diff --git a/contrib/dblink/doc/connection b/contrib/dblink/doc/connection
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--- a/contrib/dblink/doc/connection
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-$PostgreSQL: pgsql/contrib/dblink/doc/connection,v 1.5 2007/07/08 17:12:38 joe Exp $
-dblink_connect -- Opens a persistent connection to a remote database
-dblink_connect(text connstr)
-dblink_connect(text connname, text connstr)
-  connname
-    if 2 arguments are given, the first is used as a name for a persistent
-    connection
-  connstr
-    standard libpq format connection string, 
-    e.g. "hostaddr= port=5432 dbname=mydb user=postgres password=mypasswd"
-    if only one argument is given, the connection is unnamed; only one unnamed
-    connection can exist at a time
-  Returns status = "OK"
-  Only superusers may use dblink_connect to create non-password
-  authenticated connections. If non-superusers need this capability,
-  use dblink_connect_u instead.
-Example usage
-select dblink_connect('dbname=postgres');
- dblink_connect
- OK
-(1 row)
-select dblink_connect('myconn','dbname=postgres');
- dblink_connect
- OK
-(1 row)
-dblink_connect_u -- Opens a persistent connection to a remote database
-dblink_connect_u(text connstr)
-dblink_connect_u(text connname, text connstr)
-  connname
-    if 2 arguments are given, the first is used as a name for a persistent
-    connection
-  connstr
-    standard libpq format connection string, 
-    e.g. "hostaddr= port=5432 dbname=mydb user=postgres password=mypasswd"
-    if only one argument is given, the connection is unnamed; only one unnamed
-    connection can exist at a time
-  Returns status = "OK"
-  With dblink_connect_u, a non-superuser may connect to any database server
-  using any authentication method. If the authentication method specified
-  for a particular user does not require a password, impersonation and
-  therefore escalation of privileges may occur. For this reason,
-  dblink_connect_u is initially installed with all privileges revoked from
-  public. Privilege to these functions should be granted with care.
-Example usage
-dblink_disconnect -- Closes a persistent connection to a remote database
-dblink_disconnect(text connname)
-  connname
-    if an argument is given, it is used as a name for a persistent
-    connection to close; otherwiase the unnamed connection is closed
-  Returns status = "OK"
-Example usage
-test=# select dblink_disconnect();
- dblink_disconnect
- OK
-(1 row)
-select dblink_disconnect('myconn');
- dblink_disconnect
- OK
-(1 row)
diff --git a/contrib/dblink/doc/cursor b/contrib/dblink/doc/cursor
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index 874599582885e371d7a55ec38f6e8afbfdd12c1a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/contrib/dblink/doc/cursor
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-$PostgreSQL: pgsql/contrib/dblink/doc/cursor,v 1.6 2006/03/11 04:38:29 momjian Exp $
-dblink_open -- Opens a cursor on a remote database
-dblink_open(text cursorname, text sql [, bool fail_on_error])
-dblink_open(text connname, text cursorname, text sql [, bool fail_on_error])
-  connname
-    if three arguments are present, the first is taken as the specific
-    connection name to use; otherwise the unnamed connection is assumed
-  cursorname
-    a reference name for the cursor
-  sql
-    sql statement that you wish to execute on the remote host
-    e.g. "select * from pg_class"
-  fail_on_error
-    If true (default when not present) then an ERROR thrown on the remote side
-    of the connection causes an ERROR to also be thrown locally. If false, the
-    remote ERROR is locally treated as a NOTICE, and the return value is set
-    to 'ERROR'.
-  Returns status = "OK"
-  1) dblink_connect(text connstr) must be executed first
-  2) dblink_open starts an explicit transaction. If, after using dblink_open,
-     you use dblink_exec to change data, and then an error occurs or you use
-     dblink_disconnect without a dblink_close first, your change *will* be
-     lost. Also, using dblink_close explicitly ends the transaction and thus
-     effectively closes *all* open cursors.
-Example usage
-test=# select dblink_connect('dbname=postgres');
- dblink_connect
- OK
-(1 row)
-test=# select dblink_open('foo','select proname, prosrc from pg_proc');
- dblink_open
- OK
-(1 row)
-dblink_fetch -- Returns a set from an open cursor on a remote database
-dblink_fetch(text cursorname, int32 howmany [, bool fail_on_error])
-dblink_fetch(text connname, text cursorname, int32 howmany [, bool fail_on_error])
-  connname
-    if three arguments are present, the first is taken as the specific
-    connection name to use; otherwise the unnamed connection is assumed
-  cursorname
-    The reference name for the cursor
-  howmany
-    Maximum number of rows to retrieve. The next howmany rows are fetched,
-    starting at the current cursor position, moving forward. Once the cursor
-    has positioned to the end, no more rows are produced.
-  fail_on_error
-    If true (default when not present) then an ERROR thrown on the remote side
-    of the connection causes an ERROR to also be thrown locally. If false, the
-    remote ERROR is locally treated as a NOTICE, and no rows are returned.
-  Returns setof record
-  On a mismatch between the number of return fields as specified in the FROM
-  clause, and the actual number of fields returned by the remote cursor, an
-  ERROR will be thrown. In this event, the remote cursor is still advanced
-  by as many rows as it would have been if the ERROR had not occurred.
-Example usage
-test=# select dblink_connect('dbname=postgres');
- dblink_connect
- OK
-(1 row)
-test=# select dblink_open('foo','select proname, prosrc from pg_proc where proname like ''bytea%''');
- dblink_open
- OK
-(1 row)
-test=# select * from dblink_fetch('foo',5) as (funcname name, source text);
- funcname |  source
- byteacat | byteacat
- byteacmp | byteacmp
- byteaeq  | byteaeq
- byteage  | byteage
- byteagt  | byteagt
-(5 rows)
-test=# select * from dblink_fetch('foo',5) as (funcname name, source text);
- funcname  |  source
- byteain   | byteain
- byteale   | byteale
- bytealike | bytealike
- bytealt   | bytealt
- byteane   | byteane
-(5 rows)
-test=# select * from dblink_fetch('foo',5) as (funcname name, source text);
-  funcname  |   source
- byteanlike | byteanlike
- byteaout   | byteaout
-(2 rows)
-test=# select * from dblink_fetch('foo',5) as (funcname name, source text);
- funcname | source
-(0 rows)
-dblink_close -- Closes a cursor on a remote database
-dblink_close(text cursorname [, bool fail_on_error])
-dblink_close(text connname, text cursorname [, bool fail_on_error])
-  connname
-    if two arguments are present, the first is taken as the specific
-    connection name to use; otherwise the unnamed connection is assumed
-  cursorname
-    a reference name for the cursor
-  fail_on_error
-    If true (default when not present) then an ERROR thrown on the remote side
-    of the connection causes an ERROR to also be thrown locally. If false, the
-    remote ERROR is locally treated as a NOTICE, and the return value is set
-    to 'ERROR'.
-  Returns status = "OK"
-  dblink_connect(text connstr) or dblink_connect(text connname, text connstr)
-  must be executed first.
-Example usage
-test=# select dblink_connect('dbname=postgres');
- dblink_connect
- OK
-(1 row)
-test=# select dblink_open('foo','select proname, prosrc from pg_proc');
- dblink_open
- OK
-(1 row)
-test=# select dblink_close('foo');
- dblink_close
- OK
-(1 row)
-select dblink_connect('myconn','dbname=regression');
- dblink_connect
- OK
-(1 row)
-select dblink_open('myconn','foo','select proname, prosrc from pg_proc');
- dblink_open
- OK
-(1 row)
-select dblink_close('myconn','foo');
- dblink_close
- OK
-(1 row)
diff --git a/contrib/dblink/doc/execute b/contrib/dblink/doc/execute
deleted file mode 100644
index 021e01ef85a1d4ff2105697a7270cfc7d99c6999..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/contrib/dblink/doc/execute
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-$PostgreSQL: pgsql/contrib/dblink/doc/execute,v 1.4 2006/03/11 04:38:29 momjian Exp $
-dblink_exec -- Executes an UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE on a remote database
-dblink_exec(text connstr, text sql [, bool fail_on_error])
-dblink_exec(text connname, text sql [, bool fail_on_error])
-dblink_exec(text sql [, bool fail_on_error])
-  connname
-  connstr
-    If two arguments are present, the first is first assumed to be a specific
-    connection name to use. If the name is not found, the argument is then
-    assumed to be a valid connection string, of standard libpq format,
-    e.g.: "hostaddr= dbname=mydb user=postgres password=mypasswd"
-    If only one argument is used, then the unnamed connection is used.
-  sql
-    sql statement that you wish to execute on the remote host, e.g.:
-       insert into foo values(0,'a','{"a0","b0","c0"}');
-  fail_on_error
-    If true (default when not present) then an ERROR thrown on the remote side
-    of the connection causes an ERROR to also be thrown locally. If false, the
-    remote ERROR is locally treated as a NOTICE, and the return value is set
-    to 'ERROR'.
-  Returns status of the command, or 'ERROR' if the command failed.
-  1) dblink_open starts an explicit transaction. If, after using dblink_open,
-     you use dblink_exec to change data, and then an error occurs or you use
-     dblink_disconnect without a dblink_close first, your change *will* be
-     lost.
-Example usage
-select dblink_connect('dbname=dblink_test_slave');
- dblink_connect
- OK
-(1 row)
-select dblink_exec('insert into foo values(21,''z'',''{"a0","b0","c0"}'');');
-   dblink_exec
- INSERT 943366 1
-(1 row)
-select dblink_connect('myconn','dbname=regression');
- dblink_connect
- OK
-(1 row)
-select dblink_exec('myconn','insert into foo values(21,''z'',''{"a0","b0","c0"}'');');
-   dblink_exec
- INSERT 6432584 1
-(1 row)
-select dblink_exec('myconn','insert into pg_class values (''foo'')',false);
-NOTICE:  sql error
-DETAIL:  ERROR:  null value in column "relnamespace" violates not-null constraint
- dblink_exec
-(1 row)
diff --git a/contrib/dblink/doc/misc b/contrib/dblink/doc/misc
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index db31e8f15366dd31467d9522e38ce45c7525b39c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/contrib/dblink/doc/misc
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-$PostgreSQL: pgsql/contrib/dblink/doc/misc,v 1.5 2007/11/07 12:24:23 petere Exp $
-dblink_current_query -- returns the current query string
-dblink_current_query () RETURNS text
-  None
-  Returns text -- a copy of the currently executing query
-Example usage
-test=# select dblink_current_query() from (select dblink('dbname=postgres','select oid, proname from pg_proc where proname = ''byteacat''') as f1) as t1;
-                                                                dblink_current_query
- select dblink_current_query() from (select dblink('dbname=postgres','select oid, proname from pg_proc where proname = ''byteacat''') as f1) as t1;
-(1 row)
-dblink_get_pkey -- returns the position and field names of a relation's
-                   primary key fields
-dblink_get_pkey(text relname) RETURNS setof dblink_pkey_results
-  relname
-    any relation name;
-    e.g. 'foobar'
-  Returns setof dblink_pkey_results -- one row for each primary key field,
-    in order of position in the key. dblink_pkey_results is defined as follows:
-       CREATE TYPE dblink_pkey_results AS (position int4, colname text);
-Example usage
-test=# select * from dblink_get_pkey('foobar');
- position | colname
-        1 | f1
-        2 | f2
-        3 | f3
-        4 | f4
-        5 | f5
-dblink_build_sql_insert -- builds an insert statement using a local
-                           tuple, replacing the selection key field
-                           values with alternative supplied values
-dblink_build_sql_delete -- builds a delete statement using supplied
-                           values for selection key field values
-dblink_build_sql_update -- builds an update statement using a local
-                           tuple, replacing the selection key field
-                           values with alternative supplied values
-dblink_build_sql_insert(text relname
-                         ,int2vector primary_key_attnums
-                         ,int2 num_primary_key_atts
-                         ,_text src_pk_att_vals_array
-                         ,_text tgt_pk_att_vals_array) RETURNS text
-dblink_build_sql_delete(text relname
-                         ,int2vector primary_key_attnums
-                         ,int2 num_primary_key_atts
-                         ,_text tgt_pk_att_vals_array) RETURNS text
-dblink_build_sql_update(text relname
-                         ,int2vector primary_key_attnums
-                         ,int2 num_primary_key_atts
-                         ,_text src_pk_att_vals_array
-                         ,_text tgt_pk_att_vals_array) RETURNS text
-  relname
-    any relation name;
-    e.g. 'foobar'
-  primary_key_attnums
-    vector of primary key attnums (1 based, see pg_index.indkey);
-    e.g. '1 2'
-  num_primary_key_atts
-    number of primary key attnums in the vector; e.g. 2
-  src_pk_att_vals_array
-    array of primary key values, used to look up the local matching
-    tuple, the values of which are then used to construct the SQL
-    statement
-  tgt_pk_att_vals_array
-    array of primary key values, used to replace the local tuple
-    values in the SQL statement
-  Returns text -- requested SQL statement
-Example usage
-test=# select dblink_build_sql_insert('foo','1 2',2,'{"1", "a"}','{"1", "b''a"}');
-             dblink_build_sql_insert
- INSERT INTO foo(f1,f2,f3) VALUES('1','b''a','1')
-(1 row)
-test=# select dblink_build_sql_delete('MyFoo','1 2',2,'{"1", "b"}');
-           dblink_build_sql_delete
- DELETE FROM "MyFoo" WHERE f1='1' AND f2='b'
-(1 row)
-test=# select dblink_build_sql_update('foo','1 2',2,'{"1", "a"}','{"1", "b"}');
-                   dblink_build_sql_update
- UPDATE foo SET f1='1',f2='b',f3='1' WHERE f1='1' AND f2='b'
-(1 row)
-dblink_get_connections -- returns a text array of all active named
-                          dblink connections
-dblink_get_connections() RETURNS text[]
-  none
-  Returns text array of all active named dblink connections
-Example usage
-  SELECT dblink_get_connections();
-dblink_is_busy -- checks to see if named connection is busy
-                  with an async query
-dblink_is_busy(text connname) RETURNS int
-  connname
-    The specific connection name to use.
-  Returns 1 if connection is busy, 0 if it is not busy.
-  If this function returns 0, it is guaranteed that dblink_get_result
-  will not block.
-Example usage
-  SELECT dblink_is_busy('dtest1');
-dblink_cancel_query -- cancels any active query on the named connection
-dblink_cancel_query(text connname) RETURNS text
-  connname
-    The specific connection name to use.
-  Returns "OK" on success, or an error message on failure.
-Example usage
-  SELECT dblink_cancel_query('dtest1');
-dblink_error_message -- gets last error message on the named connection
-dblink_error_message(text connname) RETURNS text
-  connname
-    The specific connection name to use.
-  Returns last error message.
-Example usage
-  SELECT dblink_error_message('dtest1');
diff --git a/contrib/dblink/doc/query b/contrib/dblink/doc/query
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--- a/contrib/dblink/doc/query
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-dblink -- Returns a set from a remote database
-dblink(text connstr, text sql [, bool fail_on_error])
-dblink(text connname, text sql [, bool fail_on_error])
-dblink(text sql [, bool fail_on_error])
-  connname
-  connstr
-    If two arguments are present, the first is first assumed to be a specific
-    connection name to use. If the name is not found, the argument is then
-    assumed to be a valid connection string, of standard libpq format,
-    e.g.: "hostaddr= dbname=mydb user=postgres password=mypasswd"
-    If only one argument is used, then the unnamed connection is used.
-  sql
-    sql statement that you wish to execute on the remote host
-    e.g. "select * from pg_class"
-  fail_on_error
-    If true (default when not present) then an ERROR thrown on the remote side
-    of the connection causes an ERROR to also be thrown locally. If false, the
-    remote ERROR is locally treated as a NOTICE, and no rows are returned.
-  Returns setof record
-Example usage
-select * from dblink('dbname=postgres','select proname, prosrc from pg_proc')
- as t1(proname name, prosrc text) where proname like 'bytea%';
-  proname   |   prosrc
- byteacat   | byteacat
- byteaeq    | byteaeq
- bytealt    | bytealt
- byteale    | byteale
- byteagt    | byteagt
- byteage    | byteage
- byteane    | byteane
- byteacmp   | byteacmp
- bytealike  | bytealike
- byteanlike | byteanlike
- byteain    | byteain
- byteaout   | byteaout
-(12 rows)
-select dblink_connect('dbname=postgres');
- dblink_connect
- OK
-(1 row)
-select * from dblink('select proname, prosrc from pg_proc')
- as t1(proname name, prosrc text) where proname like 'bytea%';
-  proname   |   prosrc
- byteacat   | byteacat
- byteaeq    | byteaeq
- bytealt    | bytealt
- byteale    | byteale
- byteagt    | byteagt
- byteage    | byteage
- byteane    | byteane
- byteacmp   | byteacmp
- bytealike  | bytealike
- byteanlike | byteanlike
- byteain    | byteain
- byteaout   | byteaout
-(12 rows)
-select dblink_connect('myconn','dbname=regression');
- dblink_connect
- OK
-(1 row)
-select * from dblink('myconn','select proname, prosrc from pg_proc')
- as t1(proname name, prosrc text) where proname like 'bytea%';
-  proname   |   prosrc
- bytearecv  | bytearecv
- byteasend  | byteasend
- byteale    | byteale
- byteagt    | byteagt
- byteage    | byteage
- byteane    | byteane
- byteacmp   | byteacmp
- bytealike  | bytealike
- byteanlike | byteanlike
- byteacat   | byteacat
- byteaeq    | byteaeq
- bytealt    | bytealt
- byteain    | byteain
- byteaout   | byteaout
-(14 rows)
-A more convenient way to use dblink may be to create a view:
- create view myremote_pg_proc as
- select *
- from dblink('dbname=postgres','select proname, prosrc from pg_proc')
- as t1(proname name, prosrc text);
-Then you can simply write:
-   select * from myremote_pg_proc where proname like 'bytea%';
-dblink_send_query -- Sends an async query to a remote database
-dblink_send_query(text connname, text sql)
-  connname
-    The specific connection name to use.
-  sql
-    sql statement that you wish to execute on the remote host
-    e.g. "select * from pg_class"
-  Returns int. A return value of 1 if the query was successfully dispatched,
-  0 otherwise. If 1, results must be fetched by dblink_get_result(connname).
-  A running query may be cancelled by dblink_cancel_query(connname).
-Example usage
-  SELECT dblink_connect('dtest1', 'dbname=contrib_regression');
-  SELECT * from 
-   dblink_send_query('dtest1', 'select * from foo where f1 < 3') as t1;
-dblink_get_result -- Gets an async query result
-dblink_get_result(text connname [, bool fail_on_error])
-  connname
-    The specific connection name to use. An asynchronous query must
-    have already been sent using dblink_send_query()
-  fail_on_error
-    If true (default when not present) then an ERROR thrown on the remote side
-    of the connection causes an ERROR to also be thrown locally. If false, the
-    remote ERROR is locally treated as a NOTICE, and no rows are returned.
-  Returns setof record
-  Blocks until a result gets available.
-  This function *must* be called if dblink_send_query returned
-  a 1, even on cancelled queries - otherwise the connection
-  can't be used anymore. It must be called once for each query
-  sent, and one additional time to obtain an empty set result,
-  prior to using the connection again.
-Example usage
-contrib_regression=#   SELECT dblink_connect('dtest1', 'dbname=contrib_regression');
- dblink_connect
- OK
-(1 row)
-contrib_regression=#   SELECT * from
-contrib_regression-#    dblink_send_query('dtest1', 'select * from foo where f1 < 3') as t1;
- t1
-  1
-(1 row)
-contrib_regression=#   SELECT * from dblink_get_result('dtest1') as t1(f1 int, f2 text, f3 text[]);
- f1 | f2 |     f3
-  0 | a  | {a0,b0,c0}
-  1 | b  | {a1,b1,c1}
-  2 | c  | {a2,b2,c2}
-(3 rows)
-contrib_regression=#   SELECT * from dblink_get_result('dtest1') as t1(f1 int, f2 text, f3 text[]);
- f1 | f2 | f3
-(0 rows)
-contrib_regression=#   SELECT * from
-   dblink_send_query('dtest1', 'select * from foo where f1 < 3; select * from foo where f1 > 6') as t1;
- t1
-  1
-(1 row)
-contrib_regression=#   SELECT * from dblink_get_result('dtest1') as t1(f1 int, f2 text, f3 text[]);
- f1 | f2 |     f3
-  0 | a  | {a0,b0,c0}
-  1 | b  | {a1,b1,c1}
-  2 | c  | {a2,b2,c2}
-(3 rows)
-contrib_regression=#   SELECT * from dblink_get_result('dtest1') as t1(f1 int, f2 text, f3 text[]);
- f1 | f2 |      f3
-  7 | h  | {a7,b7,c7}
-  8 | i  | {a8,b8,c8}
-  9 | j  | {a9,b9,c9}
- 10 | k  | {a10,b10,c10}
-(4 rows)
-contrib_regression=#   SELECT * from dblink_get_result('dtest1') as t1(f1 int, f2 text, f3 text[]);
- f1 | f2 | f3
-(0 rows)