diff --git a/src/backend/commands/tablecmds.c b/src/backend/commands/tablecmds.c
index e8b0d8bc013b3b527394e080a70069e220064d3c..7bdc238e77c635eed006053165daf3e166c9191f 100644
--- a/src/backend/commands/tablecmds.c
+++ b/src/backend/commands/tablecmds.c
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
  * tablecmds.c
- *	  Commands for altering table structures and settings
+ *	  Commands for creating and altering table structures and settings
  * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2002, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
  * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
- *	  $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/tablecmds.c,v 1.9 2002/04/24 02:48:54 momjian Exp $
+ *	  $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/tablecmds.c,v 1.10 2002/04/26 19:29:47 tgl Exp $
@@ -48,17 +48,16 @@
 #include "utils/relcache.h"
-static void drop_default(Oid relid, int16 attnum);
-static bool needs_toast_table(Relation rel);
-static void CheckTupleType(Form_pg_class tuple_class);
+static List *MergeDomainAttributes(List *schema);
 static List *MergeAttributes(List *schema, List *supers, bool istemp,
 				List **supOids, List **supconstr, bool *supHasOids);
 static bool change_varattnos_of_a_node(Node *node, const AttrNumber *newattno);
 static void StoreCatalogInheritance(Oid relationId, List *supers);
 static int	findAttrByName(const char *attributeName, List *schema);
 static void setRelhassubclassInRelation(Oid relationId, bool relhassubclass);
-static List *MergeDomainAttributes(List *schema);
+static void drop_default(Oid relid, int16 attnum);
+static void CheckTupleType(Form_pg_class tuple_class);
+static bool needs_toast_table(Relation rel);
 /* Used by attribute and relation renaming routines: */
@@ -74,902 +73,955 @@ static void update_ri_trigger_args(Oid relid,
 					   bool update_relname);
-/* ----------------
- *		AlterTableAddColumn
- *		(formerly known as PerformAddAttribute)
- *
- *		adds an additional attribute to a relation
- *
- *		Adds attribute field(s) to a relation.	Each new attribute
- *		is given attnums in sequential order and is added to the
- *		ATTRIBUTE relation.  If the AMI fails, defunct tuples will
- *		remain in the ATTRIBUTE relation for later vacuuming.
- *		Later, there may be some reserved attribute names???
- *
- *		(If needed, can instead use elog to handle exceptions.)
- *
- *		Note:
- *				Initial idea of ordering the tuple attributes so that all
- *		the variable length domains occured last was scratched.  Doing
- *		so would not speed access too much (in general) and would create
- *		many complications in formtuple, heap_getattr, and addattribute.
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ *		DefineRelation
+ *				Creates a new relation.
- *		scan attribute catalog for name conflict (within rel)
- *		scan type catalog for absence of data type (if not arg)
- *		create attnum magically???
- *		create attribute tuple
- *		insert attribute in attribute catalog
- *		modify reldesc
- *		create new relation tuple
- *		insert new relation in relation catalog
- *		delete original relation from relation catalog
- * ----------------
+ * If successful, returns the OID of the new relation.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------
-AlterTableAddColumn(Oid myrelid,
-					bool inherits,
-					ColumnDef *colDef)
+DefineRelation(CreateStmt *stmt, char relkind)
-	Relation	rel,
-				pgclass,
-				attrdesc;
-	HeapTuple	reltup;
-	HeapTuple	newreltup;
-	HeapTuple	attributeTuple;
-	Form_pg_attribute attribute;
-	FormData_pg_attribute attributeD;
+	char		relname[NAMEDATALEN];
+	Oid			namespaceId;
+	List	   *schema = stmt->tableElts;
+	int			numberOfAttributes;
+	Oid			relationId;
+	Relation	rel;
+	TupleDesc	descriptor;
+	List	   *inheritOids;
+	List	   *old_constraints;
+	bool		parentHasOids;
+	List	   *rawDefaults;
+	List	   *listptr;
 	int			i;
-	int			minattnum,
-				maxatts;
-	HeapTuple	typeTuple;
-	Form_pg_type tform;
-	int			attndims;
+	AttrNumber	attnum;
-	 * Grab an exclusive lock on the target table, which we will NOT
-	 * release until end of transaction.
+	 * Truncate relname to appropriate length (probably a waste of time,
+	 * as parser should have done this already).
-	rel = heap_open(myrelid, AccessExclusiveLock);
+	StrNCpy(relname, stmt->relation->relname, NAMEDATALEN);
-	if (rel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION)
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" is not a table",
-			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
+	/*
+	 * Look up the namespace in which we are supposed to create the
+	 * relation.
+	 */
+	namespaceId = RangeVarGetCreationNamespace(stmt->relation);
-	 * permissions checking.  this would normally be done in utility.c,
-	 * but this particular routine is recursive.
-	 *
-	 * normally, only the owner of a class can change its schema.
+	 * Merge domain attributes into the known columns before processing table
+	 * inheritance.  Otherwise we risk adding double constraints to a
+	 * domain-type column that's inherited.
-	if (!allowSystemTableMods
-		&& IsSystemRelation(rel))
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" is a system catalog",
-			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
-	if (!pg_class_ownercheck(myrelid, GetUserId()))
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: \"%s\": permission denied",
-			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
+	schema = MergeDomainAttributes(schema);
-	 * Recurse to add the column to child classes, if requested.
-	 *
-	 * any permissions or problems with duplicate attributes will cause the
-	 * whole transaction to abort, which is what we want -- all or
-	 * nothing.
+	 * Look up inheritance ancestors and generate relation schema,
+	 * including inherited attributes.
-	if (inherits)
-	{
-		List	   *child,
-				   *children;
+	schema = MergeAttributes(schema, stmt->inhRelations,
+							 stmt->relation->istemp,
+							 &inheritOids, &old_constraints, &parentHasOids);
-		/* this routine is actually in the planner */
-		children = find_all_inheritors(myrelid);
+	numberOfAttributes = length(schema);
+	if (numberOfAttributes <= 0)
+		elog(ERROR, "DefineRelation: please inherit from a relation or define an attribute");
-		/*
-		 * find_all_inheritors does the recursive search of the
-		 * inheritance hierarchy, so all we have to do is process all of
-		 * the relids in the list that it returns.
-		 */
-		foreach(child, children)
+	/*
+	 * Create a relation descriptor from the relation schema and create
+	 * the relation.  Note that in this stage only inherited (pre-cooked)
+	 * defaults and constraints will be included into the new relation.
+	 * (BuildDescForRelation takes care of the inherited defaults, but we
+	 * have to copy inherited constraints here.)
+	 */
+	descriptor = BuildDescForRelation(schema);
+	if (old_constraints != NIL)
+	{
+		ConstrCheck *check = (ConstrCheck *) palloc(length(old_constraints) *
+													sizeof(ConstrCheck));
+		int			ncheck = 0;
+		foreach(listptr, old_constraints)
-			Oid			childrelid = lfirsti(child);
+			Constraint *cdef = (Constraint *) lfirst(listptr);
-			if (childrelid == myrelid)
+			if (cdef->contype != CONSTR_CHECK)
-			AlterTableAddColumn(childrelid, false, colDef);
+			if (cdef->name != NULL)
+			{
+				for (i = 0; i < ncheck; i++)
+				{
+					if (strcmp(check[i].ccname, cdef->name) == 0)
+						elog(ERROR, "Duplicate CHECK constraint name: '%s'",
+							 cdef->name);
+				}
+				check[ncheck].ccname = cdef->name;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				check[ncheck].ccname = (char *) palloc(NAMEDATALEN);
+				snprintf(check[ncheck].ccname, NAMEDATALEN, "$%d", ncheck + 1);
+			}
+			Assert(cdef->raw_expr == NULL && cdef->cooked_expr != NULL);
+			check[ncheck].ccbin = pstrdup(cdef->cooked_expr);
+			ncheck++;
+		}
+		if (ncheck > 0)
+		{
+			if (descriptor->constr == NULL)
+			{
+				descriptor->constr = (TupleConstr *) palloc(sizeof(TupleConstr));
+				descriptor->constr->defval = NULL;
+				descriptor->constr->num_defval = 0;
+				descriptor->constr->has_not_null = false;
+			}
+			descriptor->constr->num_check = ncheck;
+			descriptor->constr->check = check;
+	relationId = heap_create_with_catalog(relname,
+										  namespaceId,
+										  descriptor,
+										  relkind,
+										  stmt->hasoids || parentHasOids,
+										  allowSystemTableMods);
+	StoreCatalogInheritance(relationId, inheritOids);
-	 * OK, get on with it...
-	 *
-	 * Implementation restrictions: because we don't touch the table rows,
-	 * the new column values will initially appear to be NULLs.  (This
-	 * happens because the heap tuple access routines always check for
-	 * attnum > # of attributes in tuple, and return NULL if so.)
-	 * Therefore we can't support a DEFAULT value in SQL92-compliant
-	 * fashion, and we also can't allow a NOT NULL constraint.
+	 * We must bump the command counter to make the newly-created relation
+	 * tuple visible for opening.
+	 */
+	CommandCounterIncrement();
+	/*
+	 * Open the new relation and acquire exclusive lock on it.	This isn't
+	 * really necessary for locking out other backends (since they can't
+	 * see the new rel anyway until we commit), but it keeps the lock
+	 * manager from complaining about deadlock risks.
+	 */
+	rel = heap_open(relationId, AccessExclusiveLock);
+	/*
+	 * Now add any newly specified column default values and CHECK
+	 * constraints to the new relation.  These are passed to us in the
+	 * form of raw parsetrees; we need to transform them to executable
+	 * expression trees before they can be added. The most convenient way
+	 * to do that is to apply the parser's transformExpr routine, but
+	 * transformExpr doesn't work unless we have a pre-existing relation.
+	 * So, the transformation has to be postponed to this final step of
-	 * We do allow CHECK constraints, even though these theoretically could
-	 * fail for NULL rows (eg, CHECK (newcol IS NOT NULL)).
+	 * First, scan schema to find new column defaults.
-	if (colDef->raw_default || colDef->cooked_default)
-		elog(ERROR, "Adding columns with defaults is not implemented."
-			 "\n\tAdd the column, then use ALTER TABLE SET DEFAULT.");
+	rawDefaults = NIL;
+	attnum = 0;
-	if (colDef->is_not_null)
-		elog(ERROR, "Adding NOT NULL columns is not implemented."
-			 "\n\tAdd the column, then use ALTER TABLE ... SET NOT NULL.");
+	foreach(listptr, schema)
+	{
+		ColumnDef  *colDef = lfirst(listptr);
+		RawColumnDefault *rawEnt;
-	pgclass = heap_openr(RelationRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);
+		attnum++;
-	reltup = SearchSysCache(RELOID,
-							ObjectIdGetDatum(myrelid),
-							0, 0, 0);
-	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(reltup))
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" not found",
-			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
+		if (colDef->raw_default == NULL)
+			continue;
+		Assert(colDef->cooked_default == NULL);
-	if (SearchSysCacheExists(ATTNAME,
-							 ObjectIdGetDatum(myrelid),
-							 PointerGetDatum(colDef->colname),
-							 0, 0))
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: column name \"%s\" already exists in table \"%s\"",
-			 colDef->colname, RelationGetRelationName(rel));
-	minattnum = ((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(reltup))->relnatts;
-	maxatts = minattnum + 1;
-	if (maxatts > MaxHeapAttributeNumber)
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relations limited to %d columns",
-			 MaxHeapAttributeNumber);
-	i = minattnum + 1;
-	attrdesc = heap_openr(AttributeRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);
-	if (colDef->typename->arrayBounds)
-		attndims = length(colDef->typename->arrayBounds);
-	else
-		attndims = 0;
-	typeTuple = typenameType(colDef->typename);
-	tform = (Form_pg_type) GETSTRUCT(typeTuple);
-	attributeTuple = heap_addheader(Natts_pg_attribute,
-									(void *) &attributeD);
-	attribute = (Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(attributeTuple);
-	attribute->attrelid = myrelid;
-	namestrcpy(&(attribute->attname), colDef->colname);
-	attribute->atttypid = typeTuple->t_data->t_oid;
-	attribute->attstattarget = DEFAULT_ATTSTATTARGET;
-	attribute->attlen = tform->typlen;
-	attribute->attcacheoff = -1;
-	attribute->atttypmod = colDef->typename->typmod;
-	attribute->attnum = i;
-	attribute->attbyval = tform->typbyval;
-	attribute->attndims = attndims;
-	attribute->attisset = (bool) (tform->typtype == 'c');
-	attribute->attstorage = tform->typstorage;
-	attribute->attalign = tform->typalign;
-	attribute->attnotnull = colDef->is_not_null;
-	attribute->atthasdef = (colDef->raw_default != NULL ||
-							colDef->cooked_default != NULL);
-	ReleaseSysCache(typeTuple);
-	heap_insert(attrdesc, attributeTuple);
-	/* Update indexes on pg_attribute */
-	if (RelationGetForm(attrdesc)->relhasindex)
-	{
-		Relation	idescs[Num_pg_attr_indices];
-		CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_attr_indices, Name_pg_attr_indices, idescs);
-		CatalogIndexInsert(idescs, Num_pg_attr_indices, attrdesc, attributeTuple);
-		CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_attr_indices, idescs);
-	}
-	heap_close(attrdesc, RowExclusiveLock);
+		rawEnt = (RawColumnDefault *) palloc(sizeof(RawColumnDefault));
+		rawEnt->attnum = attnum;
+		rawEnt->raw_default = colDef->raw_default;
+		rawDefaults = lappend(rawDefaults, rawEnt);
+	}
-	 * Update number of attributes in pg_class tuple
+	 * Parse and add the defaults/constraints, if any.
-	newreltup = heap_copytuple(reltup);
-	((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(newreltup))->relnatts = maxatts;
-	simple_heap_update(pgclass, &newreltup->t_self, newreltup);
-	/* keep catalog indices current */
-	if (RelationGetForm(pgclass)->relhasindex)
-	{
-		Relation	ridescs[Num_pg_class_indices];
-		CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_class_indices, Name_pg_class_indices, ridescs);
-		CatalogIndexInsert(ridescs, Num_pg_class_indices, pgclass, newreltup);
-		CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_class_indices, ridescs);
-	}
-	heap_freetuple(newreltup);
-	ReleaseSysCache(reltup);
-	heap_close(pgclass, NoLock);
-	heap_close(rel, NoLock);	/* close rel but keep lock! */
+	if (rawDefaults || stmt->constraints)
+		AddRelationRawConstraints(rel, rawDefaults, stmt->constraints);
-	 * Make our catalog updates visible for subsequent steps.
+	 * Clean up.  We keep lock on new relation (although it shouldn't be
+	 * visible to anyone else anyway, until commit).
-	CommandCounterIncrement();
+	heap_close(rel, NoLock);
-	/*
-	 * Add any CHECK constraints attached to the new column.
-	 *
-	 * To do this we must re-open the rel so that its new attr list gets
-	 * loaded into the relcache.
-	 */
-	if (colDef->constraints != NIL)
-	{
-		rel = heap_open(myrelid, AccessExclusiveLock);
-		AddRelationRawConstraints(rel, NIL, colDef->constraints);
-		heap_close(rel, NoLock);
-	}
+	return relationId;
-	/*
-	 * Automatically create the secondary relation for TOAST if it
-	 * formerly had no such but now has toastable attributes.
-	 */
-	AlterTableCreateToastTable(myrelid, true);
+ * RemoveRelation
+ *		Deletes a relation.
+ *
+ * Exceptions:
+ *		BadArg if name is invalid.
+ *
+ * Note:
+ *		If the relation has indices defined on it, then the index relations
+ * themselves will be destroyed, too.
+ */
+RemoveRelation(const RangeVar *relation)
+	Oid			relOid;
+	relOid = RangeVarGetRelid(relation, false);
+	heap_drop_with_catalog(relOid, allowSystemTableMods);
+ * TruncateRelation
+ *				  Removes all the rows from a relation
+ *
+ * Exceptions:
+ *				  BadArg if name is invalid
+ *
+ * Note:
+ *				  Rows are removed, indices are truncated and reconstructed.
-AlterTableAlterColumnDropNotNull(Oid myrelid,
-								 bool inh, const char *colName)
+TruncateRelation(const RangeVar *relation)
 	Relation	rel;
-	HeapTuple	tuple;
-	AttrNumber	attnum;
-	Relation	attr_rel;
-	List	   	*indexoidlist;
-	List	   	*indexoidscan;
+	Oid			relid;
-	rel = heap_open(myrelid, AccessExclusiveLock);
+	/* Grab exclusive lock in preparation for truncate */
+	rel = heap_openrv(relation, AccessExclusiveLock);
+	relid = RelationGetRelid(rel);
-	if (rel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION)
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" is not a table",
+	if (rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_SEQUENCE)
+		elog(ERROR, "TRUNCATE cannot be used on sequences. '%s' is a sequence",
-	if (!allowSystemTableMods
-		&& IsSystemRelation(rel))
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" is a system catalog",
+	if (rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_VIEW)
+		elog(ERROR, "TRUNCATE cannot be used on views. '%s' is a view",
-	if (!pg_class_ownercheck(myrelid, GetUserId()))
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: \"%s\": permission denied",
+	if (!allowSystemTableMods && IsSystemRelation(rel))
+		elog(ERROR, "TRUNCATE cannot be used on system tables. '%s' is a system table",
-	/*
-	 * Propagate to children if desired
-	 */
-	if (inh)
-	{
-		List	   *child,
-				   *children;
+	if (!pg_class_ownercheck(relid, GetUserId()))
+		elog(ERROR, "you do not own relation \"%s\"",
+			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
-		/* this routine is actually in the planner */
-		children = find_all_inheritors(myrelid);
+	/* Keep the lock until transaction commit */
+	heap_close(rel, NoLock);
-		/*
-		 * find_all_inheritors does the recursive search of the
-		 * inheritance hierarchy, so all we have to do is process all of
-		 * the relids in the list that it returns.
-		 */
-		foreach(child, children)
-		{
-			Oid			childrelid = lfirsti(child);
+	heap_truncate(relid);
-			if (childrelid == myrelid)
-				continue;
-			AlterTableAlterColumnDropNotNull(childrelid,
-											 false, colName);
-		}
-	}
-	/* -= now do the thing on this relation =- */
+ * MergeDomainAttributes
+ *      Returns a new table schema with the constraints, types, and other
+ *      attributes of domains resolved for fields using a domain as
+ *      their type.
+ */
+static List *
+MergeDomainAttributes(List *schema)
+	List	   *entry;
-	 * get the number of the attribute
+	 * Loop through the table elements supplied. These should
+	 * never include inherited domains else they'll be
+	 * double (or more) processed.
-	tuple = SearchSysCache(ATTNAME,
-						   ObjectIdGetDatum(myrelid),
-						   PointerGetDatum(colName),
-						   0, 0);
-	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" has no column \"%s\"",
-			 RelationGetRelationName(rel), colName);
-	attnum = ((Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->attnum;
-	ReleaseSysCache(tuple);
+	foreach(entry, schema)
+	{
+		ColumnDef  *coldef = lfirst(entry);
+		HeapTuple  tuple;
+		Form_pg_type typeTup;
-	/* Prevent them from altering a system attribute */
-	if (attnum < 0)
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: Cannot alter system attribute \"%s\"",
-			 colName);
+		tuple = typenameType(coldef->typename);
+		typeTup = (Form_pg_type) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
-	/*
-	 * Check that the attribute is not in a primary key
-	 */
+		if (typeTup->typtype == 'd')
+		{
+			/* Force the column to have the correct typmod. */
+			coldef->typename->typmod = typeTup->typtypmod;
+			/* XXX more to do here? */
+		}
-	/* Loop over all indices on the relation */
-	indexoidlist = RelationGetIndexList(rel);
+		/* Enforce type NOT NULL || column definition NOT NULL -> NOT NULL */
+		/* Currently only used for domains, but could be valid for all */
+		coldef->is_not_null |= typeTup->typnotnull;
-	foreach(indexoidscan, indexoidlist)
-	{
-		Oid		indexoid = lfirsti(indexoidscan);
-		HeapTuple	indexTuple;
-		Form_pg_index 	indexStruct;
-		int		i;
+		ReleaseSysCache(tuple);
+	}
-		indexTuple = SearchSysCache(INDEXRELID,
-									ObjectIdGetDatum(indexoid),
-									0, 0, 0);
-		if (!HeapTupleIsValid(indexTuple))
-			elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: Index %u not found",
-				 indexoid);
-		indexStruct = (Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(indexTuple);
+	return schema;
-		/* If the index is not a primary key, skip the check */
-		if (indexStruct->indisprimary)
-		{
-			/*
-			 * Loop over each attribute in the primary key and
-			 * see if it matches the to-be-altered attribute
-			 */
-			for (i = 0; i < INDEX_MAX_KEYS &&
-					 indexStruct->indkey[i] != InvalidAttrNumber; i++)
-			{
-				if (indexStruct->indkey[i] == attnum)
-					elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: Attribute \"%s\" is in a primary key", colName);
-			}
-		}
-		ReleaseSysCache(indexTuple);
-	}
-	freeList(indexoidlist);
-	/*
-	 * Okay, actually perform the catalog change
-	 */
-	attr_rel = heap_openr(AttributeRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);
-	tuple = SearchSysCacheCopy(ATTNAME,
-							   ObjectIdGetDatum(myrelid),
-							   PointerGetDatum(colName),
-							   0, 0);
-	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple)) /* shouldn't happen */
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" has no column \"%s\"",
-			 RelationGetRelationName(rel), colName);
-	((Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->attnotnull = FALSE;
-	simple_heap_update(attr_rel, &tuple->t_self, tuple);
-	/* keep the system catalog indices current */
-	if (RelationGetForm(attr_rel)->relhasindex)
-	{
-		Relation	idescs[Num_pg_attr_indices];
-		CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_attr_indices, Name_pg_attr_indices, idescs);
-		CatalogIndexInsert(idescs, Num_pg_attr_indices, attr_rel, tuple);
-		CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_attr_indices, idescs);
-	}
-	heap_close(attr_rel, RowExclusiveLock);
-	heap_close(rel, NoLock);
+ * MergeAttributes
+ *		Returns new schema given initial schema and superclasses.
+ *
+ * Input arguments:
+ * 'schema' is the column/attribute definition for the table. (It's a list
+ *		of ColumnDef's.) It is destructively changed.
+ * 'supers' is a list of names (as RangeVar nodes) of parent relations.
+ * 'istemp' is TRUE if we are creating a temp relation.
+ *
+ * Output arguments:
+ * 'supOids' receives an integer list of the OIDs of the parent relations.
+ * 'supconstr' receives a list of constraints belonging to the parents,
+ *		updated as necessary to be valid for the child.
+ * 'supHasOids' is set TRUE if any parent has OIDs, else it is set FALSE.
+ *
+ * Return value:
+ * Completed schema list.
+ *
+ * Notes:
+ *	  The order in which the attributes are inherited is very important.
+ *	  Intuitively, the inherited attributes should come first. If a table
+ *	  inherits from multiple parents, the order of those attributes are
+ *	  according to the order of the parents specified in CREATE TABLE.
+ *
+ *	  Here's an example:
+ *
+ *		create table person (name text, age int4, location point);
+ *		create table emp (salary int4, manager text) inherits(person);
+ *		create table student (gpa float8) inherits (person);
+ *		create table stud_emp (percent int4) inherits (emp, student);
+ *
+ *	  The order of the attributes of stud_emp is:
+ *
+ *							person {1:name, 2:age, 3:location}
+ *							/	 \
+ *			   {6:gpa}	student   emp {4:salary, 5:manager}
+ *							\	 /
+ *						   stud_emp {7:percent}
+ *
+ *	   If the same attribute name appears multiple times, then it appears
+ *	   in the result table in the proper location for its first appearance.
+ *
+ *	   Constraints (including NOT NULL constraints) for the child table
+ *	   are the union of all relevant constraints, from both the child schema
+ *	   and parent tables.
+ *
+ *	   The default value for a child column is defined as:
+ *		(1) If the child schema specifies a default, that value is used.
+ *		(2) If neither the child nor any parent specifies a default, then
+ *			the column will not have a default.
+ *		(3) If conflicting defaults are inherited from different parents
+ *			(and not overridden by the child), an error is raised.
+ *		(4) Otherwise the inherited default is used.
+ *		Rule (3) is new in Postgres 7.1; in earlier releases you got a
+ *		rather arbitrary choice of which parent default to use.
+ *----------
-AlterTableAlterColumnSetNotNull(Oid myrelid,
-								bool inh, const char *colName)
+static List *
+MergeAttributes(List *schema, List *supers, bool istemp,
+				List **supOids, List **supconstr, bool *supHasOids)
-	Relation	rel;
-	HeapTuple	tuple;
-	AttrNumber	attnum;
-	Relation	attr_rel;
-	HeapScanDesc 	scan;
-	TupleDesc	tupdesc;
-	rel = heap_open(myrelid, AccessExclusiveLock);
-	if (rel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION)
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" is not a table",
-			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
-	if (!allowSystemTableMods
-		&& IsSystemRelation(rel))
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" is a system catalog",
-			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
-	if (!pg_class_ownercheck(myrelid, GetUserId()))
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: \"%s\": permission denied",
-			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
+	List	   *entry;
+	List	   *inhSchema = NIL;
+	List	   *parentOids = NIL;
+	List	   *constraints = NIL;
+	bool		parentHasOids = false;
+	bool		have_bogus_defaults = false;
+	char	   *bogus_marker = "Bogus!";		/* marks conflicting
+												 * defaults */
+	int			child_attno;
-	 * Propagate to children if desired
+	 * Check for duplicate names in the explicit list of attributes.
+	 *
+	 * Although we might consider merging such entries in the same way that
+	 * we handle name conflicts for inherited attributes, it seems to make
+	 * more sense to assume such conflicts are errors.
-	if (inh)
+	foreach(entry, schema)
-		List	   *child,
-				   *children;
-		/* this routine is actually in the planner */
-		children = find_all_inheritors(myrelid);
+		ColumnDef  *coldef = lfirst(entry);
+		List	   *rest;
-		/*
-		 * find_all_inheritors does the recursive search of the
-		 * inheritance hierarchy, so all we have to do is process all of
-		 * the relids in the list that it returns.
-		 */
-		foreach(child, children)
+		foreach(rest, lnext(entry))
-			Oid			childrelid = lfirsti(child);
+			ColumnDef  *restdef = lfirst(rest);
-			if (childrelid == myrelid)
-				continue;
-			AlterTableAlterColumnSetNotNull(childrelid,
-											false, colName);
+			if (strcmp(coldef->colname, restdef->colname) == 0)
+				elog(ERROR, "CREATE TABLE: attribute \"%s\" duplicated",
+					 coldef->colname);
-	/* -= now do the thing on this relation =- */
-	 * get the number of the attribute
+	 * Scan the parents left-to-right, and merge their attributes to form
+	 * a list of inherited attributes (inhSchema).	Also check to see if
+	 * we need to inherit an OID column.
-	tuple = SearchSysCache(ATTNAME,
-						   ObjectIdGetDatum(myrelid),
-						   PointerGetDatum(colName),
-						   0, 0);
-	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" has no column \"%s\"",
-			 RelationGetRelationName(rel), colName);
+	child_attno = 0;
+	foreach(entry, supers)
+	{
+		RangeVar   *parent = (RangeVar *) lfirst(entry);
+		Relation	relation;
+		TupleDesc	tupleDesc;
+		TupleConstr *constr;
+		AttrNumber *newattno;
+		AttrNumber	parent_attno;
-	attnum = ((Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->attnum;
-	ReleaseSysCache(tuple);
+		relation = heap_openrv(parent, AccessShareLock);
-	/* Prevent them from altering a system attribute */
-	if (attnum < 0)
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: Cannot alter system attribute \"%s\"",
-			 colName);
+		if (relation->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION)
+			elog(ERROR, "CREATE TABLE: inherited relation \"%s\" is not a table",
+				 parent->relname);
+		/* Permanent rels cannot inherit from temporary ones */
+		if (!istemp && isTempNamespace(RelationGetNamespace(relation)))
+			elog(ERROR, "CREATE TABLE: cannot inherit from temp relation \"%s\"",
+				 parent->relname);
-	/*
-	 * Perform a scan to ensure that there are no NULL
-	 * values already in the relation
-	 */
-	tupdesc = RelationGetDescr(rel);
+		/*
+		 * We should have an UNDER permission flag for this, but for now,
+		 * demand that creator of a child table own the parent.
+		 */
+		if (!pg_class_ownercheck(RelationGetRelid(relation), GetUserId()))
+			elog(ERROR, "you do not own table \"%s\"",
+				 parent->relname);
-	scan = heap_beginscan(rel, false, SnapshotNow, 0, NULL);
+		/*
+		 * Reject duplications in the list of parents.
+		 */
+		if (intMember(RelationGetRelid(relation), parentOids))
+			elog(ERROR, "CREATE TABLE: inherited relation \"%s\" duplicated",
+				 parent->relname);
-	while (HeapTupleIsValid(tuple = heap_getnext(scan, 0)))
-	{
-		Datum 		d;
-		bool		isnull;
+		parentOids = lappendi(parentOids, RelationGetRelid(relation));
+		setRelhassubclassInRelation(RelationGetRelid(relation), true);
-		d = heap_getattr(tuple, attnum, tupdesc, &isnull);
+		parentHasOids |= relation->rd_rel->relhasoids;
-		if (isnull)
-			elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: Attribute \"%s\" contains NULL values",
-				 colName);
-	}
+		tupleDesc = RelationGetDescr(relation);
+		constr = tupleDesc->constr;
-	heap_endscan(scan);
+		/*
+		 * newattno[] will contain the child-table attribute numbers for
+		 * the attributes of this parent table.  (They are not the same
+		 * for parents after the first one.)
+		 */
+		newattno = (AttrNumber *) palloc(tupleDesc->natts * sizeof(AttrNumber));
-	/*
-	 * Okay, actually perform the catalog change
-	 */
-	attr_rel = heap_openr(AttributeRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);
-	tuple = SearchSysCacheCopy(ATTNAME,
-							   ObjectIdGetDatum(myrelid),
-							   PointerGetDatum(colName),
-							   0, 0);
-	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple)) /* shouldn't happen */
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" has no column \"%s\"",
-			 RelationGetRelationName(rel), colName);
+		for (parent_attno = 1; parent_attno <= tupleDesc->natts;
+			 parent_attno++)
+		{
+			Form_pg_attribute attribute = tupleDesc->attrs[parent_attno - 1];
+			char	   *attributeName = NameStr(attribute->attname);
+			int			exist_attno;
+			ColumnDef  *def;
+			TypeName   *typename;
-	((Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->attnotnull = TRUE;
+			/*
+			 * Does it conflict with some previously inherited column?
+			 */
+			exist_attno = findAttrByName(attributeName, inhSchema);
+			if (exist_attno > 0)
+			{
+				/*
+				 * Yes, try to merge the two column definitions. They must
+				 * have the same type and typmod.
+				 */
+				elog(NOTICE, "CREATE TABLE: merging multiple inherited definitions of attribute \"%s\"",
+					 attributeName);
+				def = (ColumnDef *) nth(exist_attno - 1, inhSchema);
+				if (typenameTypeId(def->typename) != attribute->atttypid ||
+					def->typename->typmod != attribute->atttypmod)
+					elog(ERROR, "CREATE TABLE: inherited attribute \"%s\" type conflict (%s and %s)",
+						 attributeName,
+						 TypeNameToString(def->typename),
+						 typeidTypeName(attribute->atttypid));
+				/* Merge of NOT NULL constraints = OR 'em together */
+				def->is_not_null |= attribute->attnotnull;
+				/* Default and other constraints are handled below */
+				newattno[parent_attno - 1] = exist_attno;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				/*
+				 * No, create a new inherited column
+				 */
+				def = makeNode(ColumnDef);
+				def->colname = pstrdup(attributeName);
+				typename = makeNode(TypeName);
+				typename->typeid = attribute->atttypid;
+				typename->typmod = attribute->atttypmod;
+				def->typename = typename;
+				def->is_not_null = attribute->attnotnull;
+				def->raw_default = NULL;
+				def->cooked_default = NULL;
+				def->constraints = NIL;
+				inhSchema = lappend(inhSchema, def);
+				newattno[parent_attno - 1] = ++child_attno;
+			}
-	simple_heap_update(attr_rel, &tuple->t_self, tuple);
+			/*
+			 * Copy default if any
+			 */
+			if (attribute->atthasdef)
+			{
+				char	   *this_default = NULL;
+				AttrDefault *attrdef;
+				int			i;
-	/* keep the system catalog indices current */
-	if (RelationGetForm(attr_rel)->relhasindex)
-	{
-		Relation	idescs[Num_pg_attr_indices];
+				/* Find default in constraint structure */
+				Assert(constr != NULL);
+				attrdef = constr->defval;
+				for (i = 0; i < constr->num_defval; i++)
+				{
+					if (attrdef[i].adnum == parent_attno)
+					{
+						this_default = attrdef[i].adbin;
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				Assert(this_default != NULL);
-		CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_attr_indices, Name_pg_attr_indices, idescs);
-		CatalogIndexInsert(idescs, Num_pg_attr_indices, attr_rel, tuple);
-		CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_attr_indices, idescs);
-	}
+				/*
+				 * If default expr could contain any vars, we'd need to
+				 * fix 'em, but it can't; so default is ready to apply to
+				 * child.
+				 *
+				 * If we already had a default from some prior parent, check
+				 * to see if they are the same.  If so, no problem; if
+				 * not, mark the column as having a bogus default. Below,
+				 * we will complain if the bogus default isn't overridden
+				 * by the child schema.
+				 */
+				Assert(def->raw_default == NULL);
+				if (def->cooked_default == NULL)
+					def->cooked_default = pstrdup(this_default);
+				else if (strcmp(def->cooked_default, this_default) != 0)
+				{
+					def->cooked_default = bogus_marker;
+					have_bogus_defaults = true;
+				}
+			}
+		}
-	heap_close(attr_rel, RowExclusiveLock);
+		/*
+		 * Now copy the constraints of this parent, adjusting attnos using
+		 * the completed newattno[] map
+		 */
+		if (constr && constr->num_check > 0)
+		{
+			ConstrCheck *check = constr->check;
+			int			i;
-	heap_close(rel, NoLock);
+			for (i = 0; i < constr->num_check; i++)
+			{
+				Constraint *cdef = makeNode(Constraint);
+				Node	   *expr;
+				cdef->contype = CONSTR_CHECK;
+				if (check[i].ccname[0] == '$')
+					cdef->name = NULL;
+				else
+					cdef->name = pstrdup(check[i].ccname);
+				cdef->raw_expr = NULL;
+				/* adjust varattnos of ccbin here */
+				expr = stringToNode(check[i].ccbin);
+				change_varattnos_of_a_node(expr, newattno);
+				cdef->cooked_expr = nodeToString(expr);
+				constraints = lappend(constraints, cdef);
+			}
+		}
- */
-AlterTableAlterColumnDefault(Oid myrelid,
-							 bool inh, const char *colName,
-							 Node *newDefault)
-	Relation	rel;
-	HeapTuple	tuple;
-	AttrNumber	attnum;
+		pfree(newattno);
-	rel = heap_open(myrelid, AccessExclusiveLock);
+		/*
+		 * Close the parent rel, but keep our AccessShareLock on it until
+		 * xact commit.  That will prevent someone else from deleting or
+		 * ALTERing the parent before the child is committed.
+		 */
+		heap_close(relation, NoLock);
+	}
-	 * We allow defaults on views so that INSERT into a view can have
-	 * default-ish behavior.  This works because the rewriter substitutes
-	 * default values into INSERTs before it expands rules.
+	 * If we had no inherited attributes, the result schema is just the
+	 * explicitly declared columns.  Otherwise, we need to merge the
+	 * declared columns into the inherited schema list.
-	if (rel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION &&
-		rel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_VIEW)
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" is not a table or view",
-			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
+	if (inhSchema != NIL)
+	{
+		foreach(entry, schema)
+		{
+			ColumnDef  *newdef = lfirst(entry);
+			char	   *attributeName = newdef->colname;
+			int			exist_attno;
-	if (!allowSystemTableMods
-		&& IsSystemRelation(rel))
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" is a system catalog",
-			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
+			/*
+			 * Does it conflict with some previously inherited column?
+			 */
+			exist_attno = findAttrByName(attributeName, inhSchema);
+			if (exist_attno > 0)
+			{
+				ColumnDef  *def;
-	if (!pg_class_ownercheck(myrelid, GetUserId()))
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: \"%s\": permission denied",
-			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
+				/*
+				 * Yes, try to merge the two column definitions. They must
+				 * have the same type and typmod.
+				 */
+				elog(NOTICE, "CREATE TABLE: merging attribute \"%s\" with inherited definition",
+					 attributeName);
+				def = (ColumnDef *) nth(exist_attno - 1, inhSchema);
+				if (typenameTypeId(def->typename) != typenameTypeId(newdef->typename) ||
+					def->typename->typmod != newdef->typename->typmod)
+					elog(ERROR, "CREATE TABLE: attribute \"%s\" type conflict (%s and %s)",
+						 attributeName,
+						 TypeNameToString(def->typename),
+						 TypeNameToString(newdef->typename));
+				/* Merge of NOT NULL constraints = OR 'em together */
+				def->is_not_null |= newdef->is_not_null;
+				/* If new def has a default, override previous default */
+				if (newdef->raw_default != NULL)
+				{
+					def->raw_default = newdef->raw_default;
+					def->cooked_default = newdef->cooked_default;
+				}
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				/*
+				 * No, attach new column to result schema
+				 */
+				inhSchema = lappend(inhSchema, newdef);
+			}
+		}
+		schema = inhSchema;
+	}
-	 * Propagate to children if desired
+	 * If we found any conflicting parent default values, check to make
+	 * sure they were overridden by the child.
-	if (inh)
+	if (have_bogus_defaults)
-		List	   *child,
-				   *children;
-		/* this routine is actually in the planner */
-		children = find_all_inheritors(myrelid);
-		/*
-		 * find_all_inheritors does the recursive search of the
-		 * inheritance hierarchy, so all we have to do is process all of
-		 * the relids in the list that it returns.
-		 */
-		foreach(child, children)
+		foreach(entry, schema)
-			Oid			childrelid = lfirsti(child);
+			ColumnDef  *def = lfirst(entry);
-			if (childrelid == myrelid)
-				continue;
-			AlterTableAlterColumnDefault(childrelid,
-										 false, colName, newDefault);
+			if (def->cooked_default == bogus_marker)
+				elog(ERROR, "CREATE TABLE: attribute \"%s\" inherits conflicting default values"
+					 "\n\tTo resolve the conflict, specify a default explicitly",
+					 def->colname);
-	/* -= now do the thing on this relation =- */
+	*supOids = parentOids;
+	*supconstr = constraints;
+	*supHasOids = parentHasOids;
+	return schema;
-	/*
-	 * get the number of the attribute
-	 */
-	tuple = SearchSysCache(ATTNAME,
-						   ObjectIdGetDatum(myrelid),
-						   PointerGetDatum(colName),
-						   0, 0);
-	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" has no column \"%s\"",
-			 RelationGetRelationName(rel), colName);
-	attnum = ((Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->attnum;
-	ReleaseSysCache(tuple);
-	if (newDefault)
-	{
-		/* SET DEFAULT */
-		RawColumnDefault *rawEnt;
-		/* Get rid of the old one first */
-		drop_default(myrelid, attnum);
-		rawEnt = (RawColumnDefault *) palloc(sizeof(RawColumnDefault));
-		rawEnt->attnum = attnum;
-		rawEnt->raw_default = newDefault;
-		/*
-		 * This function is intended for CREATE TABLE, so it processes a
-		 * _list_ of defaults, but we just do one.
-		 */
-		AddRelationRawConstraints(rel, makeList1(rawEnt), NIL);
-	}
-	else
+ * complementary static functions for MergeAttributes().
+ *
+ * Varattnos of pg_relcheck.rcbin must be rewritten when subclasses inherit
+ * constraints from parent classes, since the inherited attributes could
+ * be given different column numbers in multiple-inheritance cases.
+ *
+ * Note that the passed node tree is modified in place!
+ */
+static bool
+change_varattnos_walker(Node *node, const AttrNumber *newattno)
+	if (node == NULL)
+		return false;
+	if (IsA(node, Var))
-		Relation	attr_rel;
-		/* Fix the pg_attribute row */
-		attr_rel = heap_openr(AttributeRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);
-		tuple = SearchSysCacheCopy(ATTNAME,
-								   ObjectIdGetDatum(myrelid),
-								   PointerGetDatum(colName),
-								   0, 0);
-		if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple)) /* shouldn't happen */
-			elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" has no column \"%s\"",
-				 RelationGetRelationName(rel), colName);
-		((Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->atthasdef = FALSE;
-		simple_heap_update(attr_rel, &tuple->t_self, tuple);
+		Var		   *var = (Var *) node;
-		/* keep the system catalog indices current */
-		if (RelationGetForm(attr_rel)->relhasindex)
+		if (var->varlevelsup == 0 && var->varno == 1 &&
+			var->varattno > 0)
-			Relation	idescs[Num_pg_attr_indices];
-			CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_attr_indices, Name_pg_attr_indices, idescs);
-			CatalogIndexInsert(idescs, Num_pg_attr_indices, attr_rel, tuple);
-			CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_attr_indices, idescs);
+			/*
+			 * ??? the following may be a problem when the node is
+			 * multiply referenced though stringToNode() doesn't create
+			 * such a node currently.
+			 */
+			Assert(newattno[var->varattno - 1] > 0);
+			var->varattno = newattno[var->varattno - 1];
-		heap_close(attr_rel, RowExclusiveLock);
-		/* get rid of actual default definition in pg_attrdef */
-		drop_default(myrelid, attnum);
+		return false;
-	heap_close(rel, NoLock);
+	return expression_tree_walker(node, change_varattnos_walker,
+								  (void *) newattno);
-static void
-drop_default(Oid relid, int16 attnum)
+static bool
+change_varattnos_of_a_node(Node *node, const AttrNumber *newattno)
-	ScanKeyData scankeys[2];
-	HeapScanDesc scan;
-	Relation	attrdef_rel;
-	HeapTuple	tuple;
-	attrdef_rel = heap_openr(AttrDefaultRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);
-	ScanKeyEntryInitialize(&scankeys[0], 0x0,
-						   Anum_pg_attrdef_adrelid, F_OIDEQ,
-						   ObjectIdGetDatum(relid));
-	ScanKeyEntryInitialize(&scankeys[1], 0x0,
-						   Anum_pg_attrdef_adnum, F_INT2EQ,
-						   Int16GetDatum(attnum));
-	scan = heap_beginscan(attrdef_rel, false, SnapshotNow, 2, scankeys);
-	if (HeapTupleIsValid(tuple = heap_getnext(scan, 0)))
-		simple_heap_delete(attrdef_rel, &tuple->t_self);
-	heap_endscan(scan);
-	heap_close(attrdef_rel, NoLock);
+	return change_varattnos_walker(node, newattno);
+ * StoreCatalogInheritance
+ *		Updates the system catalogs with proper inheritance information.
+ *
+ * supers is an integer list of the OIDs of the new relation's direct
+ * ancestors.  NB: it is destructively changed to include indirect ancestors.
-AlterTableAlterColumnFlags(Oid myrelid,
-						   bool inh, const char *colName,
-						   Node *flagValue, const char *flagType)
+static void
+StoreCatalogInheritance(Oid relationId, List *supers)
-	Relation	rel;
-	int			newtarget = 1;
-	char        newstorage = 'p';
-	Relation	attrelation;
+	Relation	relation;
+	TupleDesc	desc;
+	int16		seqNumber;
+	List	   *entry;
 	HeapTuple	tuple;
-	Form_pg_attribute attrtuple;
-	rel = heap_open(myrelid, AccessExclusiveLock);
-	if (rel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION)
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" is not a table",
-			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
-	 * we allow statistics case for system tables
+	 * sanity checks
-	if (*flagType != 'S' && !allowSystemTableMods && IsSystemRelation(rel))
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" is a system catalog",
-			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
+	AssertArg(OidIsValid(relationId));
-	if (!pg_class_ownercheck(myrelid, GetUserId()))
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: \"%s\": permission denied",
-			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
+	if (supers == NIL)
+		return;
-	 * Check the supplied parameters before anything else
+	 * Catalog INHERITS information using direct ancestors only.
-	if (*flagType == 'S')
-	{
-		Assert(IsA(flagValue, Integer));
-		newtarget = intVal(flagValue);
+	relation = heap_openr(InheritsRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);
+	desc = RelationGetDescr(relation);
-		/*
-		 * Limit target to sane range (should we raise an error instead?)
-		 */
-		if (newtarget < 0)
-			newtarget = 0;
-		else if (newtarget > 1000)
-			newtarget = 1000;
-	}
-	else if (*flagType == 'M')
+	seqNumber = 1;
+	foreach(entry, supers)
-		/* STORAGE */
-		char        *storagemode;
+		Oid			entryOid = lfirsti(entry);
+		Datum		datum[Natts_pg_inherits];
+		char		nullarr[Natts_pg_inherits];
-		Assert(IsA(flagValue, String));
-		storagemode = strVal(flagValue);
+		datum[0] = ObjectIdGetDatum(relationId);		/* inhrel */
+		datum[1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(entryOid);	/* inhparent */
+		datum[2] = Int16GetDatum(seqNumber);	/* inhseqno */
-		if (strcasecmp(storagemode, "plain") == 0)
-			newstorage = 'p';
-		else if (strcasecmp(storagemode, "external") == 0)
-			newstorage = 'e';
-		else if (strcasecmp(storagemode, "extended") == 0)
-			newstorage = 'x';
-		else if (strcasecmp(storagemode, "main") == 0)
-			newstorage = 'm';
-		else
-			elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: \"%s\" storage not recognized",
-				 storagemode);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: Invalid column flag: %c",
-			 (int) *flagType);
-	}
+		nullarr[0] = ' ';
+		nullarr[1] = ' ';
+		nullarr[2] = ' ';
-	/*
-	 * Propagate to children if desired
-	 */
-	if (inh)
-	{
-		List	   *child,
-				   *children;
+		tuple = heap_formtuple(desc, datum, nullarr);
-		/* this routine is actually in the planner */
-		children = find_all_inheritors(myrelid);
+		heap_insert(relation, tuple);
-		/*
-		 * find_all_inheritors does the recursive search of the
-		 * inheritance hierarchy, so all we have to do is process all of
-		 * the relids in the list that it returns.
-		 */
-		foreach(child, children)
+		if (RelationGetForm(relation)->relhasindex)
-			Oid			childrelid = lfirsti(child);
+			Relation	idescs[Num_pg_inherits_indices];
-			if (childrelid == myrelid)
-				continue;
-			AlterTableAlterColumnFlags(childrelid,
-									   false, colName, flagValue, flagType);
+			CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_inherits_indices, Name_pg_inherits_indices, idescs);
+			CatalogIndexInsert(idescs, Num_pg_inherits_indices, relation, tuple);
+			CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_inherits_indices, idescs);
-	}
-	/* -= now do the thing on this relation =- */
+		heap_freetuple(tuple);
-	attrelation = heap_openr(AttributeRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);
+		seqNumber += 1;
+	}
-	tuple = SearchSysCacheCopy(ATTNAME,
-							   ObjectIdGetDatum(myrelid),
-							   PointerGetDatum(colName),
-							   0, 0);
-	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" has no column \"%s\"",
-			 RelationGetRelationName(rel), colName);
-	attrtuple = (Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
+	heap_close(relation, RowExclusiveLock);
-	if (attrtuple->attnum < 0)
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: cannot change system attribute \"%s\"",
-			 colName);
-	/*
-	 * Now change the appropriate field
-	 */
-	if (*flagType == 'S')
-		attrtuple->attstattarget = newtarget;
-	else if (*flagType == 'M')
+	/* ----------------
+	 * Expand supers list to include indirect ancestors as well.
+	 *
+	 * Algorithm:
+	 *	0. begin with list of direct superclasses.
+	 *	1. append after each relationId, its superclasses, recursively.
+	 *	2. remove all but last of duplicates.
+	 * ----------------
+	 */
+	/*
+	 * 1. append after each relationId, its superclasses, recursively.
+	 */
+	foreach(entry, supers)
-		/*
-		 * safety check: do not allow toasted storage modes unless column
-		 * datatype is TOAST-aware.
-		 */
-		if (newstorage == 'p' || TypeIsToastable(attrtuple->atttypid))
-			attrtuple->attstorage = newstorage;
-		else
-			elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: Column datatype %s can only have storage \"plain\"",
-				 format_type_be(attrtuple->atttypid));
-	}
+		HeapTuple	tuple;
+		Oid			id;
+		int16		number;
+		List	   *next;
+		List	   *current;
-	simple_heap_update(attrelation, &tuple->t_self, tuple);
+		id = (Oid) lfirsti(entry);
+		current = entry;
+		next = lnext(entry);
-	/* keep system catalog indices current */
-	{
-		Relation	irelations[Num_pg_attr_indices];
+		for (number = 1;; number += 1)
+		{
+			tuple = SearchSysCache(INHRELID,
+								   ObjectIdGetDatum(id),
+								   Int16GetDatum(number),
+								   0, 0);
+			if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
+				break;
-		CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_attr_indices, Name_pg_attr_indices, irelations);
-		CatalogIndexInsert(irelations, Num_pg_attr_indices, attrelation, tuple);
-		CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_attr_indices, irelations);
+			lnext(current) = lconsi(((Form_pg_inherits)
+									 GETSTRUCT(tuple))->inhparent,
+									NIL);
+			ReleaseSysCache(tuple);
+			current = lnext(current);
+		}
+		lnext(current) = next;
-	heap_freetuple(tuple);
-	heap_close(attrelation, NoLock);
-	heap_close(rel, NoLock);	/* close rel, but keep lock! */
+	/*
+	 * 2. remove all but last of duplicates.
+	 */
+	foreach(entry, supers)
+	{
+		Oid			thisone;
+		bool		found;
+		List	   *rest;
+		thisone = lfirsti(entry);
+		found = false;
+		foreach(rest, lnext(entry))
+		{
+			if (thisone == lfirsti(rest))
+			{
+				found = true;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if (found)
+		{
+			/*
+			 * found a later duplicate, so remove this entry.
+			 */
+			lfirsti(entry) = lfirsti(lnext(entry));
+			lnext(entry) = lnext(lnext(entry));
+			goto again;
+		}
+	}
+ * Look for an existing schema entry with the given name.
+ *
+ * Returns the index (starting with 1) if attribute already exists in schema,
+ * 0 if it doesn't.
-AlterTableDropColumn(Oid myrelid,
-					 bool inh, const char *colName,
-					 int behavior)
+static int
+findAttrByName(const char *attributeName, List *schema)
-	elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE / DROP COLUMN is not implemented");
+	List	   *s;
+	int			i = 0;
+	foreach(s, schema)
+	{
+		ColumnDef  *def = lfirst(s);
+		++i;
+		if (strcmp(attributeName, def->colname) == 0)
+			return i;
+	}
+	return 0;
+ * Update a relation's pg_class.relhassubclass entry to the given value
+ */
+static void
+setRelhassubclassInRelation(Oid relationId, bool relhassubclass)
+	Relation	relationRelation;
+	HeapTuple	tuple;
+	Relation	idescs[Num_pg_class_indices];
+	/*
+	 * Fetch a modifiable copy of the tuple, modify it, update pg_class.
+	 */
+	relationRelation = heap_openr(RelationRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);
+	tuple = SearchSysCacheCopy(RELOID,
+							   ObjectIdGetDatum(relationId),
+							   0, 0, 0);
+	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
+		elog(ERROR, "setRelhassubclassInRelation: cache lookup failed for relation %u", relationId);
+	((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->relhassubclass = relhassubclass;
+	simple_heap_update(relationRelation, &tuple->t_self, tuple);
+	/* keep the catalog indices up to date */
+	CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_class_indices, Name_pg_class_indices, idescs);
+	CatalogIndexInsert(idescs, Num_pg_class_indices, relationRelation, tuple);
+	CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_class_indices, idescs);
+	heap_freetuple(tuple);
+	heap_close(relationRelation, RowExclusiveLock);
+ *		renameatt		- changes the name of a attribute in a relation
+ *
+ *		Attname attribute is changed in attribute catalog.
+ *		No record of the previous attname is kept (correct?).
+ *
+ *		get proper relrelation from relation catalog (if not arg)
+ *		scan attribute catalog
+ *				for name conflict (within rel)
+ *				for original attribute (if not arg)
+ *		modify attname in attribute tuple
+ *		insert modified attribute in attribute catalog
+ *		delete original attribute from attribute catalog
-AlterTableAddConstraint(Oid myrelid,
-						bool inh, List *newConstraints)
+renameatt(Oid relid,
+		  const char *oldattname,
+		  const char *newattname,
+		  bool recurse)
-	Relation	rel;
-	List	   *listptr;
+	Relation	targetrelation;
+	Relation	attrelation;
+	HeapTuple	atttup;
+	List	   *indexoidlist;
+	List	   *indexoidscan;
 	 * Grab an exclusive lock on the target table, which we will NOT
 	 * release until end of transaction.
-	rel = heap_open(myrelid, AccessExclusiveLock);
-	if (rel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION)
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" is not a table",
-			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
-	if (!allowSystemTableMods
-		&& IsSystemRelation(rel))
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" is a system catalog",
-			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
+	targetrelation = heap_open(relid, AccessExclusiveLock);
-	if (!pg_class_ownercheck(myrelid, GetUserId()))
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: \"%s\": permission denied",
-			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
+	/*
+	 * permissions checking.  this would normally be done in utility.c,
+	 * but this particular routine is recursive.
+	 *
+	 * normally, only the owner of a class can change its schema.
+	 */
+	if (!allowSystemTableMods 
+		&& IsSystemRelation(targetrelation))
+		elog(ERROR, "renameatt: class \"%s\" is a system catalog",
+			 RelationGetRelationName(targetrelation));
+	if (!pg_class_ownercheck(relid, GetUserId()))
+		elog(ERROR, "renameatt: you do not own class \"%s\"",
+			 RelationGetRelationName(targetrelation));
-	if (inh)
+	/*
+	 * if the 'recurse' flag is set then we are supposed to rename this
+	 * attribute in all classes that inherit from 'relname' (as well as in
+	 * 'relname').
+	 *
+	 * any permissions or problems with duplicate attributes will cause the
+	 * whole transaction to abort, which is what we want -- all or
+	 * nothing.
+	 */
+	if (recurse)
 		List	   *child,
 		/* this routine is actually in the planner */
-		children = find_all_inheritors(myrelid);
+		children = find_all_inheritors(relid);
 		 * find_all_inheritors does the recursive search of the
@@ -980,1641 +1032,1354 @@ AlterTableAddConstraint(Oid myrelid,
 			Oid			childrelid = lfirsti(child);
-			if (childrelid == myrelid)
+			if (childrelid == relid)
-			AlterTableAddConstraint(childrelid, false, newConstraints);
+			/* note we need not recurse again! */
+			renameatt(childrelid, oldattname, newattname, false);
-	foreach(listptr, newConstraints)
-	{
-		Node	   *newConstraint = lfirst(listptr);
+	attrelation = heap_openr(AttributeRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);
-		switch (nodeTag(newConstraint))
-		{
-			case T_Constraint:
-				{
-					Constraint *constr = (Constraint *) newConstraint;
+	atttup = SearchSysCacheCopy(ATTNAME,
+								ObjectIdGetDatum(relid),
+								PointerGetDatum(oldattname),
+								0, 0);
+	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(atttup))
+		elog(ERROR, "renameatt: attribute \"%s\" does not exist", oldattname);
-					/*
-					 * Currently, we only expect to see CONSTR_CHECK nodes
-					 * arriving here (see the preprocessing done in
-					 * parser/analyze.c).  Use a switch anyway to make it
-					 * easier to add more code later.
-					 */
-					switch (constr->contype)
-					{
-						case CONSTR_CHECK:
-							{
-								ParseState *pstate;
-								bool		successful = true;
-								HeapScanDesc scan;
-								ExprContext *econtext;
-								TupleTableSlot *slot;
-								HeapTuple	tuple;
-								RangeTblEntry *rte;
-								List	   *qual;
-								Node	   *expr;
-								char	   *name;
+	if (((Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(atttup))->attnum < 0)
+		elog(ERROR, "renameatt: system attribute \"%s\" not renamed", oldattname);
-								if (constr->name)
-									name = constr->name;
-								else
-									name = "<unnamed>";
-								/*
-								 * We need to make a parse state and range
-								 * table to allow us to transformExpr and
-								 * fix_opids to get a version of the
-								 * expression we can pass to ExecQual
-								 */
-								pstate = make_parsestate(NULL);
-								rte = addRangeTableEntryForRelation(pstate,
-																	myrelid,
-											makeAlias(RelationGetRelationName(rel), NIL),
-																	false,
-																	true);
-								addRTEtoQuery(pstate, rte, true, true);
-								/*
-								 * Convert the A_EXPR in raw_expr into an
-								 * EXPR
-								 */
-								expr = transformExpr(pstate, constr->raw_expr);
-								/*
-								 * Make sure it yields a boolean result.
-								 */
-								if (exprType(expr) != BOOLOID)
-									elog(ERROR, "CHECK '%s' does not yield boolean result",
-										 name);
-								/*
-								 * Make sure no outside relations are
-								 * referred to.
-								 */
-								if (length(pstate->p_rtable) != 1)
-									elog(ERROR, "Only relation '%s' can be referenced in CHECK",
-										 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
-								/*
-								 * Might as well try to reduce any
-								 * constant expressions.
-								 */
-								expr = eval_const_expressions(expr);
-								/* And fix the opids */
-								fix_opids(expr);
-								qual = makeList1(expr);
-								/* Make tuple slot to hold tuples */
-								slot = MakeTupleTableSlot();
-								ExecSetSlotDescriptor(slot, RelationGetDescr(rel), false);
-								/* Make an expression context for ExecQual */
-								econtext = MakeExprContext(slot, CurrentMemoryContext);
-								/*
-								 * Scan through the rows now, checking the
-								 * expression at each row.
-								 */
-								scan = heap_beginscan(rel, false, SnapshotNow, 0, NULL);
-								while (HeapTupleIsValid(tuple = heap_getnext(scan, 0)))
-								{
-									ExecStoreTuple(tuple, slot, InvalidBuffer, false);
-									if (!ExecQual(qual, econtext, true))
-									{
-										successful = false;
-										break;
-									}
-									ResetExprContext(econtext);
-								}
-								heap_endscan(scan);
-								FreeExprContext(econtext);
-								pfree(slot);
-								if (!successful)
-									elog(ERROR, "AlterTableAddConstraint: rejected due to CHECK constraint %s", name);
-								/*
-								 * Call AddRelationRawConstraints to do
-								 * the real adding -- It duplicates some
-								 * of the above, but does not check the
-								 * validity of the constraint against
-								 * tuples already in the table.
-								 */
-								AddRelationRawConstraints(rel, NIL,
-													  makeList1(constr));
-								break;
-							}
-						default:
-							elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE / ADD CONSTRAINT is not implemented for that constraint type.");
-					}
-					break;
-				}
-			case T_FkConstraint:
-				{
-					FkConstraint *fkconstraint = (FkConstraint *) newConstraint;
-					Relation	pkrel;
-					HeapScanDesc scan;
-					HeapTuple	tuple;
-					Trigger		trig;
-					List	   *list;
-					int			count;
-					/*
-					 * Grab an exclusive lock on the pk table, so that
-					 * someone doesn't delete rows out from under us.
-					 *
-					 * XXX wouldn't a lesser lock be sufficient?
-					 */
-					pkrel = heap_openrv(fkconstraint->pktable,
-										AccessExclusiveLock);
-					/*
-					 * Validity checks
-					 */
-					if (pkrel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION)
-						elog(ERROR, "referenced table \"%s\" not a relation",
-							 fkconstraint->pktable->relname);
-					if (isTempNamespace(RelationGetNamespace(pkrel)) &&
-						!isTempNamespace(RelationGetNamespace(rel)))
-						elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE / ADD CONSTRAINT: Unable to reference temporary table from permanent table constraint.");
+	/* should not already exist */
+	if (SearchSysCacheExists(ATTNAME,
+							 ObjectIdGetDatum(relid),
+							 PointerGetDatum(newattname),
+							 0, 0))
+		elog(ERROR, "renameatt: attribute \"%s\" exists", newattname);
-					/*
-					 * First we check for limited correctness of the
-					 * constraint.
-					 *
-					 * NOTE: we assume parser has already checked for
-					 * existence of an appropriate unique index on the
-					 * referenced relation, and that the column datatypes
-					 * are comparable.
-					 *
-					 * Scan through each tuple, calling RI_FKey_check_ins
-					 * (insert trigger) as if that tuple had just been
-					 * inserted.  If any of those fail, it should
-					 * elog(ERROR) and that's that.
-					 */
-					MemSet(&trig, 0, sizeof(trig));
-					trig.tgoid = InvalidOid;
-					if (fkconstraint->constr_name)
-						trig.tgname = fkconstraint->constr_name;
-					else
-						trig.tgname = "<unknown>";
-					trig.tgenabled = TRUE;
-					trig.tgisconstraint = TRUE;
-					trig.tgconstrrelid = RelationGetRelid(pkrel);
-					trig.tgdeferrable = FALSE;
-					trig.tginitdeferred = FALSE;
+	namestrcpy(&(((Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(atttup))->attname),
+			   newattname);
-					trig.tgargs = (char **) palloc(
-					 sizeof(char *) * (4 + length(fkconstraint->fk_attrs)
-									   + length(fkconstraint->pk_attrs)));
+	simple_heap_update(attrelation, &atttup->t_self, atttup);
-					trig.tgargs[0] = trig.tgname;
-					trig.tgargs[1] = RelationGetRelationName(rel);
-					trig.tgargs[2] = RelationGetRelationName(pkrel);
-					trig.tgargs[3] = fkconstraint->match_type;
-					count = 4;
-					foreach(list, fkconstraint->fk_attrs)
-					{
-						Ident	   *fk_at = lfirst(list);
+	/* keep system catalog indices current */
+	{
+		Relation	irelations[Num_pg_attr_indices];
-						trig.tgargs[count] = fk_at->name;
-						count += 2;
-					}
-					count = 5;
-					foreach(list, fkconstraint->pk_attrs)
-					{
-						Ident	   *pk_at = lfirst(list);
+		CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_attr_indices, Name_pg_attr_indices, irelations);
+		CatalogIndexInsert(irelations, Num_pg_attr_indices, attrelation, atttup);
+		CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_attr_indices, irelations);
+	}
-						trig.tgargs[count] = pk_at->name;
-						count += 2;
-					}
-					trig.tgnargs = count - 1;
+	heap_freetuple(atttup);
-					scan = heap_beginscan(rel, false, SnapshotNow, 0, NULL);
+	/*
+	 * Update column names of indexes that refer to the column being
+	 * renamed.
+	 */
+	indexoidlist = RelationGetIndexList(targetrelation);
-					while (HeapTupleIsValid(tuple = heap_getnext(scan, 0)))
-					{
-						/* Make a call to the check function */
+	foreach(indexoidscan, indexoidlist)
+	{
+		Oid			indexoid = lfirsti(indexoidscan);
+		HeapTuple	indextup;
-						/*
-						 * No parameters are passed, but we do set a
-						 * context
-						 */
-						FunctionCallInfoData fcinfo;
-						TriggerData trigdata;
+		/*
+		 * First check to see if index is a functional index. If so, its
+		 * column name is a function name and shouldn't be renamed here.
+		 */
+		indextup = SearchSysCache(INDEXRELID,
+								  ObjectIdGetDatum(indexoid),
+								  0, 0, 0);
+		if (!HeapTupleIsValid(indextup))
+			elog(ERROR, "renameatt: can't find index id %u", indexoid);
+		if (OidIsValid(((Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(indextup))->indproc))
+		{
+			ReleaseSysCache(indextup);
+			continue;
+		}
+		ReleaseSysCache(indextup);
-						MemSet(&fcinfo, 0, sizeof(fcinfo));
+		/*
+		 * Okay, look to see if any column name of the index matches the
+		 * old attribute name.
+		 */
+		atttup = SearchSysCacheCopy(ATTNAME,
+									ObjectIdGetDatum(indexoid),
+									PointerGetDatum(oldattname),
+									0, 0);
+		if (!HeapTupleIsValid(atttup))
+			continue;			/* Nope, so ignore it */
-						/*
-						 * We assume RI_FKey_check_ins won't look at
-						 * flinfo...
-						 */
+		/*
+		 * Update the (copied) attribute tuple.
+		 */
+		namestrcpy(&(((Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(atttup))->attname),
+				   newattname);
-						trigdata.type = T_TriggerData;
-						trigdata.tg_event = TRIGGER_EVENT_INSERT | TRIGGER_EVENT_ROW;
-						trigdata.tg_relation = rel;
-						trigdata.tg_trigtuple = tuple;
-						trigdata.tg_newtuple = NULL;
-						trigdata.tg_trigger = &trig;
+		simple_heap_update(attrelation, &atttup->t_self, atttup);
-						fcinfo.context = (Node *) &trigdata;
+		/* keep system catalog indices current */
+		{
+			Relation	irelations[Num_pg_attr_indices];
-						RI_FKey_check_ins(&fcinfo);
-					}
-					heap_endscan(scan);
+			CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_attr_indices, Name_pg_attr_indices, irelations);
+			CatalogIndexInsert(irelations, Num_pg_attr_indices, attrelation, atttup);
+			CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_attr_indices, irelations);
+		}
+		heap_freetuple(atttup);
+	}
-					pfree(trig.tgargs);
+	freeList(indexoidlist);
-					heap_close(pkrel, NoLock);
+	heap_close(attrelation, RowExclusiveLock);
-					break;
-				}
-			default:
-				elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE / ADD CONSTRAINT unable to determine type of constraint passed");
-		}
+	/*
+	 * Update att name in any RI triggers associated with the relation.
+	 */
+	if (targetrelation->rd_rel->reltriggers > 0)
+	{
+		/* update tgargs column reference where att is primary key */
+		update_ri_trigger_args(RelationGetRelid(targetrelation),
+							   oldattname, newattname,
+							   false, false);
+		/* update tgargs column reference where att is foreign key */
+		update_ri_trigger_args(RelationGetRelid(targetrelation),
+							   oldattname, newattname,
+							   true, false);
-	/* Close rel, but keep lock till commit */
-	heap_close(rel, NoLock);
+	heap_close(targetrelation, NoLock); /* close rel but keep lock! */
- * Note: It is legal to remove a constraint with name "" as it is possible
- * to add a constraint with name "".
- * Christopher Kings-Lynne
+ *		renamerel		- change the name of a relation
+ *
+ *		XXX - When renaming sequences, we don't bother to modify the
+ *			  sequence name that is stored within the sequence itself
+ *			  (this would cause problems with MVCC). In the future,
+ *			  the sequence name should probably be removed from the
+ *			  sequence, AFAIK there's no need for it to be there.
-AlterTableDropConstraint(Oid myrelid,
-						 bool inh, const char *constrName,
-						 int behavior)
+renamerel(Oid relid, const char *newrelname)
-	Relation	rel;
-	int			deleted;
+	Relation	targetrelation;
+	Relation	relrelation;	/* for RELATION relation */
+	HeapTuple	reltup;
+	Oid			namespaceId;
+	char	   *oldrelname;
+	char		relkind;
+	bool		relhastriggers;
+	Relation	irelations[Num_pg_class_indices];
-	 * We don't support CASCADE yet  - in fact, RESTRICT doesn't work to
-	 * the spec either!
+	 * Grab an exclusive lock on the target table or index, which we will
+	 * NOT release until end of transaction.
-	if (behavior == CASCADE)
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE / DROP CONSTRAINT does not support the CASCADE keyword");
+	targetrelation = relation_open(relid, AccessExclusiveLock);
+	oldrelname = pstrdup(RelationGetRelationName(targetrelation));
+	namespaceId = RelationGetNamespace(targetrelation);
+	/* Validity checks */
+	if (!allowSystemTableMods &&
+		IsSystemRelation(targetrelation))
+		elog(ERROR, "renamerel: system relation \"%s\" may not be renamed",
+			 oldrelname);
+	relkind = targetrelation->rd_rel->relkind;
+	relhastriggers = (targetrelation->rd_rel->reltriggers > 0);
-	 * Acquire an exclusive lock on the target relation for the duration
-	 * of the operation.
+	 * Find relation's pg_class tuple, and make sure newrelname isn't in
+	 * use.
-	rel = heap_open(myrelid, AccessExclusiveLock);
-	/* Disallow DROP CONSTRAINT on views, indexes, sequences, etc */
-	if (rel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION)
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" is not a table",
-			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
+	relrelation = heap_openr(RelationRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);
-	if (!allowSystemTableMods
-		&& IsSystemRelation(rel))
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" is a system catalog",
-			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
+	reltup = SearchSysCacheCopy(RELOID,
+								PointerGetDatum(relid),
+								0, 0, 0);
+	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(reltup))
+		elog(ERROR, "renamerel: relation \"%s\" does not exist",
+			 oldrelname);
-	if (!pg_class_ownercheck(myrelid, GetUserId()))
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: \"%s\": permission denied",
-			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
+	if (get_relname_relid(newrelname, namespaceId) != InvalidOid)
+		elog(ERROR, "renamerel: relation \"%s\" exists", newrelname);
-	 * Since all we have is the name of the constraint, we have to look
-	 * through all catalogs that could possibly contain a constraint for
-	 * this relation. We also keep a count of the number of constraints
-	 * removed.
+	 * Update pg_class tuple with new relname.	(Scribbling on reltup is
+	 * OK because it's a copy...)
+	namestrcpy(&(((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(reltup))->relname), newrelname);
-	deleted = 0;
+	simple_heap_update(relrelation, &reltup->t_self, reltup);
+	/* keep the system catalog indices current */
+	CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_class_indices, Name_pg_class_indices, irelations);
+	CatalogIndexInsert(irelations, Num_pg_class_indices, relrelation, reltup);
+	CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_class_indices, irelations);
+	heap_close(relrelation, NoLock);
+	heap_freetuple(reltup);
-	 * First, we remove all CHECK constraints with the given name
+	 * Also rename the associated type, if any.
+	if (relkind != RELKIND_INDEX)
+		TypeRename(oldrelname, namespaceId, newrelname);
-	deleted += RemoveCheckConstraint(rel, constrName, inh);
+	/*
+	 * Update rel name in any RI triggers associated with the relation.
+	 */
+	if (relhastriggers)
+	{
+		/* update tgargs where relname is primary key */
+		update_ri_trigger_args(relid,
+							   oldrelname,
+							   newrelname,
+							   false, true);
+		/* update tgargs where relname is foreign key */
+		update_ri_trigger_args(relid,
+							   oldrelname,
+							   newrelname,
+							   true, true);
+	}
-	 * constraints.
-	 *
-	 * Unimplemented.
+	 * Close rel, but keep exclusive lock!
+	relation_close(targetrelation, NoLock);
-	/* Close the target relation */
-	heap_close(rel, NoLock);
-	/* If zero constraints deleted, complain */
-	if (deleted == 0)
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE / DROP CONSTRAINT: %s does not exist",
-			 constrName);
-	/* Otherwise if more than one constraint deleted, notify */
-	else if (deleted > 1)
-		elog(NOTICE, "Multiple constraints dropped");
+ * Given a trigger function OID, determine whether it is an RI trigger,
+ * and if so whether it is attached to PK or FK relation.
+ *
+ * XXX this probably doesn't belong here; should be exported by
+ * ri_triggers.c
+ */
+static int
+ri_trigger_type(Oid tgfoid)
+	switch (tgfoid)
+	{
+			return RI_TRIGGER_PK;
+			return RI_TRIGGER_FK;
+	}
- */
-AlterTableOwner(Oid relationOid, int32 newOwnerSysId)
-	Relation		target_rel;
-	Relation		class_rel;
-	HeapTuple		tuple;
-	Relation		idescs[Num_pg_class_indices];
-	Form_pg_class	tuple_class;
+ * Scan pg_trigger for RI triggers that are on the specified relation
+ * (if fk_scan is false) or have it as the tgconstrrel (if fk_scan
+ * is true).  Update RI trigger args fields matching oldname to contain
+ * newname instead.  If update_relname is true, examine the relname
+ * fields; otherwise examine the attname fields.
+ */
+static void
+update_ri_trigger_args(Oid relid,
+					   const char *oldname,
+					   const char *newname,
+					   bool fk_scan,
+					   bool update_relname)
+	Relation	tgrel;
+	Relation	irel;
+	ScanKeyData skey[1];
+	IndexScanDesc idxtgscan;
+	RetrieveIndexResult idxres;
+	Datum		values[Natts_pg_trigger];
+	char		nulls[Natts_pg_trigger];
+	char		replaces[Natts_pg_trigger];
+	tgrel = heap_openr(TriggerRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);
+	if (fk_scan)
+		irel = index_openr(TriggerConstrRelidIndex);
+	else
+		irel = index_openr(TriggerRelidNameIndex);
+	ScanKeyEntryInitialize(&skey[0], 0x0,
+						   1,	/* column 1 of index in either case */
+						   F_OIDEQ,
+						   ObjectIdGetDatum(relid));
+	idxtgscan = index_beginscan(irel, false, 1, skey);
+	while ((idxres = index_getnext(idxtgscan, ForwardScanDirection)) != NULL)
+	{
+		HeapTupleData tupledata;
+		Buffer		buffer;
+		HeapTuple	tuple;
+		Form_pg_trigger pg_trigger;
+		bytea	   *val;
+		bytea	   *newtgargs;
+		bool		isnull;
+		int			tg_type;
+		bool		examine_pk;
+		bool		changed;
+		int			tgnargs;
+		int			i;
+		int			newlen;
+		const char *arga[RI_MAX_ARGUMENTS];
+		const char *argp;
+		tupledata.t_self = idxres->heap_iptr;
+		heap_fetch(tgrel, SnapshotNow, &tupledata, &buffer, idxtgscan);
+		pfree(idxres);
+		if (!tupledata.t_data)
+			continue;
+		tuple = &tupledata;
+		pg_trigger = (Form_pg_trigger) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
+		tg_type = ri_trigger_type(pg_trigger->tgfoid);
+		if (tg_type == RI_TRIGGER_NONE)
+		{
+			/* Not an RI trigger, forget it */
+			ReleaseBuffer(buffer);
+			continue;
+		}
+		/*
+		 * It is an RI trigger, so parse the tgargs bytea.
+		 *
+		 * NB: we assume the field will never be compressed or moved out of
+		 * line; so does trigger.c ...
+		 */
+		tgnargs = pg_trigger->tgnargs;
+		val = (bytea *) fastgetattr(tuple,
+									Anum_pg_trigger_tgargs,
+									tgrel->rd_att, &isnull);
+		if (isnull || tgnargs < RI_FIRST_ATTNAME_ARGNO ||
+			tgnargs > RI_MAX_ARGUMENTS)
+		{
+			/* This probably shouldn't happen, but ignore busted triggers */
+			ReleaseBuffer(buffer);
+			continue;
+		}
+		argp = (const char *) VARDATA(val);
+		for (i = 0; i < tgnargs; i++)
+		{
+			arga[i] = argp;
+			argp += strlen(argp) + 1;
+		}
-	/* Get exclusive lock till end of transaction on the target table */
-	target_rel = heap_open(relationOid, AccessExclusiveLock);
+		/*
+		 * Figure out which item(s) to look at.  If the trigger is
+		 * primary-key type and attached to my rel, I should look at the
+		 * PK fields; if it is foreign-key type and attached to my rel, I
+		 * should look at the FK fields.  But the opposite rule holds when
+		 * examining triggers found by tgconstrrel search.
+		 */
+		examine_pk = (tg_type == RI_TRIGGER_PK) == (!fk_scan);
-	/* Get its pg_class tuple, too */
-	class_rel = heap_openr(RelationRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);
+		changed = false;
+		if (update_relname)
+		{
+			/* Change the relname if needed */
+			if (strcmp(arga[i], oldname) == 0)
+			{
+				arga[i] = newname;
+				changed = true;
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			/* Change attname(s) if needed */
+			for (; i < tgnargs; i += 2)
+			{
+				if (strcmp(arga[i], oldname) == 0)
+				{
+					arga[i] = newname;
+					changed = true;
+				}
+			}
+		}
-	tuple = SearchSysCacheCopy(RELOID,
-							   ObjectIdGetDatum(relationOid),
-							   0, 0, 0);
-	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation %u not found", relationOid);
-	tuple_class = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
+		if (!changed)
+		{
+			/* Don't need to update this tuple */
+			ReleaseBuffer(buffer);
+			continue;
+		}
-	/* Can we change the ownership of this tuple? */
-	CheckTupleType(tuple_class);
+		/*
+		 * Construct modified tgargs bytea.
+		 */
+		newlen = VARHDRSZ;
+		for (i = 0; i < tgnargs; i++)
+			newlen += strlen(arga[i]) + 1;
+		newtgargs = (bytea *) palloc(newlen);
+		VARATT_SIZEP(newtgargs) = newlen;
+		newlen = VARHDRSZ;
+		for (i = 0; i < tgnargs; i++)
+		{
+			strcpy(((char *) newtgargs) + newlen, arga[i]);
+			newlen += strlen(arga[i]) + 1;
+		}
-	/*
-	 * Okay, this is a valid tuple: change its ownership and
-	 * write to the heap.
-	 */
-	tuple_class->relowner = newOwnerSysId;
-	simple_heap_update(class_rel, &tuple->t_self, tuple);
+		/*
+		 * Build modified tuple.
+		 */
+		for (i = 0; i < Natts_pg_trigger; i++)
+		{
+			values[i] = (Datum) 0;
+			replaces[i] = ' ';
+			nulls[i] = ' ';
+		}
+		values[Anum_pg_trigger_tgargs - 1] = PointerGetDatum(newtgargs);
+		replaces[Anum_pg_trigger_tgargs - 1] = 'r';
-	/* Keep the catalog indices up to date */
-	CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_class_indices, Name_pg_class_indices, idescs);
-	CatalogIndexInsert(idescs, Num_pg_class_indices, class_rel, tuple);
-	CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_class_indices, idescs);
+		tuple = heap_modifytuple(tuple, tgrel, values, nulls, replaces);
-	/*
-	 * If we are operating on a table, also change the ownership of any
-	 * indexes that belong to the table, as well as the table's toast
-	 * table (if it has one)
-	 */
-	if (tuple_class->relkind == RELKIND_RELATION ||
-		tuple_class->relkind == RELKIND_TOASTVALUE)
-	{
-		List *index_oid_list, *i;
+		/*
+		 * Now we can release hold on original tuple.
+		 */
+		ReleaseBuffer(buffer);
-		/* Find all the indexes belonging to this relation */
-		index_oid_list = RelationGetIndexList(target_rel);
+		/*
+		 * Update pg_trigger and its indexes
+		 */
+		simple_heap_update(tgrel, &tuple->t_self, tuple);
-		/* For each index, recursively change its ownership */
-		foreach(i, index_oid_list)
-			AlterTableOwner(lfirsti(i), newOwnerSysId);
+			Relation	irelations[Num_pg_attr_indices];
+			CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_trigger_indices, Name_pg_trigger_indices, irelations);
+			CatalogIndexInsert(irelations, Num_pg_trigger_indices, tgrel, tuple);
+			CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_trigger_indices, irelations);
-		freeList(index_oid_list);
+		/* free up our scratch memory */
+		pfree(newtgargs);
+		heap_freetuple(tuple);
-	if (tuple_class->relkind == RELKIND_RELATION)
-	{
-		/* If it has a toast table, recurse to change its ownership */
-		if (tuple_class->reltoastrelid != InvalidOid)
-		{
-			AlterTableOwner(tuple_class->reltoastrelid, newOwnerSysId);
-		}
-	}
+	index_endscan(idxtgscan);
+	index_close(irel);
-	heap_freetuple(tuple);
-	heap_close(class_rel, RowExclusiveLock);
-	heap_close(target_rel, NoLock);
+	heap_close(tgrel, RowExclusiveLock);
-static void
-CheckTupleType(Form_pg_class tuple_class)
-	switch (tuple_class->relkind)
-	{
-			/* ok to change owner */
-			break;
-		default:
-			elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" is not a table, TOAST table, index, view, or sequence",
-				 NameStr(tuple_class->relname));
-	}
+	/*
+	 * Increment cmd counter to make updates visible; this is needed in
+	 * case the same tuple has to be updated again by next pass (can
+	 * happen in case of a self-referential FK relationship).
+	 */
+	CommandCounterIncrement();
+/* ----------------
+ *		AlterTableAddColumn
+ *		(formerly known as PerformAddAttribute)
+ *
+ *		adds an additional attribute to a relation
+ *
+ *		Adds attribute field(s) to a relation.	Each new attribute
+ *		is given attnums in sequential order and is added to the
+ *		ATTRIBUTE relation.  If the AMI fails, defunct tuples will
+ *		remain in the ATTRIBUTE relation for later vacuuming.
+ *		Later, there may be some reserved attribute names???
+ *
+ *		(If needed, can instead use elog to handle exceptions.)
+ *
+ *		Note:
+ *				Initial idea of ordering the tuple attributes so that all
+ *		the variable length domains occured last was scratched.  Doing
+ *		so would not speed access too much (in general) and would create
+ *		many complications in formtuple, heap_getattr, and addattribute.
+ *
+ *		scan attribute catalog for name conflict (within rel)
+ *		scan type catalog for absence of data type (if not arg)
+ *		create attnum magically???
+ *		create attribute tuple
+ *		insert attribute in attribute catalog
+ *		modify reldesc
+ *		create new relation tuple
+ *		insert new relation in relation catalog
+ *		delete original relation from relation catalog
+ * ----------------
-AlterTableCreateToastTable(Oid relOid, bool silent)
+AlterTableAddColumn(Oid myrelid,
+					bool inherits,
+					ColumnDef *colDef)
-	Relation	rel;
+	Relation	rel,
+				pgclass,
+				attrdesc;
 	HeapTuple	reltup;
-	HeapTupleData classtuple;
-	TupleDesc	tupdesc;
-	Relation	class_rel;
-	Buffer		buffer;
-	Relation	ridescs[Num_pg_class_indices];
-	Oid			toast_relid;
-	Oid			toast_idxid;
-	char		toast_relname[NAMEDATALEN];
-	char		toast_idxname[NAMEDATALEN];
-	IndexInfo  *indexInfo;
-	Oid			classObjectId[2];
+	HeapTuple	newreltup;
+	HeapTuple	attributeTuple;
+	Form_pg_attribute attribute;
+	FormData_pg_attribute attributeD;
+	int			i;
+	int			minattnum,
+				maxatts;
+	HeapTuple	typeTuple;
+	Form_pg_type tform;
+	int			attndims;
 	 * Grab an exclusive lock on the target table, which we will NOT
 	 * release until end of transaction.
-	rel = heap_open(relOid, AccessExclusiveLock);
+	rel = heap_open(myrelid, AccessExclusiveLock);
 	if (rel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION)
 		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" is not a table",
-	if (!pg_class_ownercheck(relOid, GetUserId()))
+	/*
+	 * permissions checking.  this would normally be done in utility.c,
+	 * but this particular routine is recursive.
+	 *
+	 * normally, only the owner of a class can change its schema.
+	 */
+	if (!allowSystemTableMods
+		&& IsSystemRelation(rel))
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" is a system catalog",
+			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
+	if (!pg_class_ownercheck(myrelid, GetUserId()))
 		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: \"%s\": permission denied",
-	 * lock the pg_class tuple for update (is that really needed?)
+	 * Recurse to add the column to child classes, if requested.
+	 *
+	 * any permissions or problems with duplicate attributes will cause the
+	 * whole transaction to abort, which is what we want -- all or
+	 * nothing.
-	class_rel = heap_openr(RelationRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);
+	if (inherits)
+	{
+		List	   *child,
+				   *children;
+		/* this routine is actually in the planner */
+		children = find_all_inheritors(myrelid);
+		/*
+		 * find_all_inheritors does the recursive search of the
+		 * inheritance hierarchy, so all we have to do is process all of
+		 * the relids in the list that it returns.
+		 */
+		foreach(child, children)
+		{
+			Oid			childrelid = lfirsti(child);
+			if (childrelid == myrelid)
+				continue;
+			AlterTableAddColumn(childrelid, false, colDef);
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * OK, get on with it...
+	 *
+	 * Implementation restrictions: because we don't touch the table rows,
+	 * the new column values will initially appear to be NULLs.  (This
+	 * happens because the heap tuple access routines always check for
+	 * attnum > # of attributes in tuple, and return NULL if so.)
+	 * Therefore we can't support a DEFAULT value in SQL92-compliant
+	 * fashion, and we also can't allow a NOT NULL constraint.
+	 *
+	 * We do allow CHECK constraints, even though these theoretically could
+	 * fail for NULL rows (eg, CHECK (newcol IS NOT NULL)).
+	 */
+	if (colDef->raw_default || colDef->cooked_default)
+		elog(ERROR, "Adding columns with defaults is not implemented."
+			 "\n\tAdd the column, then use ALTER TABLE SET DEFAULT.");
+	if (colDef->is_not_null)
+		elog(ERROR, "Adding NOT NULL columns is not implemented."
+			 "\n\tAdd the column, then use ALTER TABLE ... SET NOT NULL.");
+	pgclass = heap_openr(RelationRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);
 	reltup = SearchSysCache(RELOID,
-							ObjectIdGetDatum(relOid),
+							ObjectIdGetDatum(myrelid),
 							0, 0, 0);
 	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(reltup))
 		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" not found",
-	classtuple.t_self = reltup->t_self;
-	ReleaseSysCache(reltup);
-	switch (heap_mark4update(class_rel, &classtuple, &buffer))
-	{
-		case HeapTupleSelfUpdated:
-		case HeapTupleMayBeUpdated:
-			break;
-		default:
-			elog(ERROR, "couldn't lock pg_class tuple");
-	}
-	reltup = heap_copytuple(&classtuple);
-	ReleaseBuffer(buffer);
+	if (SearchSysCacheExists(ATTNAME,
+							 ObjectIdGetDatum(myrelid),
+							 PointerGetDatum(colDef->colname),
+							 0, 0))
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: column name \"%s\" already exists in table \"%s\"",
+			 colDef->colname, RelationGetRelationName(rel));
-	/*
-	 * Is it already toasted?
-	 */
-	if (((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(reltup))->reltoastrelid != InvalidOid)
-	{
-		if (silent)
-		{
-			heap_close(rel, NoLock);
-			heap_close(class_rel, NoLock);
-			heap_freetuple(reltup);
-			return;
-		}
+	minattnum = ((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(reltup))->relnatts;
+	maxatts = minattnum + 1;
+	if (maxatts > MaxHeapAttributeNumber)
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relations limited to %d columns",
+			 MaxHeapAttributeNumber);
+	i = minattnum + 1;
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" already has a toast table",
-			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
-	}
+	attrdesc = heap_openr(AttributeRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);
-	/*
-	 * Check to see whether the table actually needs a TOAST table.
-	 */
-	if (!needs_toast_table(rel))
-	{
-		if (silent)
-		{
-			heap_close(rel, NoLock);
-			heap_close(class_rel, NoLock);
-			heap_freetuple(reltup);
-			return;
-		}
+	if (colDef->typename->arrayBounds)
+		attndims = length(colDef->typename->arrayBounds);
+	else
+		attndims = 0;
-		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" does not need a toast table",
-			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
-	}
+	typeTuple = typenameType(colDef->typename);
+	tform = (Form_pg_type) GETSTRUCT(typeTuple);
-	/*
-	 * Create the toast table and its index
-	 */
-	sprintf(toast_relname, "pg_toast_%u", relOid);
-	sprintf(toast_idxname, "pg_toast_%u_index", relOid);
+	attributeTuple = heap_addheader(Natts_pg_attribute,
+									(void *) &attributeD);
-	/* this is pretty painful...  need a tuple descriptor */
-	tupdesc = CreateTemplateTupleDesc(3);
-	TupleDescInitEntry(tupdesc, (AttrNumber) 1,
-					   "chunk_id",
-					   OIDOID,
-					   -1, 0, false);
-	TupleDescInitEntry(tupdesc, (AttrNumber) 2,
-					   "chunk_seq",
-					   INT4OID,
-					   -1, 0, false);
-	TupleDescInitEntry(tupdesc, (AttrNumber) 3,
-					   "chunk_data",
-					   BYTEAOID,
-					   -1, 0, false);
+	attribute = (Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(attributeTuple);
-	/*
-	 * Ensure that the toast table doesn't itself get toasted, or we'll be
-	 * toast :-(.  This is essential for chunk_data because type bytea is
-	 * toastable; hit the other two just to be sure.
-	 */
-	tupdesc->attrs[0]->attstorage = 'p';
-	tupdesc->attrs[1]->attstorage = 'p';
-	tupdesc->attrs[2]->attstorage = 'p';
+	attribute->attrelid = myrelid;
+	namestrcpy(&(attribute->attname), colDef->colname);
+	attribute->atttypid = typeTuple->t_data->t_oid;
+	attribute->attstattarget = DEFAULT_ATTSTATTARGET;
+	attribute->attlen = tform->typlen;
+	attribute->attcacheoff = -1;
+	attribute->atttypmod = colDef->typename->typmod;
+	attribute->attnum = i;
+	attribute->attbyval = tform->typbyval;
+	attribute->attndims = attndims;
+	attribute->attisset = (bool) (tform->typtype == 'c');
+	attribute->attstorage = tform->typstorage;
+	attribute->attalign = tform->typalign;
+	attribute->attnotnull = colDef->is_not_null;
+	attribute->atthasdef = (colDef->raw_default != NULL ||
+							colDef->cooked_default != NULL);
-	/*
-	 * Note: the toast relation is placed in the regular pg_toast namespace
-	 * even if its master relation is a temp table.  There cannot be any
-	 * naming collision, and the toast rel will be destroyed when its master
-	 * is, so there's no need to handle the toast rel as temp.
-	 */
-	toast_relid = heap_create_with_catalog(toast_relname,
-										   PG_TOAST_NAMESPACE,
-										   tupdesc,
-										   false,
-										   true);
+	ReleaseSysCache(typeTuple);
-	/* make the toast relation visible, else index creation will fail */
-	CommandCounterIncrement();
+	heap_insert(attrdesc, attributeTuple);
+	/* Update indexes on pg_attribute */
+	if (RelationGetForm(attrdesc)->relhasindex)
+	{
+		Relation	idescs[Num_pg_attr_indices];
+		CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_attr_indices, Name_pg_attr_indices, idescs);
+		CatalogIndexInsert(idescs, Num_pg_attr_indices, attrdesc, attributeTuple);
+		CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_attr_indices, idescs);
+	}
+	heap_close(attrdesc, RowExclusiveLock);
-	 * Create unique index on chunk_id, chunk_seq.
-	 *
-	 * NOTE: the tuple toaster could actually function with a single-column
-	 * index on chunk_id only.	However, it couldn't be unique then.  We
-	 * want it to be unique as a check against the possibility of
-	 * duplicate TOAST chunk OIDs.	Too, the index might be a little more
-	 * efficient this way, since btree isn't all that happy with large
-	 * numbers of equal keys.
+	 * Update number of attributes in pg_class tuple
+	newreltup = heap_copytuple(reltup);
-	indexInfo = makeNode(IndexInfo);
-	indexInfo->ii_NumIndexAttrs = 2;
-	indexInfo->ii_NumKeyAttrs = 2;
-	indexInfo->ii_KeyAttrNumbers[0] = 1;
-	indexInfo->ii_KeyAttrNumbers[1] = 2;
-	indexInfo->ii_Predicate = NIL;
-	indexInfo->ii_FuncOid = InvalidOid;
-	indexInfo->ii_Unique = true;
+	((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(newreltup))->relnatts = maxatts;
+	simple_heap_update(pgclass, &newreltup->t_self, newreltup);
-	classObjectId[0] = OID_BTREE_OPS_OID;
-	classObjectId[1] = INT4_BTREE_OPS_OID;
+	/* keep catalog indices current */
+	if (RelationGetForm(pgclass)->relhasindex)
+	{
+		Relation	ridescs[Num_pg_class_indices];
-	toast_idxid = index_create(toast_relid, toast_idxname, indexInfo,
-							   BTREE_AM_OID, classObjectId,
-							   true, true);
+		CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_class_indices, Name_pg_class_indices, ridescs);
+		CatalogIndexInsert(ridescs, Num_pg_class_indices, pgclass, newreltup);
+		CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_class_indices, ridescs);
+	}
-	/*
-	 * Update toast rel's pg_class entry to show that it has an index. The
-	 * index OID is stored into the reltoastidxid field for easy access by
-	 * the tuple toaster.
-	 */
-	setRelhasindex(toast_relid, true, true, toast_idxid);
+	heap_freetuple(newreltup);
+	ReleaseSysCache(reltup);
-	/*
-	 * Store the toast table's OID in the parent relation's tuple
-	 */
-	((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(reltup))->reltoastrelid = toast_relid;
-	simple_heap_update(class_rel, &reltup->t_self, reltup);
+	heap_close(pgclass, NoLock);
+	heap_close(rel, NoLock);	/* close rel but keep lock! */
-	 * Keep catalog indices current
+	 * Make our catalog updates visible for subsequent steps.
-	CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_class_indices, Name_pg_class_indices, ridescs);
-	CatalogIndexInsert(ridescs, Num_pg_class_indices, class_rel, reltup);
-	CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_class_indices, ridescs);
-	heap_freetuple(reltup);
+	CommandCounterIncrement();
-	 * Close relations and make changes visible
+	 * Add any CHECK constraints attached to the new column.
+	 *
+	 * To do this we must re-open the rel so that its new attr list gets
+	 * loaded into the relcache.
-	heap_close(class_rel, NoLock);
-	heap_close(rel, NoLock);
+	if (colDef->constraints != NIL)
+	{
+		rel = heap_open(myrelid, AccessExclusiveLock);
+		AddRelationRawConstraints(rel, NIL, colDef->constraints);
+		heap_close(rel, NoLock);
+	}
-	CommandCounterIncrement();
+	/*
+	 * Automatically create the secondary relation for TOAST if it
+	 * formerly had no such but now has toastable attributes.
+	 */
+	AlterTableCreateToastTable(myrelid, true);
- * Check to see whether the table needs a TOAST table.	It does only if
- * (1) there are any toastable attributes, and (2) the maximum length
- * of a tuple could exceed TOAST_TUPLE_THRESHOLD.  (We don't want to
- * create a toast table for something like "f1 varchar(20)".)
-static bool
-needs_toast_table(Relation rel)
+AlterTableAlterColumnDropNotNull(Oid myrelid,
+								 bool inh, const char *colName)
-	int32		data_length = 0;
-	bool		maxlength_unknown = false;
-	bool		has_toastable_attrs = false;
-	TupleDesc	tupdesc;
-	Form_pg_attribute *att;
-	int32		tuple_length;
-	int			i;
+	Relation	rel;
+	HeapTuple	tuple;
+	AttrNumber	attnum;
+	Relation	attr_rel;
+	List	   	*indexoidlist;
+	List	   	*indexoidscan;
-	tupdesc = rel->rd_att;
-	att = tupdesc->attrs;
+	rel = heap_open(myrelid, AccessExclusiveLock);
-	for (i = 0; i < tupdesc->natts; i++)
+	if (rel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION)
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" is not a table",
+			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
+	if (!allowSystemTableMods
+		&& IsSystemRelation(rel))
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" is a system catalog",
+			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
+	if (!pg_class_ownercheck(myrelid, GetUserId()))
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: \"%s\": permission denied",
+			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
+	/*
+	 * Propagate to children if desired
+	 */
+	if (inh)
-		data_length = att_align(data_length, att[i]->attlen, att[i]->attalign);
-		if (att[i]->attlen >= 0)
-		{
-			/* Fixed-length types are never toastable */
-			data_length += att[i]->attlen;
-		}
-		else
+		List	   *child,
+				   *children;
+		/* this routine is actually in the planner */
+		children = find_all_inheritors(myrelid);
+		/*
+		 * find_all_inheritors does the recursive search of the
+		 * inheritance hierarchy, so all we have to do is process all of
+		 * the relids in the list that it returns.
+		 */
+		foreach(child, children)
-			int32		maxlen = type_maximum_size(att[i]->atttypid,
-												   att[i]->atttypmod);
+			Oid			childrelid = lfirsti(child);
-			if (maxlen < 0)
-				maxlength_unknown = true;
-			else
-				data_length += maxlen;
-			if (att[i]->attstorage != 'p')
-				has_toastable_attrs = true;
+			if (childrelid == myrelid)
+				continue;
+			AlterTableAlterColumnDropNotNull(childrelid,
+											 false, colName);
-	if (!has_toastable_attrs)
-		return false;			/* nothing to toast? */
-	if (maxlength_unknown)
-		return true;			/* any unlimited-length attrs? */
-	tuple_length = MAXALIGN(offsetof(HeapTupleHeaderData, t_bits) +
-							BITMAPLEN(tupdesc->natts)) +
-		MAXALIGN(data_length);
-	return (tuple_length > TOAST_TUPLE_THRESHOLD);
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
- *		DefineRelation
- *				Creates a new relation.
- *
- * If successful, returns the OID of the new relation.
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-DefineRelation(CreateStmt *stmt, char relkind)
-	char		relname[NAMEDATALEN];
-	Oid			namespaceId;
-	List	   *schema = stmt->tableElts;
-	int			numberOfAttributes;
-	Oid			relationId;
-	Relation	rel;
-	TupleDesc	descriptor;
-	List	   *inheritOids;
-	List	   *old_constraints;
-	bool		parentHasOids;
-	List	   *rawDefaults;
-	List	   *listptr;
-	int			i;
-	AttrNumber	attnum;
+	/* -= now do the thing on this relation =- */
-	 * Truncate relname to appropriate length (probably a waste of time,
-	 * as parser should have done this already).
+	 * get the number of the attribute
-	StrNCpy(relname, stmt->relation->relname, NAMEDATALEN);
+	tuple = SearchSysCache(ATTNAME,
+						   ObjectIdGetDatum(myrelid),
+						   PointerGetDatum(colName),
+						   0, 0);
+	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" has no column \"%s\"",
+			 RelationGetRelationName(rel), colName);
-	/*
-	 * Look up the namespace in which we are supposed to create the
-	 * relation.
-	 */
-	namespaceId = RangeVarGetCreationNamespace(stmt->relation);
+	attnum = ((Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->attnum;
+	ReleaseSysCache(tuple);
-	/*
-	 * Merge domain attributes into the known columns before processing table
-	 * inheritance.  Otherwise we risk adding double constraints to a
-	 * domain-type column that's inherited.
-	 */
-	schema = MergeDomainAttributes(schema);
+	/* Prevent them from altering a system attribute */
+	if (attnum < 0)
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: Cannot alter system attribute \"%s\"",
+			 colName);
-	 * Look up inheritance ancestors and generate relation schema,
-	 * including inherited attributes.
+	 * Check that the attribute is not in a primary key
-	schema = MergeAttributes(schema, stmt->inhRelations,
-							 stmt->relation->istemp,
-							 &inheritOids, &old_constraints, &parentHasOids);
-	numberOfAttributes = length(schema);
-	if (numberOfAttributes <= 0)
-		elog(ERROR, "DefineRelation: please inherit from a relation or define an attribute");
-	/*
-	 * Create a relation descriptor from the relation schema and create
-	 * the relation.  Note that in this stage only inherited (pre-cooked)
-	 * defaults and constraints will be included into the new relation.
-	 * (BuildDescForRelation takes care of the inherited defaults, but we
-	 * have to copy inherited constraints here.)
-	 */
-	descriptor = BuildDescForRelation(schema);
+	/* Loop over all indices on the relation */
+	indexoidlist = RelationGetIndexList(rel);
-	if (old_constraints != NIL)
+	foreach(indexoidscan, indexoidlist)
-		ConstrCheck *check = (ConstrCheck *) palloc(length(old_constraints) *
-													sizeof(ConstrCheck));
-		int			ncheck = 0;
-		foreach(listptr, old_constraints)
-		{
-			Constraint *cdef = (Constraint *) lfirst(listptr);
+		Oid		indexoid = lfirsti(indexoidscan);
+		HeapTuple	indexTuple;
+		Form_pg_index 	indexStruct;
+		int		i;
-			if (cdef->contype != CONSTR_CHECK)
-				continue;
+		indexTuple = SearchSysCache(INDEXRELID,
+									ObjectIdGetDatum(indexoid),
+									0, 0, 0);
+		if (!HeapTupleIsValid(indexTuple))
+			elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: Index %u not found",
+				 indexoid);
+		indexStruct = (Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(indexTuple);
-			if (cdef->name != NULL)
-			{
-				for (i = 0; i < ncheck; i++)
-				{
-					if (strcmp(check[i].ccname, cdef->name) == 0)
-						elog(ERROR, "Duplicate CHECK constraint name: '%s'",
-							 cdef->name);
-				}
-				check[ncheck].ccname = cdef->name;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				check[ncheck].ccname = (char *) palloc(NAMEDATALEN);
-				snprintf(check[ncheck].ccname, NAMEDATALEN, "$%d", ncheck + 1);
-			}
-			Assert(cdef->raw_expr == NULL && cdef->cooked_expr != NULL);
-			check[ncheck].ccbin = pstrdup(cdef->cooked_expr);
-			ncheck++;
-		}
-		if (ncheck > 0)
+		/* If the index is not a primary key, skip the check */
+		if (indexStruct->indisprimary)
-			if (descriptor->constr == NULL)
+			/*
+			 * Loop over each attribute in the primary key and
+			 * see if it matches the to-be-altered attribute
+			 */
+			for (i = 0; i < INDEX_MAX_KEYS &&
+					 indexStruct->indkey[i] != InvalidAttrNumber; i++)
-				descriptor->constr = (TupleConstr *) palloc(sizeof(TupleConstr));
-				descriptor->constr->defval = NULL;
-				descriptor->constr->num_defval = 0;
-				descriptor->constr->has_not_null = false;
+				if (indexStruct->indkey[i] == attnum)
+					elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: Attribute \"%s\" is in a primary key", colName);
-			descriptor->constr->num_check = ncheck;
-			descriptor->constr->check = check;
-	}
-	relationId = heap_create_with_catalog(relname,
-										  namespaceId,
-										  descriptor,
-										  relkind,
-										  stmt->hasoids || parentHasOids,
-										  allowSystemTableMods);
-	StoreCatalogInheritance(relationId, inheritOids);
+		ReleaseSysCache(indexTuple);
+	}
-	/*
-	 * We must bump the command counter to make the newly-created relation
-	 * tuple visible for opening.
-	 */
-	CommandCounterIncrement();
+	freeList(indexoidlist);
-	 * Open the new relation and acquire exclusive lock on it.	This isn't
-	 * really necessary for locking out other backends (since they can't
-	 * see the new rel anyway until we commit), but it keeps the lock
-	 * manager from complaining about deadlock risks.
+	 * Okay, actually perform the catalog change
-	rel = heap_open(relationId, AccessExclusiveLock);
+	attr_rel = heap_openr(AttributeRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);
-	/*
-	 * Now add any newly specified column default values and CHECK
-	 * constraints to the new relation.  These are passed to us in the
-	 * form of raw parsetrees; we need to transform them to executable
-	 * expression trees before they can be added. The most convenient way
-	 * to do that is to apply the parser's transformExpr routine, but
-	 * transformExpr doesn't work unless we have a pre-existing relation.
-	 * So, the transformation has to be postponed to this final step of
-	 *
-	 * First, scan schema to find new column defaults.
-	 */
-	rawDefaults = NIL;
-	attnum = 0;
+	tuple = SearchSysCacheCopy(ATTNAME,
+							   ObjectIdGetDatum(myrelid),
+							   PointerGetDatum(colName),
+							   0, 0);
+	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple)) /* shouldn't happen */
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" has no column \"%s\"",
+			 RelationGetRelationName(rel), colName);
-	foreach(listptr, schema)
-	{
-		ColumnDef  *colDef = lfirst(listptr);
-		RawColumnDefault *rawEnt;
+	((Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->attnotnull = FALSE;
-		attnum++;
+	simple_heap_update(attr_rel, &tuple->t_self, tuple);
-		if (colDef->raw_default == NULL)
-			continue;
-		Assert(colDef->cooked_default == NULL);
+	/* keep the system catalog indices current */
+	if (RelationGetForm(attr_rel)->relhasindex)
+	{
+		Relation	idescs[Num_pg_attr_indices];
-		rawEnt = (RawColumnDefault *) palloc(sizeof(RawColumnDefault));
-		rawEnt->attnum = attnum;
-		rawEnt->raw_default = colDef->raw_default;
-		rawDefaults = lappend(rawDefaults, rawEnt);
+		CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_attr_indices, Name_pg_attr_indices, idescs);
+		CatalogIndexInsert(idescs, Num_pg_attr_indices, attr_rel, tuple);
+		CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_attr_indices, idescs);
-	/*
-	 * Parse and add the defaults/constraints, if any.
-	 */
-	if (rawDefaults || stmt->constraints)
-		AddRelationRawConstraints(rel, rawDefaults, stmt->constraints);
+	heap_close(attr_rel, RowExclusiveLock);
-	/*
-	 * Clean up.  We keep lock on new relation (although it shouldn't be
-	 * visible to anyone else anyway, until commit).
-	 */
 	heap_close(rel, NoLock);
-	return relationId;
- * RemoveRelation
- *		Deletes a relation.
- *
- * Exceptions:
- *		BadArg if name is invalid.
- *
- * Note:
- *		If the relation has indices defined on it, then the index relations
- * themselves will be destroyed, too.
- */
-RemoveRelation(const RangeVar *relation)
-	Oid			relOid;
-	relOid = RangeVarGetRelid(relation, false);
-	heap_drop_with_catalog(relOid, allowSystemTableMods);
- * TruncateRelation
- *				  Removes all the rows from a relation
- *
- * Exceptions:
- *				  BadArg if name is invalid
- *
- * Note:
- *				  Rows are removed, indices are truncated and reconstructed.
-TruncateRelation(const RangeVar *relation)
+AlterTableAlterColumnSetNotNull(Oid myrelid,
+								bool inh, const char *colName)
 	Relation	rel;
-	Oid			relid;
-	/* Grab exclusive lock in preparation for truncate */
-	rel = heap_openrv(relation, AccessExclusiveLock);
-	relid = RelationGetRelid(rel);
+	HeapTuple	tuple;
+	AttrNumber	attnum;
+	Relation	attr_rel;
+	HeapScanDesc 	scan;
+	TupleDesc	tupdesc;
-	if (rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_SEQUENCE)
-		elog(ERROR, "TRUNCATE cannot be used on sequences. '%s' is a sequence",
-			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
+	rel = heap_open(myrelid, AccessExclusiveLock);
-	if (rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_VIEW)
-		elog(ERROR, "TRUNCATE cannot be used on views. '%s' is a view",
+	if (rel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION)
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" is not a table",
-	if (!allowSystemTableMods && IsSystemRelation(rel))
-		elog(ERROR, "TRUNCATE cannot be used on system tables. '%s' is a system table",
+	if (!allowSystemTableMods
+		&& IsSystemRelation(rel))
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" is a system catalog",
-	if (!pg_class_ownercheck(relid, GetUserId()))
-		elog(ERROR, "you do not own relation \"%s\"",
+	if (!pg_class_ownercheck(myrelid, GetUserId()))
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: \"%s\": permission denied",
-	/* Keep the lock until transaction commit */
-	heap_close(rel, NoLock);
-	heap_truncate(relid);
- * MergeDomainAttributes
- *      Returns a new table schema with the constraints, types, and other
- *      attributes of domains resolved for fields using a domain as
- *      their type.
- */
-static List *
-MergeDomainAttributes(List *schema)
-	List	   *entry;
-	 * Loop through the table elements supplied. These should
-	 * never include inherited domains else they'll be
-	 * double (or more) processed.
+	 * Propagate to children if desired
-	foreach(entry, schema)
+	if (inh)
-		ColumnDef  *coldef = lfirst(entry);
-		HeapTuple  tuple;
-		Form_pg_type typeTup;
+		List	   *child,
+				   *children;
-		tuple = typenameType(coldef->typename);
-		typeTup = (Form_pg_type) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
+		/* this routine is actually in the planner */
+		children = find_all_inheritors(myrelid);
-		if (typeTup->typtype == 'd')
+		/*
+		 * find_all_inheritors does the recursive search of the
+		 * inheritance hierarchy, so all we have to do is process all of
+		 * the relids in the list that it returns.
+		 */
+		foreach(child, children)
-			/* Force the column to have the correct typmod. */
-			coldef->typename->typmod = typeTup->typtypmod;
-			/* XXX more to do here? */
-		}
-		/* Enforce type NOT NULL || column definition NOT NULL -> NOT NULL */
-		/* Currently only used for domains, but could be valid for all */
-		coldef->is_not_null |= typeTup->typnotnull;
+			Oid			childrelid = lfirsti(child);
-		ReleaseSysCache(tuple);
+			if (childrelid == myrelid)
+				continue;
+			AlterTableAlterColumnSetNotNull(childrelid,
+											false, colName);
+		}
-	return schema;
- * MergeAttributes
- *		Returns new schema given initial schema and superclasses.
- *
- * Input arguments:
- * 'schema' is the column/attribute definition for the table. (It's a list
- *		of ColumnDef's.) It is destructively changed.
- * 'supers' is a list of names (as RangeVar nodes) of parent relations.
- * 'istemp' is TRUE if we are creating a temp relation.
- *
- * Output arguments:
- * 'supOids' receives an integer list of the OIDs of the parent relations.
- * 'supconstr' receives a list of constraints belonging to the parents,
- *		updated as necessary to be valid for the child.
- * 'supHasOids' is set TRUE if any parent has OIDs, else it is set FALSE.
- *
- * Return value:
- * Completed schema list.
- *
- * Notes:
- *	  The order in which the attributes are inherited is very important.
- *	  Intuitively, the inherited attributes should come first. If a table
- *	  inherits from multiple parents, the order of those attributes are
- *	  according to the order of the parents specified in CREATE TABLE.
- *
- *	  Here's an example:
- *
- *		create table person (name text, age int4, location point);
- *		create table emp (salary int4, manager text) inherits(person);
- *		create table student (gpa float8) inherits (person);
- *		create table stud_emp (percent int4) inherits (emp, student);
- *
- *	  The order of the attributes of stud_emp is:
- *
- *							person {1:name, 2:age, 3:location}
- *							/	 \
- *			   {6:gpa}	student   emp {4:salary, 5:manager}
- *							\	 /
- *						   stud_emp {7:percent}
- *
- *	   If the same attribute name appears multiple times, then it appears
- *	   in the result table in the proper location for its first appearance.
- *
- *	   Constraints (including NOT NULL constraints) for the child table
- *	   are the union of all relevant constraints, from both the child schema
- *	   and parent tables.
- *
- *	   The default value for a child column is defined as:
- *		(1) If the child schema specifies a default, that value is used.
- *		(2) If neither the child nor any parent specifies a default, then
- *			the column will not have a default.
- *		(3) If conflicting defaults are inherited from different parents
- *			(and not overridden by the child), an error is raised.
- *		(4) Otherwise the inherited default is used.
- *		Rule (3) is new in Postgres 7.1; in earlier releases you got a
- *		rather arbitrary choice of which parent default to use.
- *----------
- */
-static List *
-MergeAttributes(List *schema, List *supers, bool istemp,
-				List **supOids, List **supconstr, bool *supHasOids)
-	List	   *entry;
-	List	   *inhSchema = NIL;
-	List	   *parentOids = NIL;
-	List	   *constraints = NIL;
-	bool		parentHasOids = false;
-	bool		have_bogus_defaults = false;
-	char	   *bogus_marker = "Bogus!";		/* marks conflicting
-												 * defaults */
-	int			child_attno;
+	/* -= now do the thing on this relation =- */
-	 * Check for duplicate names in the explicit list of attributes.
-	 *
-	 * Although we might consider merging such entries in the same way that
-	 * we handle name conflicts for inherited attributes, it seems to make
-	 * more sense to assume such conflicts are errors.
+	 * get the number of the attribute
-	foreach(entry, schema)
-	{
-		ColumnDef  *coldef = lfirst(entry);
-		List	   *rest;
+	tuple = SearchSysCache(ATTNAME,
+						   ObjectIdGetDatum(myrelid),
+						   PointerGetDatum(colName),
+						   0, 0);
+	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" has no column \"%s\"",
+			 RelationGetRelationName(rel), colName);
-		foreach(rest, lnext(entry))
-		{
-			ColumnDef  *restdef = lfirst(rest);
+	attnum = ((Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->attnum;
+	ReleaseSysCache(tuple);
-			if (strcmp(coldef->colname, restdef->colname) == 0)
-				elog(ERROR, "CREATE TABLE: attribute \"%s\" duplicated",
-					 coldef->colname);
-		}
-	}
+	/* Prevent them from altering a system attribute */
+	if (attnum < 0)
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: Cannot alter system attribute \"%s\"",
+			 colName);
-	 * Scan the parents left-to-right, and merge their attributes to form
-	 * a list of inherited attributes (inhSchema).	Also check to see if
-	 * we need to inherit an OID column.
+	 * Perform a scan to ensure that there are no NULL
+	 * values already in the relation
-	child_attno = 0;
-	foreach(entry, supers)
-	{
-		RangeVar   *parent = (RangeVar *) lfirst(entry);
-		Relation	relation;
-		TupleDesc	tupleDesc;
-		TupleConstr *constr;
-		AttrNumber *newattno;
-		AttrNumber	parent_attno;
+	tupdesc = RelationGetDescr(rel);
-		relation = heap_openrv(parent, AccessShareLock);
+	scan = heap_beginscan(rel, false, SnapshotNow, 0, NULL);
-		if (relation->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION)
-			elog(ERROR, "CREATE TABLE: inherited relation \"%s\" is not a table",
-				 parent->relname);
-		/* Permanent rels cannot inherit from temporary ones */
-		if (!istemp && isTempNamespace(RelationGetNamespace(relation)))
-			elog(ERROR, "CREATE TABLE: cannot inherit from temp relation \"%s\"",
-				 parent->relname);
+	while (HeapTupleIsValid(tuple = heap_getnext(scan, 0)))
+	{
+		Datum 		d;
+		bool		isnull;
-		/*
-		 * We should have an UNDER permission flag for this, but for now,
-		 * demand that creator of a child table own the parent.
-		 */
-		if (!pg_class_ownercheck(RelationGetRelid(relation), GetUserId()))
-			elog(ERROR, "you do not own table \"%s\"",
-				 parent->relname);
+		d = heap_getattr(tuple, attnum, tupdesc, &isnull);
-		/*
-		 * Reject duplications in the list of parents.
-		 */
-		if (intMember(RelationGetRelid(relation), parentOids))
-			elog(ERROR, "CREATE TABLE: inherited relation \"%s\" duplicated",
-				 parent->relname);
+		if (isnull)
+			elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: Attribute \"%s\" contains NULL values",
+				 colName);
+	}
-		parentOids = lappendi(parentOids, RelationGetRelid(relation));
-		setRelhassubclassInRelation(RelationGetRelid(relation), true);
+	heap_endscan(scan);
-		parentHasOids |= relation->rd_rel->relhasoids;
+	/*
+	 * Okay, actually perform the catalog change
+	 */
+	attr_rel = heap_openr(AttributeRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);
-		tupleDesc = RelationGetDescr(relation);
-		constr = tupleDesc->constr;
+	tuple = SearchSysCacheCopy(ATTNAME,
+							   ObjectIdGetDatum(myrelid),
+							   PointerGetDatum(colName),
+							   0, 0);
+	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple)) /* shouldn't happen */
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" has no column \"%s\"",
+			 RelationGetRelationName(rel), colName);
-		/*
-		 * newattno[] will contain the child-table attribute numbers for
-		 * the attributes of this parent table.  (They are not the same
-		 * for parents after the first one.)
-		 */
-		newattno = (AttrNumber *) palloc(tupleDesc->natts * sizeof(AttrNumber));
+	((Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->attnotnull = TRUE;
-		for (parent_attno = 1; parent_attno <= tupleDesc->natts;
-			 parent_attno++)
-		{
-			Form_pg_attribute attribute = tupleDesc->attrs[parent_attno - 1];
-			char	   *attributeName = NameStr(attribute->attname);
-			int			exist_attno;
-			ColumnDef  *def;
-			TypeName   *typename;
+	simple_heap_update(attr_rel, &tuple->t_self, tuple);
-			/*
-			 * Does it conflict with some previously inherited column?
-			 */
-			exist_attno = findAttrByName(attributeName, inhSchema);
-			if (exist_attno > 0)
-			{
-				/*
-				 * Yes, try to merge the two column definitions. They must
-				 * have the same type and typmod.
-				 */
-				elog(NOTICE, "CREATE TABLE: merging multiple inherited definitions of attribute \"%s\"",
-					 attributeName);
-				def = (ColumnDef *) nth(exist_attno - 1, inhSchema);
-				if (typenameTypeId(def->typename) != attribute->atttypid ||
-					def->typename->typmod != attribute->atttypmod)
-					elog(ERROR, "CREATE TABLE: inherited attribute \"%s\" type conflict (%s and %s)",
-						 attributeName,
-						 TypeNameToString(def->typename),
-						 typeidTypeName(attribute->atttypid));
-				/* Merge of NOT NULL constraints = OR 'em together */
-				def->is_not_null |= attribute->attnotnull;
-				/* Default and other constraints are handled below */
-				newattno[parent_attno - 1] = exist_attno;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				/*
-				 * No, create a new inherited column
-				 */
-				def = makeNode(ColumnDef);
-				def->colname = pstrdup(attributeName);
-				typename = makeNode(TypeName);
-				typename->typeid = attribute->atttypid;
-				typename->typmod = attribute->atttypmod;
-				def->typename = typename;
-				def->is_not_null = attribute->attnotnull;
-				def->raw_default = NULL;
-				def->cooked_default = NULL;
-				def->constraints = NIL;
-				inhSchema = lappend(inhSchema, def);
-				newattno[parent_attno - 1] = ++child_attno;
-			}
+	/* keep the system catalog indices current */
+	if (RelationGetForm(attr_rel)->relhasindex)
+	{
+		Relation	idescs[Num_pg_attr_indices];
-			/*
-			 * Copy default if any
-			 */
-			if (attribute->atthasdef)
-			{
-				char	   *this_default = NULL;
-				AttrDefault *attrdef;
-				int			i;
+		CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_attr_indices, Name_pg_attr_indices, idescs);
+		CatalogIndexInsert(idescs, Num_pg_attr_indices, attr_rel, tuple);
+		CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_attr_indices, idescs);
+	}
-				/* Find default in constraint structure */
-				Assert(constr != NULL);
-				attrdef = constr->defval;
-				for (i = 0; i < constr->num_defval; i++)
-				{
-					if (attrdef[i].adnum == parent_attno)
-					{
-						this_default = attrdef[i].adbin;
-						break;
-					}
-				}
-				Assert(this_default != NULL);
+	heap_close(attr_rel, RowExclusiveLock);
-				/*
-				 * If default expr could contain any vars, we'd need to
-				 * fix 'em, but it can't; so default is ready to apply to
-				 * child.
-				 *
-				 * If we already had a default from some prior parent, check
-				 * to see if they are the same.  If so, no problem; if
-				 * not, mark the column as having a bogus default. Below,
-				 * we will complain if the bogus default isn't overridden
-				 * by the child schema.
-				 */
-				Assert(def->raw_default == NULL);
-				if (def->cooked_default == NULL)
-					def->cooked_default = pstrdup(this_default);
-				else if (strcmp(def->cooked_default, this_default) != 0)
-				{
-					def->cooked_default = bogus_marker;
-					have_bogus_defaults = true;
-				}
-			}
-		}
+	heap_close(rel, NoLock);
-		/*
-		 * Now copy the constraints of this parent, adjusting attnos using
-		 * the completed newattno[] map
-		 */
-		if (constr && constr->num_check > 0)
-		{
-			ConstrCheck *check = constr->check;
-			int			i;
-			for (i = 0; i < constr->num_check; i++)
-			{
-				Constraint *cdef = makeNode(Constraint);
-				Node	   *expr;
+ */
+AlterTableAlterColumnDefault(Oid myrelid,
+							 bool inh, const char *colName,
+							 Node *newDefault)
+	Relation	rel;
+	HeapTuple	tuple;
+	AttrNumber	attnum;
-				cdef->contype = CONSTR_CHECK;
-				if (check[i].ccname[0] == '$')
-					cdef->name = NULL;
-				else
-					cdef->name = pstrdup(check[i].ccname);
-				cdef->raw_expr = NULL;
-				/* adjust varattnos of ccbin here */
-				expr = stringToNode(check[i].ccbin);
-				change_varattnos_of_a_node(expr, newattno);
-				cdef->cooked_expr = nodeToString(expr);
-				constraints = lappend(constraints, cdef);
-			}
-		}
+	rel = heap_open(myrelid, AccessExclusiveLock);
-		pfree(newattno);
+	/*
+	 * We allow defaults on views so that INSERT into a view can have
+	 * default-ish behavior.  This works because the rewriter substitutes
+	 * default values into INSERTs before it expands rules.
+	 */
+	if (rel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION &&
+		rel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_VIEW)
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" is not a table or view",
+			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
+	if (!allowSystemTableMods
+		&& IsSystemRelation(rel))
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" is a system catalog",
+			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
-		/*
-		 * Close the parent rel, but keep our AccessShareLock on it until
-		 * xact commit.  That will prevent someone else from deleting or
-		 * ALTERing the parent before the child is committed.
-		 */
-		heap_close(relation, NoLock);
-	}
+	if (!pg_class_ownercheck(myrelid, GetUserId()))
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: \"%s\": permission denied",
+			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
-	 * If we had no inherited attributes, the result schema is just the
-	 * explicitly declared columns.  Otherwise, we need to merge the
-	 * declared columns into the inherited schema list.
+	 * Propagate to children if desired
-	if (inhSchema != NIL)
+	if (inh)
-		foreach(entry, schema)
-		{
-			ColumnDef  *newdef = lfirst(entry);
-			char	   *attributeName = newdef->colname;
-			int			exist_attno;
+		List	   *child,
+				   *children;
-			/*
-			 * Does it conflict with some previously inherited column?
-			 */
-			exist_attno = findAttrByName(attributeName, inhSchema);
-			if (exist_attno > 0)
-			{
-				ColumnDef  *def;
+		/* this routine is actually in the planner */
+		children = find_all_inheritors(myrelid);
-				/*
-				 * Yes, try to merge the two column definitions. They must
-				 * have the same type and typmod.
-				 */
-				elog(NOTICE, "CREATE TABLE: merging attribute \"%s\" with inherited definition",
-					 attributeName);
-				def = (ColumnDef *) nth(exist_attno - 1, inhSchema);
-				if (typenameTypeId(def->typename) != typenameTypeId(newdef->typename) ||
-					def->typename->typmod != newdef->typename->typmod)
-					elog(ERROR, "CREATE TABLE: attribute \"%s\" type conflict (%s and %s)",
-						 attributeName,
-						 TypeNameToString(def->typename),
-						 TypeNameToString(newdef->typename));
-				/* Merge of NOT NULL constraints = OR 'em together */
-				def->is_not_null |= newdef->is_not_null;
-				/* If new def has a default, override previous default */
-				if (newdef->raw_default != NULL)
-				{
-					def->raw_default = newdef->raw_default;
-					def->cooked_default = newdef->cooked_default;
-				}
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				/*
-				 * No, attach new column to result schema
-				 */
-				inhSchema = lappend(inhSchema, newdef);
-			}
-		}
+		/*
+		 * find_all_inheritors does the recursive search of the
+		 * inheritance hierarchy, so all we have to do is process all of
+		 * the relids in the list that it returns.
+		 */
+		foreach(child, children)
+		{
+			Oid			childrelid = lfirsti(child);
-		schema = inhSchema;
+			if (childrelid == myrelid)
+				continue;
+			AlterTableAlterColumnDefault(childrelid,
+										 false, colName, newDefault);
+		}
+	/* -= now do the thing on this relation =- */
-	 * If we found any conflicting parent default values, check to make
-	 * sure they were overridden by the child.
+	 * get the number of the attribute
-	if (have_bogus_defaults)
+	tuple = SearchSysCache(ATTNAME,
+						   ObjectIdGetDatum(myrelid),
+						   PointerGetDatum(colName),
+						   0, 0);
+	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" has no column \"%s\"",
+			 RelationGetRelationName(rel), colName);
+	attnum = ((Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->attnum;
+	ReleaseSysCache(tuple);
+	if (newDefault)
-		foreach(entry, schema)
-		{
-			ColumnDef  *def = lfirst(entry);
+		/* SET DEFAULT */
+		RawColumnDefault *rawEnt;
-			if (def->cooked_default == bogus_marker)
-				elog(ERROR, "CREATE TABLE: attribute \"%s\" inherits conflicting default values"
-					 "\n\tTo resolve the conflict, specify a default explicitly",
-					 def->colname);
-		}
-	}
+		/* Get rid of the old one first */
+		drop_default(myrelid, attnum);
-	*supOids = parentOids;
-	*supconstr = constraints;
-	*supHasOids = parentHasOids;
-	return schema;
+		rawEnt = (RawColumnDefault *) palloc(sizeof(RawColumnDefault));
+		rawEnt->attnum = attnum;
+		rawEnt->raw_default = newDefault;
- * complementary static functions for MergeAttributes().
- *
- * Varattnos of pg_relcheck.rcbin must be rewritten when subclasses inherit
- * constraints from parent classes, since the inherited attributes could
- * be given different column numbers in multiple-inheritance cases.
- *
- * Note that the passed node tree is modified in place!
- */
-static bool
-change_varattnos_walker(Node *node, const AttrNumber *newattno)
-	if (node == NULL)
-		return false;
-	if (IsA(node, Var))
+		/*
+		 * This function is intended for CREATE TABLE, so it processes a
+		 * _list_ of defaults, but we just do one.
+		 */
+		AddRelationRawConstraints(rel, makeList1(rawEnt), NIL);
+	}
+	else
-		Var		   *var = (Var *) node;
+		Relation	attr_rel;
-		if (var->varlevelsup == 0 && var->varno == 1 &&
-			var->varattno > 0)
+		/* Fix the pg_attribute row */
+		attr_rel = heap_openr(AttributeRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);
+		tuple = SearchSysCacheCopy(ATTNAME,
+								   ObjectIdGetDatum(myrelid),
+								   PointerGetDatum(colName),
+								   0, 0);
+		if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple)) /* shouldn't happen */
+			elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" has no column \"%s\"",
+				 RelationGetRelationName(rel), colName);
+		((Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->atthasdef = FALSE;
+		simple_heap_update(attr_rel, &tuple->t_self, tuple);
+		/* keep the system catalog indices current */
+		if (RelationGetForm(attr_rel)->relhasindex)
-			/*
-			 * ??? the following may be a problem when the node is
-			 * multiply referenced though stringToNode() doesn't create
-			 * such a node currently.
-			 */
-			Assert(newattno[var->varattno - 1] > 0);
-			var->varattno = newattno[var->varattno - 1];
+			Relation	idescs[Num_pg_attr_indices];
+			CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_attr_indices, Name_pg_attr_indices, idescs);
+			CatalogIndexInsert(idescs, Num_pg_attr_indices, attr_rel, tuple);
+			CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_attr_indices, idescs);
-		return false;
+		heap_close(attr_rel, RowExclusiveLock);
+		/* get rid of actual default definition in pg_attrdef */
+		drop_default(myrelid, attnum);
-	return expression_tree_walker(node, change_varattnos_walker,
-								  (void *) newattno);
-static bool
-change_varattnos_of_a_node(Node *node, const AttrNumber *newattno)
-	return change_varattnos_walker(node, newattno);
+	heap_close(rel, NoLock);
- * StoreCatalogInheritance
- *		Updates the system catalogs with proper inheritance information.
- *
- * supers is an integer list of the OIDs of the new relation's direct
- * ancestors.  NB: it is destructively changed to include indirect ancestors.
- */
 static void
-StoreCatalogInheritance(Oid relationId, List *supers)
+drop_default(Oid relid, int16 attnum)
-	Relation	relation;
-	TupleDesc	desc;
-	int16		seqNumber;
-	List	   *entry;
+	ScanKeyData scankeys[2];
+	HeapScanDesc scan;
+	Relation	attrdef_rel;
 	HeapTuple	tuple;
-	/*
-	 * sanity checks
-	 */
-	AssertArg(OidIsValid(relationId));
+	attrdef_rel = heap_openr(AttrDefaultRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);
+	ScanKeyEntryInitialize(&scankeys[0], 0x0,
+						   Anum_pg_attrdef_adrelid, F_OIDEQ,
+						   ObjectIdGetDatum(relid));
+	ScanKeyEntryInitialize(&scankeys[1], 0x0,
+						   Anum_pg_attrdef_adnum, F_INT2EQ,
+						   Int16GetDatum(attnum));
-	if (supers == NIL)
-		return;
+	scan = heap_beginscan(attrdef_rel, false, SnapshotNow, 2, scankeys);
-	/*
-	 * Catalog INHERITS information using direct ancestors only.
-	 */
-	relation = heap_openr(InheritsRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);
-	desc = RelationGetDescr(relation);
+	if (HeapTupleIsValid(tuple = heap_getnext(scan, 0)))
+		simple_heap_delete(attrdef_rel, &tuple->t_self);
-	seqNumber = 1;
-	foreach(entry, supers)
-	{
-		Oid			entryOid = lfirsti(entry);
-		Datum		datum[Natts_pg_inherits];
-		char		nullarr[Natts_pg_inherits];
+	heap_endscan(scan);
-		datum[0] = ObjectIdGetDatum(relationId);		/* inhrel */
-		datum[1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(entryOid);	/* inhparent */
-		datum[2] = Int16GetDatum(seqNumber);	/* inhseqno */
+	heap_close(attrdef_rel, NoLock);
-		nullarr[0] = ' ';
-		nullarr[1] = ' ';
-		nullarr[2] = ' ';
-		tuple = heap_formtuple(desc, datum, nullarr);
+ */
+AlterTableAlterColumnFlags(Oid myrelid,
+						   bool inh, const char *colName,
+						   Node *flagValue, const char *flagType)
+	Relation	rel;
+	int			newtarget = 1;
+	char        newstorage = 'p';
+	Relation	attrelation;
+	HeapTuple	tuple;
+	Form_pg_attribute attrtuple;
+	rel = heap_open(myrelid, AccessExclusiveLock);
-		heap_insert(relation, tuple);
+	if (rel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION)
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" is not a table",
+			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
-		if (RelationGetForm(relation)->relhasindex)
-		{
-			Relation	idescs[Num_pg_inherits_indices];
+	/*
+	 * we allow statistics case for system tables
+	 */
+	if (*flagType != 'S' && !allowSystemTableMods && IsSystemRelation(rel))
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" is a system catalog",
+			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
-			CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_inherits_indices, Name_pg_inherits_indices, idescs);
-			CatalogIndexInsert(idescs, Num_pg_inherits_indices, relation, tuple);
-			CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_inherits_indices, idescs);
-		}
+	if (!pg_class_ownercheck(myrelid, GetUserId()))
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: \"%s\": permission denied",
+			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
-		heap_freetuple(tuple);
+	/*
+	 * Check the supplied parameters before anything else
+	 */
+	if (*flagType == 'S')
+	{
+		Assert(IsA(flagValue, Integer));
+		newtarget = intVal(flagValue);
-		seqNumber += 1;
+		/*
+		 * Limit target to sane range (should we raise an error instead?)
+		 */
+		if (newtarget < 0)
+			newtarget = 0;
+		else if (newtarget > 1000)
+			newtarget = 1000;
+	else if (*flagType == 'M')
+	{
+		/* STORAGE */
+		char        *storagemode;
-	heap_close(relation, RowExclusiveLock);
+		Assert(IsA(flagValue, String));
+		storagemode = strVal(flagValue);
-	/* ----------------
-	 * Expand supers list to include indirect ancestors as well.
-	 *
-	 * Algorithm:
-	 *	0. begin with list of direct superclasses.
-	 *	1. append after each relationId, its superclasses, recursively.
-	 *	2. remove all but last of duplicates.
-	 * ----------------
-	 */
+		if (strcasecmp(storagemode, "plain") == 0)
+			newstorage = 'p';
+		else if (strcasecmp(storagemode, "external") == 0)
+			newstorage = 'e';
+		else if (strcasecmp(storagemode, "extended") == 0)
+			newstorage = 'x';
+		else if (strcasecmp(storagemode, "main") == 0)
+			newstorage = 'm';
+		else
+			elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: \"%s\" storage not recognized",
+				 storagemode);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: Invalid column flag: %c",
+			 (int) *flagType);
+	}
-	 * 1. append after each relationId, its superclasses, recursively.
+	 * Propagate to children if desired
-	foreach(entry, supers)
+	if (inh)
-		HeapTuple	tuple;
-		Oid			id;
-		int16		number;
-		List	   *next;
-		List	   *current;
+		List	   *child,
+				   *children;
-		id = (Oid) lfirsti(entry);
-		current = entry;
-		next = lnext(entry);
+		/* this routine is actually in the planner */
+		children = find_all_inheritors(myrelid);
-		for (number = 1;; number += 1)
+		/*
+		 * find_all_inheritors does the recursive search of the
+		 * inheritance hierarchy, so all we have to do is process all of
+		 * the relids in the list that it returns.
+		 */
+		foreach(child, children)
-			tuple = SearchSysCache(INHRELID,
-								   ObjectIdGetDatum(id),
-								   Int16GetDatum(number),
-								   0, 0);
-			if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
-				break;
-			lnext(current) = lconsi(((Form_pg_inherits)
-									 GETSTRUCT(tuple))->inhparent,
-									NIL);
-			ReleaseSysCache(tuple);
+			Oid			childrelid = lfirsti(child);
-			current = lnext(current);
+			if (childrelid == myrelid)
+				continue;
+			AlterTableAlterColumnFlags(childrelid,
+									   false, colName, flagValue, flagType);
-		lnext(current) = next;
+	/* -= now do the thing on this relation =- */
+	attrelation = heap_openr(AttributeRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);
+	tuple = SearchSysCacheCopy(ATTNAME,
+							   ObjectIdGetDatum(myrelid),
+							   PointerGetDatum(colName),
+							   0, 0);
+	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" has no column \"%s\"",
+			 RelationGetRelationName(rel), colName);
+	attrtuple = (Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
+	if (attrtuple->attnum < 0)
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: cannot change system attribute \"%s\"",
+			 colName);
-	 * 2. remove all but last of duplicates.
+	 * Now change the appropriate field
-	foreach(entry, supers)
+	if (*flagType == 'S')
+		attrtuple->attstattarget = newtarget;
+	else if (*flagType == 'M')
-		Oid			thisone;
-		bool		found;
-		List	   *rest;
-		thisone = lfirsti(entry);
-		found = false;
-		foreach(rest, lnext(entry))
-		{
-			if (thisone == lfirsti(rest))
-			{
-				found = true;
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		if (found)
-		{
-			/*
-			 * found a later duplicate, so remove this entry.
-			 */
-			lfirsti(entry) = lfirsti(lnext(entry));
-			lnext(entry) = lnext(lnext(entry));
-			goto again;
-		}
+		/*
+		 * safety check: do not allow toasted storage modes unless column
+		 * datatype is TOAST-aware.
+		 */
+		if (newstorage == 'p' || TypeIsToastable(attrtuple->atttypid))
+			attrtuple->attstorage = newstorage;
+		else
+			elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: Column datatype %s can only have storage \"plain\"",
+				 format_type_be(attrtuple->atttypid));
- * Look for an existing schema entry with the given name.
- *
- * Returns the index (starting with 1) if attribute already exists in schema,
- * 0 if it doesn't.
- */
-static int
-findAttrByName(const char *attributeName, List *schema)
-	List	   *s;
-	int			i = 0;
+	simple_heap_update(attrelation, &tuple->t_self, tuple);
-	foreach(s, schema)
+	/* keep system catalog indices current */
-		ColumnDef  *def = lfirst(s);
+		Relation	irelations[Num_pg_attr_indices];
-		++i;
-		if (strcmp(attributeName, def->colname) == 0)
-			return i;
+		CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_attr_indices, Name_pg_attr_indices, irelations);
+		CatalogIndexInsert(irelations, Num_pg_attr_indices, attrelation, tuple);
+		CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_attr_indices, irelations);
-	return 0;
+	heap_freetuple(tuple);
+	heap_close(attrelation, NoLock);
+	heap_close(rel, NoLock);	/* close rel, but keep lock! */
- * Update a relation's pg_class.relhassubclass entry to the given value
-static void
-setRelhassubclassInRelation(Oid relationId, bool relhassubclass)
+AlterTableDropColumn(Oid myrelid,
+					 bool inh, const char *colName,
+					 int behavior)
-	Relation	relationRelation;
-	HeapTuple	tuple;
-	Relation	idescs[Num_pg_class_indices];
-	/*
-	 * Fetch a modifiable copy of the tuple, modify it, update pg_class.
-	 */
-	relationRelation = heap_openr(RelationRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);
-	tuple = SearchSysCacheCopy(RELOID,
-							   ObjectIdGetDatum(relationId),
-							   0, 0, 0);
-	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
-		elog(ERROR, "setRelhassubclassInRelation: cache lookup failed for relation %u", relationId);
-	((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->relhassubclass = relhassubclass;
-	simple_heap_update(relationRelation, &tuple->t_self, tuple);
-	/* keep the catalog indices up to date */
-	CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_class_indices, Name_pg_class_indices, idescs);
-	CatalogIndexInsert(idescs, Num_pg_class_indices, relationRelation, tuple);
-	CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_class_indices, idescs);
-	heap_freetuple(tuple);
-	heap_close(relationRelation, RowExclusiveLock);
+	elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE / DROP COLUMN is not implemented");
- *		renameatt		- changes the name of a attribute in a relation
- *
- *		Attname attribute is changed in attribute catalog.
- *		No record of the previous attname is kept (correct?).
- *
- *		get proper relrelation from relation catalog (if not arg)
- *		scan attribute catalog
- *				for name conflict (within rel)
- *				for original attribute (if not arg)
- *		modify attname in attribute tuple
- *		insert modified attribute in attribute catalog
- *		delete original attribute from attribute catalog
-renameatt(Oid relid,
-		  const char *oldattname,
-		  const char *newattname,
-		  bool recurse)
-	Relation	targetrelation;
-	Relation	attrelation;
-	HeapTuple	atttup;
-	List	   *indexoidlist;
-	List	   *indexoidscan;
+AlterTableAddConstraint(Oid myrelid,
+						bool inh, List *newConstraints)
+	Relation	rel;
+	List	   *listptr;
 	 * Grab an exclusive lock on the target table, which we will NOT
 	 * release until end of transaction.
-	targetrelation = heap_open(relid, AccessExclusiveLock);
+	rel = heap_open(myrelid, AccessExclusiveLock);
-	/*
-	 * permissions checking.  this would normally be done in utility.c,
-	 * but this particular routine is recursive.
-	 *
-	 * normally, only the owner of a class can change its schema.
-	 */
-	if (!allowSystemTableMods 
-		&& IsSystemRelation(targetrelation))
-		elog(ERROR, "renameatt: class \"%s\" is a system catalog",
-			 RelationGetRelationName(targetrelation));
-	if (!pg_class_ownercheck(relid, GetUserId()))
-		elog(ERROR, "renameatt: you do not own class \"%s\"",
-			 RelationGetRelationName(targetrelation));
+	if (rel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION)
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" is not a table",
+			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
-	/*
-	 * if the 'recurse' flag is set then we are supposed to rename this
-	 * attribute in all classes that inherit from 'relname' (as well as in
-	 * 'relname').
-	 *
-	 * any permissions or problems with duplicate attributes will cause the
-	 * whole transaction to abort, which is what we want -- all or
-	 * nothing.
-	 */
-	if (recurse)
+	if (!allowSystemTableMods
+		&& IsSystemRelation(rel))
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" is a system catalog",
+			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
+	if (!pg_class_ownercheck(myrelid, GetUserId()))
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: \"%s\": permission denied",
+			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
+	if (inh)
 		List	   *child,
 		/* this routine is actually in the planner */
-		children = find_all_inheritors(relid);
+		children = find_all_inheritors(myrelid);
 		 * find_all_inheritors does the recursive search of the
@@ -2625,571 +2390,686 @@ renameatt(Oid relid,
 			Oid			childrelid = lfirsti(child);
-			if (childrelid == relid)
+			if (childrelid == myrelid)
-			/* note we need not recurse again! */
-			renameatt(childrelid, oldattname, newattname, false);
+			AlterTableAddConstraint(childrelid, false, newConstraints);
-	attrelation = heap_openr(AttributeRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);
+	foreach(listptr, newConstraints)
+	{
+		Node	   *newConstraint = lfirst(listptr);
-	atttup = SearchSysCacheCopy(ATTNAME,
-								ObjectIdGetDatum(relid),
-								PointerGetDatum(oldattname),
-								0, 0);
-	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(atttup))
-		elog(ERROR, "renameatt: attribute \"%s\" does not exist", oldattname);
+		switch (nodeTag(newConstraint))
+		{
+			case T_Constraint:
+				{
+					Constraint *constr = (Constraint *) newConstraint;
-	if (((Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(atttup))->attnum < 0)
-		elog(ERROR, "renameatt: system attribute \"%s\" not renamed", oldattname);
+					/*
+					 * Currently, we only expect to see CONSTR_CHECK nodes
+					 * arriving here (see the preprocessing done in
+					 * parser/analyze.c).  Use a switch anyway to make it
+					 * easier to add more code later.
+					 */
+					switch (constr->contype)
+					{
+						case CONSTR_CHECK:
+							{
+								ParseState *pstate;
+								bool		successful = true;
+								HeapScanDesc scan;
+								ExprContext *econtext;
+								TupleTableSlot *slot;
+								HeapTuple	tuple;
+								RangeTblEntry *rte;
+								List	   *qual;
+								Node	   *expr;
+								char	   *name;
-	/* should not already exist */
-	if (SearchSysCacheExists(ATTNAME,
-							 ObjectIdGetDatum(relid),
-							 PointerGetDatum(newattname),
-							 0, 0))
-		elog(ERROR, "renameatt: attribute \"%s\" exists", newattname);
+								if (constr->name)
+									name = constr->name;
+								else
+									name = "<unnamed>";
+								/*
+								 * We need to make a parse state and range
+								 * table to allow us to transformExpr and
+								 * fix_opids to get a version of the
+								 * expression we can pass to ExecQual
+								 */
+								pstate = make_parsestate(NULL);
+								rte = addRangeTableEntryForRelation(pstate,
+																	myrelid,
+											makeAlias(RelationGetRelationName(rel), NIL),
+																	false,
+																	true);
+								addRTEtoQuery(pstate, rte, true, true);
+								/*
+								 * Convert the A_EXPR in raw_expr into an
+								 * EXPR
+								 */
+								expr = transformExpr(pstate, constr->raw_expr);
+								/*
+								 * Make sure it yields a boolean result.
+								 */
+								if (exprType(expr) != BOOLOID)
+									elog(ERROR, "CHECK '%s' does not yield boolean result",
+										 name);
+								/*
+								 * Make sure no outside relations are
+								 * referred to.
+								 */
+								if (length(pstate->p_rtable) != 1)
+									elog(ERROR, "Only relation '%s' can be referenced in CHECK",
+										 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
+								/*
+								 * Might as well try to reduce any
+								 * constant expressions.
+								 */
+								expr = eval_const_expressions(expr);
+								/* And fix the opids */
+								fix_opids(expr);
+								qual = makeList1(expr);
+								/* Make tuple slot to hold tuples */
+								slot = MakeTupleTableSlot();
+								ExecSetSlotDescriptor(slot, RelationGetDescr(rel), false);
+								/* Make an expression context for ExecQual */
+								econtext = MakeExprContext(slot, CurrentMemoryContext);
+								/*
+								 * Scan through the rows now, checking the
+								 * expression at each row.
+								 */
+								scan = heap_beginscan(rel, false, SnapshotNow, 0, NULL);
+								while (HeapTupleIsValid(tuple = heap_getnext(scan, 0)))
+								{
+									ExecStoreTuple(tuple, slot, InvalidBuffer, false);
+									if (!ExecQual(qual, econtext, true))
+									{
+										successful = false;
+										break;
+									}
+									ResetExprContext(econtext);
+								}
+								heap_endscan(scan);
+								FreeExprContext(econtext);
+								pfree(slot);
+								if (!successful)
+									elog(ERROR, "AlterTableAddConstraint: rejected due to CHECK constraint %s", name);
+								/*
+								 * Call AddRelationRawConstraints to do
+								 * the real adding -- It duplicates some
+								 * of the above, but does not check the
+								 * validity of the constraint against
+								 * tuples already in the table.
+								 */
+								AddRelationRawConstraints(rel, NIL,
+													  makeList1(constr));
+								break;
+							}
+						default:
+							elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE / ADD CONSTRAINT is not implemented for that constraint type.");
+					}
+					break;
+				}
+			case T_FkConstraint:
+				{
+					FkConstraint *fkconstraint = (FkConstraint *) newConstraint;
+					Relation	pkrel;
+					HeapScanDesc scan;
+					HeapTuple	tuple;
+					Trigger		trig;
+					List	   *list;
+					int			count;
+					/*
+					 * Grab an exclusive lock on the pk table, so that
+					 * someone doesn't delete rows out from under us.
+					 *
+					 * XXX wouldn't a lesser lock be sufficient?
+					 */
+					pkrel = heap_openrv(fkconstraint->pktable,
+										AccessExclusiveLock);
+					/*
+					 * Validity checks
+					 */
+					if (pkrel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION)
+						elog(ERROR, "referenced table \"%s\" not a relation",
+							 fkconstraint->pktable->relname);
+					if (isTempNamespace(RelationGetNamespace(pkrel)) &&
+						!isTempNamespace(RelationGetNamespace(rel)))
+						elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE / ADD CONSTRAINT: Unable to reference temporary table from permanent table constraint.");
+					/*
+					 * First we check for limited correctness of the
+					 * constraint.
+					 *
+					 * NOTE: we assume parser has already checked for
+					 * existence of an appropriate unique index on the
+					 * referenced relation, and that the column datatypes
+					 * are comparable.
+					 *
+					 * Scan through each tuple, calling RI_FKey_check_ins
+					 * (insert trigger) as if that tuple had just been
+					 * inserted.  If any of those fail, it should
+					 * elog(ERROR) and that's that.
+					 */
+					MemSet(&trig, 0, sizeof(trig));
+					trig.tgoid = InvalidOid;
+					if (fkconstraint->constr_name)
+						trig.tgname = fkconstraint->constr_name;
+					else
+						trig.tgname = "<unknown>";
+					trig.tgenabled = TRUE;
+					trig.tgisconstraint = TRUE;
+					trig.tgconstrrelid = RelationGetRelid(pkrel);
+					trig.tgdeferrable = FALSE;
+					trig.tginitdeferred = FALSE;
+					trig.tgargs = (char **) palloc(
+					 sizeof(char *) * (4 + length(fkconstraint->fk_attrs)
+									   + length(fkconstraint->pk_attrs)));
+					trig.tgargs[0] = trig.tgname;
+					trig.tgargs[1] = RelationGetRelationName(rel);
+					trig.tgargs[2] = RelationGetRelationName(pkrel);
+					trig.tgargs[3] = fkconstraint->match_type;
+					count = 4;
+					foreach(list, fkconstraint->fk_attrs)
+					{
+						Ident	   *fk_at = lfirst(list);
-	namestrcpy(&(((Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(atttup))->attname),
-			   newattname);
+						trig.tgargs[count] = fk_at->name;
+						count += 2;
+					}
+					count = 5;
+					foreach(list, fkconstraint->pk_attrs)
+					{
+						Ident	   *pk_at = lfirst(list);
-	simple_heap_update(attrelation, &atttup->t_self, atttup);
+						trig.tgargs[count] = pk_at->name;
+						count += 2;
+					}
+					trig.tgnargs = count - 1;
-	/* keep system catalog indices current */
-	{
-		Relation	irelations[Num_pg_attr_indices];
+					scan = heap_beginscan(rel, false, SnapshotNow, 0, NULL);
-		CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_attr_indices, Name_pg_attr_indices, irelations);
-		CatalogIndexInsert(irelations, Num_pg_attr_indices, attrelation, atttup);
-		CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_attr_indices, irelations);
-	}
+					while (HeapTupleIsValid(tuple = heap_getnext(scan, 0)))
+					{
+						/* Make a call to the check function */
-	heap_freetuple(atttup);
+						/*
+						 * No parameters are passed, but we do set a
+						 * context
+						 */
+						FunctionCallInfoData fcinfo;
+						TriggerData trigdata;
-	/*
-	 * Update column names of indexes that refer to the column being
-	 * renamed.
-	 */
-	indexoidlist = RelationGetIndexList(targetrelation);
+						MemSet(&fcinfo, 0, sizeof(fcinfo));
-	foreach(indexoidscan, indexoidlist)
-	{
-		Oid			indexoid = lfirsti(indexoidscan);
-		HeapTuple	indextup;
+						/*
+						 * We assume RI_FKey_check_ins won't look at
+						 * flinfo...
+						 */
-		/*
-		 * First check to see if index is a functional index. If so, its
-		 * column name is a function name and shouldn't be renamed here.
-		 */
-		indextup = SearchSysCache(INDEXRELID,
-								  ObjectIdGetDatum(indexoid),
-								  0, 0, 0);
-		if (!HeapTupleIsValid(indextup))
-			elog(ERROR, "renameatt: can't find index id %u", indexoid);
-		if (OidIsValid(((Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(indextup))->indproc))
-		{
-			ReleaseSysCache(indextup);
-			continue;
-		}
-		ReleaseSysCache(indextup);
+						trigdata.type = T_TriggerData;
+						trigdata.tg_event = TRIGGER_EVENT_INSERT | TRIGGER_EVENT_ROW;
+						trigdata.tg_relation = rel;
+						trigdata.tg_trigtuple = tuple;
+						trigdata.tg_newtuple = NULL;
+						trigdata.tg_trigger = &trig;
-		/*
-		 * Okay, look to see if any column name of the index matches the
-		 * old attribute name.
-		 */
-		atttup = SearchSysCacheCopy(ATTNAME,
-									ObjectIdGetDatum(indexoid),
-									PointerGetDatum(oldattname),
-									0, 0);
-		if (!HeapTupleIsValid(atttup))
-			continue;			/* Nope, so ignore it */
+						fcinfo.context = (Node *) &trigdata;
-		/*
-		 * Update the (copied) attribute tuple.
-		 */
-		namestrcpy(&(((Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(atttup))->attname),
-				   newattname);
+						RI_FKey_check_ins(&fcinfo);
+					}
+					heap_endscan(scan);
-		simple_heap_update(attrelation, &atttup->t_self, atttup);
+					pfree(trig.tgargs);
-		/* keep system catalog indices current */
-		{
-			Relation	irelations[Num_pg_attr_indices];
+					heap_close(pkrel, NoLock);
-			CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_attr_indices, Name_pg_attr_indices, irelations);
-			CatalogIndexInsert(irelations, Num_pg_attr_indices, attrelation, atttup);
-			CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_attr_indices, irelations);
+					break;
+				}
+			default:
+				elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE / ADD CONSTRAINT unable to determine type of constraint passed");
-		heap_freetuple(atttup);
-	}
-	freeList(indexoidlist);
-	heap_close(attrelation, RowExclusiveLock);
-	/*
-	 * Update att name in any RI triggers associated with the relation.
-	 */
-	if (targetrelation->rd_rel->reltriggers > 0)
-	{
-		/* update tgargs column reference where att is primary key */
-		update_ri_trigger_args(RelationGetRelid(targetrelation),
-							   oldattname, newattname,
-							   false, false);
-		/* update tgargs column reference where att is foreign key */
-		update_ri_trigger_args(RelationGetRelid(targetrelation),
-							   oldattname, newattname,
-							   true, false);
-	heap_close(targetrelation, NoLock); /* close rel but keep lock! */
+	/* Close rel, but keep lock till commit */
+	heap_close(rel, NoLock);
- *		renamerel		- change the name of a relation
- *
- *		XXX - When renaming sequences, we don't bother to modify the
- *			  sequence name that is stored within the sequence itself
- *			  (this would cause problems with MVCC). In the future,
- *			  the sequence name should probably be removed from the
- *			  sequence, AFAIK there's no need for it to be there.
+ * Note: It is legal to remove a constraint with name "" as it is possible
+ * to add a constraint with name "".
+ * Christopher Kings-Lynne
-renamerel(Oid relid, const char *newrelname)
+AlterTableDropConstraint(Oid myrelid,
+						 bool inh, const char *constrName,
+						 int behavior)
-	Relation	targetrelation;
-	Relation	relrelation;	/* for RELATION relation */
-	HeapTuple	reltup;
-	Oid			namespaceId;
-	char	   *oldrelname;
-	char		relkind;
-	bool		relhastriggers;
-	Relation	irelations[Num_pg_class_indices];
+	Relation	rel;
+	int			deleted;
-	 * Grab an exclusive lock on the target table or index, which we will
-	 * NOT release until end of transaction.
+	 * We don't support CASCADE yet  - in fact, RESTRICT doesn't work to
+	 * the spec either!
-	targetrelation = relation_open(relid, AccessExclusiveLock);
-	oldrelname = pstrdup(RelationGetRelationName(targetrelation));
-	namespaceId = RelationGetNamespace(targetrelation);
-	/* Validity checks */
-	if (!allowSystemTableMods &&
-		IsSystemRelation(targetrelation))
-		elog(ERROR, "renamerel: system relation \"%s\" may not be renamed",
-			 oldrelname);
-	relkind = targetrelation->rd_rel->relkind;
-	relhastriggers = (targetrelation->rd_rel->reltriggers > 0);
+	if (behavior == CASCADE)
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE / DROP CONSTRAINT does not support the CASCADE keyword");
-	 * Find relation's pg_class tuple, and make sure newrelname isn't in
-	 * use.
+	 * Acquire an exclusive lock on the target relation for the duration
+	 * of the operation.
-	relrelation = heap_openr(RelationRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);
+	rel = heap_open(myrelid, AccessExclusiveLock);
-	reltup = SearchSysCacheCopy(RELOID,
-								PointerGetDatum(relid),
-								0, 0, 0);
-	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(reltup))
-		elog(ERROR, "renamerel: relation \"%s\" does not exist",
-			 oldrelname);
+	/* Disallow DROP CONSTRAINT on views, indexes, sequences, etc */
+	if (rel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION)
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" is not a table",
+			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
-	if (get_relname_relid(newrelname, namespaceId) != InvalidOid)
-		elog(ERROR, "renamerel: relation \"%s\" exists", newrelname);
+	if (!allowSystemTableMods
+		&& IsSystemRelation(rel))
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" is a system catalog",
+			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
+	if (!pg_class_ownercheck(myrelid, GetUserId()))
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: \"%s\": permission denied",
+			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
-	 * Update pg_class tuple with new relname.	(Scribbling on reltup is
-	 * OK because it's a copy...)
+	 * Since all we have is the name of the constraint, we have to look
+	 * through all catalogs that could possibly contain a constraint for
+	 * this relation. We also keep a count of the number of constraints
+	 * removed.
-	namestrcpy(&(((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(reltup))->relname), newrelname);
-	simple_heap_update(relrelation, &reltup->t_self, reltup);
-	/* keep the system catalog indices current */
-	CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_class_indices, Name_pg_class_indices, irelations);
-	CatalogIndexInsert(irelations, Num_pg_class_indices, relrelation, reltup);
-	CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_class_indices, irelations);
-	heap_close(relrelation, NoLock);
-	heap_freetuple(reltup);
+	deleted = 0;
-	 * Also rename the associated type, if any.
+	 * First, we remove all CHECK constraints with the given name
-	if (relkind != RELKIND_INDEX)
-		TypeRename(oldrelname, namespaceId, newrelname);
-	/*
-	 * Update rel name in any RI triggers associated with the relation.
-	 */
-	if (relhastriggers)
-	{
-		/* update tgargs where relname is primary key */
-		update_ri_trigger_args(relid,
-							   oldrelname,
-							   newrelname,
-							   false, true);
-		/* update tgargs where relname is foreign key */
-		update_ri_trigger_args(relid,
-							   oldrelname,
-							   newrelname,
-							   true, true);
-	}
+	deleted += RemoveCheckConstraint(rel, constrName, inh);
-	 * Close rel, but keep exclusive lock!
+	 * constraints.
+	 *
+	 * Unimplemented.
-	relation_close(targetrelation, NoLock);
- *		renametrig		- changes the name of a trigger on a relation
- *
- *		trigger name is changed in trigger catalog.
- *		No record of the previous name is kept.
- *
- *		get proper relrelation from relation catalog (if not arg)
- *		scan trigger catalog
- *				for name conflict (within rel)
- *				for original trigger (if not arg)
- *		modify tgname in trigger tuple
- *		insert modified trigger in trigger catalog
- *		delete original trigger from trigger catalog
+	/* Close the target relation */
+	heap_close(rel, NoLock);
+	/* If zero constraints deleted, complain */
+	if (deleted == 0)
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE / DROP CONSTRAINT: %s does not exist",
+			 constrName);
+	/* Otherwise if more than one constraint deleted, notify */
+	else if (deleted > 1)
+		elog(NOTICE, "Multiple constraints dropped");
-extern void renametrig(Oid relid,
-		  const char *oldname,
-		  const char *newname)
+AlterTableOwner(Oid relationOid, int32 newOwnerSysId)
-	Relation	targetrel;
-	Relation	tgrel;
-	HeapTuple	tuple;
-	SysScanDesc	tgscan;
-	ScanKeyData key;
-	bool		found = FALSE;
-	Relation	idescs[Num_pg_trigger_indices];
+	Relation		target_rel;
+	Relation		class_rel;
+	HeapTuple		tuple;
+	Relation		idescs[Num_pg_class_indices];
+	Form_pg_class	tuple_class;
-	/*
-	 * Grab an exclusive lock on the target table, which we will NOT
-	 * release until end of transaction.
-	 */
-	targetrel = heap_open(relid, AccessExclusiveLock);
+	/* Get exclusive lock till end of transaction on the target table */
+	target_rel = heap_open(relationOid, AccessExclusiveLock);
-	/*
-	 * Scan pg_trigger twice for existing triggers on relation.  We do this in
-	 * order to ensure a trigger does not exist with newname (The unique index
-	 * on tgrelid/tgname would complain anyway) and to ensure a trigger does
-	 * exist with oldname.
-	 *
-	 * NOTE that this is cool only because we have AccessExclusiveLock on the
-	 * relation, so the trigger set won't be changing underneath us.
-	 */
-	tgrel = heap_openr(TriggerRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);
+	/* Get its pg_class tuple, too */
+	class_rel = heap_openr(RelationRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);
+	tuple = SearchSysCacheCopy(RELOID,
+							   ObjectIdGetDatum(relationOid),
+							   0, 0, 0);
+	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation %u not found", relationOid);
+	tuple_class = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
+	/* Can we change the ownership of this tuple? */
+	CheckTupleType(tuple_class);
-	 * First pass -- look for name conflict
+	 * Okay, this is a valid tuple: change its ownership and
+	 * write to the heap.
-	ScanKeyEntryInitialize(&key, 0,
-						   Anum_pg_trigger_tgrelid,
-						   F_OIDEQ,
-						   ObjectIdGetDatum(relid));
-	tgscan = systable_beginscan(tgrel, TriggerRelidNameIndex, true,
-								SnapshotNow, 1, &key);
-	while (HeapTupleIsValid(tuple = systable_getnext(tgscan)))
-	{
-		Form_pg_trigger pg_trigger = (Form_pg_trigger) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
+	tuple_class->relowner = newOwnerSysId;
+	simple_heap_update(class_rel, &tuple->t_self, tuple);
-		if (namestrcmp(&(pg_trigger->tgname), newname) == 0)
-			elog(ERROR, "renametrig: trigger %s already defined on relation %s",
-				 newname, RelationGetRelationName(targetrel));
-	}
-	systable_endscan(tgscan);
+	/* Keep the catalog indices up to date */
+	CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_class_indices, Name_pg_class_indices, idescs);
+	CatalogIndexInsert(idescs, Num_pg_class_indices, class_rel, tuple);
+	CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_class_indices, idescs);
-	 * Second pass -- look for trigger existing with oldname and update
+	 * If we are operating on a table, also change the ownership of any
+	 * indexes that belong to the table, as well as the table's toast
+	 * table (if it has one)
-	ScanKeyEntryInitialize(&key, 0,
-						   Anum_pg_trigger_tgrelid,
-						   F_OIDEQ,
-						   ObjectIdGetDatum(relid));
-	tgscan = systable_beginscan(tgrel, TriggerRelidNameIndex, true,
-								SnapshotNow, 1, &key);
-	while (HeapTupleIsValid(tuple = systable_getnext(tgscan)))
+	if (tuple_class->relkind == RELKIND_RELATION ||
+		tuple_class->relkind == RELKIND_TOASTVALUE)
-		Form_pg_trigger pg_trigger = (Form_pg_trigger) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
+		List *index_oid_list, *i;
-		if (namestrcmp(&(pg_trigger->tgname), oldname) == 0)
-		{
-			/*
-			 * Update pg_trigger tuple with new tgname.
-			 * (Scribbling on tuple is OK because it's a copy...)
-			 */
-			namestrcpy(&(pg_trigger->tgname), newname);
-			simple_heap_update(tgrel, &tuple->t_self, tuple);
+		/* Find all the indexes belonging to this relation */
+		index_oid_list = RelationGetIndexList(target_rel);
-			/*
-			 * keep system catalog indices current
-			 */
-			CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_trigger_indices, Name_pg_trigger_indices, idescs);
-			CatalogIndexInsert(idescs, Num_pg_trigger_indices, tgrel, tuple);
-			CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_trigger_indices, idescs);
+		/* For each index, recursively change its ownership */
+		foreach(i, index_oid_list)
+		{
+			AlterTableOwner(lfirsti(i), newOwnerSysId);
+		}
-			/*
-			 * Invalidate relation's relcache entry so that other
-			 * backends (and this one too!) are sent SI message to make them
-			 * rebuild relcache entries.
-			 */
-			CacheInvalidateRelcache(relid);
+		freeList(index_oid_list);
+	}
-			found = TRUE;
-			break;
+	if (tuple_class->relkind == RELKIND_RELATION)
+	{
+		/* If it has a toast table, recurse to change its ownership */
+		if (tuple_class->reltoastrelid != InvalidOid)
+		{
+			AlterTableOwner(tuple_class->reltoastrelid, newOwnerSysId);
-	systable_endscan(tgscan);
-	heap_close(tgrel, RowExclusiveLock);
-	if (!found)
-		elog(ERROR, "renametrig: trigger %s not defined on relation %s",
-			 oldname, RelationGetRelationName(targetrel));
-	/*
-	 * Close rel, but keep exclusive lock!
-	 */
-	heap_close(targetrel, NoLock);
+	heap_freetuple(tuple);
+	heap_close(class_rel, RowExclusiveLock);
+	heap_close(target_rel, NoLock);
- * Given a trigger function OID, determine whether it is an RI trigger,
- * and if so whether it is attached to PK or FK relation.
- *
- * XXX this probably doesn't belong here; should be exported by
- * ri_triggers.c
- */
-static int
-ri_trigger_type(Oid tgfoid)
+static void
+CheckTupleType(Form_pg_class tuple_class)
-	switch (tgfoid)
+	switch (tuple_class->relkind)
-			return RI_TRIGGER_PK;
-			return RI_TRIGGER_FK;
+			/* ok to change owner */
+			break;
+		default:
+			elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" is not a table, TOAST table, index, view, or sequence",
+				 NameStr(tuple_class->relname));
- * Scan pg_trigger for RI triggers that are on the specified relation
- * (if fk_scan is false) or have it as the tgconstrrel (if fk_scan
- * is true).  Update RI trigger args fields matching oldname to contain
- * newname instead.  If update_relname is true, examine the relname
- * fields; otherwise examine the attname fields.
-static void
-update_ri_trigger_args(Oid relid,
-					   const char *oldname,
-					   const char *newname,
-					   bool fk_scan,
-					   bool update_relname)
+AlterTableCreateToastTable(Oid relOid, bool silent)
-	Relation	tgrel;
-	Relation	irel;
-	ScanKeyData skey[1];
-	IndexScanDesc idxtgscan;
-	RetrieveIndexResult idxres;
-	Datum		values[Natts_pg_trigger];
-	char		nulls[Natts_pg_trigger];
-	char		replaces[Natts_pg_trigger];
+	Relation	rel;
+	HeapTuple	reltup;
+	HeapTupleData classtuple;
+	TupleDesc	tupdesc;
+	Relation	class_rel;
+	Buffer		buffer;
+	Relation	ridescs[Num_pg_class_indices];
+	Oid			toast_relid;
+	Oid			toast_idxid;
+	char		toast_relname[NAMEDATALEN];
+	char		toast_idxname[NAMEDATALEN];
+	IndexInfo  *indexInfo;
+	Oid			classObjectId[2];
-	tgrel = heap_openr(TriggerRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);
-	if (fk_scan)
-		irel = index_openr(TriggerConstrRelidIndex);
-	else
-		irel = index_openr(TriggerRelidNameIndex);
+	/*
+	 * Grab an exclusive lock on the target table, which we will NOT
+	 * release until end of transaction.
+	 */
+	rel = heap_open(relOid, AccessExclusiveLock);
-	ScanKeyEntryInitialize(&skey[0], 0x0,
-						   1,	/* column 1 of index in either case */
-						   F_OIDEQ,
-						   ObjectIdGetDatum(relid));
-	idxtgscan = index_beginscan(irel, false, 1, skey);
+	if (rel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION)
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" is not a table",
+			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
-	while ((idxres = index_getnext(idxtgscan, ForwardScanDirection)) != NULL)
-	{
-		HeapTupleData tupledata;
-		Buffer		buffer;
-		HeapTuple	tuple;
-		Form_pg_trigger pg_trigger;
-		bytea	   *val;
-		bytea	   *newtgargs;
-		bool		isnull;
-		int			tg_type;
-		bool		examine_pk;
-		bool		changed;
-		int			tgnargs;
-		int			i;
-		int			newlen;
-		const char *arga[RI_MAX_ARGUMENTS];
-		const char *argp;
+	if (!pg_class_ownercheck(relOid, GetUserId()))
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: \"%s\": permission denied",
+			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
-		tupledata.t_self = idxres->heap_iptr;
-		heap_fetch(tgrel, SnapshotNow, &tupledata, &buffer, idxtgscan);
-		pfree(idxres);
-		if (!tupledata.t_data)
-			continue;
-		tuple = &tupledata;
-		pg_trigger = (Form_pg_trigger) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
-		tg_type = ri_trigger_type(pg_trigger->tgfoid);
-		if (tg_type == RI_TRIGGER_NONE)
-		{
-			/* Not an RI trigger, forget it */
-			ReleaseBuffer(buffer);
-			continue;
-		}
+	/*
+	 * lock the pg_class tuple for update (is that really needed?)
+	 */
+	class_rel = heap_openr(RelationRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);
-		/*
-		 * It is an RI trigger, so parse the tgargs bytea.
-		 *
-		 * NB: we assume the field will never be compressed or moved out of
-		 * line; so does trigger.c ...
-		 */
-		tgnargs = pg_trigger->tgnargs;
-		val = (bytea *) fastgetattr(tuple,
-									Anum_pg_trigger_tgargs,
-									tgrel->rd_att, &isnull);
-		if (isnull || tgnargs < RI_FIRST_ATTNAME_ARGNO ||
-			tgnargs > RI_MAX_ARGUMENTS)
-		{
-			/* This probably shouldn't happen, but ignore busted triggers */
-			ReleaseBuffer(buffer);
-			continue;
-		}
-		argp = (const char *) VARDATA(val);
-		for (i = 0; i < tgnargs; i++)
+	reltup = SearchSysCache(RELOID,
+							ObjectIdGetDatum(relOid),
+							0, 0, 0);
+	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(reltup))
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" not found",
+			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
+	classtuple.t_self = reltup->t_self;
+	ReleaseSysCache(reltup);
+	switch (heap_mark4update(class_rel, &classtuple, &buffer))
+	{
+		case HeapTupleSelfUpdated:
+		case HeapTupleMayBeUpdated:
+			break;
+		default:
+			elog(ERROR, "couldn't lock pg_class tuple");
+	}
+	reltup = heap_copytuple(&classtuple);
+	ReleaseBuffer(buffer);
+	/*
+	 * Is it already toasted?
+	 */
+	if (((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(reltup))->reltoastrelid != InvalidOid)
+	{
+		if (silent)
-			arga[i] = argp;
-			argp += strlen(argp) + 1;
+			heap_close(rel, NoLock);
+			heap_close(class_rel, NoLock);
+			heap_freetuple(reltup);
+			return;
-		/*
-		 * Figure out which item(s) to look at.  If the trigger is
-		 * primary-key type and attached to my rel, I should look at the
-		 * PK fields; if it is foreign-key type and attached to my rel, I
-		 * should look at the FK fields.  But the opposite rule holds when
-		 * examining triggers found by tgconstrrel search.
-		 */
-		examine_pk = (tg_type == RI_TRIGGER_PK) == (!fk_scan);
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" already has a toast table",
+			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
+	}
-		changed = false;
-		if (update_relname)
-		{
-			/* Change the relname if needed */
-			if (strcmp(arga[i], oldname) == 0)
-			{
-				arga[i] = newname;
-				changed = true;
-			}
-		}
-		else
+	/*
+	 * Check to see whether the table actually needs a TOAST table.
+	 */
+	if (!needs_toast_table(rel))
+	{
+		if (silent)
-			/* Change attname(s) if needed */
-			for (; i < tgnargs; i += 2)
-			{
-				if (strcmp(arga[i], oldname) == 0)
-				{
-					arga[i] = newname;
-					changed = true;
-				}
-			}
+			heap_close(rel, NoLock);
+			heap_close(class_rel, NoLock);
+			heap_freetuple(reltup);
+			return;
-		if (!changed)
-		{
-			/* Don't need to update this tuple */
-			ReleaseBuffer(buffer);
-			continue;
-		}
+		elog(ERROR, "ALTER TABLE: relation \"%s\" does not need a toast table",
+			 RelationGetRelationName(rel));
+	}
-		/*
-		 * Construct modified tgargs bytea.
-		 */
-		newlen = VARHDRSZ;
-		for (i = 0; i < tgnargs; i++)
-			newlen += strlen(arga[i]) + 1;
-		newtgargs = (bytea *) palloc(newlen);
-		VARATT_SIZEP(newtgargs) = newlen;
-		newlen = VARHDRSZ;
-		for (i = 0; i < tgnargs; i++)
-		{
-			strcpy(((char *) newtgargs) + newlen, arga[i]);
-			newlen += strlen(arga[i]) + 1;
-		}
+	/*
+	 * Create the toast table and its index
+	 */
+	sprintf(toast_relname, "pg_toast_%u", relOid);
+	sprintf(toast_idxname, "pg_toast_%u_index", relOid);
-		/*
-		 * Build modified tuple.
-		 */
-		for (i = 0; i < Natts_pg_trigger; i++)
-		{
-			values[i] = (Datum) 0;
-			replaces[i] = ' ';
-			nulls[i] = ' ';
-		}
-		values[Anum_pg_trigger_tgargs - 1] = PointerGetDatum(newtgargs);
-		replaces[Anum_pg_trigger_tgargs - 1] = 'r';
+	/* this is pretty painful...  need a tuple descriptor */
+	tupdesc = CreateTemplateTupleDesc(3);
+	TupleDescInitEntry(tupdesc, (AttrNumber) 1,
+					   "chunk_id",
+					   OIDOID,
+					   -1, 0, false);
+	TupleDescInitEntry(tupdesc, (AttrNumber) 2,
+					   "chunk_seq",
+					   INT4OID,
+					   -1, 0, false);
+	TupleDescInitEntry(tupdesc, (AttrNumber) 3,
+					   "chunk_data",
+					   BYTEAOID,
+					   -1, 0, false);
-		tuple = heap_modifytuple(tuple, tgrel, values, nulls, replaces);
+	/*
+	 * Ensure that the toast table doesn't itself get toasted, or we'll be
+	 * toast :-(.  This is essential for chunk_data because type bytea is
+	 * toastable; hit the other two just to be sure.
+	 */
+	tupdesc->attrs[0]->attstorage = 'p';
+	tupdesc->attrs[1]->attstorage = 'p';
+	tupdesc->attrs[2]->attstorage = 'p';
-		/*
-		 * Now we can release hold on original tuple.
-		 */
-		ReleaseBuffer(buffer);
+	/*
+	 * Note: the toast relation is placed in the regular pg_toast namespace
+	 * even if its master relation is a temp table.  There cannot be any
+	 * naming collision, and the toast rel will be destroyed when its master
+	 * is, so there's no need to handle the toast rel as temp.
+	 */
+	toast_relid = heap_create_with_catalog(toast_relname,
+										   PG_TOAST_NAMESPACE,
+										   tupdesc,
+										   false,
+										   true);
-		/*
-		 * Update pg_trigger and its indexes
-		 */
-		simple_heap_update(tgrel, &tuple->t_self, tuple);
+	/* make the toast relation visible, else index creation will fail */
+	CommandCounterIncrement();
-		{
-			Relation	irelations[Num_pg_attr_indices];
+	/*
+	 * Create unique index on chunk_id, chunk_seq.
+	 *
+	 * NOTE: the tuple toaster could actually function with a single-column
+	 * index on chunk_id only.	However, it couldn't be unique then.  We
+	 * want it to be unique as a check against the possibility of
+	 * duplicate TOAST chunk OIDs.	Too, the index might be a little more
+	 * efficient this way, since btree isn't all that happy with large
+	 * numbers of equal keys.
+	 */
-			CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_trigger_indices, Name_pg_trigger_indices, irelations);
-			CatalogIndexInsert(irelations, Num_pg_trigger_indices, tgrel, tuple);
-			CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_trigger_indices, irelations);
-		}
+	indexInfo = makeNode(IndexInfo);
+	indexInfo->ii_NumIndexAttrs = 2;
+	indexInfo->ii_NumKeyAttrs = 2;
+	indexInfo->ii_KeyAttrNumbers[0] = 1;
+	indexInfo->ii_KeyAttrNumbers[1] = 2;
+	indexInfo->ii_Predicate = NIL;
+	indexInfo->ii_FuncOid = InvalidOid;
+	indexInfo->ii_Unique = true;
-		/* free up our scratch memory */
-		pfree(newtgargs);
-		heap_freetuple(tuple);
-	}
+	classObjectId[0] = OID_BTREE_OPS_OID;
+	classObjectId[1] = INT4_BTREE_OPS_OID;
-	index_endscan(idxtgscan);
-	index_close(irel);
+	toast_idxid = index_create(toast_relid, toast_idxname, indexInfo,
+							   BTREE_AM_OID, classObjectId,
+							   true, true);
-	heap_close(tgrel, RowExclusiveLock);
+	/*
+	 * Update toast rel's pg_class entry to show that it has an index. The
+	 * index OID is stored into the reltoastidxid field for easy access by
+	 * the tuple toaster.
+	 */
+	setRelhasindex(toast_relid, true, true, toast_idxid);
-	 * Increment cmd counter to make updates visible; this is needed in
-	 * case the same tuple has to be updated again by next pass (can
-	 * happen in case of a self-referential FK relationship).
+	 * Store the toast table's OID in the parent relation's tuple
+	 */
+	((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(reltup))->reltoastrelid = toast_relid;
+	simple_heap_update(class_rel, &reltup->t_self, reltup);
+	/*
+	 * Keep catalog indices current
+	 */
+	CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_class_indices, Name_pg_class_indices, ridescs);
+	CatalogIndexInsert(ridescs, Num_pg_class_indices, class_rel, reltup);
+	CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_class_indices, ridescs);
+	heap_freetuple(reltup);
+	/*
+	 * Close relations and make changes visible
+	heap_close(class_rel, NoLock);
+	heap_close(rel, NoLock);
+ * Check to see whether the table needs a TOAST table.	It does only if
+ * (1) there are any toastable attributes, and (2) the maximum length
+ * of a tuple could exceed TOAST_TUPLE_THRESHOLD.  (We don't want to
+ * create a toast table for something like "f1 varchar(20)".)
+ */
+static bool
+needs_toast_table(Relation rel)
+	int32		data_length = 0;
+	bool		maxlength_unknown = false;
+	bool		has_toastable_attrs = false;
+	TupleDesc	tupdesc;
+	Form_pg_attribute *att;
+	int32		tuple_length;
+	int			i;
+	tupdesc = rel->rd_att;
+	att = tupdesc->attrs;
+	for (i = 0; i < tupdesc->natts; i++)
+	{
+		data_length = att_align(data_length, att[i]->attlen, att[i]->attalign);
+		if (att[i]->attlen >= 0)
+		{
+			/* Fixed-length types are never toastable */
+			data_length += att[i]->attlen;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			int32		maxlen = type_maximum_size(att[i]->atttypid,
+												   att[i]->atttypmod);
+			if (maxlen < 0)
+				maxlength_unknown = true;
+			else
+				data_length += maxlen;
+			if (att[i]->attstorage != 'p')
+				has_toastable_attrs = true;
+		}
+	}
+	if (!has_toastable_attrs)
+		return false;			/* nothing to toast? */
+	if (maxlength_unknown)
+		return true;			/* any unlimited-length attrs? */
+	tuple_length = MAXALIGN(offsetof(HeapTupleHeaderData, t_bits) +
+							BITMAPLEN(tupdesc->natts)) +
+		MAXALIGN(data_length);
+	return (tuple_length > TOAST_TUPLE_THRESHOLD);
diff --git a/src/backend/commands/trigger.c b/src/backend/commands/trigger.c
index c00b4bebac8f9bdc5f1d6dbc5ead48107df4c307..b826297a7189aff893d02c2b15569e2c8ac3d9b1 100644
--- a/src/backend/commands/trigger.c
+++ b/src/backend/commands/trigger.c
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
  * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
- *	  $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/trigger.c,v 1.114 2002/04/19 16:36:08 tgl Exp $
+ *	  $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/trigger.c,v 1.115 2002/04/26 19:29:47 tgl Exp $
@@ -503,6 +503,123 @@ RelationRemoveTriggers(Relation rel)
 	heap_close(tgrel, RowExclusiveLock);
+ *		renametrig		- changes the name of a trigger on a relation
+ *
+ *		trigger name is changed in trigger catalog.
+ *		No record of the previous name is kept.
+ *
+ *		get proper relrelation from relation catalog (if not arg)
+ *		scan trigger catalog
+ *				for name conflict (within rel)
+ *				for original trigger (if not arg)
+ *		modify tgname in trigger tuple
+ *		insert modified trigger in trigger catalog
+ *		delete original trigger from trigger catalog
+ */
+renametrig(Oid relid,
+		   const char *oldname,
+		   const char *newname)
+	Relation	targetrel;
+	Relation	tgrel;
+	HeapTuple	tuple;
+	SysScanDesc	tgscan;
+	ScanKeyData key;
+	bool		found = FALSE;
+	Relation	idescs[Num_pg_trigger_indices];
+	/*
+	 * Grab an exclusive lock on the target table, which we will NOT
+	 * release until end of transaction.
+	 */
+	targetrel = heap_open(relid, AccessExclusiveLock);
+	/*
+	 * Scan pg_trigger twice for existing triggers on relation.  We do this in
+	 * order to ensure a trigger does not exist with newname (The unique index
+	 * on tgrelid/tgname would complain anyway) and to ensure a trigger does
+	 * exist with oldname.
+	 *
+	 * NOTE that this is cool only because we have AccessExclusiveLock on the
+	 * relation, so the trigger set won't be changing underneath us.
+	 */
+	tgrel = heap_openr(TriggerRelationName, RowExclusiveLock);
+	/*
+	 * First pass -- look for name conflict
+	 */
+	ScanKeyEntryInitialize(&key, 0,
+						   Anum_pg_trigger_tgrelid,
+						   F_OIDEQ,
+						   ObjectIdGetDatum(relid));
+	tgscan = systable_beginscan(tgrel, TriggerRelidNameIndex, true,
+								SnapshotNow, 1, &key);
+	while (HeapTupleIsValid(tuple = systable_getnext(tgscan)))
+	{
+		Form_pg_trigger pg_trigger = (Form_pg_trigger) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
+		if (namestrcmp(&(pg_trigger->tgname), newname) == 0)
+			elog(ERROR, "renametrig: trigger %s already defined on relation %s",
+				 newname, RelationGetRelationName(targetrel));
+	}
+	systable_endscan(tgscan);
+	/*
+	 * Second pass -- look for trigger existing with oldname and update
+	 */
+	ScanKeyEntryInitialize(&key, 0,
+						   Anum_pg_trigger_tgrelid,
+						   F_OIDEQ,
+						   ObjectIdGetDatum(relid));
+	tgscan = systable_beginscan(tgrel, TriggerRelidNameIndex, true,
+								SnapshotNow, 1, &key);
+	while (HeapTupleIsValid(tuple = systable_getnext(tgscan)))
+	{
+		Form_pg_trigger pg_trigger = (Form_pg_trigger) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
+		if (namestrcmp(&(pg_trigger->tgname), oldname) == 0)
+		{
+			/*
+			 * Update pg_trigger tuple with new tgname.
+			 * (Scribbling on tuple is OK because it's a copy...)
+			 */
+			namestrcpy(&(pg_trigger->tgname), newname);
+			simple_heap_update(tgrel, &tuple->t_self, tuple);
+			/*
+			 * keep system catalog indices current
+			 */
+			CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_trigger_indices, Name_pg_trigger_indices, idescs);
+			CatalogIndexInsert(idescs, Num_pg_trigger_indices, tgrel, tuple);
+			CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_trigger_indices, idescs);
+			/*
+			 * Invalidate relation's relcache entry so that other
+			 * backends (and this one too!) are sent SI message to make them
+			 * rebuild relcache entries.
+			 */
+			CacheInvalidateRelcache(relid);
+			found = TRUE;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	systable_endscan(tgscan);
+	heap_close(tgrel, RowExclusiveLock);
+	if (!found)
+		elog(ERROR, "renametrig: trigger %s not defined on relation %s",
+			 oldname, RelationGetRelationName(targetrel));
+	/*
+	 * Close rel, but keep exclusive lock!
+	 */
+	heap_close(targetrel, NoLock);
  * Build trigger data to attach to the given relcache entry.
diff --git a/src/backend/commands/user.c b/src/backend/commands/user.c
index eb80acbd008396e13b71ef3d97d2112a04505e47..d9d219edd0087f612f170d0cbef25f0af27a5d18 100644
--- a/src/backend/commands/user.c
+++ b/src/backend/commands/user.c
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
  * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2001, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
  * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/user.c,v 1.96 2002/04/18 21:16:16 tgl Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/user.c,v 1.97 2002/04/26 19:29:47 tgl Exp $
@@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ CreateUser(CreateUserStmt *stmt)
-extern void
 AlterUser(AlterUserStmt *stmt)
 	Datum		new_record[Natts_pg_shadow];
diff --git a/src/include/commands/tablecmds.h b/src/include/commands/tablecmds.h
index f3dfcd6b9b1af0c6c5afbb14725e36b6ceb618e1..1ce35eb164806fb9f17481129440510c97a68bbd 100644
--- a/src/include/commands/tablecmds.h
+++ b/src/include/commands/tablecmds.h
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
  * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2002, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
  * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
- * $Id: tablecmds.h,v 1.2 2002/04/24 02:48:55 momjian Exp $
+ * $Id: tablecmds.h,v 1.3 2002/04/26 19:29:47 tgl Exp $
@@ -61,8 +61,4 @@ extern void renameatt(Oid relid,
 extern void renamerel(Oid relid,
 		  const char *newrelname);
-extern void renametrig(Oid relid,
-		  const char *oldname,
-		  const char *newname);
 #endif   /* TABLECMDS_H */
diff --git a/src/include/commands/trigger.h b/src/include/commands/trigger.h
index 4166b47bb74dfd649fc3f760d1d94bbf71e8ec4d..4719bf0c914c5006c34aaad1fb167913e8e9e09a 100644
--- a/src/include/commands/trigger.h
+++ b/src/include/commands/trigger.h
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
  * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2001, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
  * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
- * $Id: trigger.h,v 1.34 2002/04/01 22:36:13 tgl Exp $
+ * $Id: trigger.h,v 1.35 2002/04/26 19:29:47 tgl Exp $
@@ -105,6 +105,8 @@ extern void CreateTrigger(CreateTrigStmt *stmt);
 extern void DropTrigger(Oid relid, const char *trigname);
 extern void RelationRemoveTriggers(Relation rel);
+extern void renametrig(Oid relid, const char *oldname, const char *newname);
 extern void RelationBuildTriggers(Relation relation);
 extern void FreeTriggerDesc(TriggerDesc *trigdesc);