From 7a2a1acd520761b479c9dfc4a8e573aeec626094 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bruce Momjian <>
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 04:01:17 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Add

 doc/TODO.detail/typeconv | 126 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 125 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/doc/TODO.detail/typeconv b/doc/TODO.detail/typeconv
index 98780db3c16..744ac2291c2 100644
--- a/doc/TODO.detail/typeconv
+++ b/doc/TODO.detail/typeconv
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ From Sun May 14 17:30:56 2000
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@@ -633,3 +633,127 @@ types.)
 			regards, tom lane
+From Sun Dec 10 13:17:54 2000
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+	Sun, 10 Dec 2000 13:08:02 -0500 (EST)
+To: Thomas Lockhart <>
+Subject: [HACKERS] Unknown-type resolution rules, redux
+Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 13:08:02 -0500
+Message-ID: <>
+From: Tom Lane <>
+Precedence: bulk
+Status: OR
+parse_coerce.c contains the following conversation --- I believe the
+first XXX comment is from me and the second from you:
+    /*
+     * Still too many candidates? Try assigning types for the unknown
+     * columns.
+     *
+     * We do this by examining each unknown argument position to see if all
+     * the candidates agree on the type category of that slot.  If so, and
+     * if some candidates accept the preferred type in that category,
+     * eliminate the candidates with other input types.  If we are down to
+     * one candidate at the end, we win.
+     *
+     * XXX It's kinda bogus to do this left-to-right, isn't it?  If we
+     * eliminate some candidates because they are non-preferred at the
+     * first slot, we won't notice that they didn't have the same type
+     * category for a later slot.
+     * XXX Hmm. How else would you do this? These candidates are here because
+     * they all have the same number of matches on arguments with explicit
+     * types, so from here on left-to-right resolution is as good as any.
+     * Need a counterexample to see otherwise...
+     */
+The comment is out of date anyway because it fails to mention the new
+rule about preferring STRING category.  But to answer your request for
+a counterexample: consider
+	SELECT foo('bar', 'baz')
+First, suppose the available candidates are
+	foo(float8, int4)
+	foo(float8, point)
+In this case, we examine the first argument position, see that all the
+candidates agree on NUMERIC category, so we consider resolving the first
+unknown input to float8.  That eliminates neither candidate so we move
+on to the second argument position.  Here there is a conflict of
+categories so we can't eliminate anything, and we decide the call is
+ambiguous.  That's correct (or at least Operating As Designed ;-)).
+But now suppose we have
+	foo(float8, int4)
+	foo(float4, point)
+Here, at the first position we will still see that all candidates agree
+on NUMERIC category, and then we will eliminate candidate 2 because it
+isn't the preferred type in that category.  Now when we come to the
+second argument position, there's only one candidate left so there's
+no category conflict.  Result: this call is considered non-ambiguous.
+This means there is a left-to-right bias in the algorithm.  For example,
+the exact same call *would* be considered ambiguous if the candidates'
+argument orders were reversed:
+	foo(int4, float8)
+	foo(point, float4)
+I do not like that.  You could maybe argue that earlier arguments are
+more important than later ones for functions, but it's harder to make
+that case for binary operators --- and in any case this behavior is
+extremely difficult to explain in prose.
+To fix this, I think we need to split the loop into two passes.
+The first pass does *not* remove any candidates.  What it does is to
+look separately at each UNKNOWN-argument position and attempt to deduce
+a probable category for it, using the following rules:
+* If any candidate has an input type of STRING category, use STRING
+category; else if all candidates agree on the category, use that
+category; else fail because no resolution can be made.
+* The first pass must also remember whether any candidates are of a
+preferred type within the selected category.
+The probable categories and exists-preferred-type booleans are saved in
+local arrays.  (Note this has to be done this way because
+IsPreferredType currently allows more than one type to be considered
+preferred in a category ... so the first pass cannot try to determine a
+unique type, only a category.)
+If we find a category for every UNKNOWN arg, then we enter a second loop
+in which we discard candidates.  In this pass we discard a candidate if
+(a) it is of the wrong category, or (b) it is of the right category but
+is not of preferred type in that category, *and* we found candidate(s)
+of preferred type at this slot.
+If we end with exactly one candidate then we win.
+It is clear in this algorithm that there is no order dependency: the
+conditions for keeping or discarding a candidate are fixed before we
+start the second pass, and do not vary depending on which other
+candidates were discarded before it.
+			regards, tom lane