# FDE Exercise 2.5 ## Task Implement the missing parts of the function sum_extendedprice in src/sum.cpp. You can use the test provided in test/test_sum.cpp to check if your implementation works correctly. ## Build A configuration file is provided to build this project with CMake. This allows you to build the project in the terminal but also provides the option to use Jetbrains CLion or Microsoft Visual Studio and other IDEs. Building from Terminal: Start in the project directory. To create a build for debugging: ``` mkdir -p build/debug cd build/debug cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ../.. make ``` To create a build for performance measurements: ``` mkdir -p build/release cd build/release cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo ../.. make ``` This creates the binaries test_all and main. Make sure your builds are not failing! <br/> *Left Sidebar > CI /CD > Pipelines*