From 01a89482dfce420a7f623e051ca8685d34218e25 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Vadim B. Mikheev" <>
Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 09:49:10 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Trigger programming guide. Description of data changes
 visibility added.

 doc/spi.txt     |  64 ++++++++++-
 doc/trigger.txt | 297 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 360 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 doc/trigger.txt

diff --git a/doc/spi.txt b/doc/spi.txt
index 8bb1685df04..5be1f04b88c 100644
--- a/doc/spi.txt
+++ b/doc/spi.txt
@@ -71,7 +71,8 @@ int SPI_finish(void)
    with this - it means that nothing was made by SPI manager.
    NOTE! SPI_finish() MUST be called by connected procedure or you may get
-   unpredictable results!
+   unpredictable results! But you are able to don't call SPI_finish() if you
+   abort transaction (via elog(WARN)).
 int SPI_exec(char *query, int tcount)
@@ -354,6 +355,27 @@ allocate memory for this in upper context!
    this query is done!
+                         Data changes visibility
+   PostgreSQL data changes visibility rule: during query execution data
+changes made by query itself (via SQL-function, SPI-function, triggers)
+are invisible to the query scan.
+   For example, in query
+   tuples inserted are invisible for SELECT' scan.
+   But also note that
+   changes made by query Q are visible by queries which are started after
+   query Q, no matter - are they started inside Q (during execution of Q) or
+   after Q is done.
+   Last example of usage SPI function below demonstrates visibility rule.
    There are complex examples in contrib/spi and in
@@ -446,3 +468,43 @@ execq
     3            <<< 10 is max value only, 3 is real # of tuples
 (1 row)
+vac=> delete from a;
+vac=> insert into a values (execq('select * from a', 0) + 1);
+INSERT 167712 1
+vac=> select * from a;
+1                <<< no tuples in a (0) + 1
+(1 row)
+vac=> insert into a values (execq('select * from a', 0) + 1);
+INSERT 167713 1
+vac=> select * from a;
+2                <<< there was single tuple in a + 1
+(2 rows)
+--   This demonstrates data changes visibility rule:
+vac=> insert into a select execq('select * from a', 0) * x from a;
+vac=> select * from a;
+2                <<< 2 tuples * 1 (x in first tuple)
+6                <<< 3 tuples (2 + 1 just inserted) * 2 (x in second tuple)
+(4 rows)             ^^^^^^^^ 
+                     tuples visible to execq() in different invocations
diff --git a/doc/trigger.txt b/doc/trigger.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9825c8eff4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/trigger.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+		PostgreSQL Trigger Programming Guide
+   For the lack of Procedural Language (PL) in current version of
+PostgreSQL, there is only ability to specify call to a C-function as trigger
+   Also, STATEMENT-level trigger events are not supported in current
+version, and so you are only able to specify BEFORE | AFTER
+INSERT|DELETE|UPDATE of a tuple as trigger event.
+   If trigger event occures, trigger manager (called by Executor)
+initializes global structure TriggerData *CurrentTriggerData (described
+below) and calls trigger function to handle event.
+   Trigger function must be created before trigger creation as function
+not accepting any arguments and returns opaque.
+   Actually, there are two specific features in triggers handling.
+   First, in CREATE TRIGGER one may specify arguments for trigger
+function (EXECUTE PROCEDURE tfunc (aa,'bb', 1)), and these arguments
+will be passed to trigger function in CurrentTriggerData.
+   It allows to use single function for many triggers and process events in
+different ways.
+   Also, function may be used for triggering different relations (these
+functions are named as "general trigger functions").
+   Second, trigger function has to return HeapTuple to upper Executor.
+No matter for triggers fired AFTER operation (INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE),
+but it allows to BEFORE triggers:
+   - return NULL to skip operation for current tuple (and so tuple
+     will not be inserted/updated/deleted);
+   - return pointer to another tuple (INSERT and UPDATE only) which will be
+     inserted (as new version of updated tuple if UPDATE) instead of
+     original tuple.
+   Note, that there is no initialization performed by CREATE TRIGGER
+handler. It will be changed in the future.
+   Also, if more than one trigger defined for the same event on the same
+relation then order of trigger firing is unpredictable. It may be changed in
+the future.
+   Also, if a trigger function executes SQL-queries (using SPI) then these
+queries may fire triggers again. This is known as cascading of triggers.
+There is no explicit limitation for number of cascade levels.
+   If a trigger is fired by INSERT and inserts new tuple in the same
+relation then this trigger will be fired again. Currently, there is nothing
+provided for synchronization (etc) of these cases. It may be changed.  At
+the moment, there is function funny_dup17() in the regress tests which uses
+some technics to stop recursion (cascading) of itself...
+                 Interaction with trigger manager
+   As it's mentioned above when function is called by trigger manager
+structure TriggerData *CurrentTriggerData is NOT NULL and initialized. And
+so, it's better to check CurrentTriggerData against being NULL in the
+begining and set it to NULL just after fetching information - to prevent
+calls to trigger function not from trigger manager.
+   struct TriggerData is defined in src/include/commands/trigger.h:
+typedef struct TriggerData
+	TriggerEvent	tg_event;
+	Relation	tg_relation;
+	HeapTuple	tg_trigtuple;
+	HeapTuple	tg_newtuple;
+	Trigger		*tg_trigger;
+} TriggerData;
+   describes event for what function is called. You may use macros
+   to deal with tg_event:
+   TRIGGER_FIRED_BEFORE(event) returns TRUE if trigger fired BEFORE;
+   TRIGGER_FIRED_AFTER(event) returns TRUE if trigger fired AFTER;
+   TRIGGER_FIRED_FOR_ROW(event) returns TRUE if trigger fired for
+                                ROW-level event;
+   TRIGGER_FIRED_FOR_STATEMENT(event) returns TRUE if trigger fired for
+                                STATEMENT-level event;
+   TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_INSERT(event) returns TRUE if trigger fired by INSERT;
+   TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_DELETE(event) returns TRUE if trigger fired by DELETE;
+   TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_UPDATE(event) returns TRUE if trigger fired by UPDATE.
+   is pointer to structure describing triggered relation. Look @
+   src/include/utils/rel.h about this structure. The most interest things
+   are tg_relation->rd_att (descriptor of relation tuples) and
+   tg_relation->rd_rel->relname (relation' name. This is not char*, but
+   NameData - use SPI_getrelname(tg_relation) to get char* to copy of name).
+   is tuple (pointer) for which trigger is fired. This is tuple to being
+   inserted (if INSERT), deleted (if DELETE) or updated (if UPDATE).
+   If INSERT/DELETE then this is what you are to return to Executor if 
+   you don't want to replace tuple with another one (INSERT) or skip
+   operation.
+   is pointer to new version of tuple if UPDATE and NULL if INSERT/DELETE. 
+   This is what you are to return to Executor if UPDATE and you don't want
+   to replace tuple with another one or skip operation.
+   is pointer to structure Trigger defined in src/include/utils/rel.h:
+typedef struct Trigger
+	char		*tgname;
+	Oid		tgfoid;
+	func_ptr	tgfunc;
+	int16		tgtype;
+	int16		tgnargs;
+	int16		tgattr[8];
+	char		**tgargs;
+} Trigger;
+   tgname is trigger' name, tgnargs is number of arguments in tgargs, tgargs
+   is array of pointers to arguments specified in CREATE TRIGGER. Other
+   members are for internal use.
+                         Data changes visibility
+   PostgreSQL data changes visibility rule: during query execution data
+changes made by query itself (via SQL-function, SPI-function, triggers)
+are invisible to the query scan.
+   For example, in query
+   tuples inserted are invisible for SELECT' scan.
+   But keep in mind notices about visibility in SPI documentation:
+   changes made by query Q are visible by queries which are started after
+   query Q, no matter - are they started inside Q (during execution of Q) or
+   after Q is done.
+   This is true for triggers as well. And so, though tuple being inserted
+(tg_trigtuple) is not visible to queries in BEFORE trigger, this tuple (just
+inserted) is visible to queries in AFTER trigger, and to queries in
+BEFORE/AFTER triggers fired after this!
+                         Examples
+   There are complex examples in contrib/spi and in
+   This is very simple example of trigger usage. Function trigf reports
+about number of tuples in triggered relation ttest and in trigger fired
+BEFORE INSERT/UPDATE checks against is attribute x NULL and skips operations
+for NULLs (ala NOT NULL implementation using triggers without aborting
+transaction if NULL).
+#include "executor/spi.h"	/* this is what you need to work with SPI */
+#include "commands/trigger.h"	/* -"- and triggers */
+HeapTuple		trigf(void);
+	TupleDesc	tupdesc;
+	HeapTuple	rettuple;
+	char		*when;
+	bool		checknull = false;
+	bool		isnull;
+	int		ret, i;
+	if (!CurrentTriggerData)
+		elog(WARN, "trigf: triggers are not initialized");
+	/* tuple to return to Executor */
+	if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_UPDATE(CurrentTriggerData->tg_event))
+		rettuple = CurrentTriggerData->tg_newtuple;
+	else
+		rettuple = CurrentTriggerData->tg_trigtuple;
+	/* check for NULLs ? */
+	if (!TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_DELETE(CurrentTriggerData->tg_event) &&
+		TRIGGER_FIRED_BEFORE(CurrentTriggerData->tg_event))
+		checknull = true;
+	if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BEFORE(CurrentTriggerData->tg_event))
+		when = "before";
+	else
+		when = "after ";
+	tupdesc = CurrentTriggerData->tg_relation->rd_att;
+	CurrentTriggerData = NULL;
+	/* Connect to SPI manager */
+	if ((ret = SPI_connect()) < 0)
+		elog(WARN, "trigf (fired %s): SPI_connect returned %d", when, ret);
+	/* Get number of tuples in relation */
+	ret = SPI_exec("select count(*) from ttest", 0);
+	if (ret < 0)
+		elog(WARN, "trigf (fired %s): SPI_exec returned %d", when, ret);
+	i = SPI_getbinval(SPI_tuptable->vals[0], SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, 1, &isnull);
+	elog (NOTICE, "trigf (fired %s): there are %d tuples in ttest", when, i);
+	SPI_finish();
+	if (checknull)
+	{
+		i = SPI_getbinval(rettuple, tupdesc, 1, &isnull);
+		if (isnull)
+			rettuple = NULL;
+	}
+	return (rettuple);
+   Now, compile and 
+create table ttest (x int4);
+create function trigf () returns opaque as 
+'...path_to_so' language 'c';
+vac=> create trigger tbefore before insert or update or delete on ttest 
+for each row execute procedure trigf();
+vac=> create trigger tafter after insert or update or delete on ttest 
+for each row execute procedure trigf();
+vac=> insert into ttest values (null);
+NOTICE:trigf (fired before): there are 0 tuples in ttest
+-- Insertion skipped and AFTER trigger is not fired
+vac=> select * from ttest;
+(0 rows)
+vac=> insert into ttest values (1);
+NOTICE:trigf (fired before): there are 0 tuples in ttest
+NOTICE:trigf (fired after ): there are 1 tuples in ttest
+                                       ^^^^^^^^
+                             remember about visibility
+INSERT 167793 1
+vac=> select * from ttest;
+(1 row)
+vac=> insert into ttest select x * 2 from ttest;
+NOTICE:trigf (fired before): there are 1 tuples in ttest
+NOTICE:trigf (fired after ): there are 2 tuples in ttest
+                                       ^^^^^^^^
+                             remember about visibility
+INSERT 167794 1
+vac=> select * from ttest;
+(2 rows)
+vac=> update ttest set x = null where x = 2;
+NOTICE:trigf (fired before): there are 2 tuples in ttest
+vac=> update ttest set x = 4 where x = 2;
+NOTICE:trigf (fired before): there are 2 tuples in ttest
+NOTICE:trigf (fired after ): there are 2 tuples in ttest
+vac=> select * from ttest;
+(2 rows)
+vac=> delete from ttest;
+NOTICE:trigf (fired before): there are 2 tuples in ttest
+NOTICE:trigf (fired after ): there are 1 tuples in ttest
+NOTICE:trigf (fired before): there are 1 tuples in ttest
+NOTICE:trigf (fired after ): there are 0 tuples in ttest
+                                       ^^^^^^^^
+                             remember about visibility
+vac=> select * from ttest;
+(0 rows)