From 3bf6b8f06aef274bc38ee965bf8527b482ad015e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bruce Momjian <>
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 02:28:28 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Attached is an update to contrib/dblink. Please apply if
 there are no objections.

Major changes:
   - removed cursor wrap around input sql to allow for remote
     execution of INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE
   - dblink now returns a resource id instead of a real pointer
   - added several utility functions

I'm still hoping to add explicit cursor open/fetch/close support before
7.3 is released, but I need a bit more time on that.

On a somewhat unrelated topic, I never got any feedback on the
unknownin/out patch and the mb_substring patch. Is there anything else I
need to do to get those applied?

Joe Conway
 contrib/dblink/README.dblink |  301 +++++++-
 contrib/dblink/dblink.c      | 1323 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 contrib/dblink/dblink.h      |   79 +-
 contrib/dblink/ |   41 +-
 4 files changed, 1623 insertions(+), 121 deletions(-)

diff --git a/contrib/dblink/README.dblink b/contrib/dblink/README.dblink
index 0a2f87b0eed..80aeb0cf4a1 100644
--- a/contrib/dblink/README.dblink
+++ b/contrib/dblink/README.dblink
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
  * Functions returning results from a remote database
- * Copyright (c) Joseph Conway <>, 2001;
+ * Copyright (c) Joseph Conway <>, 2001, 2002,
  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
  * documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without a written agreement
@@ -25,12 +26,19 @@
-Version 0.3 (14 June, 2001):
-  Function to test returning data set from remote database
-  Tested under Linux (Red Hat 6.2 and 7.0) and PostgreSQL 7.1 and 7.2devel
+Version 0.4 (7 April, 2002):
+  Functions allowing remote database INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/SELECT, and
+  various utility functions.
+  Tested under Linux (Red Hat 7.2) and PostgreSQL 7.2 and 7.3devel
 Release Notes:
+  Version 0.4
+    - removed cursor wrap around input sql to allow for remote
+      execution of INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE
+	- dblink now returns a resource id instead of a real pointer
+    - added several utility functions -- see below
   Version 0.3
     - fixed dblink invalid pointer causing corrupt elog message
     - fixed dblink_tok improper handling of null results
@@ -51,14 +59,36 @@ Installation:
   installs following functions into database template1:
-     dblink() - returns a pointer to results from remote query
-     dblink_tok() - extracts and returns individual field results
+     dblink(text,text) RETURNS setof int
+       - returns a resource id for results from remote query
+     dblink_tok(int,int) RETURNS text
+       - extracts and returns individual field results
+     dblink_strtok(text,text,int) RETURNS text
+       - extracts and returns individual token from delimited text
+     dblink_get_pkey(name) RETURNS setof text
+       - returns the field names of a relation's primary key fields
+     dblink_last_oid(int) RETURNS oid
+       - returns the last inserted oid
+     dblink_build_sql_insert(name,int2vector,int2,_text,_text) RETURNS text
+       - builds an insert statement using a local tuple, replacing the
+         selection key field values with alternate supplied values
+     dblink_build_sql_delete(name,int2vector,int2,_text) RETURNS text
+       - builds a delete statement using supplied values for selection
+         key field values
+     dblink_build_sql_update(name,int2vector,int2,_text,_text) RETURNS text
+       - builds an update statement using a local tuple, replacing the
+         selection key field values with alternate supplied values
+     dblink_current_query() RETURNS text
+       - returns the current query string
+     dblink_replace(text,text,text) RETURNS text
+       - replace all occurences of substring-a in the input-string 
+         with substring-b
-dblink -- Returns a pointer to a data set from a remote database
+dblink -- Returns a resource id for a data set from a remote database
@@ -78,7 +108,7 @@ Inputs
-  Returns setof int (pointer)
+  Returns setof int (res_id)
 Example usage
@@ -94,13 +124,13 @@ dblink_tok -- Returns individual select field results from a dblink remote query
-dblink_tok(int pointer, int fnumber)
+dblink_tok(int res_id, int fnumber)
-  pointer
+  res_id
-    a pointer returned by a call to dblink()
+    a resource id returned by a call to dblink()
@@ -131,6 +161,255 @@ Then you can simply write:
    select f1, f2 from myremotetable where f1 like 'bytea%';
+dblink_strtok -- Extracts and returns individual token from delimited text
+dblink_strtok(text inputstring, text delimiter, int posn) RETURNS text
+  inputstring
+    any string you want to parse a token out of;
+    e.g. 'f=1&g=3&h=4'
+  delimiter
+    a single character to use as the delimiter;
+    e.g. '&' or '='
+  posn
+    the position of the token of interest, 0 based;
+    e.g. 1
+  Returns text
+Example usage
+test=# select dblink_strtok(dblink_strtok('f=1&g=3&h=4','&',1),'=',1);
+ dblink_strtok
+ 3
+(1 row)
+dblink_get_pkey -- returns the field names of a relation's primary
+                   key fields
+dblink_get_pkey(name relname) RETURNS setof text
+  relname
+    any relation name;
+    e.g. 'foobar'
+  Returns setof text -- one row for each primary key field, in order of
+                        precedence
+Example usage
+test=# select dblink_get_pkey('foobar');
+ dblink_get_pkey
+ f1
+ f2
+ f3
+ f4
+ f5
+(5 rows)
+dblink_last_oid -- Returns last inserted oid
+dblink_last_oid(int res_id) RETURNS oid
+  res_id
+    any resource id returned by dblink function;
+  Returns oid of last inserted tuple
+Example usage
+test=# select dblink_last_oid(dblink('hostaddr= port=5432 dbname=mydb user=postgres password=mypasswd'
+               ,'insert into mytable (f1, f2) values (1,2)'));
+ dblink_last_oid
+ 16553
+(1 row)
+dblink_build_sql_insert -- builds an insert statement using a local
+                           tuple, replacing the selection key field
+                           values with alternate supplied values
+dblink_build_sql_delete -- builds a delete statement using supplied
+                           values for selection key field values
+dblink_build_sql_update -- builds an update statement using a local
+                           tuple, replacing the selection key field
+                           values with alternate supplied values
+dblink_build_sql_insert(name relname
+                         ,int2vector primary_key_attnums
+                         ,int2 num_primary_key_atts
+                         ,_text src_pk_att_vals_array
+                         ,_text tgt_pk_att_vals_array) RETURNS text
+dblink_build_sql_delete(name relname
+                         ,int2vector primary_key_attnums
+                         ,int2 num_primary_key_atts
+                         ,_text tgt_pk_att_vals_array) RETURNS text
+dblink_build_sql_update(name relname
+                         ,int2vector primary_key_attnums
+                         ,int2 num_primary_key_atts
+                         ,_text src_pk_att_vals_array
+                         ,_text tgt_pk_att_vals_array) RETURNS text
+  relname
+    any relation name;
+    e.g. 'foobar'
+  primary_key_attnums
+    vector of primary key attnums (1 based, see pg_index.indkey);
+    e.g. '1 2'
+  num_primary_key_atts
+    number of primary key attnums in the vector; e.g. 2
+  src_pk_att_vals_array
+    array of primary key values, used to look up the local matching
+    tuple, the values of which are then used to construct the SQL
+    statement
+  tgt_pk_att_vals_array
+    array of primary key values, used to replace the local tuple
+    values in the SQL statement
+  Returns text -- requested SQL statement
+Example usage
+test=# select dblink_build_sql_insert('foo','1 2',2,'{"1", "a"}','{"1", "b''a"}');
+             dblink_build_sql_insert
+ INSERT INTO foo(f1,f2,f3) VALUES('1','b''a','1')
+(1 row)
+test=# select dblink_build_sql_delete('MyFoo','1 2',2,'{"1", "b"}');
+           dblink_build_sql_delete
+ DELETE FROM "MyFoo" WHERE f1='1' AND f2='b'
+(1 row)
+test=# select dblink_build_sql_update('foo','1 2',2,'{"1", "a"}','{"1", "b"}');
+                   dblink_build_sql_update
+ UPDATE foo SET f1='1',f2='b',f3='1' WHERE f1='1' AND f2='b'
+(1 row)
+dblink_current_query -- returns the current query string
+dblink_current_query () RETURNS text
+  None
+  Returns text -- a copy of the currently executing query
+Example usage
+test=# select dblink_current_query() from (select dblink('dbname=template1','select oid, proname from pg_proc where proname = ''byteacat''') as f1) as t1;
+                                                                dblink_current_query
+ select dblink_current_query() from (select dblink('dbname=template1','select oid, proname from pg_proc where proname = ''byteacat''') as f1) as t1;
+(1 row)
+dblink_replace -- replace all occurences of substring-a in the
+                  input-string with substring-b
+dblink_replace(text input-string, text substring-a, text substring-b) RETURNS text
+  input-string
+    the starting string, before replacement of substring-a
+  substring-a
+    the substring to find and replace
+  substring-b
+    the substring to be substituted in place of substring-a
+  Returns text -- a copy of the starting string, but with all occurences of
+                  substring-a replaced with substring-b
+Example usage
+test=# select dblink_replace('12345678901234567890','56','hello');
+       dblink_replace
+ 1234hello78901234hello7890
+(1 row)
 -- Joe Conway
diff --git a/contrib/dblink/dblink.c b/contrib/dblink/dblink.c
index 4ab1315fa71..68fd2a797e4 100644
--- a/contrib/dblink/dblink.c
+++ b/contrib/dblink/dblink.c
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
  * Functions returning results from a remote database
- * Copyright (c) Joseph Conway <>, 2001;
+ * Copyright (c) Joseph Conway <>, 2001, 2002,
  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
  * documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without a written agreement
@@ -26,23 +27,23 @@
 #include "dblink.h"
+/* Global */
+List	*res_id = NIL;
+int		res_id_index = 0;
-	PGconn	   *conn = NULL;
-	PGresult   *res = NULL;
-	dblink_results *results;
-	char	   *optstr;
-	char	   *sqlstatement;
-	char	   *curstr = "DECLARE mycursor CURSOR FOR ";
-	char	   *execstatement;
-	char	   *msg;
-	int			ntuples = 0;
-	ReturnSetInfo *rsi;
-		elog(ERROR, "dblink: NULL arguments are not permitted");
+	PGconn			*conn = NULL;
+	PGresult		*res = NULL;
+	dblink_results	*results;
+	char			*optstr;
+	char			*sqlstatement;
+	char			*execstatement;
+	char			*msg;
+	int				ntuples = 0;
+	ReturnSetInfo	*rsi;
 	if (fcinfo->resultinfo == NULL || !IsA(fcinfo->resultinfo, ReturnSetInfo))
 		elog(ERROR, "dblink: function called in context that does not accept a set result");
@@ -61,21 +62,10 @@ dblink(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
 			elog(ERROR, "dblink: connection error: %s", msg);
-		res = PQexec(conn, "BEGIN");
-		if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
-		{
-			msg = pstrdup(PQerrorMessage(conn));
-			PQclear(res);
-			PQfinish(conn);
-			elog(ERROR, "dblink: begin error: %s", msg);
-		}
-		PQclear(res);
-		execstatement = (char *) palloc(strlen(curstr) + strlen(sqlstatement) + 1);
+		execstatement = (char *) palloc(strlen(sqlstatement) + 1);
 		if (execstatement != NULL)
-			strcpy(execstatement, curstr);
-			strcat(execstatement, sqlstatement);
+			strcpy(execstatement, sqlstatement);
 			strcat(execstatement, "\0");
@@ -94,70 +84,36 @@ dblink(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
 			 * got results, start fetching them
-			PQclear(res);
-			res = PQexec(conn, "FETCH ALL in mycursor");
-			if (!res || PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
-			{
-				msg = pstrdup(PQerrorMessage(conn));
-				PQclear(res);
-				PQfinish(conn);
-				elog(ERROR, "dblink: sql error: %s", msg);
-			}
 			ntuples = PQntuples(res);
-			if (ntuples > 0)
-			{
-				results = init_dblink_results(fcinfo->flinfo->fn_mcxt);
-				results->tup_num = 0;
-				results->res = res;
-				res = NULL;
-				fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra = (void *) results;
-				results = NULL;
-				results = fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra;
-				/* close the cursor */
-				res = PQexec(conn, "CLOSE mycursor");
-				PQclear(res);
-				/* commit the transaction */
-				res = PQexec(conn, "COMMIT");
-				PQclear(res);
-				/* close the connection to the database and cleanup */
-				PQfinish(conn);
-				rsi = (ReturnSetInfo *) fcinfo->resultinfo;
-				rsi->isDone = ExprMultipleResult;
-				PG_RETURN_POINTER(results);
-			}
-			else
-			{
+			/*
+			 * increment resource index
+			 */
+			res_id_index++;
-				PQclear(res);
+			results = init_dblink_results(fcinfo->flinfo->fn_mcxt);
+			results->tup_num = 0;
+			results->res_id_index = res_id_index;
+			results->res = res;
-				/* close the cursor */
-				res = PQexec(conn, "CLOSE mycursor");
-				PQclear(res);
+			/*
+			 * Append node to res_id to hold pointer to results.
+			 * Needed by dblink_tok to access the data
+			 */
+			append_res_ptr(results);
-				/* commit the transaction */
-				res = PQexec(conn, "COMMIT");
-				PQclear(res);
+			/*
+			 * save pointer to results for the next function manager call
+			 */
+			fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra = (void *) results;
-				/* close the connection to the database and cleanup */
-				PQfinish(conn);
+			/* close the connection to the database and cleanup */
+			PQfinish(conn);
-				rsi = (ReturnSetInfo *) fcinfo->resultinfo;
-				rsi->isDone = ExprEndResult;
+			rsi = (ReturnSetInfo *) fcinfo->resultinfo;
+			rsi->isDone = ExprMultipleResult;
-			}
+			PG_RETURN_INT32(res_id_index);
@@ -165,9 +121,10 @@ dblink(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
 		 * check for more results
 		results = fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra;
+		res_id_index = results->res_id_index;
 		ntuples = PQntuples(results->res);
 		if (results->tup_num < ntuples)
@@ -179,18 +136,19 @@ dblink(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
 			rsi = (ReturnSetInfo *) fcinfo->resultinfo;
 			rsi->isDone = ExprMultipleResult;
-			PG_RETURN_POINTER(results);
+			PG_RETURN_INT32(res_id_index);
 			 * or if no more, clean things up
 			results = fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra;
+			remove_res_ptr(results);
+			pfree(results);
+			fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra = NULL;
 			rsi = (ReturnSetInfo *) fcinfo->resultinfo;
 			rsi->isDone = ExprEndResult;
@@ -214,36 +172,37 @@ Datum
 	dblink_results *results;
-	int			fldnum;
-	text	   *result_text;
-	char	   *result;
-	int			nfields = 0;
-	int			text_len = 0;
-		elog(ERROR, "dblink: NULL arguments are not permitted");
+	int				fldnum;
+	text			*result_text;
+	char			*result;
+	int				nfields = 0;
+	int				text_len = 0;
-	results = (dblink_results *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
+	results = get_res_ptr(PG_GETARG_INT32(0));
 	if (results == NULL)
-		elog(ERROR, "dblink: function called with invalid result pointer");
+	{
+		if (res_id != NIL)
+		{
+			freeList(res_id);
+			res_id = NIL;
+			res_id_index = 0;
+		}
+		elog(ERROR, "dblink_tok: function called with invalid resource id");
+	}
 	fldnum = PG_GETARG_INT32(1);
 	if (fldnum < 0)
-		elog(ERROR, "dblink: field number < 0 not permitted");
+		elog(ERROR, "dblink_tok: field number < 0 not permitted");
 	nfields = PQnfields(results->res);
 	if (fldnum > (nfields - 1))
-		elog(ERROR, "dblink: field number %d does not exist", fldnum);
+		elog(ERROR, "dblink_tok: field number %d does not exist", fldnum);
 	if (PQgetisnull(results->res, results->tup_num, fldnum) == 1)
-	{
-	}
 		text_len = PQgetlength(results->res, results->tup_num, fldnum);
 		result = (char *) palloc(text_len + 1);
@@ -259,12 +218,621 @@ dblink_tok(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
 		result_text = DatumGetTextP(DirectFunctionCall1(textin, CStringGetDatum(result)));
+	}
+ * dblink_strtok
+ * parse input string
+ * return ord item (0 based)
+ * based on provided field separator
+ */
+	char		*fldtext;
+	char		*fldsep;
+	int			fldnum;
+	char		*buffer;
+	text		*result_text;
+	fldtext = DatumGetCString(DirectFunctionCall1(textout, PointerGetDatum(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0))));
+	fldsep = DatumGetCString(DirectFunctionCall1(textout, PointerGetDatum(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1))));
+	fldnum = PG_GETARG_INT32(2);
+	if (fldtext[0] == '\0')
+	{
+		elog(ERROR, "get_strtok: blank list not permitted");
+	}
+	if (fldsep[0] == '\0')
+	{
+		elog(ERROR, "get_strtok: blank field separator not permitted");
+	}
+	buffer = get_strtok(fldtext, fldsep, fldnum);
+	pfree(fldtext);
+	pfree(fldsep);
+	if (buffer == NULL)
+	{
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		result_text = DatumGetTextP(DirectFunctionCall1(textin, CStringGetDatum(buffer)));
+		pfree(buffer);
+		PG_RETURN_TEXT_P(result_text);
+	}
+ * dblink_get_pkey
+ * 
+ * Return comma delimited list of primary key
+ * fields for the supplied relation,
+ * or NULL if none exists.
+ */
+	char					*relname;
+	Oid						relid;
+	char					**result;
+	text					*result_text;
+	int16					numatts;
+	ReturnSetInfo			*rsi;
+	dblink_array_results	*ret_set;
+	if (fcinfo->resultinfo == NULL || !IsA(fcinfo->resultinfo, ReturnSetInfo))
+		elog(ERROR, "dblink: function called in context that does not accept a set result");
+	if (fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra == NULL)
+	{
+		relname = NameStr(*PG_GETARG_NAME(0));
+		/*
+		 * Convert relname to rel OID.
+		 */
+		relid = get_relid_from_relname(relname);
+		if (!OidIsValid(relid))
+			elog(ERROR, "dblink_get_pkey: relation \"%s\" does not exist",
+				 relname);
+		/*
+		 * get an array of attnums.
+		 */
+		result = get_pkey_attnames(relid, &numatts);
+		if ((result != NULL) && (numatts > 0))
+		{
+			ret_set = init_dblink_array_results(fcinfo->flinfo->fn_mcxt);
+			ret_set->elem_num = 0;
+			ret_set->num_elems = numatts;
+			ret_set->res = result;
+			fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra = (void *) ret_set;
+			rsi = (ReturnSetInfo *) fcinfo->resultinfo;
+			rsi->isDone = ExprMultipleResult;
+			result_text = DatumGetTextP(DirectFunctionCall1(textin, CStringGetDatum(result[ret_set->elem_num])));
+			PG_RETURN_TEXT_P(result_text);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			rsi = (ReturnSetInfo *) fcinfo->resultinfo;
+			rsi->isDone = ExprEndResult;
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		/*
+		 * check for more results
+		 */
+		ret_set = fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra;
+		ret_set->elem_num++;
+		result = ret_set->res;
+		if (ret_set->elem_num < ret_set->num_elems)
+		{
+			/*
+			 * fetch next one
+			 */
+			rsi = (ReturnSetInfo *) fcinfo->resultinfo;
+			rsi->isDone = ExprMultipleResult;
+			result_text = DatumGetTextP(DirectFunctionCall1(textin, CStringGetDatum(result[ret_set->elem_num])));
+			PG_RETURN_TEXT_P(result_text);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			int		i;
+			/*
+			 * or if no more, clean things up
+			 */
+			for (i = 0; i < ret_set->num_elems; i++)
+				pfree(result[i]);
+			pfree(ret_set->res);
+			pfree(ret_set);
+			rsi = (ReturnSetInfo *) fcinfo->resultinfo;
+			rsi->isDone = ExprEndResult;
+		}
+	}
+ * dblink_last_oid
+ * return last inserted oid
+ */
+	dblink_results *results;
+	results = get_res_ptr(PG_GETARG_INT32(0));
+	if (results == NULL)
+	{
+		if (res_id != NIL)
+		{
+			freeList(res_id);
+			res_id = NIL;
+			res_id_index = 0;
+		}
+		elog(ERROR, "dblink_tok: function called with invalid resource id");
+	}
+	PG_RETURN_OID(PQoidValue(results->res));
+ * dblink_build_sql_insert
+ * 
+ * Used to generate an SQL insert statement
+ * based on an existing tuple in a local relation.
+ * This is useful for selectively replicating data
+ * to another server via dblink.
+ *
+ * API:
+ * <relname> - name of local table of interest
+ * <pkattnums> - an int2vector of attnums which will be used
+ * to identify the local tuple of interest
+ * <pknumatts> - number of attnums in pkattnums
+ * <src_pkattvals_arry> - text array of key values which will be used
+ * to identify the local tuple of interest
+ * <tgt_pkattvals_arry> - text array of key values which will be used
+ * to build the string for execution remotely. These are substituted
+ * for their counterparts in src_pkattvals_arry
+ */
+	Oid			relid;
+	char		*relname;
+	int16		*pkattnums;
+	int16		pknumatts;
+	char		**src_pkattvals;
+	char		**tgt_pkattvals;
+	ArrayType	*src_pkattvals_arry;
+	ArrayType	*tgt_pkattvals_arry;
+	int			src_ndim;
+	int			*src_dim;
+	int			src_nitems;
+	int			tgt_ndim;
+	int			*tgt_dim;
+	int			tgt_nitems;
+	int			i;
+	char		*ptr;
+	char		*sql;
+	text		*sql_text;
+	relname = NameStr(*PG_GETARG_NAME(0));
+	/*
+	 * Convert relname to rel OID.
+	 */
+	relid = get_relid_from_relname(relname);
+	if (!OidIsValid(relid))
+		elog(ERROR, "dblink_get_pkey: relation \"%s\" does not exist",
+			 relname);
+	pkattnums = (int16 *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(1);
+	pknumatts = PG_GETARG_INT16(2);
+	/*
+	 * There should be at least one key attribute
+	 */
+	if (pknumatts == 0)
+		elog(ERROR, "dblink_build_sql_insert: number of key attributes must be > 0.");
+	src_pkattvals_arry = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(3);
+	tgt_pkattvals_arry = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(4);
+	/*
+	 * Source array is made up of key values that will be used to
+	 * locate the tuple of interest from the local system.
+	 */
+	src_ndim = ARR_NDIM(src_pkattvals_arry);
+	src_dim = ARR_DIMS(src_pkattvals_arry);
+	src_nitems = ArrayGetNItems(src_ndim, src_dim);
+	/*
+	 * There should be one source array key value for each key attnum
+	 */
+	if (src_nitems != pknumatts)
+		elog(ERROR, "dblink_build_sql_insert: source key array length does not match number of key attributes.");
+	/*
+	 * get array of pointers to c-strings from the input source array
+	 */
+	src_pkattvals = (char **) palloc(src_nitems * sizeof(char *));
+	ptr = ARR_DATA_PTR(src_pkattvals_arry);
+	for (i = 0; i < src_nitems; i++)
+	{
+		src_pkattvals[i] = DatumGetCString(DirectFunctionCall1(textout, PointerGetDatum(ptr)));
+		ptr += INTALIGN(*(int32 *) ptr);
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Target array is made up of key values that will be used to
+	 * build the SQL string for use on the remote system.
+	 */
+	tgt_ndim = ARR_NDIM(tgt_pkattvals_arry);
+	tgt_dim = ARR_DIMS(tgt_pkattvals_arry);
+	tgt_nitems = ArrayGetNItems(tgt_ndim, tgt_dim);
+	/*
+	 * There should be one target array key value for each key attnum
+	 */
+	if (tgt_nitems != pknumatts)
+		elog(ERROR, "dblink_build_sql_insert: target key array length does not match number of key attributes.");
+	/*
+	 * get array of pointers to c-strings from the input target array
+	 */
+	tgt_pkattvals = (char **) palloc(tgt_nitems * sizeof(char *));
+	ptr = ARR_DATA_PTR(tgt_pkattvals_arry);
+	for (i = 0; i < tgt_nitems; i++)
+	{
+		tgt_pkattvals[i] = DatumGetCString(DirectFunctionCall1(textout, PointerGetDatum(ptr)));
+		ptr += INTALIGN(*(int32 *) ptr);
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Prep work is finally done. Go get the SQL string.
+	 */
+	sql = get_sql_insert(relid, pkattnums, pknumatts, src_pkattvals, tgt_pkattvals);
+	/*
+	 * Make it into TEXT for return to the client
+	 */
+	sql_text = DatumGetTextP(DirectFunctionCall1(textin, CStringGetDatum(sql)));
+	/*
+	 * And send it
+	 */
+	PG_RETURN_TEXT_P(sql_text);
+ * dblink_build_sql_delete
+ * 
+ * Used to generate an SQL delete statement.
+ * This is useful for selectively replicating a
+ * delete to another server via dblink.
+ *
+ * API:
+ * <relname> - name of remote table of interest
+ * <pkattnums> - an int2vector of attnums which will be used
+ * to identify the remote tuple of interest
+ * <pknumatts> - number of attnums in pkattnums
+ * <tgt_pkattvals_arry> - text array of key values which will be used
+ * to build the string for execution remotely.
+ */
+	Oid			relid;
+	char		*relname;
+	int16		*pkattnums;
+	int16		pknumatts;
+	char		**tgt_pkattvals;
+	ArrayType	*tgt_pkattvals_arry;
+	int			tgt_ndim;
+	int			*tgt_dim;
+	int			tgt_nitems;
+	int			i;
+	char		*ptr;
+	char		*sql;
+	text		*sql_text;
+	relname = NameStr(*PG_GETARG_NAME(0));
+	/*
+	 * Convert relname to rel OID.
+	 */
+	relid = get_relid_from_relname(relname);
+	if (!OidIsValid(relid))
+		elog(ERROR, "dblink_get_pkey: relation \"%s\" does not exist",
+			 relname);
+	pkattnums = (int16 *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(1);
+	pknumatts = PG_GETARG_INT16(2);
+	/*
+	 * There should be at least one key attribute
+	 */
+	if (pknumatts == 0)
+		elog(ERROR, "dblink_build_sql_insert: number of key attributes must be > 0.");
+	tgt_pkattvals_arry = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(3);
+	/*
+	 * Target array is made up of key values that will be used to
+	 * build the SQL string for use on the remote system.
+	 */
+	tgt_ndim = ARR_NDIM(tgt_pkattvals_arry);
+	tgt_dim = ARR_DIMS(tgt_pkattvals_arry);
+	tgt_nitems = ArrayGetNItems(tgt_ndim, tgt_dim);
+	/*
+	 * There should be one target array key value for each key attnum
+	 */
+	if (tgt_nitems != pknumatts)
+		elog(ERROR, "dblink_build_sql_insert: target key array length does not match number of key attributes.");
+	/*
+	 * get array of pointers to c-strings from the input target array
+	 */
+	tgt_pkattvals = (char **) palloc(tgt_nitems * sizeof(char *));
+	ptr = ARR_DATA_PTR(tgt_pkattvals_arry);
+	for (i = 0; i < tgt_nitems; i++)
+	{
+		tgt_pkattvals[i] = DatumGetCString(DirectFunctionCall1(textout, PointerGetDatum(ptr)));
+		ptr += INTALIGN(*(int32 *) ptr);
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Prep work is finally done. Go get the SQL string.
+	 */
+	sql = get_sql_delete(relid, pkattnums, pknumatts, tgt_pkattvals);
+	/*
+	 * Make it into TEXT for return to the client
+	 */
+	sql_text = DatumGetTextP(DirectFunctionCall1(textin, CStringGetDatum(sql)));
+	/*
+	 * And send it
+	 */
+	PG_RETURN_TEXT_P(sql_text);
+ * dblink_build_sql_update
+ * 
+ * Used to generate an SQL update statement
+ * based on an existing tuple in a local relation.
+ * This is useful for selectively replicating data
+ * to another server via dblink.
+ *
+ * API:
+ * <relname> - name of local table of interest
+ * <pkattnums> - an int2vector of attnums which will be used
+ * to identify the local tuple of interest
+ * <pknumatts> - number of attnums in pkattnums
+ * <src_pkattvals_arry> - text array of key values which will be used
+ * to identify the local tuple of interest
+ * <tgt_pkattvals_arry> - text array of key values which will be used
+ * to build the string for execution remotely. These are substituted
+ * for their counterparts in src_pkattvals_arry
+ */
+	Oid			relid;
+	char		*relname;
+	int16		*pkattnums;
+	int16		pknumatts;
+	char		**src_pkattvals;
+	char		**tgt_pkattvals;
+	ArrayType	*src_pkattvals_arry;
+	ArrayType	*tgt_pkattvals_arry;
+	int			src_ndim;
+	int			*src_dim;
+	int			src_nitems;
+	int			tgt_ndim;
+	int			*tgt_dim;
+	int			tgt_nitems;
+	int			i;
+	char		*ptr;
+	char		*sql;
+	text		*sql_text;
+	relname = NameStr(*PG_GETARG_NAME(0));
+	/*
+	 * Convert relname to rel OID.
+	 */
+	relid = get_relid_from_relname(relname);
+	if (!OidIsValid(relid))
+		elog(ERROR, "dblink_get_pkey: relation \"%s\" does not exist",
+			 relname);
+	pkattnums = (int16 *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(1);
+	pknumatts = PG_GETARG_INT16(2);
+	/*
+	 * There should be one source array key values for each key attnum
+	 */
+	if (pknumatts == 0)
+		elog(ERROR, "dblink_build_sql_insert: number of key attributes must be > 0.");
+	src_pkattvals_arry = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(3);
+	tgt_pkattvals_arry = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(4);
+	/*
+	 * Source array is made up of key values that will be used to
+	 * locate the tuple of interest from the local system.
+	 */
+	src_ndim = ARR_NDIM(src_pkattvals_arry);
+	src_dim = ARR_DIMS(src_pkattvals_arry);
+	src_nitems = ArrayGetNItems(src_ndim, src_dim);
+	/*
+	 * There should be one source array key value for each key attnum
+	 */
+	if (src_nitems != pknumatts)
+		elog(ERROR, "dblink_build_sql_insert: source key array length does not match number of key attributes.");
+	/*
+	 * get array of pointers to c-strings from the input source array
+	 */
+	src_pkattvals = (char **) palloc(src_nitems * sizeof(char *));
+	ptr = ARR_DATA_PTR(src_pkattvals_arry);
+	for (i = 0; i < src_nitems; i++)
+	{
+		src_pkattvals[i] = DatumGetCString(DirectFunctionCall1(textout, PointerGetDatum(ptr)));
+		ptr += INTALIGN(*(int32 *) ptr);
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Target array is made up of key values that will be used to
+	 * build the SQL string for use on the remote system.
+	 */
+	tgt_ndim = ARR_NDIM(tgt_pkattvals_arry);
+	tgt_dim = ARR_DIMS(tgt_pkattvals_arry);
+	tgt_nitems = ArrayGetNItems(tgt_ndim, tgt_dim);
+	/*
+	 * There should be one target array key value for each key attnum
+	 */
+	if (tgt_nitems != pknumatts)
+		elog(ERROR, "dblink_build_sql_insert: target key array length does not match number of key attributes.");
+	/*
+	 * get array of pointers to c-strings from the input target array
+	 */
+	tgt_pkattvals = (char **) palloc(tgt_nitems * sizeof(char *));
+	ptr = ARR_DATA_PTR(tgt_pkattvals_arry);
+	for (i = 0; i < tgt_nitems; i++)
+	{
+		tgt_pkattvals[i] = DatumGetCString(DirectFunctionCall1(textout, PointerGetDatum(ptr)));
+		ptr += INTALIGN(*(int32 *) ptr);
+	/*
+	 * Prep work is finally done. Go get the SQL string.
+	 */
+	sql = get_sql_update(relid, pkattnums, pknumatts, src_pkattvals, tgt_pkattvals);
+	/*
+	 * Make it into TEXT for return to the client
+	 */
+	sql_text = DatumGetTextP(DirectFunctionCall1(textin, CStringGetDatum(sql)));
+	/*
+	 * And send it
+	 */
+	PG_RETURN_TEXT_P(sql_text);
+ * dblink_current_query
+ * return the current query string
+ * to allow its use in (among other things)
+ * rewrite rules
+ */
+	text		*result_text;
+	result_text = DatumGetTextP(DirectFunctionCall1(textin, CStringGetDatum(debug_query_string)));
+	PG_RETURN_TEXT_P(result_text);
+ * dblink_replace_text
+ * replace all occurences of 'old_sub_str' in 'orig_str'
+ * with 'new_sub_str' to form 'new_str'
+ * 
+ * returns 'orig_str' if 'old_sub_str' == '' or 'orig_str' == ''
+ * otherwise returns 'new_str' 
+ */
+	text		*left_text;
+	text		*right_text;
+	text		*buf_text;
+	text		*ret_text;
+	char		*ret_str;
+	int			curr_posn;
+	text		*src_text = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0);
+	int			src_text_len = DatumGetInt32(DirectFunctionCall1(textlen, PointerGetDatum(src_text)));
+	text		*from_sub_text = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1);
+	int			from_sub_text_len = DatumGetInt32(DirectFunctionCall1(textlen, PointerGetDatum(from_sub_text)));
+	text		*to_sub_text = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(2);
+	char		*to_sub_str = DatumGetCString(DirectFunctionCall1(textout, PointerGetDatum(to_sub_text)));
+	StringInfo	str = makeStringInfo();
+	if (src_text_len == 0 || from_sub_text_len == 0)
+		PG_RETURN_TEXT_P(src_text);
+	buf_text = DatumGetTextPCopy(PointerGetDatum(src_text));
+	curr_posn = DatumGetInt32(DirectFunctionCall2(textpos, PointerGetDatum(buf_text), PointerGetDatum(from_sub_text)));
+	while (curr_posn > 0)
+	{
+		left_text = DatumGetTextP(DirectFunctionCall3(text_substr, PointerGetDatum(buf_text), 1, DatumGetInt32(DirectFunctionCall2(textpos, PointerGetDatum(buf_text), PointerGetDatum(from_sub_text))) - 1));
+		right_text = DatumGetTextP(DirectFunctionCall3(text_substr, PointerGetDatum(buf_text), DatumGetInt32(DirectFunctionCall2(textpos, PointerGetDatum(buf_text), PointerGetDatum(from_sub_text))) + from_sub_text_len, -1));
+		appendStringInfo(str, DatumGetCString(DirectFunctionCall1(textout, PointerGetDatum(left_text))));
+		appendStringInfo(str, to_sub_str);
+		pfree(buf_text);
+		pfree(left_text);
+		buf_text = right_text;
+		curr_posn = DatumGetInt32(DirectFunctionCall2(textpos, PointerGetDatum(buf_text), PointerGetDatum(from_sub_text)));
+	}
+	appendStringInfo(str, DatumGetCString(DirectFunctionCall1(textout, PointerGetDatum(buf_text))));
+	pfree(buf_text);
+	ret_str = pstrdup(str->data);
+	ret_text = DatumGetTextP(DirectFunctionCall1(textin, CStringGetDatum(ret_str)));
+	PG_RETURN_TEXT_P(ret_text);
  * internal functions
@@ -285,9 +853,556 @@ init_dblink_results(MemoryContext fn_mcxt)
 	MemSet(retval, 0, sizeof(dblink_results));
 	retval->tup_num = -1;
+	retval->res_id_index =-1;
 	retval->res = NULL;
 	return retval;
+ * init_dblink_array_results
+ *	 - create an empty dblink_array_results data structure
+ */
+dblink_array_results *
+init_dblink_array_results(MemoryContext fn_mcxt)
+	MemoryContext oldcontext;
+	dblink_array_results *retval;
+	oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(fn_mcxt);
+	retval = (dblink_array_results *) palloc(sizeof(dblink_array_results));
+	MemSet(retval, 0, sizeof(dblink_array_results));
+	retval->elem_num = -1;
+	retval->num_elems = 0;
+	retval->res = NULL;
+	MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext);
+	return retval;
+ * get_pkey_attnames
+ * 
+ * Get the primary key attnames for the given relation.
+ * Return NULL, and set numatts = 0, if no primary key exists.
+ */
+char **
+get_pkey_attnames(Oid relid, int16 *numatts)
+	Relation		indexRelation;
+	ScanKeyData		entry;
+	HeapScanDesc	scan;
+	HeapTuple		indexTuple;
+	int				i;
+	char			**result = NULL;
+	Relation		rel;
+	TupleDesc		tupdesc;
+	/*
+	 * Open relation using relid, get tupdesc
+	 */
+	rel = relation_open(relid, AccessShareLock);
+	tupdesc = rel->rd_att;
+	/*
+	 * Initialize numatts to 0 in case no primary key
+	 * exists
+	 */
+	*numatts = 0;
+	/*
+	 * Use relid to get all related indexes
+	 */
+	indexRelation = heap_openr(IndexRelationName, AccessShareLock);
+	ScanKeyEntryInitialize(&entry, 0, Anum_pg_index_indrelid,
+						   F_OIDEQ, ObjectIdGetDatum(relid));
+	scan = heap_beginscan(indexRelation, false, SnapshotNow,
+						  1, &entry);
+	while (HeapTupleIsValid(indexTuple = heap_getnext(scan, 0)))
+	{
+		Form_pg_index	index = (Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(indexTuple);
+		/*
+		 * We're only interested if it is the primary key
+		 */
+		if (index->indisprimary == TRUE)
+		{
+			i = 0;
+			while (index->indkey[i++] != 0)
+				(*numatts)++;
+			if (*numatts > 0)
+			{
+				result = (char **) palloc(*numatts * sizeof(char *));
+				for (i = 0; i < *numatts; i++)
+					result[i] = SPI_fname(tupdesc, index->indkey[i]);
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	heap_endscan(scan);
+	heap_close(indexRelation, AccessShareLock);
+	relation_close(rel, AccessShareLock);
+	return result;
+ * get_strtok
+ * 
+ * parse input string
+ * return ord item (0 based)
+ * based on provided field separator
+ */
+char *
+get_strtok(char *fldtext, char *fldsep, int fldnum)
+	int			j = 0;
+	char		*result;
+	if (fldnum < 0)
+	{
+		elog(ERROR, "get_strtok: field number < 0 not permitted");
+	}
+	if (fldsep[0] == '\0')
+	{
+		elog(ERROR, "get_strtok: blank field separator not permitted");
+	}
+	result = strtok(fldtext, fldsep);
+	for (j = 1; j < fldnum + 1; j++)
+	{
+		result = strtok(NULL, fldsep);
+		if (result == NULL)
+			return NULL;
+	} 
+	return pstrdup(result);
+char *
+get_sql_insert(Oid relid, int16 *pkattnums, int16 pknumatts, char **src_pkattvals, char **tgt_pkattvals)
+	Relation		rel;
+	char			*relname;
+	HeapTuple		tuple;
+	TupleDesc		tupdesc;
+	int				natts;
+	StringInfo		str = makeStringInfo();
+	char			*sql = NULL;
+	char			*val = NULL;
+	int16			key;
+	unsigned int	i;
+	/*
+	 * Open relation using relid
+	 */
+	rel = relation_open(relid, AccessShareLock);
+	relname =  RelationGetRelationName(rel);
+	tupdesc = rel->rd_att;
+	natts = tupdesc->natts;
+	tuple = get_tuple_of_interest(relid, pkattnums, pknumatts, src_pkattvals);
+	appendStringInfo(str, "INSERT INTO %s(", quote_ident_cstr(relname));
+	for (i = 0; i < natts; i++)
+	{
+		if (i > 0)
+			appendStringInfo(str, ",");
+		appendStringInfo(str, NameStr(tupdesc->attrs[i]->attname));
+	}
+	appendStringInfo(str, ") VALUES(");
+	/*
+	 * remember attvals are 1 based
+	 */
+	for (i = 0; i < natts; i++)
+	{
+		if (i > 0)
+			appendStringInfo(str, ",");
+		if (tgt_pkattvals != NULL)
+			key = get_attnum_pk_pos(pkattnums, pknumatts, i + 1);
+		else
+			key = -1;
+		if (key > -1)
+			val = pstrdup(tgt_pkattvals[key]);
+		else
+			val = SPI_getvalue(tuple, tupdesc, i + 1);
+		if (val != NULL)
+		{
+			appendStringInfo(str, quote_literal_cstr(val));
+			pfree(val);
+		}
+		else
+			appendStringInfo(str, "NULL");
+	}
+	appendStringInfo(str, ")");
+	sql = pstrdup(str->data);
+	pfree(str->data);
+	pfree(str);
+	relation_close(rel, AccessShareLock);
+	return (sql);
+char *
+get_sql_delete(Oid relid, int16 *pkattnums, int16 pknumatts, char **tgt_pkattvals)
+	Relation		rel;
+	char			*relname;
+	TupleDesc		tupdesc;
+	int				natts;
+	StringInfo		str = makeStringInfo();
+	char			*sql = NULL;
+	char			*val = NULL;
+	unsigned int	i;
+	/*
+	 * Open relation using relid
+	 */
+	rel = relation_open(relid, AccessShareLock);
+	relname =  RelationGetRelationName(rel);
+	tupdesc = rel->rd_att;
+	natts = tupdesc->natts;
+	appendStringInfo(str, "DELETE FROM %s WHERE ", quote_ident_cstr(relname));
+	for (i = 0; i < pknumatts; i++)
+	{
+		int16	pkattnum = pkattnums[i];
+		if (i > 0)
+			appendStringInfo(str, " AND ");
+		appendStringInfo(str, NameStr(tupdesc->attrs[pkattnum - 1]->attname));
+		if (tgt_pkattvals != NULL)
+			val = pstrdup(tgt_pkattvals[i]);
+		else
+			elog(ERROR, "Target key array must not be NULL");
+		if (val != NULL)
+		{
+			appendStringInfo(str, "=");
+			appendStringInfo(str, quote_literal_cstr(val));
+			pfree(val);
+		}
+		else
+			appendStringInfo(str, "IS NULL");
+	}
+	sql = pstrdup(str->data);
+	pfree(str->data);
+	pfree(str);
+	relation_close(rel, AccessShareLock);
+	return (sql);
+char *
+get_sql_update(Oid relid, int16 *pkattnums, int16 pknumatts, char **src_pkattvals, char **tgt_pkattvals)
+	Relation		rel;
+	char			*relname;
+	HeapTuple		tuple;
+	TupleDesc		tupdesc;
+	int				natts;
+	StringInfo		str = makeStringInfo();
+	char			*sql = NULL;
+	char			*val = NULL;
+	int16			key;
+	int				i;
+	/*
+	 * Open relation using relid
+	 */
+	rel = relation_open(relid, AccessShareLock);
+	relname =  RelationGetRelationName(rel);
+	tupdesc = rel->rd_att;
+	natts = tupdesc->natts;
+	tuple = get_tuple_of_interest(relid, pkattnums, pknumatts, src_pkattvals);
+	appendStringInfo(str, "UPDATE %s SET ", quote_ident_cstr(relname));
+	for (i = 0; i < natts; i++)
+	{
+		if (i > 0)
+			appendStringInfo(str, ",");
+		appendStringInfo(str, NameStr(tupdesc->attrs[i]->attname));
+		appendStringInfo(str, "=");
+		if (tgt_pkattvals != NULL)
+			key = get_attnum_pk_pos(pkattnums, pknumatts, i + 1);
+		else
+			key = -1;
+		if (key > -1)
+			val = pstrdup(tgt_pkattvals[key]);
+		else
+			val = SPI_getvalue(tuple, tupdesc, i + 1);
+		if (val != NULL)
+		{
+			appendStringInfo(str, quote_literal_cstr(val));
+			pfree(val);
+		}
+		else
+			appendStringInfo(str, "NULL");
+	}
+	appendStringInfo(str, " WHERE ");
+	for (i = 0; i < pknumatts; i++)
+	{
+		int16	pkattnum = pkattnums[i];
+		if (i > 0)
+			appendStringInfo(str, " AND ");
+		appendStringInfo(str, NameStr(tupdesc->attrs[pkattnum - 1]->attname));
+		if (tgt_pkattvals != NULL)
+			val = pstrdup(tgt_pkattvals[i]);
+		else
+			val = SPI_getvalue(tuple, tupdesc, pkattnum);
+		if (val != NULL)
+		{
+			appendStringInfo(str, "=");
+			appendStringInfo(str, quote_literal_cstr(val));
+			pfree(val);
+		}
+		else
+			appendStringInfo(str, "IS NULL");
+	}
+	sql = pstrdup(str->data);
+	pfree(str->data);
+	pfree(str);
+	relation_close(rel, AccessShareLock);
+	return (sql);
+ * Return a properly quoted literal value.
+ * Uses quote_literal in quote.c
+ */
+static char *
+quote_literal_cstr(char *rawstr)
+	text		*rawstr_text;
+	text		*result_text;
+	char		*result;
+	rawstr_text = DatumGetTextP(DirectFunctionCall1(textin, CStringGetDatum(rawstr)));
+	result_text = DatumGetTextP(DirectFunctionCall1(quote_literal, PointerGetDatum(rawstr_text)));
+	result = DatumGetCString(DirectFunctionCall1(textout, PointerGetDatum(result_text)));
+	return result;
+ * Return a properly quoted identifier.
+ * Uses quote_ident in quote.c
+ */
+static char *
+quote_ident_cstr(char *rawstr)
+	text		*rawstr_text;
+	text		*result_text;
+	char		*result;
+	rawstr_text = DatumGetTextP(DirectFunctionCall1(textin, CStringGetDatum(rawstr)));
+	result_text = DatumGetTextP(DirectFunctionCall1(quote_ident, PointerGetDatum(rawstr_text)));
+	result = DatumGetCString(DirectFunctionCall1(textout, PointerGetDatum(result_text)));
+	return result;
+get_attnum_pk_pos(int16 *pkattnums, int16 pknumatts, int16 key)
+	int		i;
+	/*
+	 * Not likely a long list anyway, so just scan for
+	 * the value
+	 */
+	for (i = 0; i < pknumatts; i++)
+		if (key == pkattnums[i])
+			return i;
+	return -1;
+get_tuple_of_interest(Oid relid, int16 *pkattnums, int16 pknumatts, char **src_pkattvals)
+	Relation		rel;
+	char			*relname;
+	TupleDesc		tupdesc;
+	StringInfo		str = makeStringInfo();
+	char			*sql = NULL;
+	int				ret;
+	HeapTuple		tuple;
+	int				i;
+	char			*val = NULL;
+	/*
+	 * Open relation using relid
+	 */
+	rel = relation_open(relid, AccessShareLock);
+	relname =  RelationGetRelationName(rel);
+	tupdesc = rel->rd_att;
+	/*
+	 * Connect to SPI manager
+	 */
+	if ((ret = SPI_connect()) < 0)
+		elog(ERROR, "get_tuple_of_interest: SPI_connect returned %d", ret);
+	/*
+	 * Build sql statement to look up tuple of interest
+	 * Use src_pkattvals as the criteria.
+	 */
+	appendStringInfo(str, "SELECT * from %s WHERE ", relname);
+	for (i = 0; i < pknumatts; i++)
+	{
+		int16	pkattnum = pkattnums[i];
+		if (i > 0)
+			appendStringInfo(str, " AND ");
+		appendStringInfo(str, NameStr(tupdesc->attrs[pkattnum - 1]->attname));
+		val = pstrdup(src_pkattvals[i]);
+		if (val != NULL)
+		{
+			appendStringInfo(str, "=");
+			appendStringInfo(str, quote_literal_cstr(val));
+			pfree(val);
+		}
+		else
+			appendStringInfo(str, "IS NULL");
+	}
+	sql = pstrdup(str->data);
+	pfree(str->data);
+	pfree(str);
+	/*
+	 * Retrieve the desired tuple
+	 */
+	ret = SPI_exec(sql, 0);
+	pfree(sql);
+	/*
+	 * Only allow one qualifying tuple
+	 */
+	if ((ret == SPI_OK_SELECT) && (SPI_processed > 1))
+	{
+		elog(ERROR, "get_tuple_of_interest: Source criteria may not match more than one record.");
+	}
+	else if (ret == SPI_OK_SELECT && SPI_processed == 1)
+	{
+		SPITupleTable *tuptable = SPI_tuptable;
+		tuple = SPI_copytuple(tuptable->vals[0]);
+		return tuple;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		/*
+		 * no qualifying tuples
+		 */
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * never reached, but keep compiler quiet
+	 */
+	return NULL;
+get_relid_from_relname(char *relname)
+#ifdef NamespaceRelationName
+	Oid				relid;
+	relid = RelnameGetRelid(relname);
+	Relation		rel;
+	Oid				relid;
+	rel = relation_openr(relname, AccessShareLock);
+	relid = RelationGetRelid(rel);
+	relation_close(rel, AccessShareLock);
+#endif   /* NamespaceRelationName */
+	return relid;
+dblink_results	*
+get_res_ptr(int32 res_id_index)
+	List	*ptr;
+	/*
+	 * short circuit empty list
+	 */
+	if(res_id == NIL)
+		return NULL;
+	/*
+	 * OK, should be good to go
+	 */
+	foreach(ptr, res_id)
+	{
+		dblink_results	*this_res_id = (dblink_results *) lfirst(ptr);
+		if (this_res_id->res_id_index == res_id_index)
+			return this_res_id;
+	}
+	return NULL;
+ * Add node to global List res_id
+ */
+append_res_ptr(dblink_results *results)
+	res_id = lappend(res_id, results);
+ * Remove node from global List
+ * using res_id_index
+ */
+remove_res_ptr(dblink_results *results)
+	res_id = lremove(results, res_id);
+	if (res_id == NIL)
+		res_id_index = 0;
diff --git a/contrib/dblink/dblink.h b/contrib/dblink/dblink.h
index 8c5a5bdc287..9be48ead2e3 100644
--- a/contrib/dblink/dblink.h
+++ b/contrib/dblink/dblink.h
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
  * Functions returning results from a remote database
- * Copyright (c) Joseph Conway <>, 2001;
+ * Copyright (c) Joseph Conway <>, 2001, 2002,
  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
  * documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without a written agreement
@@ -33,10 +34,31 @@
 #include "libpq-int.h"
 #include "fmgr.h"
 #include "access/tupdesc.h"
+#include "access/heapam.h"
+#include "catalog/catname.h"
+#include "catalog/pg_index.h"
+#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
 #include "executor/executor.h"
+#include "executor/spi.h"
+#include "lib/stringinfo.h"
 #include "nodes/nodes.h"
 #include "nodes/execnodes.h"
+#include "nodes/pg_list.h"
+#include "parser/parse_type.h"
+#include "tcop/tcopprot.h"
 #include "utils/builtins.h"
+#include "utils/fmgroids.h"
+#include "utils/array.h"
+#include "utils/syscache.h"
+#ifdef NamespaceRelationName
+#include "catalog/namespace.h"
+#endif   /* NamespaceRelationName */
+ * Max SQL statement size
+ */
  * This struct holds the results of the remote query.
@@ -49,22 +71,75 @@ typedef struct
 	int			tup_num;
+	/*
+	 * resource index number for this context
+	 */
+	int			res_id_index;
 	 * the actual query results
 	PGresult   *res;
 }	dblink_results;
+ * This struct holds results in the form of an array.
+ * Use fn_extra to hold a pointer to it across calls
+ */
+typedef struct
+	/*
+	 * elem being accessed
+	 */
+	int			elem_num;
+	/*
+	 * number of elems
+	 */
+	int			num_elems;
+	/*
+	 * the actual array
+	 */
+	void		*res;
+}	dblink_array_results;
  * External declarations
 extern Datum dblink(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
 extern Datum dblink_tok(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+extern Datum dblink_strtok(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+extern Datum dblink_get_pkey(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+extern Datum dblink_last_oid(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+extern Datum dblink_build_sql_insert(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+extern Datum dblink_build_sql_delete(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+extern Datum dblink_build_sql_update(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+extern Datum dblink_current_query(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+extern Datum dblink_replace_text(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
  * Internal declarations
 dblink_results *init_dblink_results(MemoryContext fn_mcxt);
+dblink_array_results *init_dblink_array_results(MemoryContext fn_mcxt);
+char **get_pkey_attnames(Oid relid, int16 *numatts);
+char *get_strtok(char *fldtext, char *fldsep, int fldnum);
+char *getvalue(HeapTuple tuple, TupleDesc tupdesc, int fnumber);
+char *get_sql_insert(Oid relid, int16 *pkattnums, int16 pknumatts, char **src_pkattvals, char **tgt_pkattvals);
+char *get_sql_delete(Oid relid, int16 *pkattnums, int16 pknumatts, char **tgt_pkattvals);
+char *get_sql_update(Oid relid, int16 *pkattnums, int16 pknumatts, char **src_pkattvals, char **tgt_pkattvals);
+static char *quote_literal_cstr(char *rawstr);
+static char *quote_ident_cstr(char *rawstr);
+int16 get_attnum_pk_pos(int16 *pkattnums, int16 pknumatts, int16 key);
+HeapTuple get_tuple_of_interest(Oid relid, int16 *pkattnums, int16 pknumatts, char **src_pkattvals);
+Oid get_relid_from_relname(char *relname);
+dblink_results	*get_res_ptr(int32 res_id_index);
+void append_res_ptr(dblink_results *results);
+void remove_res_ptr(dblink_results *results);
+extern char	*debug_query_string;
 #endif   /* DBLINK_H */
diff --git a/contrib/dblink/ b/contrib/dblink/
index 1615c004135..6b567b8cd51 100644
--- a/contrib/dblink/
+++ b/contrib/dblink/
@@ -1,5 +1,38 @@
-CREATE FUNCTION dblink (text,text) RETURNS setof int
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink (text,text) RETURNS setof int
+  WITH (isstrict);
-CREATE FUNCTION dblink_tok (int,int) RETURNS text
-  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_tok' LANGUAGE 'c';
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_tok (int,int) RETURNS text
+  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_tok' LANGUAGE 'c'
+  WITH (isstrict);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_strtok (text,text,int) RETURNS text
+  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_strtok' LANGUAGE 'c'
+  WITH (iscachable, isstrict);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_get_pkey (name) RETURNS setof text
+  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_get_pkey' LANGUAGE 'c'
+  WITH (isstrict);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_last_oid (int) RETURNS oid
+  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_last_oid' LANGUAGE 'c'
+  WITH (isstrict);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_build_sql_insert (name, int2vector, int2, _text, _text) RETURNS text
+  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_build_sql_insert' LANGUAGE 'c'
+  WITH (isstrict);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_build_sql_delete (name, int2vector, int2, _text) RETURNS text
+  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_build_sql_delete' LANGUAGE 'c'
+  WITH (isstrict);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_build_sql_update (name, int2vector, int2, _text, _text) RETURNS text
+  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_build_sql_update' LANGUAGE 'c'
+  WITH (isstrict);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_current_query () RETURNS text
+  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_current_query' LANGUAGE 'c';
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dblink_replace (text,text,text) RETURNS text
+  AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','dblink_replace_text' LANGUAGE 'c'
+  WITH (iscachable, isstrict);