diff --git a/doc/TODO.detail/qsort b/doc/TODO.detail/qsort
index 4284c7394130c5ac25e99074acd28d663463dfd6..a03fa90aa05a75fa3c878f7b98fa77df90ae0328 100644
--- a/doc/TODO.detail/qsort
+++ b/doc/TODO.detail/qsort
@@ -582,3 +582,409 @@ broadcast)---------------------------
 ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
 TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster
+From kleptog@svana.org Mon Dec 19 06:37:51 2005
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+Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2005 12:37:30 +0100
+From: Martijn van Oosterhout <kleptog@svana.org>
+To: Dann Corbit <DCorbit@connx.com>
+cc: Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>, Qingqing Zhou <zhouqq@cs.toronto.edu>,
+   Bruce Momjian <pgman@candle.pha.pa.us>,
+   Luke Lonergan <llonergan@greenplum.com>, Neil Conway <neilc@samurai.com>,
+   pgsql-hackers@postgresql.org
+Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Re: Which qsort is used
+Message-ID: <20051219113724.GD12251@svana.org>
+Reply-To: Martijn van Oosterhout <kleptog@svana.org>
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+On Fri, Dec 16, 2005 at 10:43:58PM -0800, Dann Corbit wrote:
+> I am actually quite impressed with the excellence of Bentley's sort out
+> of the box.  It's definitely the best library implementation of a sort I
+> have seen.
+I'm not sure whether we have a conclusion here, but I do have one
+question: is there a significant difference in the number of times the
+comparison routines are called? Comparisons in PostgreSQL are fairly
+expensive given the fmgr overhead and when comparing tuples it's even
+We don't want to accedently pick a routine that saves data shuffling by
+adding extra comparisons. The stats at [1] don't say. They try to
+factor in CPU cost but they seem to use unrealistically small values. I
+would think a number around 50 (or higher) would be more
+[1] http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~zhouqq/postgresql/sort/sort.html
+Have a nice day,
+Martijn van Oosterhout   <kleptog@svana.org>   http://svana.org/kleptog/
+> Patent. n. Genius is 5% inspiration and 95% perspiration. A patent is a
+> tool for doing 5% of the work and then sitting around waiting for someone
+> else to do the other 95% so you can sue them.
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+From mkoi-pg@aon.at Wed Dec 21 19:44:03 2005
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+From: Manfred Koizar <mkoi-pg@aon.at>
+To: Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>
+cc: "Dann Corbit" <DCorbit@connx.com>, "Qingqing Zhou" <zhouqq@cs.toronto.edu>,
+   "Bruce Momjian" <pgman@candle.pha.pa.us>,
+   "Luke Lonergan" <llonergan@greenplum.com>,
+   "Neil Conway" <neilc@samurai.com>, pgsql-hackers@postgresql.org
+Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Re: Which qsort is used 
+Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2005 01:43:34 +0100
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+On Sat, 17 Dec 2005 00:03:25 -0500, Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>
+>I've still got a problem with these checks; I think they are a net
+>waste of cycles on average.  [...]
+> and when they fail, those cycles are entirely wasted;
+>you have not advanced the state of the sort at all.
+How can we make the initial check "adavance the state of the sort"?
+One answer might be to exclude the sorted sequence at the start of the
+array from the qsort, and merge the two sorted lists as the final
+stage of the sort.
+Qsorting N elements costs O(N*lnN), so excluding H elements from the
+sort reduces the cost by at least O(H*lnN).  The merge step costs O(N)
+plus some (<=50%) more memory, unless someone knows a fast in-place
+merge.  So depending on the constant factors involved there might be a
+usable solution.
+I've been playing with some numbers and assuming the constant factors
+to be equal for all the O()'s this method starts to pay off at
+	  H      for N
+	  20       100
+	 130      1000
+	8000    100000
+ Manfred
+From pgsql-hackers-owner+M77795=pgman=candle.pha.pa.us@postgresql.org Thu Dec 22 02:02:28 2005
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+Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2005 08:01:00 +0100
+From: Martijn van Oosterhout <kleptog@svana.org>
+To: Manfred Koizar <mkoi-pg@aon.at>
+cc: Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>, Dann Corbit <DCorbit@connx.com>,
+   Qingqing Zhou <zhouqq@cs.toronto.edu>,
+   Bruce Momjian <pgman@candle.pha.pa.us>,
+   Luke Lonergan <llonergan@greenplum.com>, Neil Conway <neilc@samurai.com>,
+   pgsql-hackers@postgresql.org
+Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Re: Which qsort is used
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+Reply-To: Martijn van Oosterhout <kleptog@svana.org>
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+On Thu, Dec 22, 2005 at 01:43:34AM +0100, Manfred Koizar wrote:
+> Qsorting N elements costs O(N*lnN), so excluding H elements from the
+> sort reduces the cost by at least O(H*lnN).  The merge step costs O(N)
+> plus some (<=3D50%) more memory, unless someone knows a fast in-place
+> merge.  So depending on the constant factors involved there might be a
+> usable solution.
+But where are you including the cost to check how many cells are
+already sorted? That would be O(H), right? This is where we come back
+to the issue that comparisons in PostgreSQL are expensive. The cpu_cost
+in the tests I saw so far is unrealistically low.
+> I've been playing with some numbers and assuming the constant factors
+> to be equal for all the O()'s this method starts to pay off at
+> 	  H      for N
+> 	  20       100      20%
+> 	 130      1000      13%
+> 	8000    100000       8%
+Hmm, what are the chances you have 100000 unordered items to sort and
+that the first 8% will already be in order. ISTM that that probability
+will be close enough to zero to not matter...
+Have a nice day,
+Martijn van Oosterhout   <kleptog@svana.org>   http://svana.org/kleptog/
+> Patent. n. Genius is 5% inspiration and 95% perspiration. A patent is a
+> tool for doing 5% of the work and then sitting around waiting for someone
+> else to do the other 95% so you can sue them.
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+From: Manfred Koizar <mkoi-pg@aon.at>
+To: Martijn van Oosterhout <kleptog@svana.org>
+cc: Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>, Dann Corbit <DCorbit@connx.com>,
+   Qingqing Zhou <zhouqq@cs.toronto.edu>,
+   Bruce Momjian <pgman@candle.pha.pa.us>,
+   Luke Lonergan <llonergan@greenplum.com>, Neil Conway <neilc@samurai.com>,
+   pgsql-hackers@postgresql.org
+Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Re: Which qsort is used
+Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2005 22:58:31 +0100
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+On Thu, 22 Dec 2005 08:01:00 +0100, Martijn van Oosterhout
+<kleptog@svana.org> wrote:
+>But where are you including the cost to check how many cells are
+>already sorted? That would be O(H), right?
+Yes.  I didn't mention it, because H < N.
+> This is where we come back
+>to the issue that comparisons in PostgreSQL are expensive.
+So we agree that we should try to reduce the number of comparisons.
+How many comparisons does it take to sort 100000 items?  1.5 million?
+>Hmm, what are the chances you have 100000 unordered items to sort and
+>that the first 8% will already be in order. ISTM that that probability
+>will be close enough to zero to not matter...
+If the items are totally unordered, the check is so cheap you won't
+even notice.  OTOH in Tom's example ...
+|What I think is much more probable in the Postgres environment
+|is almost-but-not-quite-ordered inputs --- eg, a table that was
+|perfectly ordered by key when filled, but some of the tuples have since
+|been moved by UPDATEs.
+... I'd not be surprised if H is 90% of N.
+ Manfred
+---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
+TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster
+From DCorbit@connx.com Thu Dec 22 17:22:03 2005
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+Subject: RE: [HACKERS] Re: Which qsort is used
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+Thread-Topic: [HACKERS] Re: Which qsort is used
+Thread-Index: AcYHQuXJdKs8JVgmSKywUqld6KYccQAAfWAA
+From: "Dann Corbit" <DCorbit@connx.com>
+To: "Manfred Koizar" <mkoi-pg@aon.at>,
+   "Martijn van Oosterhout" <kleptog@svana.org>
+cc: "Tom Lane" <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>, "Qingqing Zhou" <zhouqq@cs.toronto.edu>,
+   "Bruce Momjian" <pgman@candle.pha.pa.us>,
+   "Luke Lonergan" <llonergan@greenplum.com>,
+   "Neil Conway" <neilc@samurai.com>, <pgsql-hackers@postgresql.org>
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+An interesting article on sorting and comparison count:
+Here is the article, the code, and an implementation that I have been
+toying with:
+Algorithm quickheap is especially interesting because it does not
+require much additional space (just an array of integers up to size
+log(element_count) and in addition, it has very few data movements.
+> -----Original Message-----
+> From: Manfred Koizar [mailto:mkoi-pg@aon.at]
+> Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2005 1:59 PM
+> To: Martijn van Oosterhout
+> Cc: Tom Lane; Dann Corbit; Qingqing Zhou; Bruce Momjian; Luke
+> Neil Conway; pgsql-hackers@postgresql.org
+> Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Re: Which qsort is used
+> On Thu, 22 Dec 2005 08:01:00 +0100, Martijn van Oosterhout
+> <kleptog@svana.org> wrote:
+> >But where are you including the cost to check how many cells are
+> >already sorted? That would be O(H), right?
+> Yes.  I didn't mention it, because H < N.
+> > This is where we come back
+> >to the issue that comparisons in PostgreSQL are expensive.
+> So we agree that we should try to reduce the number of comparisons.
+> How many comparisons does it take to sort 100000 items?  1.5 million?
+> >Hmm, what are the chances you have 100000 unordered items to sort and
+> >that the first 8% will already be in order. ISTM that that
+> >will be close enough to zero to not matter...
+> If the items are totally unordered, the check is so cheap you won't
+> even notice.  OTOH in Tom's example ...
+> |What I think is much more probable in the Postgres environment
+> |is almost-but-not-quite-ordered inputs --- eg, a table that was
+> |perfectly ordered by key when filled, but some of the tuples have
+> |been moved by UPDATEs.
+> ... I'd not be surprised if H is 90% of N.
+> Servus
+>  Manfred