h++) {
+				if (!strlen(fields[h].db_name)) {
+					continue;
+				}
+				if (h!=0) /* not for the first field! */
+					strcat(query, "\t"); /* COPY statement field separator */
+				if (upper) {
+				   strtoupper(fields[h].db_contents);
+				}
+				if (lower) {
+					strtolower(fields[h].db_contents);
+				}
+				foo = fields[h].db_contents;
+#ifdef HAVE_ICONV_H
+				if(charset_from)
+					foo = convert_charset(foo);
+				foo = Escape(foo);
+				/* handle the date first - liuk */
+				if(fields[h].db_type=='D') {	
+					if((strlen(foo)==8) && isinteger(foo)) {
+						sprintf(pgdate,"%c%c%c%c-%c%c-%c%c",
+							foo[0],foo[1],foo[2],foo[3],
+							foo[4],foo[5],foo[6],foo[7]);
+						strcat(query,pgdate);
+					} else {
+						/* empty field must be inserted as NULL value in this
+ 						   way */
+						strcat(query,"\\N");
+					}
+				}
+				else if ((fields[h].db_type == 'N') &&
+					(fields[h].db_dec == 0)){
+					if (isinteger(foo)) {
+						strcat(query, foo);
+					} else {
+						strcat(query, "\\N");
+						if (verbose)
+							fprintf(stderr, "Illegal numeric value found "
+											"in record %d, field \"%s\"\n",
+											i, fields[h].db_name);
+					}
+				} else {
+					strcat(query, foo); /* must be character */
+				}
+			}
+			strcat(query, "\n");
+			if ((verbose > 1) && (( i % 100) == 0)) {/* Only show every 100 */
+				printf("Inserting record %d\n", i);  /* records. */
+			}
+			PQputline(conn, query);
+		}
+		/* we need to end this copy and transaction */
+		if (((i-begin) % t_block) == t_block-1) {
+			if (verbose > 1)
+				fprintf(stderr, "Transaction: END\n");
+			PQputline(conn, "\\.\n");
+			if (PQendcopy(conn) != 0) {
+				fprintf(stderr, "Something went wrong while copying. Check "
+								"your tables!\n");
+				exit(1);
+			}
+			res = PQexec(conn, "END");
+			if (res == NULL) {
+				fprintf(stderr, "Error committing work!\n");
+				fprintf(stderr, "Detailed report: %s\n", PQerrorMessage(conn));
+				exit(1);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* last row copied in, end copy and transaction */
+	/* remember, i is now 1 greater then when we left the loop */
+	if (((i-begin) % t_block) != 0) {
+		if (verbose > 1)
+			fprintf(stderr, "Transaction: END\n");
+		PQputline(conn, "\\.\n");
+		if (PQendcopy(conn) != 0) {
+			fprintf(stderr, "Something went wrong while copying. Check "
+							"your tables!\n");
+		}
+		res = PQexec(conn, "END");
+		if (res == NULL) {
+			fprintf(stderr, "Error committing work!\n");
+			fprintf(stderr, "Detailed report: %s\n", PQerrorMessage(conn));
+			exit(1);
+		}
+	}
+	dbf_free_record(dbh, fields);
+	free(query);
+ * This is from Postgres 7.0.3 source tarball, utility program PSQL.
+ *
+ * simple_prompt
+ *
+ * Generalized function especially intended for reading in usernames and
+ * password interactively. Reads from stdin.
+ *
+ * prompt:		The prompt to print
+ * maxlen:		How many characters to accept
+ * echo:		Set to false if you want to hide what is entered (for passwords)
+ *
+ * Returns a malloc()'ed string with the input (w/o trailing newline).
+ */
+static int prompt_state;
+char *
+simple_prompt(const char *prompt, int maxlen, int echo)
+	int			length;
+	char	   *destination;
+	struct termios t_orig,
+				t;
+	destination = (char *) malloc(maxlen + 2);
+	if (!destination)
+		return NULL;
+	if (prompt)
+		fputs(prompt, stderr);
+	prompt_state = 1;
+	if (!echo)
+	{
+		tcgetattr(0, &t);
+		t_orig = t;
+		t.c_lflag &= ~ECHO;
+		tcsetattr(0, TCSADRAIN, &t);
+	}
+	fgets(destination, maxlen, stdin);
+	if (!echo)
+	{
+		tcsetattr(0, TCSADRAIN, &t_orig);
+		puts("");
+	}
+	prompt_state = 0;
+	length = strlen(destination);
+	if (length > 0 && destination[length - 1] != '\n')
+	{
+		/* eat rest of the line */
+		char		buf[512];
+		do
+		{
+			fgets(buf, 512, stdin);
+		} while (buf[strlen(buf) - 1] != '\n');
+	}
+	if (length > 0 && destination[length - 1] == '\n')
+		/* remove trailing newline */
+		destination[length - 1] = '\0';
+	return destination;
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+	PGconn 		*conn;
+	int			i;
+	extern int 	optind;
+	extern char	*optarg;
+	char		*query;
+	dbhead		*dbh;
+	while ((i = getopt(argc, argv, "DWflucvh:b:e:d:t:s:B:U:F:T:")) != EOF) {
+		switch (i) {
+			case 'D':
+				if (create) {
+					usage();
+					printf("Can't use -c and -D at the same time!\n");
+					exit(1);
+				}
+				del = 1;
+				break;
+			case 'W':
+				password=simple_prompt("Password: ",100,0);
+				break;
+			case 'f':
+				fieldlow=1;
+				break;
+			case 'v':
+				verbose++;
+				break;
+			case 'c':
+				if (del) {
+					usage();
+					printf("Can't use -c and -D at the same time!\n");
+					exit(1);
+				}
+				create=1;
+				break;
+			case 'l':
+				lower=1;
+				break;
+			case 'u':
+				if (lower) {
+					usage();
+					printf("Can't use -u and -l at the same time!\n");
+					exit(1);
+				}
+				upper=1;
+				break;
+			case 'b':
+				begin = atoi(optarg);
+				break;
+			case 'e':
+				end = atoi(optarg);
+				break;
+			case 'h':
+				host = (char *)strdup(optarg);
+				break;
+			case 'd':
+				dbase = (char *)strdup(optarg);
+				break;
+			case 't':
+				table = (char *)strdup(optarg);
+                break;
+			case 's':
+				subarg = (char *)strdup(optarg);
+				break;
+			case 'B':
+				t_block = atoi(optarg);
+				break;
+			case 'U':
+				username = (char *)strdup(optarg);
+				break;
+			case 'F':
+				charset_from = (char *)strdup(optarg);
+				break;
+			case 'T':
+				charset_to = (char *)strdup(optarg);
+				break;
+			case ':':
+				usage();
+				printf("missing argument!\n");
+				exit(1);
+				break;
+			case '?':
+				usage();
+				/* FIXME: Ivan thinks this is bad: printf("unknown argument: %s\n", argv[0]); */
+				exit(1);
+				break;
+			default:
+				break;
+		}
+	}
+	argc -= optind;
+	argv = &argv[optind];
+	if (argc != 1) {
+		usage();
+		if(username)
+			free(username);
+		if(password)
+			free(password);
+		exit(1);
+	}
+#ifdef HAVE_ICONV_H
+	if(charset_from)
+	{
+		if(verbose>1)
+			printf("Setting conversion from charset \"%s\" to \"%s\".\n",
+				charset_from,charset_to);
+		iconv_d = iconv_open(charset_to,charset_from);
+		if(iconv_d == (iconv_t) -1)
+		{
+			printf("Cannot convert from charset \"%s\" to charset \"%s\".\n",
+				charset_from,charset_to);
+			exit(1);
+		}
+	}
+	if (verbose > 1) {
+		printf("Opening dbf-file\n");
+	}
+	if ((dbh = dbf_open(argv[0], O_RDONLY)) == (dbhead *)-1) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open xbase-file %s\n", argv[0]);
+		if(username)
+			free(username);
+		if(password)
+			free(password);
+		if(charset_from)
+			iconv_close(iconv_d);
+		exit(1);
+	}
+	if (fieldlow)
+		for ( i = 0 ; i < dbh->db_nfields ; i++ )
+				strtolower(dbh->db_fields[i].db_name);
+	if (verbose) {
+		printf("dbf-file: %s, PG-dbase: %s, PG-table: %s\n", argv[0],
+																 dbase,
+																 table);
+		printf("Number of records: %ld\n", dbh->db_records);
+		printf("NAME:\t\tLENGTH:\t\tTYPE:\n");
+		printf("-------------------------------------\n");
+		for (i = 0; i < dbh->db_nfields ; i++) {
+			printf("%-12s\t%7d\t\t%5c\n",dbh->db_fields[i].db_name,
+									 dbh->db_fields[i].db_flen,
+									 dbh->db_fields[i].db_type);
+		}
+	}
+	if (verbose > 1) {
+		printf("Making connection to PG-server\n");
+	}
+	conn = PQsetdbLogin(host,NULL,NULL,NULL, dbase, username, password);
+	if (PQstatus(conn) != CONNECTION_OK) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't get a connection with the ");
+		fprintf(stderr, "designated host!\n");
+		fprintf(stderr, "Detailed report: %s\n", PQerrorMessage(conn));
+		close(dbh->db_fd);
+		free(dbh);
+		if(username)
+			free(username);
+		if(password)
+			free(password);
+		if(charset_from)
+			iconv_close(iconv_d);
+		exit(1);
+	}
+/* Substitute field names */
+	do_substitute(subarg, dbh);
+/* create table if specified, else check if target table exists */
+	if (!create) {
+		if (!check_table(conn, table)) {
+			printf("Table does not exist!\n");
+			if(username)
+				free(username);
+			if(password)
+				free(password);
+			if(charset_from)
+				iconv_close(iconv_d);
+			exit(1);
+		}
+		if (del) {
+			if (!(query = (char *)malloc(13 + strlen(table)))) {
+				printf("Memory-allocation error in main (delete)!\n");
+				close(dbh->db_fd);
+				free(dbh);
+				PQfinish(conn);
+				if(username)
+					free(username);
+				if(password)
+					free(password);
+				if(charset_from)
+					iconv_close(iconv_d);
+				exit(1);
+			}
+			if (verbose > 1) {
+				printf("Deleting from original table\n");
+			}
+			sprintf(query, "DELETE FROM %s", table);
+			PQexec(conn, query);
+			free(query);
+		}
+	} else {
+		if (!(query = (char *)malloc(12 + strlen(table)))) {
+			printf("Memory-allocation error in main (drop)!\n");
+			close(dbh->db_fd);
+			free(dbh);
+			PQfinish(conn);
+			if(username)
+				free(username);
+			if(password)
+				free(password);
+			if(charset_from)
+				iconv_close(iconv_d);
+			exit(1);
+		}
+		if (verbose > 1) {
+			printf("Dropping original table (if one exists)\n");
+		}
+		sprintf(query, "DROP TABLE %s", table);
+		PQexec(conn, query);
+		free(query);
+/* Build a CREATE-clause
+		do_create(conn, table, dbh);
+	}
+/* Build an INSERT-clause
+	PQexec(conn, "SET DATESTYLE TO 'ISO';");
+	do_inserts(conn, table, dbh);
+	if (verbose > 1) {
+		printf("Closing up....\n");
+	}
+    close(dbh->db_fd);
+    free(dbh);
+    PQfinish(conn);
+	if(username)
+		free(username);
+	if(password)
+		free(password);
+	if(charset_from)
+		iconv_close(iconv_d);
+	exit(0);
diff --git a/contrib/dbase/endian.c b/contrib/dbase/endian.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..55c53d89800f34f4fadbcdde78b7fd46987d0393
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/dbase/endian.c
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+/* Maarten Boekhold (boekhold@cindy.et.tudelft.nl) oktober 1995 */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include "dbf.h"
+ * routine to change little endian long to host long
+ */
+long get_long(u_char *cp)
+        long ret;
+        ret = *cp++;
+        ret += ((*cp++)<<8);
+        ret += ((*cp++)<<16);
+        ret += ((*cp++)<<24);
+        return ret;
+void put_long(u_char *cp, long lval)
+        cp[0] = lval & 0xff;
+        cp[1] = (lval >> 8) & 0xff;
+        cp[2] = (lval >> 16) & 0xff;
+        cp[3] = (lval >> 24) & 0xff;
+ * routine to change little endian short to host short
+ */
+short get_short(u_char *cp)
+        short ret;
+        ret = *cp++;
+        ret += ((*cp++)<<8);
+        return ret;
+void put_short(u_char *cp, short sval)
+        cp[0] = sval & 0xff;
+        cp[1] = (sval >> 8) & 0xff;